Title: Movie 17 Theme Song "Dawn of the Meteor Shower" (夜明けの流星群) by...
A new news article has been posted!
It was announced on April 11th, 2014 that the female J-Pop band SCANDAL would be the group doing the ending theme song for the 17th Pocket Monsters Movie The Cocoon of Destruction and Diancie. The song is called Dawn of the Meteor Shower (夜明けの流星群) and can be heard in the new trailer for the movie that will begin screenings in theaters on April 19th, 2014.
The four member group consists of: Haruna Ono (小野春菜) Lead Vocalist and Guitar, Mami Sasazaki (笹崎まみ) Lead Guitar and vocals, Tomomi Ogawa (小川ともみ) Base and vocalist, and Rina Suzuki (鈴木理菜) Drummer and vocals.