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07 Sep 2010 08:25 AM
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New episode title(s) has/have been added to the database. Title: バトルクラブ!謎のポケモン現る!!/Battle Club! Nazo no Pokémon arawaru!!. Please comment below! Thanks, your friendly PM.Net AnimeBot
07 Oct 2010 07:43 PM
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This was surely a great episode :3
There were some very funny moments, great animation (at some scenes they had kinda "movie" feel), lots of great new BGMs, and of course Pokabu :3
Mijumaru really is a cheeky brat :P
Team Rocket, despite some stupid Nyaasu/Burakki idea, seems to be taken much more seriously than in previous generations...
I give this episode full score. It was funny, eyecandy to watch, and definitely not a filler.
And Pokabu is cute
08 Oct 2010 07:46 AM
Joined: 09 Sep 2010
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POKABU! It's so cute! I kinda knew Ash was gonna catch one! Let's see if he gets Tsutarja too.
I can't believe that $*#@*)# did that to Pokabu! That jerk!
08 Oct 2010 01:52 PM
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I know it so unfair for anyone to do that it remains me of the one with charmander that happens he was so weak but now look that him one of ash powerful pokemon

Quote From: GoggleMaster01
POKABU! It's so cute! I kinda knew Ash was gonna catch one! Let's see if he gets Tsutarja too.
I can't believe that $*#@*)# did that to Pokabu! That jerk!
08 Oct 2010 06:00 PM
Sunain Administrator
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Considering "Battle Club!" was part of the title, we actually didn't see very much of a battle there or what else goes on at the club. A decent episode overall. I liked the Nyarth scene where he revealed himself to Don George and then quickly got out of town. That was a funny scene.
31 Oct 2010 02:55 AM
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I really wish that there could have been more Battle Club battles shown, but it was nice that Ash was able to capture a Pokabu. The battle between Janobi and Futachimaru was really cool, considering that Best Wishes is still a new season and there haven't been that many battles previously.
I agree that the hunt for a mystery Pokémon was pretty funny, but I was so scared when Team Rocket lifted up the box and found a knocked-out Pikacu. Not because of what Team Rocket could have done but because a fainted Pikachu outside of battle is a shock. I had forgotten that Pikachu was under the box!
It was horribly sad what happened to Pokabu as a result of trying to follow its trainer. And it was made even worse by the scene they showed with Pokabu trying to follow its trainer into the setting sun.
It would have been pretty cool to see an Umbreon in Isshu, but at least we got to see Meowth dressed up as one! That was definitely enjoyable.
22 Dec 2010 05:59 PM
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Quote From: Takeshi
I really wish that there could have been more Battle Club battles shown, but it was nice that Ash was able to capture a Pokabu. The battle between Janobi and Futachimaru was really cool, considering that Best Wishes is still a new season and there haven't been that many battles previously.

I agree that the hunt for a mystery Pokémon was pretty funny, but I was so scared when Team Rocket lifted up the box and found a knocked-out Pikacu. Not because of what Team Rocket could have done but because a fainted Pikachu outside of battle is a shock. I had forgotten that Pikachu was under the box!
It was horribly sad what happened to Pokabu as a result of trying to follow its trainer. And it was made even worse by the scene they showed with Pokabu trying to follow its trainer into the setting sun.
It would have been pretty cool to see an Umbreon in Isshu, but at least we got to see Meowth dressed up as one! That was definitely enjoyable.
01 Mar 2011 05:43 PM
Sunain Administrator
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Meowth not emulating the noises of an Umbreon in the English dub really bugged me in this one as it helped sell the distraction in the Japanese version. Otherwise the rest of the episode was once again quite accurate.

Dub episode edits: http://www.pocketmonsters.net/episodes/1179#Edits

Last edited 01 Mar 2011 05:46 PM by Sunain
13 Apr 2011 08:41 PM
bgt Administrator
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Ash, traveling through the Unova region aiming to become a Pokémon Master, is heading to Striaton City where the first Gym is located. Ash shouts out that they have finally arrived and he will finally have his Gym Match. Iris interrupts Ash, stating that they have actually arrived at Accumula Town. Iris suggests that Ash is such a child for not knowing a simple fact. Ash sighs, stating that he thought he could have had his Gym match already. Iris questions Ash if he would like to visit the Pokémon Battle Club located in Accumula Town as she was just about to go there. Ash questions Iris about the Pokémon Battle Club. Ash and Iris manage to arrive at the Pokémon Battle Club, a gigantic lime-green building adjacent to a nearby road. Ash and Iris step inside, and Iris introduces Ash to the Bulletin Board. Iris states that all trainers enter profiles of their Pokémon or what types of Pokémon they wish to face off against. Iris states that the Pokémon Battle Club is a place for trainers to battle freely and improve each other's techniques. The two step inside an adjacent room that contains a battlefield. Inside, two trainers prepare to battle. Ash queries his Zukan for the two trainer's Pokémon, Servine and Dewott. The Zukan chirps: "Servine, the Grass Snake Pokémon. The evolved form of Snivy. It evades attacks by slipping through the shadows of overgrown trees and grass. It skillfully uses its whips to counterattack". "Dewott, the Training Pokémon. The evolved form of Oshawott. The skill to wield its two scallswords with gliding swordsmanship is acquired through harsh training".

Janovy blazes forward, enveloping its tail in a green energy in preparation to launch Leaf Blade at its foe. Dewott responds, launching a devasting Water Gun that thrusts Servine into the ground, rolling back towards Iris and Ash. An older man interrupts the battle, commanding for the trainer to take Servine and leave. The young trainer rushes over to check on Servine's well being, and soon grabs him and races out of the stadium. The older man states to leave anything battle related to him. The man introduces himself as the Battle Manager, Don George. Iris introduces herself and Ash to Don. Ash states that he has heard that anyone can battle there freely. Don confirms that he is correct. Ash states that he would like to prepare for his next Gym match. Don notices Pikachu, a non-native Unova Pokémon, saying it is very unusual and begins rubbing Pikachu's head. Don states that it's a Pokémon that doesn't exist in the region. A trainer walks up and questions Ash if the Pikachu is his and if he is willing to have a Pokémon Battle. Ash accepts the challenge, stating that he was just looking for an opponent. The two eager trainers take position at opposite positions on the battlefield. Iris mentions that the trainer had previously used Dewott in the prior battle, however if he calls out a Water type again, Pikachu will have the advantage as an Electric type. Ash commands for Pikachu to take the battlefield. A few moments later, Oshawott explodes from his Monster Ball and takes the battlefield beside Ash. Ash shouts at Oshawott, questioning him why he popped out of his Monster Ball without being called. Oshawott begins banging his shell, as eager as ever to battle, knocking Pikachu to the ground. The opponent trainer extends his arm, releasing Dewott. Oshawott stares at Dewott for a moment, and turns Pikachu around, gesturing that Pikachu should battle instead. Ash recalls Oshawott into his Monster Ball and begins preparation for battle. Pikachu launches an electrifying Thunderbolt attack towards Dewott. Dewott manages to dodge, showing off its massive speed. Pikachu responds, flipping forward encasing its tail in iron and afterwards, smashes into Dewott for a direct hit. Dewott slams into the ground and slides backwards towards its trainer. Pikachu envelops its body in an electrical force, and begins rushing towards Dewott in preparation to launch Volt Tackle. Dewott anticipates the attack and dodges, forcing Pikachu to slam into the stadium wall. Dewott responds with Razor Shell, crossing its arms and striking Pikachu with both of its sharp shells. Meanwhile, Team Rocket begin preparations to infiltrate the Battle Club's storage room. James states they should being with their plan for the material requisition. Team Rocket step inside the storeroom, and an unknown Pokémon hops on top of a group of boxes positioned in the storeroom, managing to trigger the alarm. The three bolt away as the alarm continues to wail. Three men enter the stadium, and alert the Battle Manager to the emergency alarm. They announce that there is an intruder in the storehouse and that it must be the mysterious Pokémon again. Don apologizes stating that he will have to interrupt the battle. Ash ponders about the mysterious Pokémon they referred to. Iris squeals that she would like to investigate. Ash agrees and the two dash off through the stadium entrance.

The personnel determine there was barely any damage. Don states that their surveillance camera should have captured something and they should go and check it as soon as possible. Inside, one of the young employees types at a workstation, in an attempt to access the stored video. Don explains that lately the food in the storehouse has often been looted and there are many reports from eyewitnesses about an unfamiliar-looking Pokémon. Don states it is why they have setup surveillance cameras in order to find out the true identity of the mystery Pokémon. Ash shouts that if it's a new Pokémon species, he definitely wants to obtain it. Iris suggests that Ash is such a child because a new species cannot be found that easily. Don states that the fact that they're not easy to find makes the idea all the more romantic. The employee interrupts, announcing that the preparations have been completed. Don commands for him to play the video. The clip illuminates on the screen and a black silhouette can be seen bolting off. Jessie and James stumble for a few moments and begin retreating. Ash identifies the two humans in the video as Team Rocket. Don questions Ash about Team Rocket. Ash responds that they are bad guys who try to steal Pokémon from others. Don states he has a keen eye and requests for the video to be played back. Iris states the mystery Pokémon’s silhouette is black and slim and that she has never seen a Pokémon like it before. Ash begins tapping on his Zukan, querying an entry and hands it up to Don for examination. An image of Umbreon illuminates on the screen, and the device chirps in a robotic voice: "Umbreon, the Moonlight Pokémon. An evolved form of Eevee. When its body is exposed to the moon's waves, its ring patterns glow faintly, awakening a mysterious power". Iris squeals that it is so magnificent. Don states that there shouldn't be any Umbreon in the Unova Region and if it is true, will be a big discovery.

The men exit the Battle Club in search for Umbreon. Don announces they will now begin their search to get Umbreon. The men disperse and begin searching for the wild Umbreon. Iris suggests that they should help with the search as well. Team Rocket examines the group from behind a nearby building, watching for an opportunity to reattempt to complete their objective. A Battle Club employee reports to Don that there is no sign of Umbreon in his search area. Don shouts that they should search elsewhere for Umbreon. James states that they aren't looking for Team Rocket, but actually for an Umbreon. Jessie states she is unsure what it is about however it is their chance to reattempt the capture. Meowth suggests that while they're occupied with other things, they will continue their plan for the material requisition. Jessie opens a small case and reveals a small can of paint. Meowth questions Jessie about her intentions with the paint. Jessie states they will have Umbreon lead the personnel far away from the Battle Club. Meowth states it is a good idea, however is still unaware of Jessie's intentions. Afterwards, Team Rocket manage to use the paint to disguise Meowth as an Umbreon. Meowth begins banging on a nearby building in an attempt to attract Don's attention. Once Don turns around, Meowth reveals himself and growls, "Umbreon". Don races off in an attempt to capture "Umbreon". Meanwhile, Iris and Ash place various bowls of Pokémon Food around the location in an attempt to lure "Umbreon". Ash states that he is done setting up the Pokémon Food and questions what they should do next. Iris suggests that they should split up and keep watch. Iris states if the Pokémon was willing to go as far to search for food in the storehouse, it must be extremely hungry. Iris points down a nearby path and shouts she will keep watch over there and to call for her when he spots "Umbreon". Oshawott explodes out of his Monster Ball again, eager to help with the situation. Ash commands for Oshawott to watch the area together with Pikachu. Ash states that he will go and put Pokémon food in other places as well. Oshawott waits until Ash departs, and enters the storeroom to begin devouring the Pokémon food. Pikachu rushes over and begins shaking Oshawott to force him to stop eating the food. Oshawott swings his arm knocking Pikachu backwards into a group of crates. The crates fall down smashing Pikachu on his head and afterwards, a metal pan crashes down knocking Pikachu unconscious. Oshawott shrugs and continues devouring the Pokémon food.

Meanwhile, Ash hides behind foliage examining the area in preparation for the mystery Pokémon. After a few moments, a Tepig walks up and attempts to eat the food. A rope is bound around its mouth, which prevents it from eating any food. Ash readies an empty Monster Ball in an attempt to capture the "Umbreon". Ash steps up and realizes that "Umbreon" is actually a Tepig. Ash queries his Zukan, which chirps: "Tepig, the Fire Pokémon. It blows fire out of its nostrils, but when it is unwell, sooty smoke comes out instead of flames". Ash states that he mistook the Tepig for an Umbreon because it was so dirty and thin. Tepig continues to attempt to eat the food and rubs it's nose in an attempt to remove the rope. Ash realizes that the Tepig has trouble eating the Pokémon food because of the cord entangled around its snout. Ash begins to approach the Tepig, however it notices his presence and begins walking the opposite way. Iris walks through a nearby walkway, barely managing to miss the Tepig. Ash shouts to Iris that he has discovered the true identity of the mysterious Pokémon. Ash races towards the escaping Tepig, followed by Iris who shouts that she will capture it. Tepig turns into an adjacent hallway in an attempt to thwart its pursuers however is met by a dead end. Ash approaches the Tepig and suggests that it shouldn't worry. Ash grapes Tepig's body however it struggles to escape. Tepig attempts to shoot flames at Ash, however due to its condition, only manages to shoot out a dark sooty smoke. Ash states that Tepig should stay still, and begins removing the cord entangling its snout. Ash questions who would do such a poor thing to a Pokémon. Ash manages to successfully remove the cord as Iris sets down a full plate of Pokémon food. Tepig begins devouring the food with haste, and Ash suggests that it must have been extremely hungry. Meowth, disguised as an Umbreon, continues to thwart his pursuers, however is soon met with a dead end. After successfully reaching Meowth, the four men begin to weep because they have discovered the first Umbreon that has ever been found in the Unova region. One of the men suggest that it is a big discovery that will go down in history. Another man states that if they capture the Umbreon, it will ben an achievement that will be written about in textbooks. Meowth complains that he feels sorry for continuing to lie to the men. Meowth walks forward and announces that he actually isn't an Umbreon. Don questions Meowth, asking him what he means. Meowth begins to rub his head, revealing his amulet. Meowth states that he is just passing by. Don sighs at the thought that it was only just a "talking" Meowth. Meowth excuses himself and begins walking away. Don falls to the ground, complaining that he thought he'd get the first Umbreon of the Unova region and that he can't believe that it was only a "talking" Meowth. One of the men suggest that a "talking" Meowth is a rare sight indeed. Don comes to realize that he actually did discover a rare Pokémon, however manages to realize too late as Meowth scurries off into the distance. Team Rocket returns to the storehouse in an attempt to complete their objective. James states that they have cut off the wiring to the alarm system as well. Jessie suggests that she will keep watch as James retrieves the material. James begins opening the crates inside of the storehouse, searching for their object. After a few moments, James removes an empty box on the ground, revealing Pikachu in an unconscious state. James questions why Pikachu was inside of a box in the storehouse. Jessie suggests that no matter the reason, they have successfully captured Pikachu and there’s no doubt that Giovanni will be happy about their triumph.

Ash and Iris, with a revitalized Tepig, begin to return to Don to alert him to the good news. Iris states that now that Tepig has filled its stomach, its frame has returned to normal. Ash suggests that it should now be able to get better. Don exits the Battle Club, rushing up to Ash announcing that they had previously thought they had discovered Umbreon, however they were entirely mistaken. Ash states that what looked like an Umbreon was actually a Tepig. Ash explains that there was a rope tied around its mouth so that it could barely eat, which caused it to become very thin; which is why he thought it was an Umbreon when looking at the monitor. Don states that he has been the Tepig before. Don responds that it was a Pokémon that was abandoned by a Trainer who used to previously visit the Battle Club. Don states that after the Tepig lost in a battle, it's trainer stated that they didn't need weak Pokémon, and tied the Tepig to a post and left. Don explains that he attempted to untie the cord holding Tepig, however it tore through and left. Don suggests that while looking for it's previous owner, it must have become a stray Pokémon. Ash questions how anyone could treat a Pokémon so badly. Iris suggests that once she finds the trainer, she will punish him.

Afterwards, Team Rocket walk down a nearby pathway in an attempt to make their escape. Ash shouts out demanding to know what they are planning. James shouts that Ash should stop making false accusations. Jessie and James make their escape with a briefcase and a black bag. Oshawott follows them closely behind, jumping up and down in an attempt to draw Ash's attention towards Team Rocket. A muffled "Pika Pi" can be heard in Jessie's black bag. Ash shouts for Team Rocket to wait. Jessie and James spin around and shout if he insists they wait, the answer they give will be for the sake of tomorrow. Team Rocket deliver their intro, shouting they will write their name into the Earth. One of the young men manage to identify Meowth as previously disguised as Umbreon. Ash shouts for Team Rocket to give Pikachu back. James laughs that he is the one who left it inside of a box. Jessie states that there sure are curl trainers who dump their Pokémon (making an indirect reference between Ash and Tepig's trainer). Team Rocket suggest that they just merely helped Pikachu and what they do with Pikachu is entirely up to them. Oshawott launches a stream of water at Team Rocket, however Meowth removes a small device, which creates a glass shield, which envelops Team Rocket. The glass platform begins lifting, thrusting Team Rocket into the sky away from Ash. Ash races towards the group however slips and falls to the ground. Tepig steps onto the ground and displays its willingness to help. Tepig launches an Ember attack that collides with Team Rocket's capsule, causing it to rupture. Jessie manages to drop Pikachu in the explosion. Ash races forward, sliding and catching Pikachu. Through the debris, Team Rocket manage to escape on a group of hang gliders. Ash thanks Tepig for his assistance. Iris states that Tepig are actually quite cute and that she will capture it. Tepig begins shaking his head in disagreement and walks over towards Ash. Don laughs, shouting that Tepig has chosen Ash as its partner. Don suggests that Tepig went through a lot of hardship and has finally met an excellent trainer. Ash questions Tepig if he will join him on his journey and Tepig responds, shaking his head in agreement. Ash throws an empty Monster Ball, which explodes open capturing Tepig's essence. Ash grabs the Monster Ball, shouting out, "I got Tepig!". Ash proclaims that he will finally challenge Gym matches with his new friends. Ash questions Pikachu about Team Rocket's prior statement about him being inside a box. Pikachu attempts to explain the situation, flapping his arms in a wild motion. Meanwhile, Team Rocket manage to escape and establish communication with Giovanni. Giovanni announces that their next destination will be Straiton City. Giovanni commands that soon after reaching Straiton City, they will contact headquarters and he will have them investigate a certain place.

With the addition of a new friend Ash finally challenges the Gym match. Now, what kind of battle will unfold?
10 Mar 2012 10:01 AM
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Title: Kampklubben og Tepig's valg!