Home / Forums / Anime Discussion / Diamond and Pearl Episodes / DP 163: Bakushinka! Goukazaru!!/爆進化!ゴウカザル!!
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06 Feb 2010 03:42 AM
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This episode is going to be awesome :D
08 Feb 2010 08:30 PM
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It`s quite early for Moukazaru to evolve, from my experience, but I suppose when one considered Charizard, it`s fine. Anyway, looking forward to this, the preview shown at the end of Pok
11 Feb 2010 03:00 AM
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New episode title(s) has/have been added to the database. Title: Bakushinka! Goukazaru!!/爆進化!ゴウカザル!!. Please comment below! Thanks, your friendly PM.Net AnimeBot
11 Feb 2010 03:50 PM
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This was an absolutely fantastic episode. It evolving after controlling Blaze almost "proved" in a way that it was ready for it, and the fact that Shinji commented on it was good too. It was good to see Satoshi and Shinji getting along, to a degree, and Shinji acknowledging their power when discussing the Pok
12 Feb 2010 04:22 AM
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Totally epic with brilliant story.
A perfect work by the story writers :)
12 Feb 2010 02:55 PM
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Great episode! Goukazaru is so awesome, and I cannot wait for its first real battle.
16 Feb 2010 03:39 PM
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this episode will be a great one when will it be shown in england
12 Jul 2010 01:03 AM
Sunain Administrator
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Some really strange edits in this episode. I might be missing some weird reference, but I really don't see how trains get into this episode at all. Just some random thing the dub people came up with. The last time there was a train in DP was in DP130 when Handsome was giving out the box lunches and there wasn't anything in that episode that would make Jessie and Meowth refer to trains negatively.

Edits added to the database: http://www.pocketmonsters.net/episodes/1063#Edits

Though not quite an 'edit', Paul states 'No!' and it reminded me how Darth Vader does it in the 3rd Star Wars movie. In the Japanese version, Shinji just states "Eleboo!".
Last edited 12 Jul 2010 01:07 AM by Sunain
12 Jul 2010 08:20 AM
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i'm just exited one of the characters said " legit" for once. Go, 21st century slang talk!
01 Mar 2011 08:21 PM
Erlade Administrator
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Characters in Episode: Current Episode Guide Info Correct? [Yes]
Satoshi, Hikari, Takeshi, Satoshi's Pikachu, Hikari's Pochama, Jun, Jun's Emperte, Musashi, Kojiro, Nyarth, Musashi's Sonans, Joy, Takeshi's Gureggru, Shinji, Momoan, Contesta, Sukizo-san, Satoshi's Moukazaru, Takeshi's Pinpuku, Shinji's Eleboo, Satoshi's Goukazaru

Pokémon in Episode: Current Episode Guide Info Correct? [Yes]
Garmeil (unnamed trainer's)

Pokémon Attacks used in Episode:
- Jun's Emperte: Hydro Cannon, Metal Claw, Drill Peck
- Unnamed Trainer's Garmeil: Signal Beam, Silver Wind
- Takeshi's Gureggru: Poison Jab (when he flirted with Joy)
- Satoshi's Moukazaru: Mach Punch, Dig, Flame Wheel
- Satoshi's Pikachu: Thunderbolt
- Hikari's Pochama: Bubblebeam
- Shinji's Eleboo: Protect
- Satoshi's Goukazaru: Mach Punch

Episode Location: A town close to Nagisa City.

Episode Highlights:
- Satoshi, Hikari and Takeshi meet up with Jun again in a town close to Nagisa City.
- Jun informs Satoshi and his friends that he has finally gathered eight badges, which makes him eligible to take part in the Sinnoh League.
- Satoshi, Jun, Hikari and Takeshi encounter Shinji at the town's Pokémon Center. Jun challenges him to a battle, but Shinji refuses, saying that he should challenge Satoshi instead.
- While at the Pokémon Center, Hikari learns that the Grand Festival will he held at the Lakeside Resort at the Risshi Lakefront. A disguised Musashi also learns that before the Grand Festival seven more Pokémon Contests will be held and she vows to get the two remaining ribbons she needs in order to enter the Grand Festival.
- Jun challenges Satoshi to a battle. Satoshi chooses his Moukazaru and Jun chooses his Emperte. During the battle, Moukazaru gets hit by Emperte's Hydro Cannon and blasts off into the nearby forest.
- Rocket Gang appears and manages to trap Satoshi, Jun, Hikari and Takeshi, as well as capture Satoshi's Pikachu, Hikari's Pochama and Jun's Emperte.
- Moukazaru, not being able to control its ability which has just activated, attacks Rocket Gang's mecha and sends them blasting off.
- Rocket Gang's mecha starts to fall apart due to being hit by Moukazaru's powerful attacks. Shinji uses his Eleboo to stop the mecha from collapsing in order to save Pikachu, Pochama and Emperte who are still trapped in the mecha's container, but its Protect is unable to support the mecha's weight for long. However, Satoshi's Moukazaru evolves into Goukazaru and manages to save the trapped Pokémon, before the mecha finally collapses.
- Satoshi thanks Shinji for his help. Shinji informs Satoshi that his brother Reiji has told him that he'd like to see another full battle between him and Satoshi.

Eyecatch info:
- first one: Satoshi, Hikari, Takeshi, Satoshi's Pikachu (the one where Satoshi throws the monster ball)
- second one: Hikari, Satoshi, Takeshi, Hikari's Pochama (the one where Hikari holds the pink Pokémon Zukan)

Number of Times Team Rocket Blasted off in the episode: One. Timestamp: 16:59-17:11.

Team Rocket Balloon Enhancements: None.

Did Team Rocket use a Mecha in the episode?: Yes. Their balloon transformed into a powerful mecha after they had trapped Satoshi, Hikari, Takeshi and Jun.
Screenshot can be seen here: http://www.pocketmonsters.net/imageboard/thread/2222. Timestamp: 14:45.

Did Team Rocket use a motto variation in the episode?: Yes.
[Japanese - translation]
Musashi: 'We hear a voice yelling, "I demand compensation!"'
Kojiro: 'And interrupt mid-battle!'
Musashi: 'Oh, the wind!'
Kojiro: 'Oh, the earth!'
Nyarth: 'Oh, the sky!'
Nyarth: 'It's no use!'
[Nyarth has an extra line here, which was referring to the attacks of Pikachu, Pochama and Emperte.]
Musashi: 'Tell the world, it's dangerous!'
Kojiro: 'Inform space, it's a crisis!'
Musashi: 'Angel or devil, if you call the name...'
Kojiro: '...anyone will shudder when hearing the echo!'
Musashi: 'Musashi!'
Kojiro: 'Kojiro!'
Nyarth: 'And it's Nyarth!'
Musashi: 'We are the heroes of the era!'
Kojiro: 'We are the invincible...'
All: '...Rocket Gang!'

Jessie: 'Fining us-- surely you jest.'
James: 'No can do if you haven't guessed.'
Jessie: 'On the wind!'
James: 'Past the stars!'
Meowth: 'We're the best!'
Meowth: 'Save it, saps!'
[Meowth has an extra line here, which was referring to the attacks of Pikachu, Piplup and Empoleon.]
Jessie: 'Bringing chaos at a breakneck pace!'
James: 'Dashing hope, putting fear in its place!'
Jessie: 'A rose by any other name's just as sweet.'
James: 'A two-point landing, now isn't that neat?'
Jessie: 'Jessie!'
James: 'And James!'
Meowth: 'Meowth, that's a name!'
Jessie: 'Putting the do-gooders in their place.'
James: 'We're Team Rocket.'
All: 'In your face!'

It should be noted that only the lines in bold vary from the standard version of Rocket Gang's motto.

Easy to Spot Episode Edits:
- A man's eyes were painted green by mistake. Timestamp: 01:13 (in the original Japanese version).
- The buttons on Jun's Pokétch have switched colors in two different scenes. Timestamps: 01:13 and 15:58 (in the original Japanese version).
Screenshots can be seen here: http://www.pocketmonsters.net/imageboard/thread/2222.
It should be noted that both of these errors were also present in the English dub version.

Episode Extras: [Japanese version] Professor Okido's Great Pokémon Examination. Theme: Donfan.
(Question: Within a herd, a Donfan has a higher rank the longer and bigger a certain part of its body is. Which part out of the following is it?
Possible answers: A: Trunk B: Tail C: Tusks.
Correct answer: C)

Character bios written:
- Jun: Satoshi and his friends encountered Jun again on their way to Nagisa City. Jun informed Satoshi that he had already gathered eight badges and, thus was eligible to take part in the Shinou League. At the town's Pokémon Center, Jun met Shinji for the first time and he challenged him to a battle. Shinji refused, saying that he was in the middle of adjusting his team for the Shinou League, and a battle would distort their condition. He told him he should challenge Satoshi to a battle instead. Even though Jun refused to do that at first, as he didn't consider Satoshi to be on the same level with him due to having only seven badges, he decided to challenge him to a battle after hearing Satoshi's explanation concerning what had happened between him and Shinji, and seeing how determined he was to win the next battle against him.

The first Pokémon Jun chose for his three-on-three battle against Satoshi was his Emperte, while Satoshi chose his Moukazaru. During the battle, Satoshi's Moukazaru was hit by a powerful Hydro Cannon attack and blasted off into the nearby forest. As Satoshi was calling out to it, Rocket Gang suddenly appeared and managed to trap Satoshi and the others, as well as capture Satoshi's Pikachu, Hikari's Pochama and Jun's Emperte shortly afterwards. In the end, with the help of Shinji's Eleboo, who aided in stopping Rocket Gang's destroyed mecha from collapsing and injuring the captured Pokémon, and Goukazaru, who had just evolved unexpectedly from Satoshi's Moukazaru, Jun was reunited with his Emperte.

- Jun's Emperte: Jun's Emperte was Jun's first choice for his battle against Satoshi in the town near Nagisa City. During the battle, Emperte launched a powerful Hydro Cannon attack which sent his opponent, Satoshi's Moukazaru, flying into the nearby forest. As Satoshi was calling out to it, Rocket Gang suddenly appeared and managed to trap Satoshi and the others, as well as capture Satoshi's Pikachu, Hikari's Pochama and Jun's Emperte shortly afterwards. In the end, with the help of Shinji's Eleboo, who aided in stopping Rocket Gang's destroyed mecha from collapsing and injuring the captured Pokémon, and Goukazaru, who had just evolved unexpectedly from Satoshi's Moukazaru, Jun was reunited with his Emperte.

- Satoshi's Moukazaru: Satoshi's Moukazaru was Satoshi's first choice for his battle against Jun in the town near Nagisa City. During the battle, Emperte launched a powerful Hydro Cannon attack which sent Moukazaru flying into the nearby forest. As Satoshi was calling out to it, Rocket Gang suddenly appeared and managed to trap Satoshi and the others, as well as capture Satoshi's Pikachu, Hikari's Pochama and Jun's Emperte shortly afterwards. Upon Moukazaru's return it was revealed that its ability, Blaze, had activated as it took a lot of damage from Emperte's Hydro Cannon, and that led to it not recognizing Satoshi. Rocket Gang tried to take advantage of the situation, but Moukazaru managed to escape and, after attacking and eventually destroying their mecha, sent them blasting off.

Then, in order to prevent the mecha from collapsing while Pikachu, Pochama and Emperte were still trapped into the container, Shinji sent out his Eleboo and ordered it to use Protect. In the meantime, Satoshi tried to calm his Moukazaru down and help it overcome its fury that was caused by the activation of Blaze. Just as Eleboo's Protect started cracking under the weight of Rocket Gang's mecha, Moukazaru snapped out of its rage and rushed to help the trapped Pokémon. During the process, it evolved into Goukazaru. After Pikachu and the others were saved, Shinji told Satoshi that Moukazaru turned the power of Blaze into energy for evolution, which meant that it had finally managed to control its ability.

- Satoshi's Goukazaru: After snapping out of the rage that was caused by the activation of its ability, Blaze, Satoshi's Moukazaru evolved into Goukazaru in order to save Satoshi's Pikachu, Hikari's Pochama and Jun's Emperte from Rocket Gang's collapsing mecha. Shinji, who had witnessed everything, told Satoshi that Moukazaru had managed to control Blaze at last, and that it had turned the power of its ability into energy for evolution. He also informed Satoshi that his brother wanted to see another full battle between the two of them, and promised to battle against him and Goukazaru in the Shinou League.
Last edited 11 Mar 2011 08:46 PM by Erlade