Home / Forums / News/Current Events / Wal-Mart Exclusive Garchomp and Scizor
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28 Nov 2013 05:05 PM
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A new news article has been posted! Wal-Mart in the United States has revealed that they will be selling copies of Pokémon X and Y that feature exclusive unlock codes to download Garchomp and Scizor. Those that purchase a copy of Pokémon X from Wal-Mart from November 28th, 2013 until June 30th, 2014 will be able to get an exclusive Garchomp. Those that purchase Pokémon Y from Wal-Mart during the same time period will be able to get an exclusive Scizor. Players should look for the specially marked copies that have the label's on the covers.

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Sources: http://www.walmart.com/ip/Pokemon-X-Wal-Mart-Exclusive-Nintendo-3DS/33060453 and http://www.walmart.com/ip/Pokemon-Y-Wal-Mart-Exclusive-Nintendo-3DS/33060454
Last edited 04 Dec 2013 03:56 PM by Sunain
29 Nov 2013 07:58 AM
Adamant Administrator
Joined: 12 Jul 2007
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This Garchomp should be the same as the one being distributed via Corocoro Comic in Japan, I believe.