Title: Super Pokémon Rumble to be Released on December 8th in Austr...
The release date for Super Pokémon Rumble in Australia and New Zealand has finally been announced. The game will be released on
December 8th, 2011. For more information on the game,
visit our Pokémon Rumble Blast page. Below is the press release.
Press Release
For the first time, Pokémon will be available in 3D on Nintendo 3DS! Super Pokémon Rumble arrives in stores 8 December 2011 allowing new and existing fans to experience the world-renowned franchise in a whole new dimension.
The first Pokémon game created for the Nintendo 3DS allows players to battle and collect more than 600 Toy Pokémon in 3D, without the need for special glasses. Plus, fans can play together with a friend in a new cooperative multiplayer mode and discover interactive StreetPass content.
Super Pokémon Rumble takes place in a world called Toyland, where players must take on the role of Toy Pokémon as they navigate a series of imaginative levels. The game features more than 600 Toy Pokémon to collect. New Team Battle and Charge Battle modes provide fast-paced challenges that will thrill players of any experience level, while giant Boss Toy Pokémon will test the skills of even the most seasoned fans.
Players have two ways to connect with each other in Super Pokémon Rumble. Using a local wireless connection, they can play cooperatively in game areas that both players have already completed, also making it easier to collect more Toy Pokémon than usual. By using the Nintendo 3DS system’s built-in StreetPass feature, they can also challenge Toy Pokémon from the collections of other nearby players and view customised Mii characters within the game.
Toy Pokémon that can be collected in Super Pokémon Rumble include Pokémon from the Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version games. Since launching in Japan in 1996, nearly 225 million Pokémon video games have sold worldwide.