Home / Episode Guide / ダイヤモンド&パールリターンズ「パチリスVSエイパム!コンテストバトル!!」「ロバートにドッキリクイズ!」ポケモンゲームアリーナ 「山本隊員大ピンチ!?」/Diamond & Pearl Returns 'Pachirisu vs Eipam! Contest Battle!!' / 'Robert's Surprise Quiz!' / Pokémon Game Arena 'Group Member Yamamoto in a Huge Pinch!?'
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  • Japan ダイヤモンド&パールリターンズ「パチリスVSエイパム!コンテストバトル!!」「ロバートにドッキリクイズ!」ポケモンゲームアリーナ 「山本隊員大ピンチ!?」
  • Japan Diamond & Pearl Returns 'Pachirisu vs Eipam! Contest Battle!!' / 'Robert ni dokkiri Quiz!' / Pokémon Game Arena 'Yamamoto-taiin dai Pinch!?'
  • Japan Diamond & Pearl Returns 'Pachirisu vs Eipam! Contest Battle!!' / 'Robert's Surprise Quiz!' / Pokémon Game Arena 'Group Member Yamamoto in a Huge Pinch!?'


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ポケモン☆サンデー (バージョン5)
Pokémon Sunday (Version 5)
Episode Actors Regions
Ash is training Pikachu and Aipom for his next gym battle. He tells Pikachu to use Volt Tackle. He notices that Pikachu's speed is very good. Just then, Aipom jumps on Ash's shoulder and steals his hat. Ash orders Aipom to give back his hat. Meanwhile, Dawn and Brock are walking together in the forest. Dawn is holding an ad about an upcoming Pokémon contest in the next town. She think that she should enter it because Pachirisu never was in a contest before. Then they look up to see Ash and Aipom. Brock thinks Aipom is showing its affection towards Ash whether Ash likes it or not.

Jessie has also received the ad for the Pokémon contest. She definitely wants to enter it. She asks James for his Carnivine again, but James doesn't thnk that Carnivine will suit her for the contest. Jessie agrees and says that she needs to find a new Pokémon for the contest. Suddenly, they hear a cry. They run towards an edge of a cliff and see Aipom standing on a board that is being supported by a tall rock. The board wiggles around, and Aipom desperately tries to keep its balance to prevent itself from falling. Jessie and James notices that it must be scary for Aipom. Jessie thinks that Aipom would be the perfect Pokémon for the contest. She grabs a tree trunk and places it between the cliff and the large rock. Then she begins to walk across the trunk towards Aipom. She extends out her arm to Aipom. She grabs Aipom, but she accidently slips onto the board herself. The tree trunk falls down to the ground, and now her and Aipom are stuck on the board together.

Ash's hat slips off of Aipom's head, and the wind blows it to Ash and co. Ash gets his back hat, but he wonders where Aipom is at. Suddenly, he hears a cry. They rush towards the cliff where James and Meowth are at. Ash sees Jessie and Aipom struggling on the board. Suddenly, Jessie loses her balance, and they slide down the cliff. The board slides up at the other end of the cliff, and Jessie and Aipom land safely on the ground. Aipom is happy that Jessie saved it. Jessie picks it up, noticing how cute it is. Ash and co. walk up to Team Rocket. Jessie realizes that the Aipom belongs to Ash. Ash is grateful that Jessie was able to save his Aipom. Jessie thinks that Ash owes her, so Ash asks what she wants. Jessie says that she wants to use Aipom for the upcoming Pokémon contest. Ash doesn't trust Jessie. Aipom says that it wants to enter the contest. This changes Ash's mind. He agrees to let Jessie use Aipom in the contest.

Ash and co. arrive at the festival where the Pokémon contest is held. Dawn has already signed up for the contest. She notices that Ash isn't with Brock. Brock tells her that Ash is behind a bush keeping his eye on Jessie and Aipom. Dawn and Brock meet up with Ash. Ash has noticed that Jessie hasn't been doing much training with Aipom. Suddenly, Aipom begins to perform its moves for Jessie. Aipom's Focus Punch, Double Team, and Swift attack are really good, and it will be a big challenge to beat them.

The Pokémon Contest is about to start. Because the contest isn't official, no ribbon will be given out. However, the coordinator who wins the contest will receive a year's supply of fruit. Dawn is the first coordinator. She runs onstage and sends out Pachirisu. Dawn tells Pachirisu to use Sweet Kiss, but Pachirisu doesn't move. It has a bad case of stage fright because it's Pachirisu's first contest. However, with some encouragement from Ash, Dawn, and Brock, Pachirisu is able to pull through. It uses a great Sweet Kiss attack, followed up by Spark. The audience cheers for Dawn and Pachirisu. Pachirisu's final move is Discharge, but it ends up electrifying the whole audience.

Dawn's performance comes to an end, and she waits for the other coordinators to finish. Ash and Brock walk up to Dawn and congratulate her for doing well. They tell Dawn that she will make it to the second round since the other coodinators aren't doing very well. The last coordinator to perform in the first round is Jessie. She comes running out with a cape on her back. Then she sends in Aipom. Aipom starts off with its Swift attack. Then it uses its Focus Punch on the stars for some gorgeous fireworks. Afterwards, Aipom uses Double Team, and it begins to dance with the copies. While the copies are together in a circle, Aipom uses Swift one more time to create a giant formation of stars. Aipom's performance amazes everyone. Then Aipom runs towards Jessie when it's done. Ash wonders if Aipom will leave him, since it looks really happy with Jessie.

The judge announces the two coordinators that will battle each other in the finals. It is Dawn and Jessie. Brock notices that Ash is a bit ticked off that Jessie and Aipom are doing so well. Ash tells Brock that he is wrong, but Brock knows that something is up with Ash. Five minutes are placed on the clock, and the battle begins. Jessie sends in Aipom, and Dawn sends out Pachirisu. Pachirisu starts off with Spark attack, but Aipom uses Double Team to dodge the attack. Then Aipom begins to spin around in circles with its copies. Dawn doesn't know what to do next, so she loses a lot of points. Dawn tells Jessie that Aipom is only powerful because Ash trained it. She doesn't know which copy is real, so she orders Pachirisu to fire its Spark at all of them. Aipom counters with its Swift attack. The judges think that Aipom's Swift attack was very beautiful. This causes Dawn to lose even more points. Finally, Aipom uses its Focus Punch on Pachirisu, and Pachirisu faints. Jessie is the winner of the contest.

Aipom is given back to Ash. Ash noticed that Aipom had a lot of fun out there, and Jessie tells him that she had a lot of fun with Aipom. Then Team Rocket's balloon approaches them in the sky. A rope ladder is dropped down for Jessie, and Jessie climbs up it. Then they say their motto. A net is dropped down on the fruit. Team Rocket picks up the fruit and begins to float away with it. Ash and co. know that Team Rocket never stole the fruit because Jessie won the contest. Suddenly, Aipom jumps off of Ash's shoulder, and it runs towards Team Rocket. Ash chases after Aipom. Aipom jumps onto Team Rocket's net that is holding the fruit. Ash thinks that Aipom would rather be with Jessie than him, but Dawn and Brock tell Ash to look again. Aipom only wants the fruit that Team Rocket won. It begins to munch on the bananas.

Jessie wants to capture the Aipom. Meowth presses a button, and a mechanical arm appears. Aipom uses Focus Punch to destroy the arm. Ash tells Aipom to jump down from the balloon. Aipom obeys Ash's orders, and Ash catches Aipom. Another mechanical arm appears to capture Aipom. Aipom uses Swift on the balloon causing the balloon to explode. The fruit falls down from the balloon, and Team Rocket blasts off again.

Now that the contest is over, Ash and co. continue their journey towards Floaroma Town where Dawn's next Pokémon contest awaits.


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Shoko Nakagawa
  • Japan 中川翔子
  • Japan Shōko Nakagawa
  • Japan Shoko Nakagawa
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 馬場裕之
  • Japan Hiroyuki Baba
  • Japan Hiroyuki Baba
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 山本博
  • Japan Hiroshi Yamamoto
  • Japan Hiroshi Yamamoto
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 秋山竜次
  • Japan Ryuuji Akiyama
  • Japan Ryuuji Akiyama
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Golgo Matsumoto
  • Japan ゴルゴ松本
  • Japan Golgo Matsumoto
  • Japan Golgo Matsumoto
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan レッド吉田
  • Japan Red Yoshida
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Director Lucario
  • Japan ルカリオ部長
  • Japan Director Buchō
  • Japan Director Lucario
No notes available for this episode.
Episode Music Regions
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Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 0
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 0
07 Feb 2009 07:30 PM
Joined: 24 Aug 2008
Posts: 27
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About this episode, Akiyama and Baba's reaction was kind of funny but Yamamoto's Surprising was bit stupid.
07 Feb 2009 10:55 PM
Sunain Administrator
Joined: 18 Jun 2007
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The Pokemon Sunday crew is once again testing their reactions to many different stimuli. Red, Golgo and Shoko watch the reactions of Robert as they eat wasabi, attempt to get a monster ball out of water, put their feet in ice water, have a foot massage and drink tomato juice. Then back at the studio, the crew gets to watch the reactions of Shoko who also eats the wasabi. Golgo is then forced to put his feet in the ice cold water as the crew laughs at his reaction.

I found this episode somewhat hard to follow compared to normal episodes. I found the whole purpose of this episode somewhat lacking. While it was funny to watch some of their reactions, the plot of the episode seemed to be a rehash of some of their older episodes. It's unfortunate as some of their previous episodes before this week were quite good.
Administrator of PocketMonsters.net
08 Feb 2009 03:00 AM
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