Home / Episode Guide / ポケモンリバイバル 「プラスルとマイナン!山の灯台!!」/Pokémon Revival 「Plusle and Minun! The Lighthouse of the Mountain!」
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Titles and Airdates


  • Japan ポケモンリバイバル 「プラスルとマイナン!山の灯台!!」
  • Japan Pokémon Revival 「Purasuru to Mainan! Yama no tōdai!」
  • Japan Pokémon Revival 「Plusle and Minun! The Lighthouse of the Mountain!」


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ポケモン☆サンデー (バージョン3)
Pokémon Sunday (Version 3)
Episode Actors Regions
A boy is in a tower cleaning a rock. The rock is a Light Stone. Team Rocket comes in and demands that the boy gives them the Light Stone. They tie the boy up and take the stone. Now they are going to give the Light Stone to the boss. They escape in their balloon. A woman walks up the stairs. She sees the boy tied up. She refers to the boy as Batcher. Batcher tells the woman that three robbers came and stole the Light Stone.

Continuing their way to Mauville City, Ash and co. are walking on a foggy trail. Brock says they should be careful. Ash isn't worried. He takes a step forward and trips on a vine. He falls into a puddle of water. Because his clothes are soaking wet, Ash has to hang them on a tree to dry. Max checks out his Pokenav. He says that the Lighthouse should be nearby. Because of the fog, they can't see anything. Team Rocket begins to talk. Jessie hears Pikachu's voice. Apparently, Team Rocket is several feet away from Ash and co. Team Rocket wants to have a battle. James sends out Cacnea. Cacnea uses Pin Missile, but Pikachu deflects the attack back at Team Rocket using Iron Tail. Meowth drops the Light Stone. Pikachu gets on top of the Light Stone and uses Thunderbolt. The Light Stone lights up and the shock blasts Team Rocket away.

Batcher and the woman (her name is Alyssa) come out. The woman accuses Ash and co. for stealing the Light Stone. She sends out Magnemite. Magnemite fires a jolt of electricity near Ash and co. Ash gets angry by this. He tells Pikachu to use Quick Attack. Pikachu defeats Magnemite with one Quick Attack. The woman tells Batcher that she needs help. Batcher, however, has never battled before. However, Batcher can give some support to Magnemite. He sends out Plusle and Minun. Ash and May look up Plusle and Minun in their Pokédex. They are cheering Pokémon. Plusle and Minun cheer for Magnemite. They use Helping Hand to recover Magnemite's strength. Magnemite fires another jolt of electricity at Ash and co. Ash tells Alyssa that they didn't steal anything. Alyssa doesn't believe them. She wants the Light Stone back. Ash gladly gives the Light Stone back to Alyssa.

Suddenly, Team Rocket makes an appearance again. They want the Light Stone they stole before. Batcher tells Alyssa that Team Rocket are the real thieves. Team Rocket charges towards the Light Stone. Ash tells Pikachu to use Thunderbolt. Pikachu's Thunderbolt attack blasts Team Rocket off again.

Brock, May, and Max think it's cool how Pikachu's Thunderbolt attack always works. Ash finally gives the Light Stone back to Alyssa. Alyssa apologizes to them for accusing them as being thieves. Ash wants to know why the Light Stone is so important. Alyssa explains to them that the Light Stone is the treasure of their village. Without it, the lighthouse wouldn't be able to run. Ash and co. walk back to the lighthouse. Alyssa places the stone in its proper place. Alyssa decides to explain to Ash and co. how the stone works. She says that they use Pokémon electricity to light up the stone.

Ash puts on his jacket again because it is dry. Batcher recognizes the jacket immediately and claims that Ash is the legendary hero. Ash and co. are confused. Alyssa tells them that Batcher is referring to the legendary hero that once saved their village. Batcher points to a tablet that explains the story about how a hero and his Pikachu came to save their village. Batcher is convinced that the hero is Ash. He leads Ash and co. to their village. When they arrive at the village, Batcher calls out for his grandfather. Batcher tells him that the legendary hero has arrived. Alyssa explains everything to her grandfather. Grandpa says that they must welcome their guests. Batcher tells Ash that him and his followers may enter.

In the back of the house, Batcher tells Ash that he wants to become a trainer. He explains that he got his Plusle and Minun from his grandpa, but he is only allowed to use their Helping Hand attacks to help other Pokémon. Ash decides to teach Batcher some battling techniques. Ash explains the three most important rules about Pokémon to Batcher. Max wonders if Ash can still pull of the hero stuff. Alyssa knows that he can. She explains to Brock, May, and Max about how Batcher was distant to his Pokémon. Now, Batcher loves them more than anything. He is more confident.

The fog begins to appear. Alyssa needs to quickly get to the lighthouse. Ash tells Batcher that they should go too.

Alyssa has arrived at the lighthouse. She tells Magnemite to light up the stone. The stone lights up when Magnemite uses its electricity. Ash and co. are still outside. They see the lighthouse lit up and assume that everything is okay.

Suddenly, Team Rocket makes another appearance again, but this time they are in a Zapdos robot machine. They say their motto. Then two saws extend from the machine. The top of the lighthouse is sawed off. Team Rocket tells Alyssa to give them the Light Stone. Alyssa refuses to do so. She tells Magnemite to use Thunderbolt. Magnemite uses Thunderbolt, but the attack doesn't work because Team Rocket is immune to electricity. Then two arms come from the machine. The arms pick up Magnemite and the Light Stone. Ash and Batcher arrives. Pikachu tries its Thunderbolt attack, but the attack doesn't work. One of the arms grabs Pikachu and releases Magnemite. Then Team Rocket flies away.

Because of the thick fog, it will be harder to track down Team Rocket. Batcher blames himself for this. If he had trained harder, none of this would happen. Batcher is also surprised that the hero couldn't do anything. Ash tells Batcher that he isn't a hero, but Ash isn't ready to give up. He calls out for Pikachu to fire a Thunderbolt at the Light Stone. Batcher tells Ash that Pikachu won't hear him. Brock says that Ash and Pikachu have a lot of trust and friendship in each other. He thinks Pikachu would be able to hear Ash miles away. Pikachu does hear Ash. It fires its Thunderbolt at the Light Stone. The Light Stone is lit up. Ash and co. can see the sparkle from the Light Stone. Ash tells Batcher that putting trust into your Pokémon is what will make you a strong trainer.

Team Rocket has landed deep inside the forest. They are enjoying a quick lunch break. Pikachu continues to fire its Thunderbolt attacks at the Light Stone. Jessie tells Pikachu that no one will see them because of the fog. Pikachu says that it isn't over until it's over. Suddenly, Ash and co. confront Team Rocket. Team Rocket is surprised to see them. Batcher tells Ash that he has finally trusted his Pokémon and his ready to battle. He has Plusle and Minun use Helping Hand on the Zapdos machine. The static electricity begins to charge Pikachu up. When Pikachu is fully charged, it uses Thunderbolt on the machine. Team Rocket gets shocked by the attack. The mechanical arms drop Pikachu and the Light Stone. Ash catches Pikachu, and Alyssa catches the Light Stone. Team Rocket falls to the ground. Then Plusle and Minun use Helping Hand to charge each other up. After that, they charge towards Team Rocket using Spark. Team Rocket blasts off again.

Ash and co. congratulate Batcher for defeating Team Rocket. Batcher wants to continue to train his Pokémon. Batcher then asks Ash if he will battle him someday. Ash tells Batcher that he will. Batcher even refers to Ash as his master. Ash thinks that "master" is a bit much, but Batcher considers Ash his hero and master. Then they wave goodbye, and Ash and co. continue their way towards Mauville City.


Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 馬場裕之
  • Japan Hiroyuki Baba
  • Japan Hiroyuki Baba
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 山本博
  • Japan Hiroshi Yamamoto
  • Japan Hiroshi Yamamoto
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 秋山竜次
  • Japan Ryuuji Akiyama
  • Japan Ryuuji Akiyama
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Golgo Matsumoto
  • Japan ゴルゴ松本
  • Japan Golgo Matsumoto
  • Japan Golgo Matsumoto
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan レッド吉田
  • Japan Red Yoshida
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Becky
  • Japan ベッキー
  • Japan Becky
  • Japan Becky
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Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 0
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 0
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