Home / Episode Guide / Diamond & Pearl Returns 'Naetle! I got It!' / The Help Corps 'I want to sing well' / New Information about the Pokemon Card Game DPt Series/ダイヤモンド&パールリターンズ 「ナエトル、ゲットだぜ!」 手助け隊「歌がうまくなりたい」ポケモンカードゲームDPt新情報
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  • Japan ダイヤモンド&パールリターンズ 「ナエトル、ゲットだぜ!」 手助け隊「歌がうまくなりたい」ポケモンカードゲームDPt新情報
  • Japan Diamond & Pearl Returns 「Naetle! Get da ze!」 / Tedasuke tai 「Uta ga umaku naritai」 / Pokemon Card Game DPt Shin Jouhou
  • Japan Diamond & Pearl Returns 'Naetle! I got It!' / The Help Corps 'I want to sing well' / New Information about the Pokemon Card Game DPt Series


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ポケモン☆サンデー (バージョン5)
Pokémon Sunday (Version 5)
Episode Actors Regions
This weeks Pokémon Revival episode is ナエトル、ゲットだぜ!(Naetle! I got It!) which is the firth episode of Diamond & Pearl. Satoshi knocks down Rocket Gang's balloon after they captured Pikachu. A wild Naetle saves Pikachu from the balloon that falls into a distant lake. Will Satoshi be reunited with Pikachu? What will become of the wild Naetle that saved Pikachu?

In this weeks episode, George Kuroki (ジョージ黒木), a vocal teacher and professional singer guest stars. He attempts to help Golgo and Professor Red, as well as five children, learn to sing better. He shows them how to control the air flow from their lungs to help them. The children later put on a musical act showcasing what they had learned.

A new intro also aired during last weeks episode of Pokemon Sunday. This marks the fifth intro used for Pokemon Sunday and the beginning of the fifth year of the show. The intro starts off by showing the Tokyo Tower (東京タワー) in an exaggerated size on top of the earth. The stars are out but it quickly changes to daytime as the announcer says, 'PokeMorning!'. Pikachu, Lucario and Hikozaru are flying over in the Pokemon Sunday balloon throughout the intro. Clips from the upcoming episode are shown and once again the Pokemon Sunday balloon appears as the video transitions to the live action beginning. Below are a few screenshots from the intro.


The Music School "Music Academy of Japan" Welcome to the delightful music school home page (ミュージック・スクール "ミュージック・アカデミー ジャパン" のホーム・ぺージ 愉快な音楽スクールへようこそ) which is run by George Kuroki (ジョージ黒木) posted a link back to PocketMonsters.net after we posted the original news article. He seemed surprised that someone outside of Japan would write about the episode. He stated, "What, I've been introduced to a worldwide broadcasting audience!!! (何と、世界への発信サイトでも放映が紹介されてます!!!)" when he realized that our site had posted his image and a brief synopsis on the main page.

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Original Source: http://www.ne.jp/asahi/music/academy/files/voiceB2008_htm.htm

Team Rocket has captured Pikachu again. They are flying away in their balloon, and Pikachu is hanging down in a cage. Ash and co. are trying to catch up with Team Rocket. Ash demands for Pikachu back, but Team Rocket refuse to give back Pikachu like always. Ash sends out Starly. He orders Starly to cut the rope that is tying Pikachu's cage together with the balloon with Wing Attack. James sends out Carnivine to attack Starly, but Carnivine attacks James instead. Jessie and Meowth do their best to get Carnivine off of Starly. Starly accidently pokes a hole in the balloon, and Team Rocket floats away at a faster rate.

Team Rocket crashes into an area near a pond. A Turtwig runs out. It sees Pikachu trapped in the cage and opens it. Pikachu is relieved to be free. Team Rocket walks up to Pikachu and Turtwig. James tells Carnivine to get Pikachu back. Turtwig steps ahead closer to Team Rocket. It speaks and Meowth translates. Turtwig tells Team Rocket that it is trespassing its territory. Team Rocket refuses to move, and Turtwig threatens them. James orders Turtwig to use Bullet Seed. Carnivine fires its attack at Pikachu and Turtwig, but they dodge the attack. Then Turtwig charges towards Carnivine. It tackles Carnivine. Carnivine is thrown at Team Rocket, and the force sends them flying in the air.

Ash and co. meet up with Pikachu and Turtwig. Ash is glad to see that Pikachu is okay. Then they notice the Turtwig, and Ash looks up Turtwig in his Pokédex. Brock says that wild Turtwig are rare considering that they are starter Pokémon for Sinnoh trainers. Dawn wants to capture Turtwig. She sends out Piplup and orders it to use Peck. Turtwig fights back with Razor Leaf. Piplup dodges the attack, and the leaves end up hitting an Oddish. The Oddish uses Sleep Powder, which puts Ash and Pikachu to sleep. Then Turtwig places Pikachu on its back and runs off.

Dawn and Brock begin to run after Turtwig when they are stopped by an old woman. The old woman leads Ash and co. to her house. Ash is placed on the couch. The woman prepares a drink and pours some of it down Ash's throat. Ash immediately wakes up and wonders where Pikachu is at. The woman introduces herself as Clara. She reassures Ash that Turtwig will take good care of Pikachu. Brock and Dawn ask her if she knows Turtwig. Clara tells them that Turtwig and her are very close friends. Meanwhile, Turtwig carries Pikachu somewhere in the middle of the forest. Turtwig tackles a tree, and a piece of fruit falls down on Pikachu's head. Pikachu wakes up, and Turtwig gives the fruit to Pikachu. Pikachu is a bit disgusted at first, but it decides to eat the fruit. Pikachu ends up liking the fruit.

Clara explains to Ash and co. that Turtwig is always helping out people and Pokémon. Dawn asks Clara if Turtwig belongs to her. Clara says that Turtwig is a wild Pokémon because she doesn't have the time to become a trainer or a coordinator. Clara says that fate brought her and Turtwig together. Ever since the day when her and Turtwig met, Turtwig has been helping out a lot. Some Pokémon in the forest even think of Turtwig as their leader. Meanwhile, a Mankey and Geodude are in a tree fighting over a berry. Turtwig tackles the tree to bring Geodude and Mankey down. Turtwig beats up Geodude and Mankey to stop the fighting. Clara adds in that sometimes Turtwig gets carried away when helping out.

Dawn notices that the Turtwig they met and the Turtwig back at Professor Rowan's place are different. Brock tells Dawn that Pokémon are similar to people, and that they have many different personalities. Ash doesn't understand why Turtwig was trying to keep him away from Pikachu. Clara tells Ash that Turtwig must've thought that he was trying to hurt Pikachu, and Turtwig didn't want that to happen. Ash decides to go out and find Pikachu. He will be able to get Pikachu back once he explains everything to Turtwig.

Turtwig has just given Mankey and Geodude an equal share of fruit. The two Pokémon happily accept the fruit, and then they walk away. Turtwig is exhausted from all its hard work, and it drifts off to sleep. Seconds later, Ash and co. come by. They see Pikachu and Turtwig. Turtwig immediately wakes up and attacks Ash. Ash falls to the ground, but he is able to get back up. Ash explains to Turtwig that he was only trying to hurt Pikachu, and that Team Rocket are the bad guys. Turtwig realizes its mistake, and it apologizes to Ash and co. Ash walks up to Turtwig. He tells Turtwig that he is grateful that it saved Pikachu. This makes Turtwig happier.

Suddenly, a Linoone appears in the opening, injured. Ash wonders what the problem is with Linoone. Dawn looks up Linoone in her Pokédex. Ash and Brock rush over to Linoone. They notice that Linoone is hurt badly, so they run over to Clara's house. When they get there, Brock has Linoone in his hands. He puts some healing herbs on Linoone to make its injuries go away. Clara notices that Brock is a great breeder. Meanwhile, Team Rocket is watching Ash and co. from their Magikarp submarine. They plan on capturing both Turtwig and Pikachu.

Brock has prepared a great stew for his friends. Dawn and Clara both compliment Brock on his fantastic cooking. Turtwig and Linoone are also enjoying their meal. Linoone likes Brock's food, too. Because Linoone finished its share of food, Turtwig shares its food with Linoone. Ash tells Turtwig that it is really nice. He takes another bowl and pours some stew in it. Then Ash gives the bowl of food to Turtwig. Turtwig is happy, and it bites on Ash's head. Clara explains that Turtwig is showing a sign of friendship towards Ash. Turtwig does the same to her, too. Clara signals Turtwig over, and she holds out a stick for Turtwig to bite on.

Suddenly, two plungers spring out, and they hook onto Pikachu and Turtwig. The plungers are pulled back, and Pikachu and Turtwig are placed into a cage. Team Rocket appears in their submarine, and they say their motto. Then Team Rocket takes off in their submarine with Pikachu and Turtwig. Ash jumps into the river. Dawn sends out Piplup to help Ash, and they both chase after Team Rocket. Then Dawn, Brock, and Clara leave, too.

Team Rocket happily pedals along in their submarine. Jessie looks in her binoculars, and she sees Ash and Piplup catching up to them. Ash and Piplup hold onto the cage. Team Rocket pedals faster, and they go underwater. Turtwig tries to tackle the cage, but it doesn't break. Ash quickly tells Pikachu to use Iron Tail followed by a Thunderbolt before he runs out of air. Pikachu uses Iron Tail first to crack the cage. Then Pikachu uses Thunderbolt. The cage breaks, and everyone receives an electrical shock.

Dawn, Brock, and Clara continue to run in search of Ash and the others. Suddenly, Ash and the Pokémon are thrown out of the river, and they land near Dawn, Brock, and Clara. Clara is glad to see that Ash and the Pokémon are alright. Ash thanks Piplup for helping him. Suddenly, Turtwig begins to glow. Dawn wonders what Turtwig is doing. Clara explains that Turtwig is performing a special move called Synthesis. The Synthesis allows Turtwig to recover quickly. Team Rocket then interrupts their reunion. They jump out of their submarine and onto land.

Team Rocket is sick of Ash and co. always ruining their plans. Jessie sends out Seviper, and James sends out Carnivine. Seviper uses Poison Tail, and Carnivine uses Bite. Turtwig tackles Seviper and Carnivine. Seviper and Carnivine are sent back to Team Rocket. Jessie and James order their Pokémon to use their same attacks again. This time Pikachu counters with Volt Tackle, causing Team Rocket to blast off again.

Ash and co. thank Clara for everything. Ash waves goodbye at Turtwig, and Ash and co. set on the road again. Clara realizes that Turtwig wants to go along with Ash. She tells Turtwig that she will be fine without it. Turtwig runs ahead and meets up with Ash. Clara tells Ash that Turtwig wants to go along with him. Ash is excited about getting a new Pokémon. However, Turtwig wants to battle Ash first, and Ash agrees to the battle.

Ash uses Pikachu for the battle. Turtwig starts off with Tackle, and Pikachu counters with Quick Attack. Pikachu slams into Turtwig. Turtwig falls backwards, but it gets back up and uses Razor Leaf. Pikachu dodges the attack. THen Turtwig charges towards Pikachu and uses Slam. Brock states that Turtwig has a good strategy. Turtwig charges towards Pikachu again. Dawn notices that Turtwig plans on using Bite. Pikachu jumps into the air to avoid the attack, but Turtwig jumps too and bites onto Pikachu's tail. Pikachu tries to shake Turtwig off, but Turtwig clings on tightly. Ash thinks for a moment and gets an idea. He tells Pikachu to run towards a nearby tree. When Pikachu comes close, it uses Iron Tail and slams Turtwig against the tree. Finally, Pikachu uses Thunderbolt to weaken Turtwig even more. Ash then throws the Pokéball. The Pokéball stops wiggling, and Ash captures Turtwig!

Dawn and Brock congratulate Ash for capturing Turtwig. Ash promises Clara that he will take good care of Turtwig. Now Ash and co. continue their way towards Jubilife City where Dawn's first contest awaits.


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Shoko Nakagawa
  • Japan 中川翔子
  • Japan Shōko Nakagawa
  • Japan Shoko Nakagawa
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 馬場裕之
  • Japan Hiroyuki Baba
  • Japan Hiroyuki Baba
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 山本博
  • Japan Hiroshi Yamamoto
  • Japan Hiroshi Yamamoto
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 秋山竜次
  • Japan Ryuuji Akiyama
  • Japan Ryuuji Akiyama
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Golgo Matsumoto
  • Japan ゴルゴ松本
  • Japan Golgo Matsumoto
  • Japan Golgo Matsumoto
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan レッド吉田
  • Japan Red Yoshida
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Director Lucario
  • Japan ルカリオ部長
  • Japan Director Buchō
  • Japan Director Lucario
No notes available for this episode.
Episode Music Regions
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Japanese Music:


Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 0
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 0
12 Oct 2008 03:00 AM
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12 Oct 2008 06:50 PM
Sunain Administrator
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George Kuroki, a vocal teacher and professional singer guest stars. He attempts to help Golgo and Professor Red, as well as five children, learn to sing better. He shows them how to control the air flow from their lungs to help them. The children later put on a musical act showcasing what they had learned.

A new intro also aired in this episode of Pokemon Sunday. This marks the fifth intro used for Pokemon Sunday. The intro starts off by showing the Tokyo Tower in an exaggerated size on top of the earth. The stars are out but it quickly changes to daytime as the announcer says, 'PokeMorning!'. Pikachu, Lucario and Hikozaru are flying over in the Pokemon Sunday balloon throughout the intro. Clips from the upcoming episode are shown and once again the Pokemon Sunday balloon appears as the video transitions to the live action beginning.

The highlight of this episode for me was when the gang got out the helium and began sniffing it to raise their voice. Shoko-tan began singing her famous song, Pokemon narikiri Sunday in a high squeaky voice. Helium is always good for a laugh.
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