Home / Episode Guide / The Urimoo Trio and the Steamy Battle!! / A Pokémon Quiz Caravan at an Elementary School in Chiba! / The Full Reveal of 'Project Z'; What is the Connection Between Momo-iro Clover Z and Project Z?/ウリムートリオと湯けむりバトル!! / 千葉県の小学校でポケモンクイズキャラバン! / 「プロジェクトZ」の全貌発表、ももいろクローバーZとプロジェクトZの関係は?
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  • Japan ウリムートリオと湯けむりバトル!! / 千葉県の小学校でポケモンクイズキャラバン! / 「プロジェクトZ」の全貌発表、ももいろクローバーZとプロジェクトZの関係は?
  • Japan Urimoo trio to yukemuri battle!! / Chiba-ken no shōgakkō de Pokémon Quiz Caravan! / 'Project Z' no zenbō happyō, Momo-iro Clover Z to Project Z no kankei wa?
  • Japan The Urimoo Trio and the Steamy Battle!! / A Pokémon Quiz Caravan at an Elementary School in Chiba! / The Full Reveal of 'Project Z'; What is the Connection Between Momo-iro Clover Z and Project Z?


OP/ED List

Mitemite kotchitchi
Episode Actors Regions
The announcer introduced the show by saying: "And today we'll bring you Pokémon Quiz Caravan special! So stay with us! Pokémon Smash!". The episode started with the entire cast watching Professor Red make the final adjustments to his latest invention. It's a Kyurem airbag which Yamamoto tested out but he ran right into it and hurt his face. He then asks Professor Red what happened to the airbag but suddenly an airbag begins to inflate in Yamamoto's stomach and gets so big that it explodes.

Golgo introduced this weeks rerun episode as part of the Pokémon Library. The theme for the episode was: Lies always get exposed! (うそはぜったいにバレる!). This weeks Pokémon Library rerun episode was The Urimoo Trio and the Steamy Battle!! ( ウリムートリオと湯けむりバトル!!) from the Dianond and Pearl series. A full summary of that episode is available in the episode guide. Professor Red said his go-to line 'OK! Pokémon Library!' to start the repeat episode.

After the Pokémon Library episode, Professor Red introduced his latest invention the RED 071 - Kyurem's Glaciate Quiz (キュレムのこごえるせかいクイズ). This time Shoko-tan was chosen to be the participant and like the Quiz Caravan she was asked questions. Each time a question was asked, the trolly cart moved closer to Kyurem. Her Hotachi ended up getting frozen by Kyurem's Glaciate at the end of the quiz though.

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Below are the questions that were asked to Shoko-tan:
# Question Answer
1 Pokémon stands for what? (ポケモンはなんの略?)
Pocket Monsters (ポケットモンスター)
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2 The Pokémon movie this year is celebrating what anniversary? (ポケモン映画はことしで何周年?)
15th (15周年)
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3 When does Professor Red have to smack some sense into Chief Golgo? (レッド博士がゴルゴ所長になおしてほしいところは?)
When he's fawning over his own wife (奥さんにデレデレ!)
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For this weeks Quiz Caravan, Red and Golgo visited Kotehashi Elementary School, Chiba Prefecture, Chiba City, (千葉県千葉市立こてはし台小学校) where 167 grade 5 students met them. The students were wearing Keldeo and Meloetta hats. Golgo and Red arrived in the Movie 15 - Pokémon With You van. Golgo was dressed with a Manaphy hat while Red was dressed up completely as Mewtwo. Points from this quiz caravan would be added to the running scores on Team Keldeo and Team Meloetta cosplay contest.

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The first quiz segment was the Black 2 White 2 Quiz (ブラック2ホワイト2クイズ). The kids were all on their own this time but were also divided up into two main groups and they would move to either the Black Kyurem (X) or White Kyurem(O) side when the questions were asked.
Below are the questions that were asked:
# Question Answer
1 Movie - Pokémon not found in the Isshu zukan appear in Meloetta's Sparkling Recital (メロエッタのキラキラリサイタルにはイッシュずかん以外のポケモンも登場する)
Yes - (O White)
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2 Game - Professor Red is heavier in weight than Mewtwo (ミュウツーとレッド博士の重さは博士のほうが重い)
No - (X Black) Mewtwo 122.0kg - Professor Red 85kg
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3 Game - Unknown is heavier than Mew (アンノーンとミュウではアンノーンのほうが重い)
Yes - (O White) Unknown 5.0kg - Mew 4.0kg
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The next event was Meloetta's Pokémon Scavenger Hunt Relay Quiz (メロエッタのポケモンかりものリレークイズ). The kids sat in a circle and they each had a TCG card with an berry item envelope. The player would pick a random card out of a box and match it up with the larger TCG cards that a kid in the circle had. The kid would give the envelope to the player and they would return to open it to see what was inside. The envelope could have a question or a turn over. If the player got the question right, their team got the points.

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Below are the questions that were asked:
# Question Answer
1 Which Ability does Keldeo, Cobalon, Terrakion and Virizion all share? (ケルディオ、コバルオン、テラキオン、ビリジオンに共通するとくせいは?)
Justified (せいぎのこころ)
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2 Blend Energy provides one of four different types of energy. The Blend Energy found in the Sazandora Deck 30 provides the types Grass, Psychic, Darkness and which other?
Fire Type (炎タイプ)
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3 Lucario's type is Fighting and what?
Steel Type (はがねタイプ)
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4 Was a Protoga fossil discovered in Twist Mountain or in the Electric Stone Cave? Which?(プロトーガの化石か見つかったのはネジやま?電気石の洞穴?どっち?)
Twist Mountain (ネジやま)
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5 Is it the Reshiram or Zekrom ornament that is located on the left side of the Pokémon Enterprise set? (ポケモンエンタープライズ本社にかざってあるゼクロムとレシラム向かって左にいるのは?)
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The next segment was the Keldeo Relay Quiz (ケルディオリレークイズ). The quiz consists of 5 different relay tasks: Finding a ball in a flour pan with your mouth, a 4 person/5 legged relay, Putting the Keldeo horn through a hole, passing a ring with Keldeo's horn and not letting a ball fall to the ground using the Keldeo's horns. The teams would each have to answer a trivia question to get the points for the team at the end of each relay task. The first team there would get to pick which question they were asked based on two different categories.
Below are the questions that were asked:
# Question Answer
1 Game - Which is correct way to spell Friendly Shop in Japanese? (正しいのはどっち? A フレンドリーショップ B フレンドリィショップ)
Friendly Shop (B フレンドリィショップ)
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2 Card - Can you evolve a Pokémon immediately after playing it from your hand? Cannot? (手札からだしたポケモンをすぐに進化させることはできる?できない?)
Cannot (できない)
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3 Anime - What is Sonansu's cry? (ソーナンスのなきごえは?)
Sonansu (ソーナンス)
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4 Movie - Step Forme Meloetta's type is Normal and what? (ステップフォームのメロエッタのタイプはノーマルとなに?)
Fighting (かくとう)
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5 Anime - How do you avoid being attacked by Buffron? A: By having afro hair B: By having silky hair (バッフロンにおそわれないようにする方法は? A アフロヘアになる B サラサラヘアーになる)
A: By having afro hair (A アフロヘアになる)
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6 Card - Which Pokémon appear on the packaging of the Dragon's Blast expansion pack, Zekrom or Sazandora? (拡張パックリューズブラストのパッケージに描かれているポケモンはゼクロム・サザンドラのどちら?)
Sazandora (サザンドラ)
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7 Name both of Dialga's types (ディアルガのタイプをふたつとも答えなさい)
steel typedragon type
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8 Who is the original trainer of the Keldeo that's given out to those who purchase a special pre-order ticket to this year's movie, Kyurem VS the Sacred Swordsman Keldeo? (今年の映画のキュレムVS聖剣士ケルディオ特別前売券でプレゼントされるケルディオの「おやめい」は?)
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9 Director Shoko-tan, who plays Keldeo in this year's movie, Kyurem VS the Sacred Swordsman Keldeo, also played which other Pokémon? (今年の映画キュレムVS聖剣士ケルディオでしょこたん部長はケルディオ役でがほかにこれまで演じたポケモンは?)
10 Name 5 Dragon type Pokemon (ドラゴンタイプのポケモンを5匹こたえろ)
Various Answers
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Mijumaru's Tweet Corner

During the segment, it was announced that a special would air on July 12th, 2012 and one of the two 14th Pocket Monsters movies Victini and the Light Hero - Reshiram / Victini and the Dark Hero - Zekrom (ビクティニと白き英雄レシラム / ビクティニと黒き英雄ゼクロム) would air. Viewers would get to vote for which movie they'd like to watch at http://ani.tv/siro-kuro/.

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It was also announced that the first part of the Powerful Tag Pokémon (強力タッグポケモン) campaign at the Pokémon Centers would be ending shortly. From May 7th, 2012 until May 31st, 2012, players of the Japanese version of Pokémon Black and White could receive Kyukon (キュウコン) and Chandela (シャンデラ). From June 1st, 2012 until June 22nd, 2012 players could also receive Lucario (ルカリオ) and Elphoon (エルフーン).

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Mitemite kotchitchi (みてみて☆こっちっち) - Project Z

Hana finally revealed what Project Z was. She had gone to visit with Momo-iro Clover Z at their performance in Toda City and got some dancing tips for the Meloetta dance from them. Hana then learned the routine and performed it on the show as the ending. It was then announced that viewers could send in their own videos of them dancing to the song and they would be played at the ending of the show. Below is the video of Hana performing the dance to teach everyone how to do it.


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Shoko Nakagawa
  • Japan 中川翔子
  • Japan Shōko Nakagawa
  • Japan Shoko Nakagawa
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 馬場裕之
  • Japan Hiroyuki Baba
  • Japan Hiroyuki Baba
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 山本博
  • Japan Hiroshi Yamamoto
  • Japan Hiroshi Yamamoto
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 秋山竜次
  • Japan Ryuuji Akiyama
  • Japan Ryuuji Akiyama
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Golgo Matsumoto
  • Japan ゴルゴ松本
  • Japan Golgo Matsumoto
  • Japan Golgo Matsumoto
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan レッド吉田
  • Japan Red Yoshida
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Misaki Momose
  • Japan 桃瀬美咲
  • Japan Misaki Momose
  • Japan Misaki Momose
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Hana Watt
  • Japan ハナ・ワット
  • Japan Hana Watt
  • Japan Hana Watt
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Maria Israel Cialdini
  • Japan マリアイスラエル・チャルディーニ
  • Japan Maria Israel Cialdini
  • Japan Maria Israel Cialdini
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Mijumaru
  • Japan ミジュマル
  • Japan Mijumaru
  • Japan Mijumaru
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Director Zoroark
  • Japan ゾロアーク
  • Japan Zoroark
  • Japan Zoroark
No notes available for this episode.
Episode Music Regions
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Japanese Music:


Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 0
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 0
18 May 2012 11:02 PM
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01 Jun 2012 11:27 PM
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Yikes these Smash summaries just get longer and more detailed all the time!

Link to summary: http://www.pocketmonsters.net/episodes/1383#Summary