Home / Episode Guide / にせオーキド!? ポケモンせんりゅうたいけつ!! / アーキド博士がポケモンの「どうぐ」や「せいかく」を大実験! / 四天王バトルには、ドラゴンタイプの馬場隊員が登場!/An Impostor Okido!? Pokémon Senryu Showdown!! / Professor Akido's Great Experiment on Pokémon 'Items' and 'Natures'! / Group Member Baba the Dragon Type User Takes the Stage in the Elite Four Battle!!
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  • Japan にせオーキド!? ポケモンせんりゅうたいけつ!! / アーキド博士がポケモンの「どうぐ」や「せいかく」を大実験! / 四天王バトルには、ドラゴンタイプの馬場隊員が登場!
  • Japan Nise Okido!? Pokémon senryū taiketsu!! / Akido-hakase ga Pokémon no 'dōgu' ya 'seikaku' no daijikken! / Shitennō battle ni wa, Dragon type no Baba-taiin ga tōjō!!
  • Japan An Impostor Okido!? Pokémon Senryu Showdown!! / Professor Akido's Great Experiment on Pokémon 'Items' and 'Natures'! / Group Member Baba the Dragon Type User Takes the Stage in the Elite Four Battle!!


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Episode Actors Regions
The 60th episode of Pokémon Smash, An Impostor Okido!? Pokémon Senryu Showdown!! / Professor Akido's Great Experiment on Pokémon 'Items' and 'Natures'! / Group Member Baba the Dragon Type User Takes the Stage in the Elite Four Battle!! (にせオーキド!? ポケモンせんりゅうたいけつ!! / アーキド博士がポケモンの「どうぐ」や「せいかく」を大実験! / 四天王バトルには、ドラゴンタイプの馬場隊員が登場!) aired on TV Tokyo last Sunday.

After the narrator introduces the episode with the words "And today we'll feature one and only, Doctor Akido, and it's time for Pokémon Smash", we see Professor Red working on an invention as Golgo, Shoko-tan and Robert walk in. Red explains that today is November 27th, the anniversary date of the establishment of the Nobel prize, and he wanted to finish his latest invention that day.

The topic then switches to the Pokémon Library. Akiyama has chosen today's episode, An Impostor Okido!? Pokémon Senryu Showdown!! (にせオーキド!?ポケモンせんりゅうたいけつ!!) from the original series. A full summary of that episode is available in the episode guide. Today's lesson is "There's no substituting the real deal!" (ホンモノは格がちがう!) Golgo asked Red to do his standard introduction line, but Red was busy with his invention and asked Baba to substitute. Baba ended up using the old "OK! Poké we go" line from Pokémon Sunday instead of the new Smash line.

After the rerun ended, the crew was joined by the International Division, and Red presented his new invention, the RED 066 Chief-only Poké Toy (所長専用ポケじゃらし) . He explains it is based on the Poké Toy item from the games (ポケじゃらし, named after the foxtail cat toy, which is named 猫じゃらし in Japanese), which allows the user to instantly escape from a battle with wild Pokémon by calming and distracting it. He claims the Chief-only Poké Toy will likewise calm Chief Golgo's anger when used on him. The entire crew doubts this, but Red proves the invention works when he manages to calm Golgo after enraging him by saying he had damaged the Chief's car. Yamamoto tried to see if it worked on Akiyama too, but was unable to calm him down after angering him.

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Professor Red then unveiled his next invention, the RED 067 Fire Gem Juice (ほのおのジュエルジュース), which he says is a liquified form of the game item Fire Gem (ほのおのジュエル), which boosts the power of a single Fire type move if held. Baba tries it out, and finds it extremely spicy, but he can't test if it actually boosts the power of a Fire type move or not - he knows no such moves, since he isn't a Pokémon.

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Yamamoto says Red should join up with Professor Akido if he's going to continue like this, which reminds Akiyama that Akido has asked for Yamamoto and Baba to go see him. The two aren't very happy about that, but Golgo sends them off, as we are shown clips of old Professor Akido segments.

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When they two meet with Akido, he explains he wants to investigate held items from Pocket Monsters Black and White; namely the Red Card (レッドカード), which causes the opponent to switch with a different Pokémon when it hits the holder. Akido wants to see if it works for humans as well, and gives Baba a Red Card before sending him into a battle with a young karate boy. The boy lands a hard kick on Baba after being hit with his rubber mallet, but Baba holds up the Red Card, and surely enough, the boy leaves... switching with a middle schooler karate boy, this one with a blue belt and a much harder kick. Baba manages to make him switch by showing him the Red Card too, but he switches with a huge foreigner with a black belt and 15 years of karate experience - and he doesn't leave when shown the Red Card either, ripping it to shreds instead. As Baba runs away, Akido conclusion is:
"The Red Card does not work against foreigners."
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Next, Akido wants to see what Natures (性格) the two have, explaining how the Natures in the games affect how Pokémon stats grow as it gains levels. He determines Yamamoto's Nature must definitely be Hasty (せっかち) due to his quick-and-dirty mentality, and that this should make his Speed high and his Defense low, which they decide to test by having a volleyball machine shoot volleyballs at him. While he manages to dodge them, Akido eventually adds a group of handball players to the mix assaulting Yamamoto with handballs, which sends him to the floor pretty quick. Akido notes that Yamamoto's Defense is indeed quite low.

Akido then deduces that Baba's Nature is Relaxed (のんき), which has the exact opposite effect - low Speed but high Defense. He is given some protective gear and subjected to the same attacks as Yamamoto was, but ends up getting downed equally fast - it turns out humans and Pokémon are different after all.

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Yamamoto prepares to end the segment, but Akido says there's still more to it. Yamamoto and Baba both refuse to continue, and Akido says their Nature must be Adamant (いじっぱり)... which leads him to test that theory. The Adamant nature increases Attack and lowers Special Attack, which he'll test in an "arm sumo wrestling" match. Akido decides to bring out Yamamoto's latent energy, thus increasing his Attack stat, by having him put his feet in a tray of ice water during the match. It initially appears to have an effect, but Yamamoto is still losing, so Akido decides to feed him shave ice to increase his Attack even further. Of course, it's squid ink shave ice. While it seems it's making him win, the sumo wrestler eventually stops playing around and wins in one quick motion.

Akido prepares to test Baba again, but he refuses, and Yamamoto points out that Akido's Nature must be Careful (しんちょう) the way he's constantly smooth-talking them into doing this stuff while avoiding it himself. That means his Special Defense is high and his Special Attack is low, and they decide to test that, as the obviously Careful Akido is trying to sneak away. Akido puts on a shower cap and swimming shorts, as the other decide to test how well his Special Defense handles the move Scald (ねっとう) by having the sumo wrestler from earlier drench him in hot water. He does not handle it well, and collapses face front on the ground. As such, his final conclusion is:
"Human natures do not affect their strength"

He also concludes that people shouldn't put their face on the ground, as there might be poop there. Akiyama and Baba signed off with the line "Everyone, get Pokémon".

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The Elite Four battle was next, and today's challenger was 11 year old Naoya Fuchigami (渕上直哉), who showed off by correctly naming the types of all the Pokémon the crew asked him, before asking Hana out (and getting turned down). He went up against Baba, but Baba's Pokémon outsped all of his, and knocked them all out with one hit from Outrage before he could even make a move.

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Shoko-tan ended the episode by announcing the opening of the Pokémon Center Tohoku December 4th and the events held in celebration of this, followed by the announcer also advertising the upcoming Shaymin event.

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Character Thumbnail
  • United States Shoko Nakagawa
  • Japan 中川翔子
  • Japan Shōko Nakagawa
  • Japan Shoko Nakagawa
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 馬場裕之
  • Japan Hiroyuki Baba
  • Japan Hiroyuki Baba
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 山本博
  • Japan Hiroshi Yamamoto
  • Japan Hiroshi Yamamoto
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 秋山竜次
  • Japan Ryuuji Akiyama
  • Japan Ryuuji Akiyama
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Golgo Matsumoto
  • Japan ゴルゴ松本
  • Japan Golgo Matsumoto
  • Japan Golgo Matsumoto
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan レッド吉田
  • Japan Red Yoshida
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Misaki Momose
  • Japan 桃瀬美咲
  • Japan Misaki Momose
  • Japan Misaki Momose
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Hana Watt
  • Japan ハナ・ワット
  • Japan Hana Watt
  • Japan Hana Watt
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Maria Israel Cialdini
  • Japan マリアイスラエル・チャルディーニ
  • Japan Maria Israel Cialdini
  • Japan Maria Israel Cialdini
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Mijumaru
  • Japan ミジュマル
  • Japan Mijumaru
  • Japan Mijumaru
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Director Zoroark
  • Japan ゾロアーク
  • Japan Zoroark
  • Japan Zoroark
No notes available for this episode.
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Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 0
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 0
18 Nov 2011 12:00 PM
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28 Nov 2011 10:14 PM
Sunain Administrator
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The Smash crew genuinely seemed to be shocked and found it funny that the boy asked Hana out on a date. That kids got some serious gumption asking her out on the show. Glad they kept that in the show. Him mom seemed embarrassed but his sister didn't seem to.