Title: Pocket Monsters 2023 Anime - New Trailer / New Characters Re...
Information on new characters and cast members of the new series of the popular anime Pocket Monsters (airs on the TV Tokyo Network every Friday at 6:55pm, officially abbreviated "Anipoke"), which will be broadcast starting with a 1 hour special on April 14th, 2023 has been revealed.
The new characters are all members of the "Rising Volt Tacklers" led by Professor Friede: The machinery enthusiast Orio (voiced by Ayane Sakura) with her partner Metagross, the great cook Murdock (voiced by Kenta Miyake) with his partner Iwanko, the medical specialist Molly (voiced by Kei Shindo) with her partner Lucky, as well as Landau (voiced by Ikkyu Juku), who looks like a fisherman. The Rising Volt Tacklers use a blimp as their base when they go out on adventures.