Home / Episode Guide / He Can Talk To Pokémon!? Pokémon's Words, Pokémon's Feelings! / All Students at the School Participate in the Pokémon Quiz Caravan! / Chief Golgo's Freegeo Plays an Important Role in a Television Viewer Battle!?/ポケモンとはなせます!? ポケモンのことばポケモンのきもち! / ポケモンクイズキャラバンに全校生徒が参加! / 視聴者バトルでゴルゴ所長のフリージオが大活躍!?
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Titles and Airdates


  • Japan ポケモンとはなせます!? ポケモンのことばポケモンのきもち! / ポケモンクイズキャラバンに全校生徒が参加! / 視聴者バトルでゴルゴ所長のフリージオが大活躍!?
  • Japan Pokémon to hanasemasu!? Pokémon no kotoba Pokémon no kimochi! / Pokémon Quiz Caravan ni zenkō seito ga sanka! / Shichōsha battle de Golgo-shochō no Freegeo ga daikatsuyaku!?
  • Japan He Can Talk To Pokémon!? Pokémon's Words, Pokémon's Feelings! / All Students at the School Participate in the Pokémon Quiz Caravan! / Chief Golgo's Freegeo Plays an Important Role in a Television Viewer Battle!?


OP/ED List

Can You Say the Pokémon? BW
Episode Actors Regions
The announcer introduced the items for this episode and then said: "Hey! Hey! Boy's and girls! It's Sunday morning! It's time for Pokémon Smash! Here we go!". Shoko-tan notices a toster on the table and Akiyama has a basket of bread. How many Pokémon Smash cast members does it take to toast toast? Just as they begin loading the toast, Professor Red appears and quickly takes the toaster away from Shoko-tan and he tells them its his invention (発明品).

Golgo introduced this weeks rerun episode as part of the Pokémon Library and he also announces this weeks theme, Sharing Feelings (きもちは伝わる). This weeks Pokémon Library rerun episode was He Can Talk To Pokémon!? Pokémon's Words, Pokémon's Feelings! (ポケモンとはなせます!? ポケモンのことばポケモンのきもち!) from the original series. A full summary of that episode is available in the episode guide. Professor Red said his go-to line 'OK! Pokémon Library!' to start the repeat episode.

A whole scene that was cut from the English dub where the Rocket Gang uses the "Rocket Bazooka" to free Lang aired in this episode. This is a crucial scene in the episode as it explains how Lang manages to get away from the con artists. The Bazooka had 3 barrels but only 2 of the rockets hit the house, the third one falls out of the bazooka and explodes in front of Rocket Gang sending them flying away.

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After the Pokémon Library episode, the Internation division girls show up and Hana asks Professor Red: "What is this?". Professor Red replies by saying: "This is... a prototype for the Pokémon Caravan Quiz (This is... ポケモンクイズキャラバン用の試作品です!)" He then introduced the device as the RED-063 Pop-out Quiz (クイズトビデール). It comes with square bread-like paper that is loaded into the toaster and pops up. On each bread piece is a quiz question. Hana was the first to try it out. The question was: Name 5 water Pokémon in 10 seconds. Hana named Mijumaru, Daikenki, Koaruhie, Swanna and Gamageroge in just 6 seconds .

Shoko-tan was up next and her question was: Name 5 "big" words in under 10 seconds! (”すごい”のちがう言い方を10秒以内に5つにたえよ!). Giza, gigant, gigantia, gigantic and Buccal cone are her five "big" words in rising order and she said them in less than 2 seconds!(ギザ ギガント ギガンティア ギガンティック バッカルコーン)

The show then switched to the VTR of the Pokémon Caravan Quiz. For this episode they visited Hachioji Elementary School (東京都 八王子市立 中野北小学校). The first segment of the quiz was the 'Black/White Quiz' (ブラックホワイトクイズ). The kids were separated into two teams and each person was given a paddle with black on one side and white on the other. When questions were asked, they would raise the paddle they thought was the answer. The team that won would receive 10 points.

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# Question Answer
1 Anime - Is Bel's Chillarmy female? (ベルの持っているチラーミィはメスである)
(X) No. Male
Spoiler: Click to show!
2 Card Game - Supporter cards can be used multiple times on your turn. (サポートーカードは自分の番に何回でも使える)
(X) No. Only 1 per turn.
Spoiler: Click to show!
3 Pokémon Smash - Is Shoko-tan the Director of the Pokémon Intelligence Department? (しょこたん部長はポケモン情報部である)
(X) Definitely Not! Marketing Department (マーケティング部)
Spoiler: Click to show!

After only 3 questions, most the kids were eliminated. Most of the kids got the first question about Bel's Chillarmy's gender wrong. Only one kid managed to get the Shoko-tan question right which should have been an easy one for them.

The next section of the Caravan Quiz was the Dotekkotsu's Focus Blast Relay Quiz (ドテッコツのきあいだまリレークイズ). Players were split into teams of three and each of them had a steel I-bar that they had to hold up like Dotekkotsu. A ball would roll down through the I-bar and would be passed on to the next person. The person that passed it would then move to the end of the line until they reached the finish line. Before setting off, the players would have to count the number of specific Pokémon on a board which were mixed up with a lot of other Pokémon to make it harder. The first team to correctly tell the number of Pokémon on the board after successfully completing the ball relay without dropping the ball was declared the winner and would get 10 points for their team. Team Reshiram ended up winning the event.

The next portion of the quiz was the Victini's V-Generate Find the Mistake Obstacle Course Quiz (ビクティニのVジェネレート障害物まちがいさがしクイズ). Participants would wear a helmet with a V shaped container that had balls in them. They would have to go through the obstacle course while trying not to drop the balls. New events were added to the Obstacle Course Quiz in this episode. The first part of the obstacle course was a balance beam they had to walk across, second part was popping a balloon, the third part was counting the number of Pokémon under the umbrella, the 4th part was finding a candy ball in a pan, the 5th part was a sack race and the final part was rope skipping. For each ball that they had left at the end of the obstacle course, the team would get 1 second on the clock.

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Team Zekrom ended up getting 8 seconds to look at the picture. Can you spot all 16 differences in that amount of time?

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Both teams ended up tied with 90 points each. Both Team Zekrom and Team Reshiram got 900 points added to their totals. Professor Red then showed off a present that will be given away, stickers and a poster with the signatures of all the Smash cast members.

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Takeshi Tsuruno (つるの剛士) showed up in his bathrobe to show off his two new cd's Can You Say the Pokémon? BW (ポケモン言えるかな? BW) and Chiruno Uta. In the Marketing Department segment, 10 year old Yuudai Matsumoto was the guest battler and he faced Golgo. Chief Golgo's Freegeo played an important role in defeating Yuudai as Yuudai wasn't able to defeat Freegeo.

As a reminder for the upcoming CD release of Can You Say the Pokémon? BW (ポケモン言えるかな? BW) which will be released on June 22nd, 2011, they filmed various kids singing the song for the ending.

Pokémon Smash Wallpaper - June 2011

A wallpaper for June 2011 was posted on the official website. It features Zoroark.

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Character Thumbnail
  • United States Shoko Nakagawa
  • Japan 中川翔子
  • Japan Shōko Nakagawa
  • Japan Shoko Nakagawa
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 馬場裕之
  • Japan Hiroyuki Baba
  • Japan Hiroyuki Baba
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 山本博
  • Japan Hiroshi Yamamoto
  • Japan Hiroshi Yamamoto
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 秋山竜次
  • Japan Ryuuji Akiyama
  • Japan Ryuuji Akiyama
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Golgo Matsumoto
  • Japan ゴルゴ松本
  • Japan Golgo Matsumoto
  • Japan Golgo Matsumoto
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan レッド吉田
  • Japan Red Yoshida
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Misaki Momose
  • Japan 桃瀬美咲
  • Japan Misaki Momose
  • Japan Misaki Momose
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Maria Israel Cialdini
  • Japan マリアイスラエル・チャルディーニ
  • Japan Maria Israel Cialdini
  • Japan Maria Israel Cialdini
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Mijumaru
  • Japan ミジュマル
  • Japan Mijumaru
  • Japan Mijumaru
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Director Zoroark
  • Japan ゾロアーク
  • Japan Zoroark
  • Japan Zoroark
No notes available for this episode.
Episode Music Regions
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Japanese Music:


Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 0
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 0
27 May 2011 06:17 PM
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08 Jun 2011 03:18 PM
Sunain Administrator
Joined: 18 Jun 2007
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A lot of stuff happening in this episode that I'm amazed they managed to jam it all in. The kids really sucked on the Black and White quiz this time as the questions weren't that hard.

The signed poster is definitely a rare prize that some lucky fan will get. The Can you say the Pokemon BW song is starting to really get annoying, especially with the blatant "BUY MY CDS!".

Episode Summary Link: http://www.pocketmonsters.net/episodes/1272#Summary
08 Jun 2011 07:21 PM
Joined: 16 Mar 2010
Posts: 87
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Quote From: Sunain
A lot of stuff happening in this episode that I'm amazed they managed to jam it all in. The kids really sucked on the Black and White quiz this time as the questions weren't that hard.

The signed poster is definitely a rare prize that some lucky fan will get. The Can you say the Pokemon BW song is starting to really get annoying, especially with the blatant "BUY MY CDS!".

Episode Summary Link: http://www.pocketmonsters.net/episodes/1272#Summary

wow lmao .. that song hasn't annoyed me yet :P
Its The Fluff Of Doom