Home / Episode Guide / ダイヤモンド&パールリターンズ「ポッチャマ対スボミー!ヒカリ初バトル!!」 「シャボン玉イリュージョン!」ポケモンカードゲーム特別講座/Diamond & Pearl Returns 'Pochama vs. Subomie Hikari's First Battle!!' / 'Bubble Illusions!' / Pokemon Card Game Special Lecture
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Titles and Airdates


  • Japan ダイヤモンド&パールリターンズ「ポッチャマ対スボミー!ヒカリ初バトル!!」 「シャボン玉イリュージョン!」ポケモンカードゲーム特別講座
  • Japan Diamond & Pearl Returns 「Pochama Tai Subomie! Hikari Hatsu Battle!!」 / 「Shabondama Illusion!」 / Pokemon Card Game Tokubetsu Kouza
  • Japan Diamond & Pearl Returns 'Pochama vs. Subomie Hikari's First Battle!!' / 'Bubble Illusions!' / Pokemon Card Game Special Lecture


OP/ED List

ポケモン☆サンデー (バージョン5)
Pokémon Sunday (Version 5)
Episode Actors Regions
Dawn stands in front of a Buneary. She wants to capture it. She holds out her Pokéball. Ash says that she needs to make the Pokéball bigger first. Dawn makes the Pokéball bigger by pressing the button. Then she throws it, but it gets thrown at Ash's face instead of Buneary. Ash makes an argument about it, and Dawn fights back. Brock, Pikachu, and Piplup watch Ash and Dawn fight. While they are fighting, Piplup sees Buneary escape.

Dawn blames Ash for having the Buneary escape. Ash fights back by saying Dawn was doing stupid things. Brock tells both of them to stop. Suddenly, the sky lights up with bright light. Brock notices that a Sunny Day is taking effect. Sunny Day is a Pokémon move that temporarily powers up fire type moves. A Budew walks up to Ash and co. Ash looks up Budew in his Pokédex. Dawn notices that Budew is very cute. Brock wonders if it was Budew who caused the Sunny Day. A mysterious trainer walks up to them and tells them that the Budew did cause the Sunny Day. He tells them that the Sunny Day was to get Ash and Dawn to stop fighting, for Ash and Dawn are now happy. Ash and Dawn do notice that they are feeling a lot better.

Ash, Dawn, and Brock then introduce themselves to the trainer. The trainer introduces himself as Nando to Ash and co. He tells them that he owns the Budew. Dawn wants to battle Nando for some experience. Ash tells Dawn that this will be her first battle with a trainer, but Dawn tells him not to worry. Nando asks Dawn if she is on a quest to battle in the Sinnoh League. Dawn tells him that her quest is to battle in the Grand Festival. Nando tells her that they will have a contest battle, and he leads the group to an opening up ahead.

Team Rocket pops out of the bushes. They notice that Dawn is with Ash and co. Jessie wants to win the next, upcoming contest, so that she can beat Dawn. When Ash and co. arrive at the open field, Dawn and Nando face each other. Dawn sends out Piplup. Nando tells Dawn that she can have the first attack. Dawn knows that her opponent is a grass type, so a flying type would work best. She orders Piplup to use Peck. Before Piplup can hit Budew, Budew jumps into the air, dodging the attack. Then Budew uses Bullet Seed, but Piplup dodges the attack. Piplup fights back with Bubblebeam. The attack hits Budew, but Budew doesn't receive a lot of damage because water attacks don't do much against grass types like Budew. Budew begins to charge for a Solarbeam attack. Dawn knows that Solarbeam takes time to charge up, so she orders Piplup to use Peck. Before Piplup can get to Budew, Budew is all charged up, and it fires the Solarbeam at Piplup. The Solarbeam hits Piplup directly, and Piplup faints.

Dawn wonders how Budew was able to charge up so fast. Brock assumes that the Sunny Day effect was able to help Budew charge up faster. Nando congratulates Dawn for doing her best since it was her first battle. Ash and Brock tell Dawn that she can learn a lot and get stronger from her first battle. Then Nando begins to walk away.

Jessie is glad that Dawn was beat. She thinks that she could easily beat Dawn in battle. James and Meowth think that Jessie should just do it, but Jessie says that they first have to capture Pikachu. Meanwhile, Ash and co. continue to walk through the forest. Dawn is disappointed that she couldn't catch a Pokémon or defeat a trainer in battle. Ash tells Dawn that a good dinner and lots of sleep will make her feel better in the morning. Brock looks at his guide book and sees that there is a Pokémon Center nearby. He sends out Bonsly. He tells Bonsly that it will be able to get checked out by Nurse Joy. Dawn looks up Bonsly in her Pokédex. Ash asks Brock if he brought any of his other Pokémon along. Brock tells Ash that he only brought Bonsly. All his other Pokémon are with his brothers and sisters back in the gym. Nurse Joy greets Ash and co. when they arrive at the Pokémon Center. Dawn asks Nurse Joy if she is from Sandgim Town since they look familiar. Brock holds up a picture at Dawn. The picture contains a picture of all the Nurse Joy in Sinnoh. Brock says that all the Nurse Joy are different even though they look alike. He takes Nurse Joy's hand and tells her that she is very beautiful. Dawn notices that same behavior Brock had with Officer Jenny. Later that evening, Dawn gives her mother a call. Dawn tells her mother that everything is okay, and that there is nothing to worry about. Dawn's mother is relying on Ash and Brock to look after her. Then Nurse Joy walks up to Ash and co. She asks Ash if he has registered for the Sinnoh League. Ash is surprised that he forgot. Nurse Joy takes Ash's Pokédex and registers him. She gives the Pokédex back to Ash when she's done.

Three other trainers walk in and ask Nurse Joy if she would heal their Pokémon. Dawn recognizes a Chimchar, Turtwig, and Prinplup, the evolve form of Piplup. Dawn looks up Prinplup in her Pokédex. Then Nando walks in the Pokémon Center. He greets Dawn. Nurse Joy gives Budew back to Nando. Nando thanks Nurse Joy for taking care of Budew. Dawn asks him if he will also be staying at the Pokémon Center. Nando tells her that he needs to ponder with a few other things. Ash wonders what Nando is pondering about. Nurse Joy tells him that Nando participates in both gym battles and contests, and he can't decide which one he should do. Ash thinks that he should go for gym battles because his Budew is very strong. Dawn obviously thinks that he should participate in Pokémon contests instead. Ash and Dawn begin to fight again, and they run off. Brock runs after them.

Ash and co. wonder where Nando went. Ash asks Starly if it saw Nando. Starly shakes its head no. Brock says that Starly would've seen him if he was here. Ash returns Starly back into its Pokéball. Ash apologizes to Dawn because now they have to camp out in the forest. Dawn wonders why they can't just go back into the Pokémon Center. Ash tells her that it's too far away. Suddenly, two people walk up to Ash and co. They invite them into their inn. They point to the inn behind them. Ash and co. wonder why there would be an inn in the middle of the forest. The two people state that they like travelers. Suddenly, the inn falls causing smoke. When the smoke clears, the two people are revealed as Jessie and James. Meowth comes out, and the three of them say their motto.

James sends out Carnivine for battle. Ash and co. notice that they have a new Pokémon. Ash looks up Carnivine in his Pokédex. Dawn sends out Piplup. Piplup uses Bubblebeam, but the attack doesn't have much of an effect on Carnivine, a grass type. Then Carnivine uses Bite. Before Carnivne can hit Piplup, Budew tackles Carnivine. Ash and co. are surprised to see Budew. Budew fires a Bullet Seed at Team Rocket, causing them to blast off again.

Nando walks out into the opening. He hopes that Ash and co. are alright. Ash says that they were just looking for Nando a few moments ago. A fire is built, and Ash tells Nando that he should use Budew in gym battles, while Dawn says that he should use Budew in contests. Ash and Dawn begin to fight again. Nando tells both of them to stop fighting, so that they can hear the forest sing. They stop and listen to all the Pokémon in the forest sing at once. Dawn notices how gorgeous the sounds are. She apologizes to Ash for all the complaining she has caused. She promises to do better next time. Ash also apologizes to Dawn for all the trouble he has caused. Ash mentions that on his first day back in Pallet Town, he saw a Pokémon that looked like a Ho-oh. Dawn tells Ash that she saw something similar on her first day. She mentions that the world is full of mysterious Pokémon. Then Ash challenges Nando to a battle. Nando accepts Ash's challenge.

Ash chooses Pikachu for the battle, while Nando chooses Budew. Pikachu starts off with Quick Attack, and Budew uses Bullet Seed. Pikachu dodges Budew's attack and hits Budew with full force. Budew then fights back with Mega Drain. Pikachu's health is sucked out of Pikachu, and it heals Budew. Pikachu is able to get up, and it uses Thunderbolt on Budew. The electric attack directly hits Budew. Suddenly, Budew begins to glow. It evolves into Roselia. Ash is suprised to see Budew evolving into Roselia. Nando commands Roselia to use Sunny Day. Roselia creates a bright sunny light. Then it uses Solarbeam. Pikachu dodges the attack by jumping in the air. Then Pikachu uses Iron Tail on Roselia, knocking it out. Ash wins the battle.

Nando returns Roselia back into its Pokéball. Nando tells Ash and co. that he has decided to do both gym battles and contests. He couldn't imagine to give up both. Nando then bids farewell, and Ash and co. continue their journey.Dawn stands in front of a Buneary. She wants to capture it. She holds out her Pokéball. Ash says that she needs to make the Pokéball bigger first. Dawn makes the Pokéball bigger by pressing the button. Then she throws it, but it gets thrown at Ash's face instead of Buneary. Ash makes an argument about it, and Dawn fights back. Brock, Pikachu, and Piplup watch Ash and Dawn fight. While they are fighting, Piplup sees Buneary escape.

Dawn blames Ash for having the Buneary escape. Ash fights back by saying Dawn was doing stupid things. Brock tells both of them to stop. Suddenly, the sky lights up with bright light. Brock notices that a Sunny Day is taking effect. Sunny Day is a Pokémon move that temporarily powers up fire type moves. A Budew walks up to Ash and co. Ash looks up Budew in his Pokédex. Dawn notices that Budew is very cute. Brock wonders if it was Budew who caused the Sunny Day. A mysterious trainer walks up to them and tells them that the Budew did cause the Sunny Day. He tells them that the Sunny Day was to get Ash and Dawn to stop fighting, for Ash and Dawn are now happy. Ash and Dawn do notice that they are feeling a lot better.

Ash, Dawn, and Brock then introduce themselves to the trainer. The trainer introduces himself as Nando to Ash and co. He tells them that he owns the Budew. Dawn wants to battle Nando for some experience. Ash tells Dawn that this will be her first battle with a trainer, but Dawn tells him not to worry. Nando asks Dawn if she is on a quest to battle in the Sinnoh League. Dawn tells him that her quest is to battle in the Grand Festival. Nando tells her that they will have a contest battle, and he leads the group to an opening up ahead.

Team Rocket pops out of the bushes. They notice that Dawn is with Ash and co. Jessie wants to win the next, upcoming contest, so that she can beat Dawn. When Ash and co. arrive at the open field, Dawn and Nando face each other. Dawn sends out Piplup. Nando tells Dawn that she can have the first attack. Dawn knows that her opponent is a grass type, so a flying type would work best. She orders Piplup to use Peck. Before Piplup can hit Budew, Budew jumps into the air, dodging the attack. Then Budew uses Bullet Seed, but Piplup dodges the attack. Piplup fights back with Bubblebeam. The attack hits Budew, but Budew doesn't receive a lot of damage because water attacks don't do much against grass types like Budew. Budew begins to charge for a Solarbeam attack. Dawn knows that Solarbeam takes time to charge up, so she orders Piplup to use Peck. Before Piplup can get to Budew, Budew is all charged up, and it fires the Solarbeam at Piplup. The Solarbeam hits Piplup directly, and Piplup faints.

Dawn wonders how Budew was able to charge up so fast. Brock assumes that the Sunny Day effect was able to help Budew charge up faster. Nando congratulates Dawn for doing her best since it was her first battle. Ash and Brock tell Dawn that she can learn a lot and get stronger from her first battle. Then Nando begins to walk away.

Jessie is glad that Dawn was beat. She thinks that she could easily beat Dawn in battle. James and Meowth think that Jessie should just do it, but Jessie says that they first have to capture Pikachu. Meanwhile, Ash and co. continue to walk through the forest. Dawn is disappointed that she couldn't catch a Pokémon or defeat a trainer in battle. Ash tells Dawn that a good dinner and lots of sleep will make her feel better in the morning. Brock looks at his guide book and sees that there is a Pokémon Center nearby. He sends out Bonsly. He tells Bonsly that it will be able to get checked out by Nurse Joy. Dawn looks up Bonsly in her Pokédex. Ash asks Brock if he brought any of his other Pokémon along. Brock tells Ash that he only brought Bonsly. All his other Pokémon are with his brothers and sisters back in the gym. Nurse Joy greets Ash and co. when they arrive at the Pokémon Center. Dawn asks Nurse Joy if she is from Sandgim Town since they look familiar. Brock holds up a picture at Dawn. The picture contains a picture of all the Nurse Joy in Sinnoh. Brock says that all the Nurse Joy are different even though they look alike. He takes Nurse Joy's hand and tells her that she is very beautiful. Dawn notices that same behavior Brock had with Officer Jenny. Later that evening, Dawn gives her mother a call. Dawn tells her mother that everything is okay, and that there is nothing to worry about. Dawn's mother is relying on Ash and Brock to look after her. Then Nurse Joy walks up to Ash and co. She asks Ash if he has registered for the Sinnoh League. Ash is surprised that he forgot. Nurse Joy takes Ash's Pokédex and registers him. She gives the Pokédex back to Ash when she's done.

Three other trainers walk in and ask Nurse Joy if she would heal their Pokémon. Dawn recognizes a Chimchar, Turtwig, and Prinplup, the evolve form of Piplup. Dawn looks up Prinplup in her Pokédex. Then Nando walks in the Pokémon Center. He greets Dawn. Nurse Joy gives Budew back to Nando. Nando thanks Nurse Joy for taking care of Budew. Dawn asks him if he will also be staying at the Pokémon Center. Nando tells her that he needs to ponder with a few other things. Ash wonders what Nando is pondering about. Nurse Joy tells him that Nando participates in both gym battles and contests, and he can't decide which one he should do. Ash thinks that he should go for gym battles because his Budew is very strong. Dawn obviously thinks that he should participate in Pokémon contests instead. Ash and Dawn begin to fight again, and they run off. Brock runs after them.

Ash and co. wonder where Nando went. Ash asks Starly if it saw Nando. Starly shakes its head no. Brock says that Starly would've seen him if he was here. Ash returns Starly back into its Pokéball. Ash apologizes to Dawn because now they have to camp out in the forest. Dawn wonders why they can't just go back into the Pokémon Center. Ash tells her that it's too far away. Suddenly, two people walk up to Ash and co. They invite them into their inn. They point to the inn behind them. Ash and co. wonder why there would be an inn in the middle of the forest. The two people state that they like travelers. Suddenly, the inn falls causing smoke. When the smoke clears, the two people are revealed as Jessie and James. Meowth comes out, and the three of them say their motto.

James sends out Carnivine for battle. Ash and co. notice that they have a new Pokémon. Ash looks up Carnivine in his Pokédex. Dawn sends out Piplup. Piplup uses Bubblebeam, but the attack doesn't have much of an effect on Carnivine, a grass type. Then Carnivine uses Bite. Before Carnivne can hit Piplup, Budew tackles Carnivine. Ash and co. are surprised to see Budew. Budew fires a Bullet Seed at Team Rocket, causing them to blast off again.

Nando walks out into the opening. He hopes that Ash and co. are alright. Ash says that they were just looking for Nando a few moments ago. A fire is built, and Ash tells Nando that he should use Budew in gym battles, while Dawn says that he should use Budew in contests. Ash and Dawn begin to fight again. Nando tells both of them to stop fighting, so that they can hear the forest sing. They stop and listen to all the Pokémon in the forest sing at once. Dawn notices how gorgeous the sounds are. She apologizes to Ash for all the complaining she has caused. She promises to do better next time. Ash also apologizes to Dawn for all the trouble he has caused. Ash mentions that on his first day back in Pallet Town, he saw a Pokémon that looked like a Ho-oh. Dawn tells Ash that she saw something similar on her first day. She mentions that the world is full of mysterious Pokémon. Then Ash challenges Nando to a battle. Nando accepts Ash's challenge.

Ash chooses Pikachu for the battle, while Nando chooses Budew. Pikachu starts off with Quick Attack, and Budew uses Bullet Seed. Pikachu dodges Budew's attack and hits Budew with full force. Budew then fights back with Mega Drain. Pikachu's health is sucked out of Pikachu, and it heals Budew. Pikachu is able to get up, and it uses Thunderbolt on Budew. The electric attack directly hits Budew. Suddenly, Budew begins to glow. It evolves into Roselia. Ash is suprised to see Budew evolving into Roselia. Nando commands Roselia to use Sunny Day. Roselia creates a bright sunny light. Then it uses Solarbeam. Pikachu dodges the attack by jumping in the air. Then Pikachu uses Iron Tail on Roselia, knocking it out. Ash wins the battle.

Nando returns Roselia back into its Pokéball. Nando tells Ash and co. that he has decided to do both gym battles and contests. He couldn't imagine to give up both. Nando then bids farewell, and Ash and co. continue their journey.


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Shoko Nakagawa
  • Japan 中川翔子
  • Japan Shōko Nakagawa
  • Japan Shoko Nakagawa
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 馬場裕之
  • Japan Hiroyuki Baba
  • Japan Hiroyuki Baba
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 山本博
  • Japan Hiroshi Yamamoto
  • Japan Hiroshi Yamamoto
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 秋山竜次
  • Japan Ryuuji Akiyama
  • Japan Ryuuji Akiyama
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Golgo Matsumoto
  • Japan ゴルゴ松本
  • Japan Golgo Matsumoto
  • Japan Golgo Matsumoto
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan レッド吉田
  • Japan Red Yoshida
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Director Lucario
  • Japan ルカリオ部長
  • Japan Director Buchō
  • Japan Director Lucario
No notes available for this episode.
Episode Music Regions
Music Player

Japanese Music:


Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 0
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 0
05 Oct 2008 01:34 AM
Sunain Administrator
Joined: 18 Jun 2007
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This was by far one of the best episodes of Pokemon Sunday in ages. In this weeks episode, the international acclaimed bubble artist Fan Yang visits the Pokemon Sunday team. He does a performance for them to show off some of his skills. The bubble show was absolutely incredible. He was able to do things with the bubbles that were amazing. It's quite obvious that he couldn't speak Japanese, as when he was asked what his favourite Pokemon was, he was surprised that it was his turn to speak. He also looked like he was reading his answers of a teleprompter. Obviously his favourite Pokemon is Pochama. Professor Red seemed to like being in the bubble with Shoko-tan, heh.

The cast also seemed to have received new outfits as the last ones they had were quite tight. I hope they do more episodes like this in the future instead of recap quiz shows like they did last week.
Administrator of PocketMonsters.net
05 Oct 2008 03:00 AM
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05 Oct 2008 04:53 PM
Joined: 24 Aug 2008
Posts: 6
This was a good episode but the part with the cards was a little boring for me.