Home / Episode Guide / ポケモンリバイバル 「ポケモンレンジャー!デオキシス・クライシス!!(前編)」/Pokémon Revival 「Pokemon Ranger! Deoxys Crisis!! Part 1」
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Titles and Airdates


  • Japan ポケモンリバイバル 「ポケモンレンジャー!デオキシス・クライシス!!(前編)」
  • Japan Pokémon Revival 「Pokemon Ranger! Deoxys Crisis!! (Zenpen)」
  • Japan Pokémon Revival 「Pokemon Ranger! Deoxys Crisis!! Part 1」


OP/ED List

Episode Actors Regions
May starts off by talking about her contests and how she will make it to the Grand Festival. Brock can't wait to get to Pewter City since that is where the group is headed, and it is Brock's hometown. Ash can't wait to win his next symbol. The group comes to the edge of a cliff. Out in the opening is a beautiful mountain range. A flock of Swablu and Altaria fly in the sky. A large aurora fills the sky with purple light. Pikachu suddenly feels weakened. Sparks come out of its cheeks. Soon, the flock of Swablu and Altaria begin to weaken, and they slow down. Ash decides to use Swellow to guide the Swablu and Altaria. Unfortunately, his Pokéball doesn't work. May and Brock get out their Pokéballs too, however their Pokéballs don't work either. Max checks his Pokenav, but it isn't working either.

A woman walks up to the edge of the cliff. It is Solana, the Pokémon Ranger Ash and co. met earlier. Brock has hearts in his eyes as he sees Solana. Solana tells him to stop because they have to help the Pokémon. Solana gets out her capture device. She opens it up and scans the Pokémon. Finding a well, healthy one she uses her capture device to capture an Altaria from the flock. She commands the Altaria to use Refresh. After this, the Altaria leads its friends back to their homes.

Ash and co. walk up to Solana. Ash asks Solana her reason for being her. Solana tells everyone that she has been detecting some strange geomagnetric activity. This activity is similar to the forces given off from the earth, however it has been acting strange lately. Because the Swablu and Altaria use these geomagnetric fields to keep them in place, the disturbance threw them way off. These disturbances also affect electric Pokémon which is why Pikachu and Plusle were weak. Max wonders why Solana's capture device was working even though the Pokéballs and Pokenav don't work. Solana tells Max that they seal the capture devices from any disturbances so that they can work for any kind of emergency.

Suddenly, out of the sky emerges a Deoxys. Solana wonders if Deoxys has any importance on their strange happenings. Max stares at Deoxys right in the eye. Max sees a vision of space. Deoxys then slowly disappears back into the sky. When Deoxys disappears, Solana thinks that they should go to a nearby Pokémon Center.

Brock immediately falls in love with Nurse Joy as soon as he sees her. Max quickly drags him away. Solana asks Nurse Joy if her computer system has been working well. Nurse Joy points to the screen. It won't start up at all because of the geomagnetric disturbances. Solana reports to Nurse Joy that she saw a Deoxys. She thinks that Deoxys is the cause of all the strange things. Solana explains to Ash and co. that last week strange things began to happen around the Pokémon Center. Ash wonders what Deoxys would be doing here. Solana tells Ash that this isn't Deoxys's first appearance. It once appeared in LaRousse City. Dr. Yung, a professor in the city, said that Deoxys might've come from a meteorite. Nurse Joy says that a meteorite crashed nearby ten years ago. Nurse Joy runs to the back of the room to find the location of the meteorite. Max wants to go with Solana to find Deoxys. Because the mission could be rough, Solana tells Max and the others to stay behind. Nurse Joy comes back with a map that shows the location of the meteorite.

From behind the Pokémon Center is Team Rocket. They have overheard the conversation about Deoxys. Meowth thinks that the donating Deoxys to the boss will make them rich. Jessie and James loves Meowth's brilliant idea. They begin to follow Solana.

Plusle is beginning to feel weak again. Solana senses that it must be coming from the geomagnetic disturbance. She sees a cave ahead and assumes that the disturbances must be coming from it. Before she walks in the cave, she hears a sound coming from the bushes. Knowing that it is Max, she tells him to come out. Soon later, Ash, May, and Brock come too. They all want to see Deoxys. Solana decides to let them all come as long as they stay out of trouble. Solana gets out a device that detecs the geomagnetic waves. Brock gladly takes it from her. Team Rocket pops out from their hiding place as soon as Ash and co. disappear inside the cave. James feels a frosty gust and gets cold. Meowth scolds at James and tells him to "suck it up." Then they go inside the cave. As they walk deeper into the cave, the geomagnetic waves disappear. Pikachu and Plusle feel a lot better now that the waves are gone. Solana thinks that the side effect is only temporary. Up ahead is a Miltank. Solana uses her capture device to capture it. Solana says that Miltank will help them out later. Later they find the meteorite. The huge chunk of rock is half embedded into the ground. Max asks Solana if she is sure that Deoxys is the source for all the problems. Max doesn't think that the problems were caused because of Deoxys.

Suddenly, the cave begins to shake and the geomagnetic waves come again. Team Rocket, thinking that it is Deoxys, runs up to the meteorite. Out comes Deoxys from a bubble. Both Pikachu and Plusle feel the rough energy from Deoxys. It fires a Psycho Boost attack at the gang. Ash and co. run for cover. Pikachu uses Thunderbolt, but Deoxys protects itself from the attack. Solana explains that Deoxys has four forms - Normal, Attack, Defense, and Speed. However she can only capture Deoxys in its normal form. From its defense form, Deoxys returns back to normal. Solana fires her capture disc at Deoxys. Unfortunately, Deoxys dodges the disc with its speed form. Then Deoxys begins to talk to Ash and co., however they can't understand a single word Deoxys is trying to say. Deoxys returns back to its normal form. Solana tries to capture it again but fails. Then Deoxys fires another Psycho Boost at Ash and co. They duck again.

Team Rocket pops out from behind a rock. Meowth notices that Deoxys is in pain. They see Deoxys fly around in circles. Max thinks that there is something very wrong with Deoxys. Solana does a scan on Deoxys with her capture device. She sees that Deoxys is in a large amount of pain. She has Miltank use Heal Bell. The healing attack works and Deoxys calms down. The geomagnetic levels also go down. Solana tries to capture Deoxys again. Just before the capture ring can capture Deoxys, Deoxys switches to its defense form. Deoxys fires another Psycho Boost at the group. Because of this, Miltank runs away in fear.

Team Rocket appears on the meteorite and they say their motto. Deoxys creeps up behind Team Rocket. Jessie and James sees Deoxys, and they slip down the meteorite. Meowth still stands on the meteorite in front of Deoxys. Deoxys tries to talk to Meowth. Max begins to climb up the meteorite. May tells Max to come back, but Max continues to climb. When he reaches the top, Max asks Meowth if he can understand what Deoxys is trying to say. Unfortunately, Meowth cannot. Deoxys surrounds itself, Max, and Meowth behind a Safeguard. This prevents the others from interfering. Since no one can understand what Deoxys is trying to say, Deoxys uses Meowth to communicate with Max and the others. Deoxys starts off by telling Max that it is scared. Max introduces himself to Deoxys. He wants to know more about Deoxys and what it is scared of. A vision of space floats in Max's mind. Max sees this vision and feels the coldness in space. Deoxys, Meowth, and Max begin to float away. May cries out for her brother while Jessie and James calls out for Meowth. The three of them disappear. At the Pokémon Center, Team Rocket begs Ash and co. to help them save Meowth. Ash agrees to help Team Rocket. Brock agrees too since they will have more success when working together. Solana has just received a reply from the Ranger Base. She tells everyone about solar wind. They are in a period of time where sunspots occur. Sunspots are dark spots on the sun that are much cooler than other areas on the sun. When the sunspots get larger, the solar winds get stronger. According the information the Ranger Base sent Solana, the cave is responsible for all the disturbances.

Max wakes up only to find himself in a completely white room. Meowth is also in the room. Deoxys appears in the room seconds later. Max asks Deoxys where they are at. Deoxys takes control of Meowth again in order to communicate with Max. Max asks Deoxys where they are at. Deoxys replies by saying that they are in his room. Max asks about the cave, and apparently Deoxys hates the cave. Max then asks Deoxys where he came from. Deoxys tells Max that he came from space. The meteorite brought him to earth. Deoxys was frigid cold, there was no sound, and Deoxys was scared. Then suddenly, there was a loud sound and the meteorite crashed on the earth. When Deoxys landed on the earth, he thought that he would have friends. However, the cave was quiet, no one was there. Max tells Deoxys that he isn't alone anymore and that there are lots of Pokémon on the earth.

Ash and co. are walking inside the cave again. Brock detects no geomagnetic waves on the radar. May and Jessie call out for Max and Meowth. When they receive no answer, Brock suggests that they have their Pokémon help their search. Ash, May, and Brock all send out their Pokémon. Ash tells all the Pokémon to search for Max and Meowth. Ash asks Solana what she will do when she finds Deoxys. Solana tells Ash that she will first capture Deoxys and then have it use Recover. Recover may turn Deoxys back to normal if it is successful. Suddenly, the disturbance occurs again. Ash places Pikachu in his backpack and Nurse Joy takes care of Plusle. They run towards the meteorite.

Deoxys feels a sharp of pain rushing throughout its body. Meowth recovers again from Deoxys's spell. From Deoxys's room, Max and Meowth can see the inside of the cave. Then they see Ash, May, and Brock's Pokémon. Ash and co. catch up. They see Max and Meowth trapped in a Deoxys's room. Deoxys comes out of its room and faces Ash and co. It begins to speak, but Ash and co. cannot understand a single word Deoxys is trying to say. The meteorite begins to spark. Massive geomagnetic waves are formed. The radar that Brock was holding breaks. Solana scans the meteorite. She finds out that the meteorite is what has been causing all the problems. Ash and co. runs out of the cave as fast as they can before the meteorite explodes. Unfortunately, they are too late and the meteorite explodes.

Everyone recovers from the explosion. They have landed in a valley. Solana soon figures out what has been happening. The solar wind's energy and the meteorite's energy transformed into Deoxys. However, becuase of all the disturbances, Deoxys had to escape from the meteorite very quickly. Nurse Joy is sadden by this. The meteorite has been causing so much pain to Deoxys. May thinks that this is what Deoxys had been trying to say to them.

Dark clouds begin to form around Ash and co. Deoxys appears in its defense form. Solana takes out her capture device. She needs everyones' help in order to capture Deoxys. Deoxys switches to attack form and fires a Psycho Boost at the group. Sceptile uses Bullet Seed, Combusken uses Flamethrower, and Marshtomp uses Water Gun. All attacks hit the Psycho Boost attack, but they fail to stop the attack. Ash and co. quickly dodges the attack. Nurse Joy begs Deoxys to stop the destruction, but Deoxys ignores her. It continues to fire Psycho Boost attacks at the earth. Solana tries to get a good aim at Deoxys so that she can capture it. Sceptile fires a Bullet Seed at Deoxys, but Deoxys quickly dodges the attack. It flies around in circles. Solana hopes Deoxys returns to its normal form soon. It is Swellow's turn to battle Deoxys. It begins to follow Deoxys. When Deoxys charges at Swellow, Swellow hits Deoxys with Aerial Ace. Then Swellow uses Quick Attack, but Deoxys dodges the attack. Deoxys charges towards Swellow again. Swellow tries to dodge with Aerial Ace, but it is too late. Deoxys hits Swellow, and Swellow falls to the ground.

The air pressure begins to drop excessively. Sparks fly out of the meteorite and the dark clouds. Sceptile uses Solarbeam at Deoxys, but Deoxys dodges Sceptile's attack too. Max and Meowth appear again. May, Jessie, and James runs towards Max and Meowth so that they can rescue them. The meteorite begins to explode again. A chain reaction has started. Nurse Joy says that the valley is filled with Pokémon. Nurse Joy wonders what would happen to all of them. The meteorite begins to affect Deoxys greatly. It starts to change into all of its forms repeatively. Solana watches for Deoxys to turn into its normal form so that she can capture it. When Deoxys turns into its normal form, Solana sends out her capture disc. Unfortunately, Deoxys turns into its speed form and avoids the disc. Meanwhile, May and Jessie have rescued May and Meowth by pulling them out of Deoxys's room.

Sceptile has one more chance to defeat Deoxys. It jumps onto Deoxys while it is flying. Sceptile fires a Solarbeam right at Deoxys's back. Deoxys turns into its normal form, and Solana sends out her capture disc. A ring begins to form around Deoxys. Paralyzed from the Solarbeam, Deoxys is powerless against the ring. Solana successfully captures Deoxys. Now that Deoxys is captured, Solana commands Deoxys to use Recover. Deoxys recovers itself and goes back to normal. However, the group isn't finished yet. The meteorite has exploded, causing the whole cave to blow. The explosion heads down towards Ash and co. It is too late to escape from the explosion. Just before the explosion can hit the group, Deoxys steps in and protects everyone with Safeguard. The explosion comes to an end and everything goes back to normal.

Max thanks Deoxys for saving everyone. Deoxys controls Meowth again. It tells Max that it is going to meet new Pokémon and make new friends. Max and Deoxys wave goodbye to each other. Deoxys takes flight in the sky and disappears. Then the same aurora Ash and co. saw before appears in the sky. Solana takes out her phone and says, "Mission complete."


Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 馬場裕之
  • Japan Hiroyuki Baba
  • Japan Hiroyuki Baba
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 山本博
  • Japan Hiroshi Yamamoto
  • Japan Hiroshi Yamamoto
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 秋山竜次
  • Japan Ryuuji Akiyama
  • Japan Ryuuji Akiyama
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Golgo Matsumoto
  • Japan ゴルゴ松本
  • Japan Golgo Matsumoto
  • Japan Golgo Matsumoto
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan レッド吉田
  • Japan Red Yoshida
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Becky
  • Japan ベッキー
  • Japan Becky
  • Japan Becky
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Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 0
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 0
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