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01 Apr 1999 03:00 AM
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New episode title(s) has/have been added to the database. Title: Odoru! Pokémon Showboat!/おどる!ポケモンショーボート!/Stage Fight. Please comment below! Thanks, your friendly PM.Net AnimeBot
23 Oct 2009 07:19 PM
michan Administrator
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This is one of my favourite episodes. Mainly because there is a Raichu in it.^_^
Home cooking is killing restaurant industry (and it's tasty)!
11 May 2011 09:09 PM
Sunain Administrator
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Characters in Episode: Current Episode Guide Info Correct? [Yes]
Written Biographies for Characters in Episode:

Roger: {{Char=Roger}} is a part of a Pokémon showboat show where he provides the voiceover to a number of Pokémon including a Hitmonchan. The Pokémon mime in-sync to his voice and perform a theatrical piece for the audience.

{{Char=Roger}} allowed {{Char=Ash}} and his friends to travel on the showboat to the next town. He noticed that {{Char=Ash}} and his {{Char=Pikachu}} had a good relationship and as payment for traveling on the boat, he asked {{Char=Ash}} to give {{Char=Kay}} a few pointers.

When Team Rocket boarded the boat, he told {{Char=Ash}} not to battle them because the showboat is everything to him as it his livelihood and it's his home. He didn't want to put it in jeopardy as Team Rocket had rigged it to explode. {{Char=Jessie}} called him 'fuzz face', mocking the goatee he has.

{{Char=Roger}} ended up getting sick from {{Char=J-Weezing}} SmokeScreen and it also damaged his throat so he couldn't talk well enough to do his performance. {{Char=Kay}} and her Raichu took his place in the performance.

Kay: {{Char=Kay}} is a part of a Pokémon showboat show where she provides the voice over to her Raichu. {{Char=Kay}} could instantly tell by looking at {{Char=Ash}} and his {{Char=Pikachu}} that they were close friends.

{{Char=Kay}} was very excited to see Raichu for the first time and as she was giving it a hug, its cheeks sparked and {{Char=Kay}} got afraid and threw Raichu at a crate. Since then she been afraid of being shocked by Raichu. {{Char=Kay}} and her Raichu were very nervous with each other since that encounter with Raichu's cheeks sparking when it got nervous and then {{Char=Kay}} would flinch at the thought of a potential Thundershock. With {{Char=Ash}}'s help and an encounter with Team Rocket when {{Char=Kay}} rescued her Raichu from being hurt, the two of them got over their nervousness of each other.

{{Char=Roger}} ended up getting sick from {{Char=J-Weezing}} SmokeScreen and it also damaged his throat so he couldn't talk well enough to do his performance. {{Char=Kay}} and her Raichu took his place in the Pokémon Showboat's performances.

Anne's Clefable: Clefable is a part of a Pokémon show where it mimes to the timing of Anne's voice over while performing a theatrical piece for the audience. Clefable watches on the side of the ring as Hitmonchan and Machoke fight. In the show, she is Hitmonchan's lover.

Pokemon in Episode: Current Episode Guide Info Correct? [Yes]

Characters Pokemon Attacks used in Episode - Timecode (mm:ss):
- Kay's Raichu - Thundershock - 8:38, 13:33
- Kay's Raichu - Mega Punch - 17:34
- Roger's Hitmonchan - Fire Punch - 15:00
- James's Weezing - Smokescreen - 15:21
- Ash's Pikachu - Thunderbolt - 16:05
- Ash's Pikachu - Thunder - 17:25
- Tracey's Marill - Water Gun - 16:17

Episode Location: Orange Archipelago (オレンジ諸島地方) - Pokémon Showboat

Episode Highlights:
- {{Char=Ash}} and his friends watch a Pokémon Showboat performance
- {{Char=Ash}} helps out {{Char=Kay}} and her Raichu by giving advice on being an Electric Pokémon Trainer.
- {{Char=Kay}} and her Raichu get over their nervousness and defeat Team Rocket.
- {{Char=Ash}} and {{Char=Pikachu}} perform at the Pokémon Showboat to replace {{Char=Roger}} who's throat was damaged.

Eyecatch info:
- English dub - Who's that Pokémon? Golduck
- Japanese - Dare da - Raichu

Number of Times Team Rocket Blasted off in the episode: 1 - Kay's Raichu - Mega Punch

Team Rocket Balloon Enhancements: No balloon.

Did Team Rocket use a Mecha in the episode?: Magikarp Sub

Did Team Rocket use a motto variation in the episode?: No.

Episode Extras:
- Okido Lab - Butterfree
- Okido Senryu - フリーフリー じゅうにてんでる バタフリー