Home / Episode Guide / I Feel Skitty!エネコとアロマテラピー!Eneco and Aromatherapy!

English Official Summary

May is practicing for her next Pokémon Contest, when Torchic finds a Skitty in the bushes. May wants to catch it, but it's too sick to battle. Brock leads the group to the Greenhouse, where Skitty can be healed using Aromatherapy. Eliza the therapist shows the kids her fragrance collection and uses a special mixture to make Skitty better while it sleeps. Meanwhile, Team Rocket flies overhead in a balloon and decides to steal some fragrance for their Pokémon. Skitty wakes up feeling much better, and May battles it using Torchic. Her attempt to catch Skitty is interrupted by Team Rocket bursting in. Jessie's Seviper uses Haze, causing a lot of confusion. Meowth completely falls for Skitty. Team Rocket flees, but Ash's Taillow wrecks their balloon. They manage to get away with one bag, finding Skitty inside. Jessie claims it as her own, much to Meowth's dismay. He helps Skitty run away. May and friends locate Team Rocket, and Jessie and May get into a fight over who gets to catch Skitty. May's Beautifly knocks out Jessie's Dustox. Pikachu uses Thunderbolt to send Team Rocket blasting away. May takes out her Poké Ball to catch Skitty, but Skitty knocks it out of her hand and jumps into it. As they're walking away, Skitty jumps out of the Poké Ball.

French Official Summary

Flora s'entraîne pour son prochain Concours Pokémon lorsque Poussifeu découvre un Skitty dans les buissons. Flora veut le capturer, mais il est trop malade pour combattre.

German Official Summary

Maike trainiert für ihren nächsten Pokémon-Wettbewerb, als Flemmli im Gebüsch ein Eneco entdeckt. Maike möchte es fangen, doch das Eneco ist krank und braucht Hilfe.

Italian Official Summary

Vera si sta allenando per la sua prossima Gara di Pokémon, quando Torchic trova uno Skitty nei cespugli. Vera vorrebbe catturarlo, ma il Pokémon sta troppo male per poter lottare.

Portuguese Official Summary

Depois de encontrar um Skitty exausto, May o confia a um laboratório de aromaterapia local, onde ele se recupera totalmente.

Finnish Official Summary

Löydettyään lopen uupuneen Skittyn, May luovuttaa sen hoidettavaksi paikalliseen aromaterapialaboratorioon, jossa se toipuu täydellisesti.

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

Después de encontrar a un exhausto Skitty, May lo encomienda a un laboratorio de aromaterapia local, donde se recupera completamente.

Spanish Official Summary

Aura está practicando para su próximo Concurso Pokémon, cuando Torchic encuentra un Skitty en los arbustos. Aura quiere atraparlo, pero está demasiado enfermo para combatir.

English Great Britian Official Summary

May is practicing for her next Pokémon Contest, when Torchic finds a Skitty in the bushes. May wants to catch it, but it's too sick to battle. Brock leads the group to the Greenhouse, where Skitty can be healed using Aromatherapy. Eliza the therapist shows the kids her fragrance collection and uses a special mixture to make Skitty better while it sleeps. Meanwhile, Team Rocket flies overhead in a balloon and decides to steal some fragrance for their Pokémon. Skitty wakes up feeling much better, and May battles it using Torchic. Her attempt to catch Skitty is interrupted by Team Rocket bursting in. Jessie's Seviper uses Haze, causing a lot of confusion. Meowth completely falls for Skitty. Team Rocket flees, but Ash's Taillow wrecks their balloon. They manage to get away with one bag, finding Skitty inside. Jessie claims it as her own, much to Meowth's dismay. He helps Skitty run away. May and friends locate Team Rocket, and Jessie and May get into a fight over who gets to catch Skitty. May's Beautifly knocks out Jessie's Dustox. Pikachu uses Thunderbolt to send Team Rocket blasting away. May takes out her Poké Ball to catch Skitty, but Skitty knocks it out of her hand and jumps into it. As they're walking away, Skitty jumps out of the Poké Ball.

Russian Official Summary

Когда Брок предлагает сделать остановку и зайти в местную лабораторию покемонов, его друзья не подозревают о его истинных мотивах. Он прочитал статью об экспериментах с ароматерапией, которые проводятся в этой лаборатории, и был потрясён красотой девушки, которая руководит ей. В любви Броку, как всегда, не везёт, а посещение лаборатории носит скорее образовательный, нежели романтический характер. К тому же, успешность проводимых экспериментов находит подтверждение, когда с помощью смеси ароматических веществ удаётся полностью вылечить Скитти Мэй. Появление Команды Р нарушает царящее спокойствие. Злодеи выкрадывают не только ароматические вещества лаборатории, но и Скитти Мэй.

Dutch Official Summary

Nadat ze een uitgeputte Skitty heeft gevonden, brengt May hem naar een plaatselijk aromatherapie lab, waar hij volledig hersteld.

Norwegian Official Summary

Etter å ha funnet en utslitt Skitty, overlater May den til et lokalt aromaterapi-sted hvor den kan komme seg igjen.

Swedish Official Summary

Efter att hon hittat en utmattad Skitty, överlämnar May den till ett lokalt aromaterapi-lab, där den återhämtar sig helt och hållet.

Danish Official Summary

Da May finder en udmattet Skitty, overlader hun den til et lokalt aromaterpilaboratorium, hvor den genvinder alle sine kræfter.