Home / Episode Guide / Pokémon Revival 'Blimp Accident!?' / Pokémon Orienteering!? 'Delicious Curry' / Diamond & Pearl Project/ポケモンリバイバル 「ひこうせんはふこうせん!?」 ポケモンオリエンテーリング!?「おいしいカレー」 ダイヤモンド・パールプロジェクト
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Titles and Airdates


  • Japan ポケモンリバイバル 「ひこうせんはふこうせん!?」 ポケモンオリエンテーリング!?「おいしいカレー」 ダイヤモンド・パールプロジェクト
  • Japan Pokémon Revival 「Hikōsen wa Fukōsen!?」 Pokémon Orienteering!? 「Oishii Curry」 / Diamond・Pearl Project
  • Japan Pokémon Revival 'Blimp Accident!?' / Pokémon Orienteering!? 'Delicious Curry' / Diamond & Pearl Project


OP/ED List

ポケモン☆サンデー (バージョン4)
Pokémon Sunday (Version 4)
Episode Actors Regions
Brock is busy reading his Guide Book. He dreams of the beach and girls. They need to get to Volencia Island to get a PokéBall. Ash comes out of the store with a bunch of food and Ash says that it will take at least a month to get there, so he bought a lot of food. Brock adds on that it will take them less than a day if they go by blimp. Pikachu is struggling with the bag it's carrying.

Nearby a man rings a bell exclaiming that the woman has won something. She has won a pair of kitchen magnets. The shop's grand prize is a blimp to Volencia Island. Ash wants to try to win a trip to the island. Misty doubts that he will win. Ash takes part of the game, and he wins the grand prize.

Meanwhile, Team Rocket is busy contacting their boss through a computer. The boss tells Jessie, James, and Meowth that they are going to the Blimpbrigade. He adds in that only the best members are chosen for the job. The boss pets his Persian, and signs off. Jessie, James, and Meowth are crying for the fact that the boss thinks that they are special. Meanwhile, the boss says that the blimps are out of shape. Only the insurance policies are updated.

Ash and co. walks past the gate. Infront of them is a gigantic blimp. Two guys show up asking if they are going on the blimp. When they hear Ash's response, the people assume that they are brave. The guys lean in closer, and they tell Ash and co. that the blimp is haunted by ghosts. Team Rocket, dressed in uniforms, knocks the guys away. They welcome Ash and co. for their blimp ride. Team Rocket leads Ash and co. into the blimp. Meowth assumes that the boss knew that Ash and co. would be coming their way. Jigglypuff walks nearby and sees the lever as a microphone. It pulls down the lever and rushing water comes out at Jigglypuff's way. The blimp slowly takes off, trapping Jigglypuff in the rope.

Ash and co. enters a room to only see a mess. Squeaking is heard under Ash's shoes. Suddenly, the floor collapses with Ash hanging on for his life. Misty and Brock both pull Ash up. Tired, Ash thanks Misty and Brock for saving him. Jessie enters the room, and she notices that the group is relaxing. James comes in seconds later announcing that dinner is ready. Brock tastes some of his soup. He tells Team Rocket that it is ice cold. James says that the soup is their eskimo recipe. The blimp starts to tilt sideways. Ash and co. wants to know who is flying the blimp. Jessie and James don't have any idea, so they ask Meowth. Meowth tells them that the blimp must be flying by itself. Realizing this, Team Rocket runs to the pilot area. They wonder who should fly the blimp. Meowth checks the manual for instructions. Meowth says that their is two tanks of water in the blimp. They both have to be balanced in order for the blimp to not wobble around.

James pulls a lever. Rushing water pours out on Jigglypuff. Jigglypuff gets mad and starts to climb up the rope. The blimp is still wobbling around. They just keep letting water come out from both sides. Ash and co. are rocking back and forth in the room. A few moments later they get back on level. James notices that they are flying into a huge storm. Meowth suggests that they let water out of the front tank, so that they can fly above the storm. The front take opens, but nothing comes out. Jigglypuff continues to climb up the rope and into the front tank. James announces that the front tank is empty. Their only choice is an emergency landing. Meowth explains that when the red button is pressed, all the gas is let out and they land in the ocean. Team Rocket can't do that or the boss will get mad. Jessie says that if they capture Pikachu, the boss wouldn't care.

Ash and co. recovers from their big crash. Misty asks how Togepi is feeling, but in her hands is a red sculpture. She screams because Togepi is gone.

They search the hallways for Togepi. They search the trash cans, fireplace, and other small hiding spots. Jigglypuff walks by seeing another object. Thinking that it is a microphone, Jigglypuff gets wrapped up in a tablecloth. Ash and co. climbs up a ladder to the top of the blimp. They call out for Togepi, but no one responds. Suddenly, a white figure runs by. Thinking that it might be Togepi, the group runs to check it out. The same white figure comes out in the opening. They think that it is a ghost. The ghost gets closer, and the group runs away.

Meanwhile, Team Rocket is searching for Ash and co. Meowth thinks that they are invisible. Jessie grabs Meowth and starts scolding it. Meowth shows the face expression that he has seen a ghost. Jessie and James turns around, and the white figure appears. Team Rocket screams in terror, and they quickly run away. The ghost is actually Jigglypuff wrapped in the white tablecloth.

Ash suggests that they leave, but Misty refuses to leave without Togepi. Suddenly, Team Rocket appears and they say their motto. When Team Rocket finishes, they demand for Pikachu. Jessie sends out Arbok, and James sends out Weezing. Arbok prepares for a Bite attack, but Pikachu uses Thundershock to zap Arbok. Everyone else gets zapped too. Misty tells Ash that the blimp will explode if Pikachu uses electric attacks. Brock sends out Geodude. Geodude and Weezing begins to tackle each other. Geodude catches Weezing with its arms, and tosses Weezing like a bowling ball. Weezing creates a big gap in the blimp. The gap gets bigger. Misty sees Togepi walking on the edge of the blimp. Jessie and James sigh in their sorrow. Misty tells Togepi to come down, but Togepi doesn't listen.

Misty decides to go up the ladder. Bulbasaur uses its vines to keep Misty balanced. Team Rocket is busy getting an idea to capture Pikachu. If they can walk on the beam, then they can snatch Pikachu. Meowth decides to walk on the beam. Suddenly, the blimp makes it out of the storm, and a bright light from the sun shines on Meowth. Meowth screams for help because the light is irritating him. Meanwhile, Misty takes a few more steps closer to Togepi. Jigglypuff comes in and is about to sing. Some more turbulence occurs, and Team Rocket falls out of the balloon. Meowth grabs a hold of the cloth and uses it as a parachute. Jigglypuff bounces back on the blimp, and starts to sing. Team Rocket gets drowsy. They let go of the parachute, and they fall into the ocean.

Misty finally has Togepi, and Bulbasaur brings her back down. Misty tells Togepi to not wonder off again. The gas starts to leak from the tanks. Brock tells Ash and Misty to send out their Pokémon. Ash states that the Pokémon will help steer the blimp. All the Pokémon are sent out. Brock tries to steer the blimp to the next island. Misty tells Ash to move the Pokémon to the front of the blimp. The Pokémon goes too far, and then they go too far back. Brock eventually makes their landing on the island. The island just so happens to be Volencia Island. The whole blimp is torn apart. Now Ash and co. has to find the mysterious PokéBall, and bring it back to Professor Oak.


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Shoko Nakagawa
  • Japan 中川翔子
  • Japan Shōko Nakagawa
  • Japan Shoko Nakagawa
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 馬場裕之
  • Japan Hiroyuki Baba
  • Japan Hiroyuki Baba
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 山本博
  • Japan Hiroshi Yamamoto
  • Japan Hiroshi Yamamoto
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 秋山竜次
  • Japan Ryuuji Akiyama
  • Japan Ryuuji Akiyama
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Golgo Matsumoto
  • Japan ゴルゴ松本
  • Japan Golgo Matsumoto
  • Japan Golgo Matsumoto
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan レッド吉田
  • Japan Red Yoshida
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Director Lucario
  • Japan ルカリオ部長
  • Japan Director Buchō
  • Japan Director Lucario
No notes available for this episode.
Episode Music Regions
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Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 0
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 0
15 Oct 2006 03:00 AM
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