Today's episode of Pokémon Sunday (ポケモン☆サンデー) marks the 301th episode of the series and the second part of the 300th episode celebration.
This weeks rerun theme, is a continuation of the current Water Pokémon theme, 'Cooling Summer! Water Pokémon Big Gathering!' (夏を涼しく!みずポケモン大集合!).
Showdown! The Giant Namazun and the Fishing Master!! was this weeks repeat episode. In this episode, Satoshi loose his badge case to a giant Namazun and tries to get it back. Will he be able to recover it?!
For the past few weeks, the show has been advertising for participants for the Pokémon Cosplay Photo exhibition. Children and their parents showed up and dressed up as various Pokémon. The PokéSun cast also dressed up as Pokémon. Shoko-tan dressed up as
Giza mimi Pichu (ギザみみピチュー) which was the character she voiced for the 12th Pocket Monsters movie. Golgo dressed up as a
Pearlulu (パールル), Baba dressed up as a
Nassy (ナッシー), Yamamoto dressed up as a
Digda (ディグダ) and a
Dugtrio (ダグトリオ), Professor Red dressed up as a
Heigani (ヘイガニ), while Akiyama was dressed up in his normal Yadon Akiyama costume.

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10 groups of people participated in the actual Pokémon Cosplay exhibition. Some of the cosplay Pokémon were:
Kireihana (キレイハナ),
Unknown (アンノーン),
Nassy (ナッシー),
Mitsuhoney (ミツハニー) and
Sonansu (ソーナンス). In the end, the judges awarded the
Nassy (ナッシー) as the best cosplay.
Pokémon Labyrinth Information
Pokémon Labyrinth Great Summer Research Group (ポケモンラビリンス 真夏の大調査団) is an Adobe Flash based game that is hosted as part of the Pokémon Daisuki Club (ポケモンだいすきクラブ) from July 8th, 2010 to August 31st, 2010. The game allows Japanese players the opportunity to receive an Eeveelution Pokémon for their Pokémon Black and White game. By also filling the in-game dex, players can collect points which determines their chance at winning promotional prizes.
At the end of the show, the Pokémon seen during the Movie 14 trailer is revealed and it is called
Victini (ビクティニ). It is #000 in the Isshu Dex.

Click on image for higher resolution.
Also revealed was a new Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection event which will be giving the Liberty Ticket (リバティチケット) away from
September 18th, 2010 to October 18th, 2010.

Click on image for higher resolution.
The preview from next weeks episode also showed screenshots from the upcoming new anime series Pocket Monsters Best Wishes! (ポケットモンスター ベストウイッシュ). Tsutaja (ツタージャ), Pokabu (ポカブ) and Mijumaru (ミジュマル) were shown.

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