Title: Re: Movie 18: Pokémon the Movie XY 2015/Pokémon the Movie XY...
The Movie 18 DVD was 15th highest selling overall in Japan for the week of December 14th to 20th, 2015 with 3,705 copies sold.
The Movie 18 Bluray was 42nd highest selling overall in Japan for the week of December 14th to 20th, 2015 with 1,266 copies sold.
The Bluray costs 4980 yen and the DVD costs 3980 yen. Maybe its finally time to lower the prices to like 25% of these prices and maybe people will buy them. The movie 18 Bluray was slightly better quality overall than movie 17 but both suffer low quality. The movie 18 Bluray is oversaturated.
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