Home / Episode Guide / Christmas Special 'Let's Play on Christmas!' / 'Delibird's Presents'/クリスマススペシャル 「クリスマスであそぼ!」/「デリバードのプレゼント」
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  • Japan クリスマススペシャル 「クリスマスであそぼ!」/「デリバードのプレゼント」
  • Japan Christmas Special 'Christmas de asobo!' / 'Delibird no present'
  • Japan Christmas Special 'Let's Play on Christmas!' / 'Delibird's Presents'


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Christmas Night

It's a sunny day near the beach. Ash, Misty, and Brock enter their house and they plan to spend their Christmas time in it. Ash tells Pikachu that he is in charge when they go to pick up a Christmas cake. When they leave Togepi begins to walk down the hallway. It comes across a door and goes inside it. The other Pokémon follow Togepi and they see the big Christmas tree. Squirtle sees another room and all of the other Pokémon go inside it. The room is filled with party hats and food. They pick up the party hats and they put them on their heads. Psyduck tries to put the party hat on his head but it ends up falling on its tail.

Pikachu and Togepi go back to the Christmas tree again. They look in the ornaments and to see their reflection. Pikachu makes some funny faces when looking at the ornament. Bulbasaur picks up a Christmas cookie from the table. Squirtle begins to pull on the string that's attached to his party hat. Before Bulbasaur can eat the cookie, the party hat pops. Bulbasaur jumps which makes the cookie fly in the air and land in Squirtle's mouth. Bulbasaur gets mad at Squirtle and it starts to chase Squirtle. Vulpix has his head in the stocking. It's taking out all sorts of things from the stocking such as candy and other goodies. Then Vulpix gets its head stuck in the stocking and it can't get it out. Vulpix starts to walk but runs right into a wall.

Meanwhile, Psyduck stares at a Pokémon Cider bottle. Psyduck picks up the bottle and tries to open it with its mouth. Since Psyduck can't open it, it happily shakes the bottle. Bulbasaur is still chasing Squirtle. Now they are in the room with Pikachu and Togepi. Bulbasaur uses vine Whip to get a hold of Squirtle. However, Squirtle runs behind the tree and the vines start to pull the tree down. Pikachu manages to push the tree back up to its normal position. Vulpix flies out of nowhere and lands on the top of the tree. The stocking falls off of Vulpix's head and Pikachu pushes the tree back up again. Still getting chased from Bulbasaur, Squirtle runs in the back of the tree again. It trips over the string of Christmas lights and all of the ornaments start to fall off the tree. The tree starts to fall again and Pikachu is pushing really hard to get it back up. Suddenly, the bottle cork to the Pokémon Cider that Psyduck was holding pops off. It bounces off the walls and it hits Pikachu right in the head. Pikachu falls down with the Christmas tree right on top of it.

Pikachu crawls out of the mess and Squirtle and Bulbasaur laugh at Pikachu. Pikachu gets up and is really mad now. It hurls a Thundershock at them but the attack manages to destroy the lights. Now it's pitch black in the house. Pikachu finds a box and it opens the box. In the box is a Christmas tree with flashing lights and playing some soft music. It lights up the room and everyone stares at it for a while. Suddenly, it stops working and everyone is now sad. Pikachu tells the other Pokémon to help pull the Christmas tree back up.

Ash, Misty, and Brock get back from shopping. They find it to be really dark in the house. When they open the door, the Christmas tree lights go on. Pikachu is supplying the electricity to keep the lights on. Everyone is very happy and they have some good Christmas fun together.

Delibird's Dilemma

It's the day before Christmas in a snowy town, and a Delibird flies above it. Pikachu and his friends are bowling with snowballs. It's Pikachu's turn right now. Pikachu rolls the snowball down, and all of the bottles fall. The other Pokémon clap for Pikachu's strike. Chikorita and Bulbasaur set the bottles back up again. It's Cyndaquil's turn. Cyndaquil rolls the snowball, but it rolls the other way. They laugh at Cyndaquil. Totodile has a snowball in its mouth. Totodile trips and falls down. It shoots out a Water Gun at the snowball. Delibird is carrying a sack of presents in its mouth. The snowball hits Delibird and it falls.

Pikachu and Wobbuffet are walking up a staircase. Meowth says that you don't ever want to get a Skarmory mad. Meowth looks up and sees the Skamory sitting on the railing sleeping. Meowth tells Wobbuffet to not wake of the Skarmory no matter what. Delibird falls right into Meowth and Wobbuffet. The snow from Totodile's snowball falls straight down onto the Skarmory. Skarmory wakes up in with an angry mood. Meowth quickly shouts out that it did not throw the snow on the Skarmory. Skarmory didn't seem to listen. It blows them all away with a Whirlwind attack. Meowth and Wobbuffet are blown into one direction, while Delibird is blown into another. Delibird somersaults in the air a few times. While it does, all of the presents fall out of its bag, and scatters across the town.

Noctowl flies up and catches Delibird with its feet. Delibird is really heavy and Noctowl can't hold much longer anymore. Then Noctowl falls but Chikorita and Bulbasaur's Vine Whip saves it. Pikachu and friends run towards the Delibird. Pikachu shakes Delbird to see if it's okay. Chikorita is about to use Vine Whip, but Pikachu stops her from doing it. Totodile is about to use Water Gun, but Pikachu stops Totodile as well. Cyndaquil tickles Delibird which quickly wakes up. Delibird opens its eyes and sees the face of Psyduck. Delibird doesn't like Psyduck and backs off. Togepi and Pikachu shake Delibird's hand. Delibird likes this and smiles.

Delibird can't seem to find its presents and looks around a bit. Pikachu and friends tells Delibird that they will help it find the missing presents. Delibird agrees and they go search for the missing presents. They walk on a bridge and look down for the presents. Pikachu spots one on a moving boat. Totodile dives into the water to get the present. It swims after the boat. When Totodile is close enough, it jumps onto the boat and retrieves the first present. The boat is going to a different direction, so it jumps into the water. Chikorita grabs ahold of Totodile by using Vine Whip, and pulls Totodile back to the ground. Totodile gives the present to Delibird. Delibird puts the present back into its bag.

The Pokémon continues to search for the rest of the presents. Noctowl flies down and asks Bulbasaur if its seen any presents. Bulbasaur tells Noctowl that it hasn't. Psyduck walks around and sees a squad of Gloom lined up. Psyduck follows the Gloom in the line. Bulbasaur walks up to the Gloom, and asks them if they've seen any present laying around. The Gloom makes a pose and Psyduck just stares at them. Bulbasaur smiles.

Noctowl continues its search for the missing presents. Noctowl uses Foresight to see through the trees. It spots one of the presents hidden in a tree. Noctowl tells this to the other Pokémon. Geodude hits the tree as hard as it can. A bunch of snow and the present lands on Psyduck. Bulbasaur takes the present and gives it to Delibird.

The Pokémon now searches an alley for the next present. Pikachu looks in a trash can, but it's not there. Pikachu looks around and sees Cyndaquil sleeping. Pikachu wakes Cyndaquil causing it to fall. Pikachu and Cyndaquil looks up and sees the third present on a clothesline. An Aipom runs up and grabs the present. Pikachu asks the Aipom if they can have the present back, but the Aipom just sticks it tongue out at Pikachu. Totodile throws a snowball at Aipom but misses. Aipom then teases them because they can't hit it. Chikorita throws a snowball at Aipom, but Aipom catches it. Then Aipom throws it back and hits Chikorita. Aipom just laughs. Totodile throws another snowball, and hits Aipom. Aipom falls backwards, but Pikachu runs out to save it. Aipom runs off scared. Delibird gladly takes the third present and puts it in its bag. Aipom looks down while Pikachu and friends are running off.

It's getting dark now, and Bulbasaur gives Delibird the last two presents. Delibird looks around. There's still one present missing! Delibird tells this to Pikachu. Pikachu and friends searches for the last present. Noctowl uses Foresight again. It sees the last present hidden in a tree. Noctowl screeches down at the other Pokémon. Then it goes in the tree to grab the last present. After several tries, Noctowl finally grabs the present. Noctowl pulls on it, but loses its grip causing the present to tumble down the tree. The present flies right past Pikachu and friends. Pikachu and friends hurries along to get the present. Chikorita and Bulbasaur try a Vine Whip, but that makes the present go even further. Totodile is the fastest of them all, and it grabs the present. Pikachu and the others comes to a complete stop, but they knock into Totodile causing it to lose the present. However, Aipom has grabbed the present, and gives it to Pikachu. Pikachu gives the present to Delibird.

Pikachu and friends sees a bright light. They turn around to see a tree with lights on it. Santa comes down and thanks Pikachu and friends for finding the missing presents. Delibirds hops on Santa's sleigh, and the Stantler takes off into the starry night. Delibird waves down to its new friends.


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Misty
  • Japan カスミ
  • Japan Kasumi
  • Japan Kasumi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brock
  • Japan タケシ
  • Japan Takeshi
  • Japan Takeshi
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Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 0
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 0
24 Dec 2002 03:00 AM
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