Home / Event Pokémon / Details: Movie 12 Arceus
Movie 12 Arceus
Start/End Dates 2009-07-18 through 2009-09-30
Country Japan Japan


This Arceus was distributed in Japanese theaters for those that viewed the 12th Pocket Monsters Movie.

Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl #123

In the first airing of Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl #123, the announcer told viewers about the Movie 12 Arceus distribution. Players that brought a Nintendo DS as well as Pocket Monsters Diamond, Pearl or Platinum with them when they went to the 12th Pocket Monsters movie could obtain the legendary Pokémon, Arceus!

Pokémon Details
Pokéball: Cherish Ball
Species: Arceus
Nickname: アルセウス
OT Name: えいがかん
Level: 100
Gender: Male
Ability: Multitype
Nature: Hardy
Shiny: Unknown