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17 Jan 2011 10:57 PM
Sunain Administrator
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Characters in Episode: Current Episode Guide Info Correct? [No]
Ash, Misty, Tracey, Pikachu, Togepi, Ash's Lapras, Mateo, Marissa, Marissa's Grandfather, Tracey's Venonat, Tracey's Maril, Jessie, James, Meowth, Jessie's Arbok, James's Victreebel, Misty's Staryu

Written Biographies for Characters in Episode:
Marissa - {{Char=Marissa}} lives on Sunburst Island with her big brother {{Char=Mateo}}. She helps him run a glass and crystal shop. Realizing that her brother needed the inspiration that her Grandpa once got from seeing the {{Char=CrystalOnix}}, she decided to send out a message in a bottle to see if people would be able to help her and {{Char=Mateo}} find it.

The letter she wrote stated: "If you know anything about a Pokémon called the {{Char=CrystalOnix}}, let me know right away." {{Char=Ash}} and his friends found the bottle near Sunburst Island and then decided to help her find the {{Char=CrystalOnix}} as {{Char=Ash}} said it wasn't polite to let a letter from a little girl go unanswered.

{{Char=Marissa}} went along with everyone as they searched the Sunburst Island for the {{Char=CrystalOnix}}. She was a bit scared when they initially found it but was happy that she was able to see it. {{Char=Marissa}} was very grateful to {{Char=Ash}} and his friends for helping her and her brother find the {{Char=CrystalOnix}}.

Crystal Onix - {{Char=Ash}} and {{Char=Misty}} first heard about the {{Char=CrystalOnix}} when they picked up a bottle in the ocean with a note in it written by {{Char=Marissa}} asking anyone if they knew anything about the {{Char=CrystalOnix}} to tell her. {{Char=Tracey}} explains to {{Char=Ash}} and {{Char=Misty}} that it's supposed to be an Onix made of glass crystal but he said he wasn't sure it was real. {{Char=Tracey}} states that there were people who said they've seen it but they were only rumors. {{Char=Ash}} stated at the time he'd love to see the {{Char=CrystalOnix}} and his wish came true when he saw it.

Team Rocket heard the rumor about the {{Char=CrystalOnix}} from some local merchants and decided they would try to capture the rare Pokémon. The {{Char=CrystalOnix}} just hit it with its tail and sent Team Rocket blasting off again.

The {{Char=CrystalOnix}} lives on a remote part of Sunburst Island in a cave. When the tide goes down, a sandbar appears to let people get to that part of the island. It isn't afraid of water like most normal Onix are and it often spends time in the underground lake in the cave. {{Char=Mateo}} battled it and knocked it out but before he tried to capture it, he felt something strange for a minute when he looked at the Onix. {{Char=Mateo}} explained that the feeling was hard to describe but he gained the inspiration he need to start working again on his Pokémon statues thanks to the {{Char=CrystalOnix}}. The {{Char=CrystalOnix}} then recovered and dove back into the water after {{Char=Mateo}} thanked it.

Tracey's Maril: {{Char=T-Marill}} was revealed when {{Char=Tracey}} decided that he needed a good Pokémon to help him find the {{Char=CrystalOnix}}. {{Char=T-Marill}} has very sensitive ears that can detect distant sounds and the round, rubbery tip of its tail can expand and contract, assisting Marill in the water. While swimming, {{Char=T-Marill}} tail floats so he can see where it's going.

{{Char=Misty}} realized that {{Char=Tracey}} and his Marill make a good team as {{Char=T-Marill}} could hear a Pokémon long before {{Char=Tracey}} could even see it. {{Char=Tracey}} would often play a Pokémon cry on his dex for Marill to help it learn what it sounded like so it could search for that particular Pokémon. {{Char=T-Marill}} ears would twitch when it was searching or it found something.

Mateo's Cloyster: {{Char=Mateo}} came prepared to battle the {{Char=CrystalOnix}} with his Cloyster. {{Char=Mateo}} thought that the {Char=CrystalOnix}} would be weak against Water attacks but its Water Gun bounced right off it. After trying to use multiple failed Water Gun attacks, it
was knocked out by the {{Char=CrystalOnix}}'s powerful Tackle attack.

Mateo's Charmeleon: After {{Char=M-Cloyster}} was knocked out by the {{Char=CrystalOnix}}, {{Char=M-Charmeleon}} was sent out to battle the {{Char=CrystalOnix}}. It used Flamethrower and Ember on it which seemed to be effective and made it super hot and knocked it out.

{{Char=M-Charmeleon}} is also {{Char=Mateo}}'s glass-making partner. They work together to make the amazing Pokémon statues out of glass that are sold in {{Char=Mateo}}'s shop. {{Char=M-Charmeleon}} uses its Flamethrower to help melt the sand they use into glass and to keep the glass molten while {{Char=Mateo}} blows the glass.

{{Char=Mateo}} - {{Char=Mateo}} runs a glass and crystal shop on Sunburst lsland. His little sister {{Char=Marissa}} lives with him and helps him run the shop. When {{Char=Ash}} and his friends met him, he wasn't feeling very well and didn't want to make glass anymore which was hurting their business. The local shopkeepers were complaining about him because he was hurting their business by not stocking any merchandise which made their stores look bad.

{{Char=Mateo}} explained that his creations just didn't have the spark that his Grandpa's Pokémon statues had as they always looked like they might come alive. {{Char=Mateo}} said he just needed some kind of inspiration and he hoped that capturing the {{Char=CrystalOnix}} would be that spark.

{{Char=Mateo}} told {{Char=Ash}} that he had looked for the {{Char=CrystalOnix}} all over the island but he couldn't find it anywhere. With the help of {{Char=T-Marill}}, {{Char=Mateo}} was able to find the {{Char=CrystalOnix}} in a cave in a remote part of Sunburst Island. He battle it but after he knocked it out felt something strange for a minute when he looked at the Onix. He explained that the feeling was hard to describe but he gained the inspiration he need to start working again on his Pokémon statues. As thanks for helping him, {{Char=Mateo}} made {{Char=Ash}} a small figure of Pikachu.

{{Char=Mateo}} & {{Char=Marissa}}'s Grandfather - {{Char=Mateo}} & {{Char=Marissa}}'s Grandfather ran a glass and crystal shop on Sunburst Island until he died. When he ran the store, it was full of glass and it was a big success. He was a really talented artist and he made beautiful glass Pokémon sculptures every day.

He told {{Char=Mateo}} all the time that when he was a young artist he saw the {{Char=CrystalOnix}} and that's what inspired him to make great sculptures. After seeing the {{Char=CrystalOnix}}, he turned out one great sculpture after another. Whenever he needed some inspiration, all he had to do was think of that {{Char=CrystalOnix}}. {{Char=Mateo}} & {{Char=Marissa}} took over his shop after he died and continued in his footsteps.

Pokemon in Episode: Current Episode Guide Info Correct? [Yes]

Characters Pokemon Attacks used in Episode:
- Mateo's Cloyster - Water Gun
- {{Char=CrystalOnix}} - Tackle, Rock Throw
- Ash's Pikachu - Thunderbolt
- Misty's Staryu - Tackle
- Mateo's Charmeleon - Flamethrower, Ember

Episode Location: Sunburst lsland (Ponkan Island ポンカン島) - Orange Archipelago (オレンジ諸島地方)

Episode Highlights:
- {{Char=Ash}} and friends arrive on Sunburst lsland which is famous for having all kinds of crystal and glass shops. Lots of artists live on the island and they make the glass right there. People travel from all over the world to the crystal and glass made on Sunburst Island.
- {{Char=T-Marill}} is first revealed and it finds the {{Char=CrystalOnix}}.
- {{Char=Mateo}} battles the {{Char=CrystalOnix}} and knocks it out but doesn't catch it as he gained the inspiration he needed to continue working thanks to seeing the {{Char=CrystalOnix}}.
- {{Char=Mateo}} made {{Char=Ash}} a small figure of Pikachu.

Eyecatch info:
- English - Who's that Pokemon? Rhyhorn
- Japanese - Dare de? {{Char=CrystalOnix}} (クリスタルのイワーク)

Number of Times Team Rocket Blasted off in the episode: 1, Tail smacked by the {{Char=CrystalOnix}}.

Team Rocket Balloon Enhancements: No appearance

Did Team Rocket use a Mecha in the episode?: No.

Did Team Rocket use a motto variation in the episode?: Yes.
James had one line tht was different in the English dub.
James: And while you're down there, make it double.

Episode Extras:
- Okido Lab - Caterpie (キャタピー)
- Okido Senryu - キャタピーが さいーよのゲットだ サトシくん
Last edited 17 Jan 2011 11:30 PM by Sunain