The episode began with the Pokémon Enterprise staff welcoming everyone with their 'PokéMorning!' slogan and Shoko-tan and Akiyama both sporting new hairdos. Shoko-tan then quickly reminded people of the Pokémon Library vote that took place earlier in the month. The episode that won the vote would be aired on today's episode of Pokémon Smash.
Since Professor Red won the last vote, he got to choose another episode for this vote. He chose
Metamon and the Copycat Girl (メタモンとモノマネむすめ) from the
original series for this vote. He was up against Yamamoto who chose
Perap and the Pokémon Comedian! (ペラップとポケモン漫才!) from
Advanced Generation as his vote selection. Like the previous vote, viewers could vote for the episode on the official Pokémon Smash website. The tally was revealed by Shoko-tan. Professor Red won with 29,365 votes while Yamamoto received 21,909 votes.

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Since Professor Red won the second Pokémon Library vote,
Metamon and the Copycat Girl (メタモンとモノマネむすめ) from the
original series was this weeks repeat episode. The theme for the episode this week was 'Excelling in one thing is hard!' (1つのことを極めるのは大変!).
A full summary for that episode is available in the episode guide.
The International Division girls show up after the repeat episode, and Misaki announces that she reached the ending of Pocket Monsters Black and White. After discussing their various experiences in the games, Professor Red asks Akiyama if he'd reached the ending yet. Trying to avoid answering, he finally says he hasn't. Yamamoto then interjects and says: Speaking of what comes after the ending, aren't you forgetting someone? (エンディングの後といえばこの人を忘れていませんか?). Yamamoto then reveals Handsome, starting this weeks Video Tape Recording.

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Throughout Pokémon Sunday, Robert potrayed may characters but as Zoroark, Baba and Akiyama stood waiting they did not know who to expect to showup. Suddenly they hear a voice in the distance and Handsome Yamamoto reveals himself. Together they all head off to the Tokyo Pokémon Center where they see a Pokémon Center staff member outside the building looking a bit worried. Handsome Yamamoto approaches the girl who explains that the Tabunne supposed to come and help out in the shop isn't there yet (お店のおうえんに来てくれるはずのタブンネがなかなか来ない). Handsome Yamamoto tells her its will be all right and quickly runs into the Pokémon Center.
Moments later Tabunne shows up in the Pokémon Center. In both the anime and the games, Handsome is the master of disguise and uses costumes to blend in so that he isn't discovered when he goes undercover. Handsome Yamamoto on the other hand still has a bit of work to do to live up to his counterpart. Baba and Yamamoto watch Handsome Yamamoto Tabunne walk around the Pokémon Center and interact with the patrons. Baba quickly points out that the face looks bad.
It is quickly apparant that Handsome Yamamoto Tabunne's appeal isn't very good as many of the children find him a bit frightening. He then decides to talk to the children in English saying: "Hello!" and "Thank you!" while getting pictures taken. He also solved a rubik's cube but the kids didn't seem to impressed with that skill. Suddenly, the
real Pokémon Center Tabunne appeared and all the kids flocked to it. Realizing that the real Tabunne appeared Handsome Yamamoto Tabunne told the Pokémon Center Tabunne to go away (あっちに行け) otherwise it was going to blow his cover and called the other one the fake (ニセモノ) Tabunne. Akiyama and Baba appear and reveal Handsome Yamamoto.
Their next stop is a park where they meet a woman who was supposed to have a children's sketching tournament but the statue of '
The Thinker' was wrecked. Handsome Yamamoto tells her it will be okay and he runs off. Moments later the kids arrive ready to sketch and the girl reveals the 'statue' which is actually Handsome Yamamoto. After a little while, Handsome Yamamoto has a hard time staying still and the paint was starting to flake. Baba and Akiyama appear and try to get Handsome Yamamoto to reveal himself by rubbing the paint off and then the kids put wax tape on his legs to rip the hair off. Finally the kids reveal him by washing the paint off with water.
Back at the studio, Handsome Yamamoto states tha he is in Pokémon Enterprise but the staff doesn't see him anywhere. They begin searching for him and finally Maria thinks she's spotted him and sits on Shoko-tan's desk which had been replaced by Handsome Yamamoto dressed as her desk. Maria, Baba and Akiyama begin kicking him and he finally reveals himself. Handsome Yamamoto then announced that
Handsome will be appearing in an upcoming episode of Pocket Monsters Best Wishes with
Professor Araragi.

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During Mijumaru's Tweet Corner, a preview for the upcoming 1 hour Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl Special that airs on February 3rd, 2011 was shown.
Hikari Sets Off Anew! (ヒカリ・新たなる旅立ち!) and
The Greatest Crisis in Nibi Gym's History! (ニビジム・史上最大の危機!!) follow the adventures of
Hikari and
Takeshi after they parted ways with

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At the end of the show, the 3rd Pokémon Library vote was announced. Since Professor Red won the first two votes, he gets to try to defend his winning streak. He chose
Already in a Daze with Muchul!! Do you like Superstar Pokémon? (ムチュールにもうむちゅう!!スーパースターはポケモンがおすき?). Up against Professor Red this time is Akiyama and he chose
Pull Yourself Together, Lisyan! (シャンとしてリーシャン!) from the
Diamond and Pearl series. Viewers can
vote for their favourite episode on the official Pokémon Smash website until midnight on February 14th, 2011.
The Pokémon Smash February calendar was also posted on the official site. It features Robert dressed up as Pokémon they thought should be in the next Pokémon movie from
Pokémon Smash #11. Yamamoto dressed up as Mijumaru, Akiyama dressed up as Monmen and Baba dressed up as Meguroco and they had a foot race which Akiyama won.

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