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26 Apr 2001 03:00 AM
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05 Jun 2011 06:42 PM
Sunain Administrator
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Characters in Episode: Current Episode Guide Info Correct? [No]
Ash, Pikachu, Brock, Misty, Togepi, Simon, Wobbuffet, Nurse Joy, Phony Pokémon Interpreter Boss, Henchmen, Officer Jenny, Professor Oak, Simon's Father

Written Biographies for Characters in Episode:
Simon - {{Char=Simon}} is striving to become a Pokémon Interpreter as he has had various experiences in his life where he has been able to effectively communicate with Pokémon. {{Char=Ash}} and his friends encountered him as he suggested to them that they should come to his rest stop so they could recharge {{Char=Pikachu}} after he quickly talked with {{Char=Pikachu}} to find out what was wrong with it. {{Char=Simon}} generally charges trainers a Pokémon Interpreting fee so he can use the money to maintain the rest stop.

{{Char=Jenny}} mistakenly tried to put {{Char=Simon}} under arrest for conducting a Pokémon scam as there had been a lot of complaints recently in the area that someone has been swindling money from trainers while claiming to be a Pokémon Interpreter. {{Char=Jenny}} though that {{Char=Simon}} fit the description perfectly but later after he ended up saving the Pokémon Center, she was informed by {{Char=Joy}} that he was able to communicate enough with the Magnemite and Magneton to get them to stop draining the power. {{Char=Jenny}}'s opinion of {{Char=Simon}} changed drastically enough for her to believe that he truly was a Pokémon Interpreter.

60 years earlier, {{Char=Simon}} was caught in a thunderstorm and a tornado was approaching him as he watched in the field. His dad quickly picked him up and threw him in a storm celler and told him not to come out as he was going to check on the neighbors. Scared and wishing for his dad, {{Char=Simon}} heard Pokémon voices and he could understand them. {{Char=Simon}} was surprised that he could talk to them and he forgot about the storm until people came to get him. His farm was destroyed and he never saw the three Pokémon he talked to ever again.

Just before {{Char=Simon}} said his farewell's to {{Char=Ash}} and his friends, they told him to keep working at becoming a Pokémon Interpreter as he just needed a small breakthrough. As {{Char=Simon}} was walking, he encountered Team Rocket {{Char=Meowth}} who old {{Char=Simon}} to not give up as well.

Simon's Father - {{Char=Simon}} was caught in a thunderstorm and a tornado was approaching him as he watched in the field. {{Char=Simon}}'s dad quickly picked him up and threw him in a storm celler and told him not to come out as he was going to check on the neighbors. Scared and wishing for his dad, {{Char=Simon}} heard Pokémon voices and he could understand them. When the storm was over, people came to get him but the farm was destroyed. It is unknown if Simon's Father died in the storm or not.

Phony Interpreter Boss - As a con artist, the leader and boss of the Phony Pokémon Interpreter group, he was notriously known in the area for stealing Pokémon Trainers money by faking the responses of the their Pokémon.

The Phony Pokémon Interpreter boss confronted {{Char=Simon}} by saying that he knew he was faking it too and that just like him and his henchmen, they just say what the Pokémon Trainers want to hear and then take their money. {{Char=Simon}} yelled at the boss and told him that he wouldn't join their phony group. Team Rocket decided to help {{Char=Simon}} because they realize that a human that knows how to talk Pokémon could make a lot of money. {{Char=Simon}} managed to get away from the boss before he could do anything to him.

The boss and his men finally caught up to {{Char=Simon}} at the Pokémon Center but his Magnemite and Magneton turned on him after {{Char=Simon}}'s plea. He was captured by {{Char=Jenny}} and arrested for his criminal actions.

Henchmen - Phony Pokémon Interpreter's are con artists who follow the instructions of their boss and just say what the Pokémon Trainers want to hear and then take their money. They captured {{Char=Simon}} and took him to their boss. They were later captured by {{Char=Jenny}} and arrested for their criminal actions.

Pokemon in Episode: Current Episode Guide Info Correct? [Yes]
Pidgey, Rattata, Oddish, Magnemite, Magneton

Characters Pokemon Attacks used in Episode - Timecode (mm:ss):
- Ash's Pikachu - Thunderbolt - 17:19
- Magnemite and Magneton - Thunderbolt - 17:42

Episode Location: Enroute to Olivine City (Asagi City アサギシティ)

Episode Highlights:
- Low on energy, Ash and his friends need to re-energize Pikachu
- Simon the Pokémon Interpreter mets Pikachu and seems to be able to communicate with it and ends up becoming friends with Pikachu
- Simon protects the Pokémon Center after talking with the Magnemite and Magneton from his heart which they are able to understand and end up backing off.
- The Phony Pokémon Interpreter Boss and his henchmen are arrested
- Simon decides to continue working towards a breakthrough as a Pokémon Interpreter and he meets Team Rocket Meowth who tells him to keep working.

Eyecatch info:
- English - Who's that Pokémon? On land, this Pokémon is coated with a slimy, poisonous film! (Wooper!)

PokeDex/Zukan Entries: No Dex Entries.

Number of Times Team Rocket Blasted off in the episode:
- English dub - 1, Lightning strike from storm.
- Japanese Original - 2, A whole scene was cut from the dub where the Rocket Gang uses the "Rocket Bazooka" to free Lang. The Bazooka has 3 barrels, but only 2 rockets hit the house, the third one falls out of the bazooka explodes in front of Rocket Gang sending them flying away.

Team Rocket Balloon Enhancements: No Enhancements.

Did Team Rocket use a Mecha in the episode?: No.

Did Team Rocket use a motto variation in the episode?: Never did the motto.

Episode Extras:
- Okido Lab - Garuura
- Okido Senryu - ちのみごを あやすガルーラ ははのあい


Ash and his friends continue their journey towards Olivine City when Misty notices that Pikachu looks a bit tired. Brock thinks Pikachu is just tired from walking through the mountains all day when a person sitting on a rock tells them that it isn't the problem. He tells them that the soil in this area contains minerals that absorb electrical energy. Brock is surprised that minerals could absorb the energy.

The man approaches Ash and Pikachu and he asks Ash if the Pikachu belongs to him. He then starts saying Pikachu like voices which Ash's Pikachu instantly responds to. He then tells Ash that Pikachu has lost a lot of energy and if he doesn't do something fast, Pikachu will collapse. He then tells them that he has a little rest stop down the road a bit. He then explains to Misty that Pikachu told him that its too weak to walk to the rest stop and that he can speak fluent Pokémon.

At the rest stop, Team Rocket is disguised in old man costumes and are relaxing while drinking a cup of tea. James is a bit discouraged because they are low on money and they need to find a way to get some more. Meowth says he'll think of something after he eats but soon after he spots the twerps walking towards them. Team Rocket quickly hides under the bench they were sitting on.

The old man and Ash with his friends arrive at the rest stop and he tells them that there is a Pokémon Center at the bottom of the mountain. He then suggests waiting for a bit and using his bicycle generator to recharge Pikachu. Ash hooks Pikachu up to the bike and Ash starts peddling. He then tells Misty and Brock that there is a fee for using his bicycle and his Pokémon Interpreting fee so he can use the money to maintain the rest stop. Realizing that he didn't tell them there was a fee beforehand, he decides to wave the charges.

Team Rocket overhears that Pikachu is low on energy and they pop up from under the bench sending Simon, Misty and Brock flying. They then reveal themselves as Team Rocket and then have a huddle. Meowth is surprised that a human can speak Pokémon. The man goes over to talk to Pikachu to show Team Rocket that he can speak Pokémon but Meowth can hear what he's saying. Officer Jenny then shows up and she also isn't convinced that he can speak Pokémon and puts him under arrest for conducting a Pokémon scam. Officer Jenny explains that there have been a lot of complaints recently that someone has been swindling money from trainers while claiming to be a Pokémon Interpreter. Officer Jenny then says Simon, the old man, fits the description perfectly.

James laughs at Officer Jenny as they know that Pokémon can understand humans and just as he says that, Officer Jenny turns her attention to them. She gets out a bunch of wanted pictures to compare uniforms but she has a picture of Cassidy and Butch and not Jessie and James. They start running away as a bunch of smoke rockets explode and Jenny accuses Simon of working with Team Rocket. Simon says he's never met them though. Jessie is quick to tell everyone they didn't do it either it would be stupid to launch smoke bombs at themselves. Team Rocket manages to get out of the smoke and get away.

Officer Jenny tells Ash and his friends to hop in the car with her as she will take them to Nurse Joy. Team Rocket then spots the old man a bunch of guys in suits walking with him. Meowth suggests they follow them. The Phony Pokémon Interpreter boss confronts Simon saying that he knows he's faking it too and that just like him and his henchmen, they just say what the Pokémon Trainers want to hear and then take their money. Team Rocket overhears them talking and Meowth is a bit upset with the whole situation because he took the time to work hard to learn human talk. Simon then yells at the boss and tells him that he won't join their phony group. Team Rocket decides to help Simon because they realize that a human that knows how to talk Pokémon could make a lot of money.

At the Pokémon Center, Pikachu is hooked up to Nurse Joy's equipment and she successfully recharges Pikachu. Nurse Joy tells Ash that Pikachu will be back to normal in the morning. Ash thanks Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy. Ash decides to contact Professor Oak to see if he knows anything about humans that can speak Pokémon. Professor Oak tells Ash that he cannot find any instances. Simon overhears the conversation and confidently tells Ash that he knows he can speak Pokémon. Ash tells him that Officer Jenny is looking for him to which he replies that he's heading to the police station as they speak. He was worried about Pikachu's health and wanted to stop in first to see if it was all right.

Simon goes to talk to Pikachu and he then tells Misty and Brock that he cannot fully understand Pokémon, only some words and its generally just a feeling he gets. He then continues by saying that long ago, there was a time that he and the Pokémon could understand each other perfectly. 60 years earlier, Simon was caught in a thunderstorm and a tornado was approaching him as he watched in the field. His dad quickly picked him up and threw him in a storm celler and told him not to come out as he was going to check on the neighbors. Scared and wishing for his dad, Simon heard Pokémon voices and he could understand them. Simon was surprised that he could talk to them and he forgot about the storm until people came to get him. His farm was destroyed and he never saw the three Pokémon he talked to ever again.

Over the years, Simon thought he imagined the whole thing but he never stopped trying to talk to Pokémon. He's dedicated his whole life to understanding Pokémon and he knows with his whole heart they known what he's saying to them. Pikachu then showed up to give Simon some encouragement. Magnemite and Magneton appear with the phony Pokémon Interpreter boss and his henchmen. They were there to stop him from turning them into the cops. The Magnemite and Magneton started draining the power of the Pokémon Center as Nurse Joy comes running to get them to stop. Simon decides to talk to the Magnemite and Magneton in human talk and explain the situation to them. He pleads to them and the Magnemite and Magneton stop. The boss got angry with them and just as he was about to kick one of the Magnemite, Pikachu uses Thunderbolt on all the Magnemite and Magneton and re-energizes them. They then attack the boss and his henchmen.

A bunch of police cars show up with Officer Jenny as they surround the con artists. Simon comes running and wants to take full responsibility for the situation. Officer Jenny explains to Simon that Nurse Joy called her and explained the whole story. Simon puts his hands out waiting to be arrested but Officer Jenny then thanks Simon instead. She then tells Simon to tell the Pokémon she said 'Hello!'

Watching from their balloon, Team Rocket sees lightning approaching and they end up blasting off again. Simon says farewell to Ash and his friends as he tells them he's going to give up Pokémon Interpreting. They tell him to keep working at it and he might get a breakthrough. They wave goodbye and as Simon is walking, he encounters Team Rocket Meowth who tells Simon to not give up as well.
Last edited 05 Jun 2011 06:47 PM by Sunain
07 Dec 2011 06:23 PM
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I watched this episode so long ago but I still remember I cried when Lang talked with the Magnemite and Magneton to stop draining the power. That memory will always stay with me. I had wondered what the name of this episode was for a long time until I happened to come across the phony henchman on the left.