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25 Feb 1999 03:00 AM
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13 Jan 2011 12:14 PM
Sunain Administrator
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Characters in Episode: Current Episode Guide Info Correct? [No]
Ash, Misty, Pikachu, Togepi, Tracey, Jessie, James, Meowth, Ash's Lapras, Nurse Joy's Chansey, Professor Oak, Ash's Muk, Cissy's Seadra, Cissy's Blastoise, Ash's Squritle, Misty's Psyduck, James's Weezing

Written Biographies for Characters in Episode:
Cissy - {{Char=Cissy}} is the Gym Leader on Mikan Island and Pokémon Trainers that defeat her earn the Coral-Eye Badge. Ash asked Tracey what the Mikan Gym Leader was like while walking to the gym and he replied that the Mikan Gym Leader "is one of the toughest trainers in the Orange Crew". Ash was psyched up when he heard him say that and could hardly wait to battle.

After hearing a ruckus outside the gym, {{Char=Cissy}} introduced herself to {{Char=Ash}} and his friends and accepted {{Char=Ash}}'s battle challenge. {{Char=Ash}} was a bit surprised that {{Char=Cissy}} was the gym leader as he was expecting a guy trainer.

After {{Char=Ash}} was a bit confused by the setup of her gym match, {{Char=Cissy}} explained to him that the Orange lsland gyms do a lot more than just have Pokémon battles to win the badges. She explained that she had devised two challenges for this particular match which featured Water Pokémon. Her creativity and ingenuity was put on display during the challenges and it also showed how well she had trained her Pokémon. {{Char=Cissy}} also pointed out that her Pokémon compete just like athletes do. The first challenge was a Water Gun accuracy challenge and the second challenge she devised was Pokémon Wave Ride race.

{{Char=Tracey}} seemed to have a bit of a crush on {{Char=Cissy}} as he drew a picture of her on his sketchpad but {{Char=Misty}} noticed it and made him blush a bit.

Cissy's Brother - {{Char=Ash}} and his friends first encountered {{Char=Cissy_Senta}} near the Mikan Island Gym. He put a coconut on the ground and as {{Char=Ash}} picked it up, he dumped water on him. He has quite a snarky attitude as he made fun of {{Char=Ash}} for falling for his trick and told him couldn't be a very good trainer.

{{Char=Cissy_Senta}} challenged {{Char=Ash}} to a battle but just as they were about to start,
{{Char=Cissy_Senta}}'s older sister {{Char=Cissy}} appeared and wondered if he was causing trouble as he was supposed to be inside cleaning his room. He tried to defend himself by lying to his sister saying he caught {{Char=Ash}} sneaking around but {{Char=Ash}} quickly defended the accusation.

{{Char=Cissy_Senta}} helps his sister out during the gym battles by using the gyms remote control to activate certain parts of the gym as they are needed. He also started the Pokémon Wave Ride race with a starter gun and cheered his sister on during the race.

Cissy's Seadra - {{Char=C-Seadra}} was the first Pokémon that {{Char=Cissy}} revealed to {{Char=Ash}} for their gym match. {{Char=Ash}} pulled out his dex and it stated that Seadra's were known for their horrible disposition but they posesses both strength and speed. After hearing the dex entry, {{Char=Ash}} quickly commented that {{Char=C-Seadra}} wasn't going to win any beauty contests either. {{Char=C-Seadra}} didn't take {{Char=Ash}}'s comment very well and hit him with a Water Gun attack in the face.

During the Water Gun accuracy challenge, {{Char=Tracey}} was impressed how accurate is was by being able to hit all the stationary cans and the moving ones as well. The match ended up in a draw though as both {{Char=C-Seadra}} and {{Char=A-Squirtle}} both hit the final target at the same time.

Cissy's Blastoise - {{Char=Cissy}} sent out her Blastoise at the beginning of her second challenge, the Pokémon Wave Ride race but just as she did Team Rocket appeared and captured it in their net. {{Char=C-Blastoise}} proved to be too strong for Team Rocket though as it broke out of their net and then used Hydro Pump to send them blasting off again.

Blastoise proved that it was also a fast swimmer and a strong Pokémon during the Pokémon Wave Ride race against {{Char=A-Lapras}}. It bashed {{Char=A-Lapras}} quite a few times but it wasn't able to completely stop it. It managed to make it around the flag first but on the home stretch {{Char=A-Lapras}} managed to use an Ice Beam to freeze the water so it could go faster and win the race. {{Char=C-Blastoise}} barely lost though as {{Char=A-Lapras}} won by half a stroke.

Pokemon in Episode: Current Episode Guide Info Correct? [Yes]

Characters Pokemon Attacks used in Episode:
- Cissy's Seadra - Water Gun
- Ash's Squritle - Water Gun
- James's Weezing - Smog (not actually told to do so)
- Ash's Pikachu - Thunderbolt
- Cissy's Blastoise - Hydro Pump
- Ash's Lapras - Ice Beam

Episode Location: Orange Islands - Mikan Island (Natsukan Island ナツカン島) - Mikan Gym (Natsukan Gym ナツカンジム)

Episode Highlights:
- Ash and his friends arrive at Mikan Island where Tracey tells Ash there is a Gym located on the Island.
- Ash challenges {{Char=Cissy}} to a gym match and wins his first Orange Island badge, the Coral-Eye Badge.

Eyecatch info:
- English - Who's that Pokemon? Primape
- Japanese - Dare da? - Seadra (シードラ)

Number of Times Team Rocket Blasted off in the episode: 1, Hydro Pump to send them blasting off again.

Team Rocket Balloon Enhancements: None

Did Team Rocket use a Mecha in the episode?:
- Rocket Magikarp Sub

Did Team Rocket use a motto variation in the episode?: Normal Motto.

Episode Extras:
- Okido Lab - Sawamular (サワムラー)
- Okido Senryu - けつとばせ キックいつぱつ サワムラー
Last edited 13 Jan 2011 12:16 PM by Sunain