Home / Episode Guide / ポケモンリバイバル 「げきとう!ポケモンひなまつり」/Pokémon Revival 「Fierce Fighting! Pokemon Girls' Festival」
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Titles and Airdates


  • Japan ポケモンリバイバル 「げきとう!ポケモンひなまつり」
  • Japan Pokémon Revival 「Gekitō! Pokémon Hina Matsuri」
  • Japan Pokémon Revival 「Fierce Fighting! Pokemon Girls' Festival」


OP/ED List

Japan ED YEAH!
ポケモン☆サンデー (バージョン3)
Pokémon Sunday (Version 3)
Episode Actors Regions
Today is Princess Festival Day where woman and girls get to do what they want. Lots of woman are buying stuff. Misty gets a lot of stuff from a store and puts it all in a shopping cart. All the boys get to carry the packages. Misty has a table filled with delicious desserts. Brock sees a girl that he likes but she ditches him. Misty points to a sign. Ash just sees a sign advertising a movie but she meant the one next to it. It's a sign advertising a BIG SALE.

Jessie is trying on many different outfits. She buys all of them. James and Meowth complain on how boring shopping is. Jessie adds in that she bought gifts for the boss so that he won't be mad at them for not capturing Pikachu. A Lickitung comes out of the bushes. It sticks out its long tongue and eats all the food that was supposed to be for the boss. Lickitung also eats the clothes that Jessie bought but then it spits them out. Jessie gets mad and sends out Arbok. Lickitung paralyzes Arbok with a Lick attack. Then Jessie throws a Pokéball at Lickitung and captures it.

Meanwhile, a bunch of girls including Misty and Jessie are fighting over a clothes. Ash and Brock are sitting on a bench bored. James and Meowth are sitting at another bench and they are bored too. Then Misty sees a skirt she likes. Unfortunately, Jessie has a hold of the same skirt too and they begin to fight over it. A woman comes and takes the skirt that Jessie and Misty were fighting for. Then an announcement is made about a Queen Festival Contest. The prize is a collection of Princess Dolls. A large crowd cheers as Ash, Brock, and James get trampled.

The announcer talks and a curtain rises revealing the contestants. The announcer states again that the winner receives a unique collection of Pokedolls. Everyone is screaming and cheering. The announcer also notes that the winner has to be a skilled Pokémon trainer. Only four Pokémon may be used. Misty begs for Ash and Brock to help her. She tells them that it's important for her to win the dolls because of her sisters. Brock thinks it's a girl thing and Ash thinks it's a Misty thing. Misty hears this and punches Ash in the face. Brock and Ash agree to help her. Ash lets Misty borrow his Pikachu and Bulbasaur and Brock lets Misty borrow his Vulpix. Now Misty has Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Vulpix, and Starmie to battle with.

Misty has her first match against a trainer. The trainer sends out Kingler and Misty sends out Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur uses Vine Whip and it wins the first round. Bulbasaur also wins against a Pinsir, Cubone, and Raticate. Misty wins the first battle. Now it's Jessie's turn. She sends Meowth into battle as it versus Primeape. Primeape punches Meowth hard and it faints. Jessie now has her Arbok use Bite. The venom from Arbok's Bite attack knocks Primeape out. Misty and Jessie win one battle after another and soon they are versing each other in the finals. James asks if Jessie is going to play by the rules and Jessie says that the Princess Festival brings back bad memories. She tells them how she never got an expensive doll before. James and Meowth wish Jessie the best of luck. The battle starts.

Jessie sends out Arbok and Misty sends out Pikachu. Pikachu uses Thunderbolt and Arbok faints. Jessie sends in Weezing next. Another Thunderbolt from Pikachu sends Weezing to the ground. Next, Jessie sends in Meowth. Meowth faints as well from Pikachu's Thunderbolt attack. Meowth reminds her of the Lickitung she caught earlier. So Jessie sends out Lickitung. Ash looks up Lickitung in his Pokédex. Jessie orders for a Lick attack and Misty orders for a Thunderbolt. Lickitung is faster and licks Pikachu which makes Pikachu faint. Misty sends out Bulbasaur next. Before Bulbasaur can attack, Lickitung licks Bulbasaur and Bulbasaur faints too. Misty sends out Vulpix next but Lickitung is too fast for it. Another Lick attack has Vulpix faint. Misty is about send out Staryu but Psyduck pops out instead. Lickitung licks Psyduck but it has no effect on Psyduck. Misty tells Psyduck to use Water Gun but Psyduck gets confused. From the licking, Psyduck gets a headache and then it uses Confusion on Lickitung. Lickitung gets sent backwards. It bumps into Team Rocket and they get blasted off again.

Misty wins the contest and gets the Princess Pokedolls. Misty puts the doll set in a package and plans to send it out to the Cerulean Gym to make her sisters jealous. Jessie is very sad that she didn't win the doll set. Lickitung licks her to cheer her up, but that doesnt' work. James and Meowth present her with their own special made dolls.


Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 馬場裕之
  • Japan Hiroyuki Baba
  • Japan Hiroyuki Baba
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 山本博
  • Japan Hiroshi Yamamoto
  • Japan Hiroshi Yamamoto
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 秋山竜次
  • Japan Ryuuji Akiyama
  • Japan Ryuuji Akiyama
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Golgo Matsumoto
  • Japan ゴルゴ松本
  • Japan Golgo Matsumoto
  • Japan Golgo Matsumoto
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan レッド吉田
  • Japan Red Yoshida
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Becky
  • Japan ベッキー
  • Japan Becky
  • Japan Becky
No notes available for this episode.
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Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 0
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 0
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