The Get TV crew celebrated the launch of the latest games Pocket Monsters X and Y which were released the day before on October 12th, 2013. Clips from the game were shown followed by clips from the new anime. The announcer then showed upcoming scenes from this episode.
This episodes special guests were then revealed as
Mikie Hara (原幹恵), a Japanese gravure idol and actress who is best known for her debut role in
Cutie Honey: The Live as Honey Kisaragi. Joining her was the trio comedy group
Panther (パンサー) which consists of Ryotaro Kan (菅良太郎), Satoshi Mukai (向井慧), Takahiro Ogata (尾形貴弘).
Yukito Nishii then began explaining about this episode main segment which was about the Mysterious Organization "FPI". He explained that FPI stood for FUSHIGINA POKEMON NO NAZO IROIROSHIRABETAI (The Bureau of Investigation of Various Strange Pokémon Mysteries)(不思議な ポケモンの謎 いろいろ調べ隊), basically a play on the
FBI. He then said the FPI had investigated the new Pocket Monsters XY anime that was airing on October 17th, 2013.
The FPI Special Agent was introduced and their role to investigate Pokémon in all aspects was explained. The Special Agent went to visit
OLM, the animation company responsible for the Pocket Monsters anime. The special agent met "reporter" Eiji Kotoge (小峠英二) from the comedy duo
Viking (バイきんぐ) outside and the two of them came to an agreement to work together.
The FPI Special Agent began his investigation by seeing what the staff does at OLM. He then spotted artwork from the new XY anime, specifically the main city, Miare City. A clip from the first episode was then shown which featured Satoshi and Pikachu exploring the city. The FPI special agent then spotted an artist drawing something and he wanted to know what it was. The artist then explained that it was a Keromatsu (ケロマツ). The FPI agent had not seen it before and wanted the artist make it move. The artist then took him to another artist who had a hand drawn flipbook and she showed Keromatsu move by flipping the pages. The narrator then explained the process of taking the handrawn images and then coloring them on the computer. The finalized clip of Keromatsu was then showcased and it was revealed that Keromatsu would make its anime debut in
XY episode 1.
Citron (シトロン ),
Eureka (ユリーカ) and
Serena (セレナ) were also showcased.
The FPI Special Agent then showed a picture of a person he was looking for. He then asked a staff member who indicated who it was and they finally found
Tetsuo Yajima (矢嶋哲生), who has been the director of the anime since Best Wishes. The FPI special agent asked him the following questions in English which Kotoge translated into Japanese and Yajima answered.
When does Satoshi become a Pokémon Master? I can't answer that question. (それは内緒です)
Would you make animation of me. My daughter is a huge fun[sic] of Pokémon. That can be arranged. (それは大丈夫です)
Yajima then talked about Satoshi arriving in the Kalos region. The FPI agent then heads off to the next spot.
After the commercial break, This episode's installment of the PokéTV Challenge (ポケ☆テレ チャレンジ!!!) started. The first challenge activity was another installment of "Brainbuster Quiz! PokéRiddle" (頭お目覚めクイズ!ポケナゾ) , with a set of Pikachu, Hitokage, Zenigame and Fushigidane MonColle figures being given out as a prize to a viewer at home if all the hosts got the correct answer.
 After Satoshi had cleaned up his toys from the floor, Pikachu took them out and put them back. But when Satoshi came in and saw the room, he didn't get angry. Why not? (サトシが部屋を片付けた後ピカチュウはオチチャをちらかしてしまいましたしかし部屋を見たサトシはまったく怒りません一体なぜでしょう?) |
(...) and put them back. (しまいました) Spoiler: Click to show! |
 Because it had put them back. (しまったから) Spoiler: Click to show! |
Unfortunately, Ogata never got the answer right before time ran out. Another riddle was presented instead.
 Satoshi got two flower bouquets, then three more bouquets. When he put them together, how many bouquets did he have in total? (サトシが2束の花束と3束の花束を持っていまあ合わせると何束になるでしょう?) |
(...) put them together (...) (合わせると) Spoiler: Click to show! |
 1 (1束) Spoiler: Click to show! |
The next challenge activity was "Read in Reverse! Nmokepo-rap" (逆から読んで!ンモケポラップ). Contestants were given the name of a Pokémon and they had 3 seconds to say the name as written in the reverse order (in Japanese, with katakana). For example:
Hitokage (ヒトカゲ) would be Gekatohi (ゲカトヒ). If the participants made it through two Pokémon each without failing more than once, a Nymphia plushie would be given away to a viewer.
Yayakoma (ヤヤコマ) Spoiler: Click to show! |
Makoyaya (マコヤヤ) Spoiler: Click to show! |
Meguroko (メグロコ) Spoiler: Click to show! |
Korogume (コログメ) Spoiler: Click to show! |
Erikiteru (エリキテル) Spoiler: Click to show! |
Rutekirie (ルテキリエ) Spoiler: Click to show! |
Karamanero (カラマネロ) Spoiler: Click to show! |
Ronemaraka (ロネマラカ) Spoiler: Click to show! |
Kireihana (キレイハナ)
Spoiler: Click to show! |
Nahaireki (ナハイレキ) Spoiler: Click to show! |
Yanyanma (ヤンヤンマ)
Spoiler: Click to show! |
Manyanya (マンヤンヤ) Spoiler: Click to show! |
Yamikarasu (ヤミカラス)
Spoiler: Click to show! |
Surakamiya (スラカミヤ) Spoiler: Click to show! |
Soonansu (ソーナンス)
Spoiler: Click to show! |
Sunnaaso (スンナーソ) Spoiler: Click to show! |
Abusoru (アブソル)
Spoiler: Click to show! |
Rusobua (ルソブア) Spoiler: Click to show! |
Chirutarisu (チルタリス)
Spoiler: Click to show! |
Suritaruchi (スリタルチ) Spoiler: Click to show! |
Haganeeru (ハガネール)
Spoiler: Click to show! |
Ruunegaha (ルーネガハ) Spoiler: Click to show! |
Herakurosu (ヘラクロス)
Spoiler: Click to show! |
Surokurahe (スロクラヘ) Spoiler: Click to show! |
Magukarugo (マグカルゴ)
Spoiler: Click to show! |
Gorukaguma (ゴルカグマ) Spoiler: Click to show! |
Warubiaru (ワルビアル)
Spoiler: Click to show! |
Ruabiruwa (ルアビルワ) Spoiler: Click to show! |
Ogata failed on the Yanyanma question, but the group managed the rest of the Pokémon without any further mistakes, thus winning a lucky viewer a plushie.
After the commercial break, the FPI segment continued at 55 Barbizon, Shibuya where the voice acting recording takes place for the anime. Rica Matsumoto (松本梨香), the voice of Satoshi, Yuki Kaji (梶裕貴), the voice of Citron (シトロン), Mariya Ise (伊瀬 茉莉也), the voice of Eureka (ユリーカ) and Mayuki Makiguchi (牧口真幸), the voice of Serena (セレナ役) were there for a recording session for the XY anime.
A live recording of
XY episode 1 was conducted by the voice actors. The Special Agent and Kotoge part ways as 'brothers' having completed their investigation on the XY anime.
Pokémon Morning News (ポケモン モーニングニュース)
In this Shoko Nagagawa segment, she reports on the latest news in the Pokémon world. She is dressed up as a news reporter and wears glasses as she informs viewers. In this segment, she reminds viewers of the Achamo distribution that is holding the Bursyamonite.