A new news article has been posted!
The official movie website has updated with details on a new movie tie-in campaign:
The "Makiron's Exciting Pokémon Campaign", presented by Daiichi Sankyo Healthcare's Makiron disinfectant product line, is now underway. During the campaign period, June 1st to August 31st, visit the "Makiron's Exciting Pokémon Campaign" website and send in the answer to the quiz. Out of those who get the answr right, 20 winners will be picked to receive an original Pokémon alarm clock which has Satoshi call your name! The campaign is open to all.
The quiz is as follows: Fill in the blank in the sentence "キズ、虫さされにはマキ○ン" ("When scratched or bitten by insects, use Maki__n").
For further information, see the
Makiron's Exciting Pokémon Campaign website.