Home / Episode Guide / ミジュマル! メグロコ! 危機一髪!! / 「ポケモンXY研究所スペシャル」増田さんと一緒にメガシンカの新情報を紹介 / アニメ「ポケットモンスターXY」を大特集!Mijumaru! Meguroco! Close Call!! / Pokémon XY Lab Special: Presenting the Newest Info on Mega Evolution Together with Masuda / A Report on the 'Pocket Monsters XY' Anime!
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  • Japan ミジュマル! メグロコ! 危機一髪!! / 「ポケモンXY研究所スペシャル」増田さんと一緒にメガシンカの新情報を紹介 / アニメ「ポケットモンスターXY」を大特集!
  • Japan Mijumaru! Meguroco! Kiki ippatsu!! / `Pokémon XY kenkyūjo special' Masuda-san to issho ni megashinka no shin jōhō wo shōkai / Anime 'Pocket Monsters XY' wo daitokushū!
  • Japan Mijumaru! Meguroco! Close Call!! / Pokémon XY Lab Special: Presenting the Newest Info on Mega Evolution Together with Masuda / A Report on the 'Pocket Monsters XY' Anime!


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Episode Actors Regions
After greeting the audience with a "PokéMorning!", Golgo introduced the "You Choose! The Pokémon Anime Requests" segment. Golgo says he himself had chosen today's request, and shows off 4 postcards he has received requesting a Mijumaru episode, from Haito Akiba and Kokone Hori, Hokkaido, and Yosuke Watanabe and Sota Tamura, Saitama. Golgo's chosen episode is the episode telling the story of Satoshi and Mijumaru's meeting and budding friendship, Best Wishes episode 3, Mijumaru! Meguroco! Close Call!! (ミジュマル!メグロコ!危機一髪!!). He then told Takei that Mijumaru's final evolution is Daikenki, and asked how he would catch one. Replying "Super Easy", Takei demonstrated how he wuld pick up a small rock, rub it against his hair to create static electricity, and toss it at Daikenki to weaken it, then get on top of it, pull one of its swords off, and whip it with it. Super Easy indeed. After this episode, Professor Red started the episode with "Ok! Poké We GO!"

Pokémon XY Lab Special

As we return from the rerun episode, Professor Akido is ready with a new batch of exiting Pokémon XY news. Despite his attempts to stop them, however, Yamamoto and Baba accidentally reveal that Masuda is on his way to reveal news on Mega Mewtwo, which catches everyone's interest, but Akido soon steers the topic back onto his own information. Turning on the TV screen near him, he shows the rest of the group the three XY starter Pokémon, Harimaron, Fokko and Keromatsu, and tells them he will reveal their evolutions.

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Harimaron evolves into Haribogu, the Spiny Armor Pokémon, which is a Grass type with the Ability Overgrow, and is 0.7 m tall and weighs 29.0 kg.
Fokko evolves into Tailenard, the Fox Pokémon, which is a Fire type with the Ability Blaze, and is 1.0 m tall and weighs 14.5 kg.
Keromatsu evolves into Gekogashira, the Bubble Frog Pokémon, which is a Water type with the Ability Torrent, and is 0.6 m tall and weighs 10.9 kg.

Next, he shows the group the three original starter Pokémon from Pocket Monsters Red and Green, Fushigidane, Hitokage and Zenigame, and reveals that the player will get to choose one of these as well. This greatly excites Shoko-tan, and Yamamoto explains that this was done so people can use their old, nostalgic favorites in these new games as well.

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Akido says it's still too early to be surprised, though, and reveals that their final evolutions Fushigibana, Lizardon and Kamex can Mega Evolve, becoming Mega Fushigibana, Mega Lizardon and Mega Kamex. He then tells the others he will demonstrate exactly how awesome these new Mega Evolutions are, seguing into a video clip he's prepared.

In the clip, Akido says he'll have his two assistants Yamamoto and Baba show just how great the new Mega Evolutions are. First up is Fushigibana, which is Grass/Poison type, and thus weak against Fire and Ice attacks. When it Mega Evolves into Mega Fushigibana, however, its Ability changes from Overgrow to Thick Fat, making it strong against these types instead. To give us a visual explanation, he has Baba play the part of a regular Fushigibana, and makes two other assistants toss buckets of both hot water and ice water at him, making him recoil in pain at the "hot-coldness". Then, to demonstrate the Mega Evolution, he has Yamamoto play the part of the added protection, making Baba hold him up before him. Once again, the assistants toss buckets of hot water and ice water at them, but as the water hits Yamamoto rather than Baba, Baba ends up unaffected. And as such, it's demonstrated that after Mega Evolving, Mega Fushigibana's Thick Fat make it strong against Fire and Ice moves.

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Next is Lizardon, which changes its Ability from Blaze to Drought upon Mega Evolving, thus increasing the power of its Fire moves. To demonstrate, Baba is put in a makeshift plastic greenhouse together with two other assistants, making the air inside hot and stuffy to simulate a regular Lizardon's Heat Wave move. The other two assistants are then sent out and replaced with two huge sweaty sumo wrestlers, making him almost burn up from the produced heat, thus simulating the increased power a Mega Lizardon's Heat Wave has. And thus, it's demonstrated that Sunny weather increases the power of Fire moves.

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Finally, we have Kamex, which Ability changes from Torrent to the new Ability Mega Launcher upon Mega Evolution. Mega Launcher increases the damage of "pulse" type moves. To demonstrate this, Yamamoto is first doused with the water from a regular garden hose, simulating a Water Pulse attack from a normal Kamex. Next, Akido pulls out a pressure washer to simulate a Water Pulse attack from a Mega Kamex, spraying Yamamoto with a powerful and quite painful stream of water. Thus, we see how Mega Kamex' Pulse type moves greatly increase in power.

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As we cut back to the studio, Akido announces Masuda's arrival, and sure enough, the "God of Pokémon" walks in shortly after. Akido says Masuda will tell them about Mega Mewtwo, but Golgo points out that they've already been shown a lot about it. Masuda says this time he'll show them during actual gameplay, and challenges Shoko-tan to a battle, which she happily accepts. The battle starts, with Shoko-tan using Mewtwo and Masuda using Zoroark, and Masuda tells her to Mega Evolve. As Shoko-tan does, however, Mewtwo transforms into an as of yet unseen form, before defeating Masuda's Zoroark with a single Giga Impact! Shoko-tan is shocked, having no idea what just went on, and Masuda explains that what they just saw was "Mega Mewtwo X". He further explains that the Mega Mewtwo they've been shown previously is actually named "Mega Mewtwo Y". Mewtwo Mega Evolves into Mega Mewtwo X with the Mewtwonite X Mega Stone, found in Pocket Monsters X, and into Mega Mewtwo Y with the Mewtwonite Y Mega Stone, found in Pocket Monsters Y. Golgo thanks Masuda for this amazing piece of news, and Masuda signs off by reminding everyone to please buy Pocket Monsters X and Y when they get released in October.

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Pocket Monsters XY Anime Preview

Next, Shoko-tan has some news on the anime for us. First, she shows off "the Pokémon the anime will introduce in the Kalos region", and pulls a cover off a giant poster, revealing a promotional poster for the Pocket Monsters XY anime series. The poster shows Satoshi alongside many new Pokémon like Onvern, and Golgo points out the giant figures of Mega Lucario and Mega Burshamo standing in the distance. Shoko-tan points out the Fairy type Pokémon on the poster, like Nymphia and a very small Flabebe.

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Following that, she goes on to introduce the new characters Satoshi and Pikachu will encounter. First up are Citron (シトロン) and Eureka (ユリーカ), which she explains are two siblings Satoshi meets in Niare City, and which are his opponents in the very first battle he has in the Kalos region, a battle he won't forget soon. Next is Serena (セレナ), a young girl who is just starting on her journey as a Pokémon trainer, and which Professor Red and Shoko-tan point out have a fashionable set of thigh-high socks and excellent zettai ryouiki. Shoko-tan wonders which of the three starter Pokémon she will choose, and mentions that she appears to have met Satoshi before, making the others ask where. They get no answer, though, as Shoko-tan introduces the next character, Viola (ビオラ), an active woman with a nice body and a great waist, and the Gym Leader of Hakudan City, which Satoshi will be challenging. And finally, she shows us the ones everyone were waiting for: Rocket Gang members Musashi, Kojiro and Nyarth, which will of course be appearing this series as well.

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Next, Shoko-tan tells us she has information on the Mega Bursyamo that will be appearing right at the beginning of the new anime, and shows a video clip from the 1-hour premiere special of Pocket Monsters XY that will air October 17th. The clip shows Satoshi arriving in Kalos, walking through the city, encountering Citron and Eureka, and getting to see the the new Pokémon Harimaron, Fokko and Keromatsu... as well as a mysterious Mega Bursyamo that jumps down from a rooftop, lands imposingly behind him, then quickly jumps away again.

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Finally, Shoko-tan mentions that the release of Pocket Monsters X and Pocket Monsters Y will be celebrated with an anime titled "Pocket Monsters the Orgin", which will air Tuesday October 2nd at 7PM, and which is based on the original Pocket Monsters Red and Pocket Monsters Green. She shows a promotional trailer for this, the one that has been available online for a while already, which shows Pokémon trainer Red receiving a Hitokage as his first Pokémon, and setting out on a journey.

Finally, Golgo has an announcement to make. This show, which started out as Pokémon Sunday, and has run 9 years now, will end in 2 episodes. To commemorate this, they will give out a Pokémon related to the show to all their viewers. As he gets ready to announce which Pokémon this will be, the studio door opens, and Director Zoroark, Leader Kimori and Hikozaru walk in to join Mijumaru and Director Lucario. The cast members line up before them, each holding a numbered poster they'll remove to reveal either an X mark or an O mark, the Pokémon getting the O mark being the one that will be distributed. As they reveal their posters, though, it turns out they all have X marks. As they wonder what this means, the door again opens, and Golgo's Yamirami walks in with the O poster. Golgo is about to scold it, but finds it too cute to yell at, so he decides that Yamirami will be the distributed Pokémon instead.

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He goes on to explain that his Yamirami has undergone special training, and thus knows moves normal Yamirami can't learn: Octazooka and Tickle. The Pokémon will be available at all Pokémon Centers in Japan between September 15th and 28th, and can be downloaded for Pocket Monsters Black, White, Black 2 and White 2.

Full details of the Yamirami distribution are available in the Event Database.

Finally, ending the episode, Golgo announces that the next episode will be a commemoration special looking back at the earlier episodes of the show, while the very last episode will be another Pokémon Smash Champion Position Match tournament.


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Shoko Nakagawa
  • Japan 中川翔子
  • Japan Shōko Nakagawa
  • Japan Shoko Nakagawa
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 馬場裕之
  • Japan Hiroyuki Baba
  • Japan Hiroyuki Baba
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 山本博
  • Japan Hiroshi Yamamoto
  • Japan Hiroshi Yamamoto
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 秋山竜次
  • Japan Ryuuji Akiyama
  • Japan Ryuuji Akiyama
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Golgo Matsumoto
  • Japan ゴルゴ松本
  • Japan Golgo Matsumoto
  • Japan Golgo Matsumoto
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan レッド吉田
  • Japan Red Yoshida
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Pokémon Sunday Smash Sableye
  • Japan ポケモン☆サンデーのヤミラミ
  • Japan Pokémon Sunday Smash Yamirami
  • Japan Pokémon Sunday Smash Yamirami
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Pokémon Sunday Chimchar
  • Japan ポケモン☆サンデーのヒコザル
  • Japan Pokémon Sunday no Hikozaru
  • Japan Pokémon Sunday Hikozaru
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Director Lucario
  • Japan ルカリオ部長
  • Japan Director Buchō
  • Japan Director Lucario
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Leader Treecko
  • Japan キモリリーダー
  • Japan Leader Kimori
  • Japan Leader Kimori
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Mijumaru
  • Japan ミジュマル
  • Japan Mijumaru
  • Japan Mijumaru
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Director Zoroark
  • Japan ゾロアーク
  • Japan Zoroark
  • Japan Zoroark
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Junichi Masuda
  • Japan 増田順一
  • Japan Jun'ichi Masuda
  • Japan Junichi Masuda
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Niccolo Marangon
  • Japan ニコロ・マランゴン
  • Japan Niccolo Marangon
  • Japan Niccolo Marangon
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Noemi Trijasson
  • Japan ノエミ トリジャソン
  • Japan Noemi Trijasson
  • Japan Noemi Trijasson
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Neese
  • Japan マクヴィカーニース
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Maru Kiuchi
  • Japan 木内 舞留
  • Japan Maru Kiuchi
  • Japan Maru Kiuchi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Instructor Takei
  • Japan 武井教官
  • Japan Takei-kyōkan
  • Japan Instructor Takei
No notes available for this episode.
Episode Music Regions
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Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 0
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 0
06 Sep 2013 08:51 AM
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22 Sep 2013 01:58 PM
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I wonder if Mewtwo is a special case or if there are going to be more Pokemon with X megas and Y megas!