Title: Was Misty the least important of all the female leads?
Was Misty a minor sidekick character in Pokemon?
She was only in the series for less than half its run. She was only in 5 movies, and there are now 13+ movies of Pokemon. She was a main for 275 episodes, yet there are now over 650+ episodes of Pokemon.
As a female protagonist, she had no on-going plot/story, no rivals, and very little battle screentime. Her Pokemon also did the least of any female protagonists Pokemon. She hardly ever battled in any official tournaments, the Whirl Cup being a rare exception. She was showcased to be the worst on-screen battler of the main girls, with very little to no impressive battles in the show.
It seems like the writers never cared much for Misty's character, as she seemed to be ignored and neglected throughout her entire run. They've even gone as far as to stop her cameo/guest appearances, which is why DP is ending and she got no cameo arc like May did with the Wallace Cup.
Does it feel as if Misty got the worst treatment of all the female leads in Pokemon?
Last edited 29 Jul 2010 02:57 PM by