The episode begins Shoko-tan holding a present and Zoroark and Mijumaru looking on. TIM and Robert walk in and notice that Shoko-tan is attempting to deliver a present. They ask her about the present and she says that she cooked it herself. This brings back bad memories of the previous food she has cooked.
Golgo decides to quickly change the topic of conversation and introduces this weeks rerun episode as part of the Pokémon Library and Yamamoto announces this weeks theme 'Put your mind to it!' (みんなちゃんと寝ろよ). This weeks rerun episode was
Pokémon the Movie! (ポケモン・ザ・ムービー!) from the
original Japanese series.
A full summary is available in the episode guide. Red said the go-to line 'Okay! Pokémon Library!' to start the repeat episode.
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After the repeat episode, the International girls show up and say 'PokéMorning!" to everyone. Shoko-tan had hidden the present and Misaki manages to find it behind the cardboard cutout of the President of Pokémon Enterprise. They open the present to find out that it is Carrot Jelly (にんじんぜりー). Misaki is the first to try it thinking that it would be good but she quickly realizes that it doesn't taste very good. Hana tries it and almost faints and says 'Oh my god!". As they take Hana back to her seat Yamamoto notices that Mijumaru got a present from Shoko and Yamamoto wanted to protect Mijumaru so he quickly took the present, opened it and began eating it so that Mijumaru would be spared. It turned out that it was a Wasabi Rolls (わさびたっぷり チュロス) and it caused Yamamoto to faint onto the floor.
Baba introduced the Video tape recording of the International and Adventure Division's Pokémon Card Searching Showdown. The two teams were sent into the house to find hidden cards from the newest Pokémon Card Game BW set. The cards were hidden throughout the house. The teams were trying to find cards that had a lot of hit points and were related to get double the points from the combined HP.

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At the end of the searching, the International Division found 25 cards for a total of 3130 points with 8 pairs of cards. The Adventure Division found 23 cards for a total of 2400 points and 4 pairs of cards.
The next round, the two teams played the game
Concentration with Pokémon Cards. The teams needed to match 3 evolution cards to collect them. The Adventure Division did quite well matching up the cards and increased their score to 3560 points whereas the International group only increased to 3140 points.
During Mijumaru's Tweet Corner, the ANA Darkrai was announced. Even though it's winter, the Phantom Pokémon Darkrai will be distributed as a special gift! Participating stores and shops which includes:
Aeon Group Shopping Malls (Jusco, Aeon SuperCenter, Saty, Posful),
Apita, Piago,
Ito Yokado,
Toys 'R US,
Al Plaza, and
Heiwado will be distributing the Darkrai from
December 27th, 2010 until January 11th, 2011.

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At the same time, Darkrai will also be distributed at
Haneda Airport Terminal 2 to celebrate the renovation of the International terminal that opened at the end of October. This Darkrai is exactly the same as the one distributed at shops except for the OT name. The OT is (ANA) for the Terminal 2 Darkrai and the shop Darkrai's OT is (ふゆやすみ) but both Darkrai's will have the ID No: 12270. The Darkrai are level 50 and it is stored in a Cherish Ball. They know the following moves:
Ominous Wind,
Dark Void,
Faint Attack and
Nightmare. The ANA Darkrai will be distributing from
December 27th, 2010 until January 10th, 2011, one day less than the shop Darkrai.
During the Marketing Department segment, Director Shoko-tan had a Pokémon Battle with 9 year old Seiya Shishido. His parents and 8 siblings were in the audience to cheer him on. It was a 4-on-4 double battle. In the end, Seiya won against Shoko-tan and he traded his
Muhland (ムーランド) for her
Ononokus (オノノクス)

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