Title: Re: Smash 44: 『ビクティニと黒き英雄ゼクロム』冒頭6分ノーカット放送/'Victini to kuroki...
Also featuring a rundown of the differences between the two movies, a ghost story recital by Junji Inagawa (yay) and a persuasive presentation of the Reshiram movie by SKE48 member Akane Takayanagi (boo).
Title: Re: Smash 44: 『ビクティニと黒き英雄ゼクロム』冒頭6分ノーカット放送/'Victini to kuroki...
I could have done without SKE48 being on the show. Thankfully it was only for a minute. I really liked that they skipped the repeat episode and showed more stuff from the movies in this one. Looks like they intend on doing the same thing next week as well.