Nintendo will most likely patch XY to make it fully compatible with ORAS. There are plenty of ways for people without Internet access at home to get this eventual update. Nintendo Zones, McDonalds, free Wifi, Pokemon distributions and tournaments, ect. In this day and age, updates and upgrades are a reality and its not the responsibility of the game vendors to make sure everyone is updated but to only make sure the update is readily available for people to do so when it is convenient.
A XY 1.3 update is pretty much a given at this point and is all but confirmed. Not making the games fully compatible with each other would be a big mistake, ie not allowing certain items like the new Mega Stones to be brought in from ORAS back into XY. The patch would make this more that possible but would break save game compatibility with unpatched systems if someone decided to swap the cart into another system or delete the 1.3 update from the SD card.
The percentage of people that would be playing ORAS and then XY offline on an unpatched 3DS is very very small so this is basically a non-issue but people seem to think its a big deal. ORAS will might include the XY patch with the game similar to how other game systems do like Wii.
People in the Pokemon community, please do not make this an issue as there are so many ways Nintendo and Game Freak can get compatibility implemented despite incompatibility with XY 1.0 to 1.2 saves.
Last edited 08 Jun 2014 01:27 AM by