Home / Episode Guide / Purin's Song, Papa's Song! / Adding New Trainer Cards to the 'PokéSma! Original Card Battle' / Group Member Baba's Television Viewer Battle!/プリンの歌、パパの歌! / トレーナーズのカードを追加してレベルアップした「ポケスマ!オリジナルカードバトル」/視聴者バトルには馬場隊員が登場!
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  • Japan プリンの歌、パパの歌! / トレーナーズのカードを追加してレベルアップした「ポケスマ!オリジナルカードバトル」/視聴者バトルには馬場隊員が登場!
  • Japan Purin no uta, papa no uta! / Trainers no card wo tsuikashita level up shita 'PokéSma! Original Card Battle' / Shichōsha battle ni wa Baba-taiin ga tōjō!
  • Japan Purin's Song, Papa's Song! / Adding New Trainer Cards to the 'PokéSma! Original Card Battle' / Group Member Baba's Television Viewer Battle!


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Episode Actors Regions
The episode begins with Shoko-tan mixing up some ingredients for a Valentine's Day treat. Robert and TIM both walk on and are quite scared by the fact that Shoko-tan was making some kind of food. They ask her what's in the 'treat' she is making. Shoko-tan replies that its chocolate and Squid Ink (イカスミ) which really gets the group even more disgusted than they already were. She explains that she is combining White Chocolate (ホワイトチョコ) and Squid Ink (イカスミ) to create Black White Chocolate (ブラックホワイトチョコ). Yamamoto quickly suggests they introduce the Pokémon Library episode for this week to avoid having to talk about Shoko-tan's disgusting treat.

Yamamoto introduces this weeks rerun episode as part of the Pokémon Library and he also announces this weeks theme, Good luck will lead you thought! (がんばれば想いは通じる!). This weeks Pokémon Library rerun episode was Purin's Song, Papa's Song! (プリンの歌、パパの歌!) from the Advanced Generation series. A full summary of that episode is available in the episode guide. Red said the go-to line 'OK! Pokémon Library!' to start the repeat episode.

After the Pokémon Library episode, the International Division girls show up each holding a gift box and they say "Happy Valentine". They brought the gifts to give to TIM and Robert which makes them happy as they all knew about Shoko-tan's gift. The girls put their gifts on the table but Shoko-tan decides to mix up her gift boxes that look the same so no one would know which box was hers. Everyone would have a random gift. Yamamoto is the first to pick a box and Professor Red tells him that 2 of the 5 boxes are actually Shoko-tan's Squid Ink Chocolate (イカスミチョコ). Yamamoto picks a box but then Shoko-tan takes it away and gives him a different one which he quickly objects to. All the other guys take a box. Yamamoto is the first to open his box and he unfortunately gets one of Shoko-tan's boxes. The other 4 guys each taste their chocolates and Baba, Golgo and Red all report that theirs taste good. Akiyama though has a strange look on his face as he continues chewing his chocolate. Unfortunately for him, he got the other Shoko-tan box.

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After Akiyama and Yamamoto recovered, the VTR segment 'Adding New Trainer Cards to the 'PokéSma! Original Card Battle' was introduced. The teams were the same as the last card battle. Hana, Misaki, and Yamamoto were on one team and Maria, Baba, and Akiyama were on the other team. The International Group and Adventure Group meet up with Teacher Takashima (タカシマ先生) who was once again their teacher for this segment of the show.

This time Teacher Takashima introduced Trainer cards to the mix from the Pokémon BW Boys and Girls Starter Kits and the first Black and White set. He starts off with a lecture to explain the different types of Trainer cards.

Supporter cards: Supporter cards are also cards to provide advantages to the player and the advantages can be significantly.

Pokémon Goods cards: Pokémon Tools are cards that assist Pokémon by giving them power-ups, for example in Hit Points or attack power.

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The card decks were premade this time and the battle started with Akiyama revealing that Maria's teams first Pokémon was Reshiram (BC BW1 013/053) and Yamamoto revealed that their team's first Pokémon was Mijumaru (HS 011/037). Hana's team was the first to go and she picked up a Monster ball card (HS 037/037). The card states: "Flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for a Pokémon, show it to your opponent, and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward." Hana flipped tails, but decided to use another Monster ball card from her hand.The chose Zekrom (WC BW1 020/053) put it on the bench and then gave Yamamoto Mijumaru a Water energy. Tackle (たいあたり) was used against Akiyama Reshiram and they ran Akiyama into a wall of tin cans. Reshiram is weak against Water attacks, so Akiyama Reshiram's HP was reduced from 130 to 110.

Maria's team went next and they picked up a Fire energy card, but she decided to use a Super Ball (スーパーボール) card (WC BW1 049/053). The card states: "Look at the top 7 cards from your deck, choose a Pokémon from those cards, show it to your opponent, and then put it into your hand. Shuffle the deck afterward." Maria chose Zorua (WC BW1 036/053) and put it on the bench. She then gave Akiyama Reshiram a Fire energy card but she needed two enery to use any attacks.

On second Hana's turn, she picked up a Lightning energy card and gave it to Misaki Zekrom on the bench. She then instructed Yamamoto Mijumaru to use Tackle again. This time Akiyama avoided the charging Yamamoto and he hit the tin can wall. The stunt double for Yamamoto then hit Akiyama on the head with one of the tin cans. Reshiram's HP dropped from 110 to 90.

Maria picked up a Fire energy and then applied it to Reshiram giving it enough energy to use Outrage (げきりん). The attack does 20 damage plus 10 more damage for each damage counter on Reshiram. Since Reshiram already had 4 damage counters on it, Outrage could deal 60 damage. A 6 girls showed up with bouncing red balls and threw them at Yamamoto Mijumaru which was enough to knock him out.

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Hana picked up a Futachimaru (WC BW1 012/053) and then applied another Lightning energy card to Misaki Zekrom. She then instructed Misaki Zekrom to use Outrage (げきりん) as it now had enough energy to use it. 2 of the girls returned with red bouncing balls and dealt 2 more damage to Akiyama Reshiram lowering its hit points to 70.

Maria picked up another Fire energy card but instead of giving it to Akiyama Reshiram which only needed one more energy card to use Blue Fire (あおいほのお) which is an attack that can deal 120 damage, she decided to apply it to Baba Zorua on the bench. She then used the Potion (きずぐすり) (HS 033/037) to restore 30 damage from Akiyama Reshiram to increase its HP back to 100. Outrage (げきりん) was used again and 5 girls showed up this time and dealt 50 damage lowering Zekrom's HP to 80.

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Hana picked up a Water energy card and applied it to Misaki Zekrom. She then instructed Zekrom to use Lightning Strike (らいげき). Akiyama was put into a box that had a glass panel at the front so they could see what was happening. A yellow balloon began inflating behind Akiyama until it got so big that it exploded and a ton of small balls were dropped from above. Misaki Zekrom was dealt 40 damage from the recoil of using Lightning Strike which was represented by her getting hit on the head by a falling tin can. The attack was enough to knock out Akiyama Reshiram.

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Maria picked up the Supporter card Cheren (チェレン) (WC BW1 053/053) which allows the player to draw 3 extra cards. She used the card and picked up Zoroark (WC BW1 037/053), another Potion card and a Fire energy card. She evolved Baba Zorua to the Zoroark card and applied another Fire energy card. She then instructed Zoroark to use Foul Play (イカサマ) which states: "Choose an attack that your opponent's Active Pokémon knows. Zoroark uses that attack." Misaki Zekrom was out and it knows Outrage (げきりん) and Lightning Strike (らいげき). Maria then chose to use Lightning Strike (らいげき). She was put into the same box room that Akiyama was in earlier. Zoroark Baba was dealt 40 damage from the recoil of using Lightning Strike which was represented once again by getting hit on the head by a falling tin can. Maria's team ended up winning as they knocked out Misaki Zekrom. This was Maria Team's third straight PokéSma! Original Card Battle victory. Teacher Takashima finishes off by saying that the Supporter card Cheren was the reason the battle changed in favor of Maria's team which highlights the importance of those Trainer cards.

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10 year old Kouta-kun was this weeks in-studio Television Viewer Battler and he asked to battle against Group Member Baba. Baba ended up loosing the battle and had to trade his Burungel (ブルンゲル) for Kouta-kun's Washibon (ワシボン).

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After the battle, Shoko-tan announced the PokéSma! Bark Out Zoroark Wi-Fi distribution. On Pokémon Smash #14, Zoroark learned Bark Out. The Zoroark will be available via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection from February 15th, 2011 until March 14th, 2011. Below are the full details.

Pokémon Info

Zoroark (ゾロアー ク)
Level: 50
OT: PokéSma! (ポケスマ!)
ID: 01161
Poké ball: Cherish Ball
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon
Ability: Illusion
Attack 1: Agility (こうそくいどう)
Attack 2: Embargo (さしおさえ)
Attack 3: Punishment (おしおき)
Attack 4: Bark Out (バークアウト)


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Shoko Nakagawa
  • Japan 中川翔子
  • Japan Shōko Nakagawa
  • Japan Shoko Nakagawa
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 馬場裕之
  • Japan Hiroyuki Baba
  • Japan Hiroyuki Baba
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 山本博
  • Japan Hiroshi Yamamoto
  • Japan Hiroshi Yamamoto
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan 秋山竜次
  • Japan Ryuuji Akiyama
  • Japan Ryuuji Akiyama
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Golgo Matsumoto
  • Japan ゴルゴ松本
  • Japan Golgo Matsumoto
  • Japan Golgo Matsumoto
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan レッド吉田
  • Japan Red Yoshida
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Teacher Takashima
  • Japan タカシマ先生
  • Japan Takashima-sensei
  • Japan Teacher Takashima
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Misaki Momose
  • Japan 桃瀬美咲
  • Japan Misaki Momose
  • Japan Misaki Momose
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Hana Watt
  • Japan ハナ・ワット
  • Japan Hana Watt
  • Japan Hana Watt
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Maria Israel Cialdini
  • Japan マリアイスラエル・チャルディーニ
  • Japan Maria Israel Cialdini
  • Japan Maria Israel Cialdini
No notes available for this episode.
Episode Music Regions
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Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 0
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 0
04 Feb 2011 11:16 AM
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14 Feb 2011 02:24 AM
Sunain Administrator
Joined: 18 Jun 2007
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This was a really funny episode. Poor Akiyama and Baba had to eat the Squid Ink Chocolate. They really didn't seem to like that very much. Misaki seems a bit stuck up about the whole 'Idol' thing which gets kinda annoying. At least Shoko-tan doesn't make a big deal out of it herself.
10 Mar 2011 09:37 PM
Joined: 30 Jun 2010
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Quote From: Sunain
This was a really funny episode. Poor Akiyama and Baba had to eat the Squid Ink Chocolate. They really didn't seem to like that very much. Misaki seems a bit stuck up about the whole 'Idol' thing which gets kinda annoying. At least Shoko-tan doesn't make a big deal out of it herself.

But Shokotan doesn't get hit with balls or steel boxes.
That's no way to treat an idol, you know!

And boy did Hana throw that coin poorly.
How was it going to flip like that?
If you're going to have a huge coin, I don't think it should be made of paper.
Last edited 11 Mar 2011 06:31 PM by Deon