Start/End Dates |
2013-06-15 through
Country |
The Japanese Pocket Monsters movie site as well as the official Japanese Pokémon website posted details for the Movie 16 pre-order ticket distribution. Mewtwo was distributed to those that pre-ordered tickets from April 20th, 2013 until July 12th, 2013. The actual distribution will take place from June 15th, 2013 until September 1st, 2013.
The details of Mewtwo are as follows:
Pre-Order Ticket Information
Pre-order tickets could be purchased from: 7-11 (セブン-イレブン)、
Ito-Yokado (イトーヨーカドー)、Aeon (イオン)、
Toys"R"Us (トイザらス)、
Apita (アピタ)、Piago (ピアゴ)、
Al-Plaza (アル・プラザ)、
Heiwado (平和堂)、
Daiei (ダイエー)、Fuji (フジ)、Pokémon Centers (ポケモンセンター) and various movie theater locations throughout Japan. General admission was 1300yen, youth admission was 800yen and a parent/child combo was 2000yen.
Sources: and
Pocket Monsters Best Wishes Season 2 Episode N - #14
During the first airing of the episode
BWS2N-14 - Reshiram VS N! Beyond Ideals and Truth!! (レシラム対N!理想と真実の彼方へ!!), Okido introduced the Mewtwo distribution to viewers.

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Pokémon Smash 133-139
Pokémon Smash 133, the event distribution was announced near the end of the show by the announcer. At different times for the next few weeks, the audience was reminded about the pre-order ticket campaign.

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Corocoro April/May/June 2013 Issues
Corocoro also promoted the distribution during the summer month issues.
Pokéball: |
Cherish Ball |
Species: |
Mewtwo |
Nickname: |
ミュウツー |
OT Name: |
Pヒルズ |
Level: |
100 |
Gender: |
Ability: |
Nature: |
Modest |
Shiny: |
Unknown |
Ribbons: |