Home / Forums / Anime Discussion / Diamond and Pearl Episodes / DP 157: Fukamaru! Getto da ze!!/フカマル!ゲットだぜ!!
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07 Dec 2009 08:11 AM
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Hey Sunain, just for the info.
Pokemon DP 158 is revealed.
I tried to inform you but i was unable to send you a message here.
17 Dec 2009 10:24 AM
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Episode animated by Masaaki Iwane :O
24 Dec 2009 03:00 AM
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New episode title(s) has/have been added to the database. Title: Fukamaru! Getto da ze!!/フカマル!ゲットだぜ!!. Please comment below! Thanks, your friendly PM.Net AnimeBot
24 Dec 2009 09:23 PM
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Yahoooo!! Finally Satoshi(Ash) catched a FUKAMARUUU(GIBLEEE)!!! Now, this is my favourite episode in the D&P! :D
26 Dec 2009 06:20 PM
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Fukamaru will make a good addition to the team, shame it had to lose, but the fact that it`s Satoshi`s first Dragon type means they`re starting to bring new ideas to the show. Great episode.
27 Dec 2009 11:05 AM
michan Administrator
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Horrible episode! The appearence of the annoying soab Jun makes me wanna puke. Besides, there's this stupid new Pokémon too. I really hope Satoshi teaches it some discipline!
Last edited 22 Feb 2011 05:35 AM by michan
Home cooking is killing restaurant industry (and it's tasty)!
01 Jan 2010 07:38 AM
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Perfect Episode. The animation fun Story was AWESOME.
They really putted FUKAMARU in a good place provided complete plot :D
02 Jan 2010 02:02 PM
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This episode was great! The animation continues to impress, and Fukamaru is such a fun Pokemon. My favorite moments were when it attacked Junsar and when it ate Jun's bike.:)
21 Feb 2011 06:07 PM
Erlade Administrator
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Characters in Episode: Current Episode Guide Info Correct? [Yes]
Satoshi, Hikari, Takeshi, Satoshi's Pikachu, Hikari's Pochama, Musashi, Kojiro, Nyarth, Satoshi's Fukamaru, Takeshi's Gureggru, Junsa, Jun, Sakaki, Musashi's Sonans, Jun's Emperte

Pokémon in Episode: Current Episode Guide Info Correct? [Yes]
Fukamaru (wild before Satoshi caught it)

Pokémon Attacks used in Episode:
- Takeshi's Gureggru: Poison Jab (when Takeshi flirted with Junsa)
- Satoshi's Fukamaru: Dig (to get from one place to another and as a way to dodge his opponent's attacks in the battle with Jun), Rock Smash, Draco Meteor (failed and hit Pochama), Dragon Pulse
- Jun's Emperte: Drill Peck, Steel Wing, Hydro Cannon, Hyper Beam (was interrupted by Fukamaru's Dragon Pulse the first time, but managed to hit Fukamaru the second time Emperte used it)
- Satoshi's Pikachu: Thunderbolt, Iron Tail

Episode Location: A town close to Asatsuki Town.

Episode Highlights:
- Satoshi and his friends continue to travel towards Asatsuki Town for Hikari's next Pokémon Contest.
- Rocket Gang is shown to be following Satoshi and his friends, wanting, once again, to steal Satoshi's Pikachu using one of their mechas (Kamex-kun, in this case). Fukamaru appears, though, and thwarts their plans by eating their mecha.
- En route to Asatsuki Town, Satoshi and his friends reach a town (the name of which isn't mentioned in the episode), and while there, they come across the wild Fukamaru they had previously met at Grandma Tatsu's place.
- Fukamaru shows signs of wanting to join Satoshi's team, but when Satoshi tries to catch it with a monster ball, it eats it instead of letting itself be captured.
- Junsa tells Satoshi and his friends that Fukamaru has caused an uproar by munching on various things in the town, leaving them bitten and destroyed in the end.
- Jun appears and is revealed to have earned six badges so far. He is also shown to have gotten a bike, which Fukamaru eats afterwards, and a priority ticket in order to challenge the Yosuga Gym when Melissa returns.
- Rocket Gang start working on a plan so that they can catch Fukamaru and then give it to their boss, Sakaki.
- Jun, furious that his bike was destroyed, uses his Emperte in order to battle Fukamaru and then capture it. Fukamaru gets hit by a Hydro Cannon attack, though, in the process, and blasts off.
- Satoshi goes after it, and manages to save it in the end.
- However, Rocket Gang appears shortly after, and steals Fukamaru with their repaired mecha, Recycled-Kamex-kun.
- Satoshi goes after Rocket Gang in order to save Fukamaru again, and manages to do so with the help of his Pikachu.
- Fukamaru then lets itself be captured by Satoshi to show its gratitude towards him for saving it from Rocket Gang.
- After that, Jun challenges Satoshi in a Pokémon battle. Jun chooses Emperte and Satoshi chooses his newly-caught Fukamaru. Even though Fukamaru puts up a great fight at first, it ends up losing to Emperte after it stopped listening to Satoshi's orders towards the end of the battle.

Eyecatch info:
- first one: Satoshi, Hikari, Takeshi, Satoshi's Pikachu (the one where Satoshi throws the monster ball)
- second one: Hikari, Satoshi, Takeshi, Hikari's Pochama (the one where Hikari holds the pink Pokémon Zukan)

Number of Times Team Rocket Blasted off in the episode: Two. Timestamps: 01:13-01:36 and 16:02-16:15.

Team Rocket Balloon Enhancements: None. The balloon didn't appear in this episode.

Did Team Rocket use a Mecha in the episode?: Yes. Kamex-kun (Blastobot Two in the English version) and Recycled-Kamex-kun (Robo-Recycled Blastobot in the English version).
Screenshots can be seen here: http://www.pocketmonsters.net/imageboard/thread/2197. Timestamps for the screenshots: 00:48 and 13:07 respectively.

Did Team Rocket use a motto variation in the episode?: Yes.
[Japanese - translation]
Musashi: 'We hear voices yelling, "Ah! Pika!"'
Kojiro: 'And show up with the speed of light!'
Musashi: 'Oh, the wind!'
Kojiro: 'Oh, the earth!'
Nyarth: 'Oh, the sky!'
Musashi: 'Tell the world about ecology!'
Kojiro: 'Inform space about the climate change!'
Musashi: 'If you repair a broken mecha and use it...'
Kojiro: '...it's future-friendly recycling!'
Musashi: 'Musashi!'
Kojiro: 'Kojiro!'
Nyarth: 'And it's Nyarth!'
Musashi: 'Ecology is the hero of this era!'
Kojiro: 'We are the very up-to-date...'
All: '...Rocket Gang!'

Jessie: 'You don't listen so well yourself!'
James: 'So we showed up to put you on the shelf!'
Jessie: 'On the wind!'
James: 'Past the stars!'
Meowth: 'You twerpish elf!'
Jessie: 'Bringing chaos at a breakneck pace.'
James: 'Dashing hope, putting fear in its place.'
Jessie: 'You ruined our robot and now you must pay.'
James: 'We've turned things around and recycled our day.'
Jessie: 'Jessie!'
James: 'And James!'
Meowth: 'Meowth, that's a name.'
Jessie: 'Beating do-gooders while going green.'
James: 'Because we're Team Rocket.'
All: 'Now aren't we keen?'

Episode Extras: None in the Japanese version. [There was not a "Professor Okido's Great Pokémon Examination" segment in this episode.]

Character Bios written:
- {{Char=A-Gible}}: Fukamaru followed {{Char=Ash}} and co. all the way to the next town they reached en route to Asatsuki Town. There, after thwarting Rocket Gang's plans (who were also secretly following {{Char=Ash}} and his friends in hopes of catching {{Char=Pikachu}} with their new mecha) in an unorthodox way as it actually ate Kamex-kun, it appeared before {{Char=Ash}}, showing signs of willingness to be captured. However, when he threw a monster ball at it, it ate it instead of letting itself be caught.

Later, the town's {{Char=Jenny}} appeared and informed {{Char=Ash}}, {{Char=Dawn}} and {{Char=Brock}} that Fukamaru had been causing an uproar by munching on various things in the town, leaving them bitten and destroyed. {{Char=Ash}} then scolded Fukamaru, but the Land Shark Pokémon didn't seem to understand what he said, as it kept biting on things. It even went as far as to eat {{Char=Barry}}'s bike, who bumped into {{Char=Ash}} when he was chasing after Fukamaru. {{Char=Barry}}, furious that he lost his bike, called upon his Emperte in order to battle and catch it. A powerful Hydro Cannon attack, though, coming from {{Char=J-Empoleon}} sent Fukamaru blasting off. {{Char=Ash}} then went after it, and managed to save it from falling down a cliff, only to lose it again, this time because of Rocket Gang. In the end, though, {{Char=Pikachu}} assisted him in destroying Rocket Gang's repaired mecha (Recycled-Kamex-kun), and Fukamaru let itself be caught by {{Char=Ash}} in order to show it gratitude to him for saving it.

{{Char=Barry}}, seeing that {{Char=Ash}} managed to catch Fukamaru before him, became angry and challenged {{Char=Ash}} to a battle. {{Char=Barry}} chose his Emperte and {{Char=Ash}} chose his newly-caught Fukamaru. Even though at first {{Char=A-Gible}} put up a great fight against his overall stronger opponent, managing to dodge some of {{Char=J-Empoleon}}'s moves, it stopped listening to {{Char=Ash}}'s orders towards the end of the battle and that led to its defeat. It promised, however, to be more obedient from then on.

- {{Char=Barry}}: {{Char=Barry}} bumped into {{Char=Ash}} when he was chasing after Fukamaru in a town near Asatsuki Town. It was revealed then that he had already won six badges, and to have gotten a priority ticket in order to challenge Melissa of the Yosuga Gym. He had also gotten a bike in order to be able to travel from town to town faster, but {{Char=A-Gible}} (who was still a wild Fukamaru at the time) ate it while he was talking with {{Char=Ash}}. Then, furious that he lost his bike, {{Char=Barry}} called upon his Emperte to battle it so that he would be able to catch Fukamaru in the end. A powerful Hydro Cannon attack coming from {{Char=J-Empoleon}}, though, sent it flying, thus ruining {{Char=Barry}}'s attempt at a capture. {{Char=Barry}} later appeared and challenged {{Char=Ash}} to a battle, after seeing that he had managed to catch Fukamaru before him. {{Char=Barry}} chose his Emperte and {{Char=Ash}} chose his newly-caught Fukamaru. Due to {{Char=J-Empoleon}} being overall stronger than his opponent and Fukamaru's disobedience towards {{Char=Ash}} during the fight, {{Char=Barry}} managed to score a win over {{Char=Ash}}.

- {{Char=J-Empoleon}}: {{Char=J-Empoleon}} also appeared when {{Char=Barry}} wanted to battle {{Char=A-Gible}} (who was still a wild Fukamaru at the time) so that he could catch it in the end. One of its powerful Hydro Cannon attacks, though, sent it flying, thus ruining {{Char=Barry}}'s attempt at a capture. It later re-appeared battling against {{Char=A-Gible}} when {{Char=Barry}} challenged {{Char=Ash}} to a battle. Due to it being overall stronger than its opponent and Fukamaru's disobedience towards {{Char=Ash}} during the fight, it managed to knock out its opponent.
Last edited 22 Feb 2011 09:44 AM by Erlade