Home / Dex / Moves / Magical Leaf
Move Details

Magical Leaf Introduced in Generation 3


Types Move Type Damage Class Special Beauty
PP 20
Power 60
Accuracy -


Language Local Name
Chinese (Cantonese Hong Kong) 魔法葉
Chinese (Mandarin Taiwan) 魔法叶
English Magical Leaf
French Feuille Magik
German Zauberblatt
Italian Fogliamagica
Japanese マジカルリーフ
Japanese (Romanized) Majikaruriifu
Korean 메지컬리프
Spanish Hoja Mágica

Damage Done

Bug Dark Dragon Electric Fairy Fighting Fire Flying Ghost Grass Ground Ice Normal Poison Psychic Rock Steel Water
0.5x 0.5x 0.5x 0.5x 0.5x 2x 0.5x 2x 0.5x 2x

Pokémon List

By Level Up

Mr. Mime Type Icon Type Icon
Chikorita Type Icon
Bayleef Type Icon
Meganium Type Icon
Cleffa Type Icon
Togetic Type Icon Type Icon
Bellossom Type Icon
Celebi Type Icon Type Icon
Ralts Type Icon Type Icon
Kirlia Type Icon Type Icon
Gardevoir Type Icon Type Icon
Roselia Type Icon Type Icon
Tropius Type Icon Type Icon
Roserade Type Icon Type Icon
Cherubi Type Icon
Cherrim Type Icon
Mismagius Type Icon
Leafeon Type Icon
Shaymin Type Icon
Petilil Type Icon
Virizion Type Icon Type Icon
Flabébé Type Icon
Floette Type Icon
Florges Type Icon
Bounsweet Type Icon
Steenee Type Icon
Tsareena Type Icon
Comfey Type Icon

By Breeding

Bulbasaur Type Icon Type Icon
Bellsprout Type Icon Type Icon
Treecko Type Icon
Cacnea Type Icon
Carnivine Type Icon
Snover Type Icon Type Icon
Snivy Type Icon
Pansage Type Icon

By Machine

Pokémon Anime Characters

Thumbnail Mairin's Flabebe MES 1 Not stated in the dialog but seen being used in its capture battle.
Thumbnail Mallow's Steenee SM 43 While it's possible this move was first used in SM 18, it wasn't verbally confirmed until used in a battle vs Misty.
Thumbnail Mallow's Tsareena SM 43 Learned as a Steenee.
Thumbnail Horace's Virizion PM2019 133 Defended Goh from being hit by an attack from a Swampert.
Thumbnail Liko's Sprigatito PM2023 40 Learned while rescuing Terapagos and Mibrim.
Thumbnail Lucius' Arboliva PM2023 68 Orla confirmed it was the same move that Liko's Floragato used.
Thumbnail Liko's Floragato PM2023 40 Learned as a Sprigatito.
Thumbnail Liko's Meowscarada PM2023 40 Learned as a Sprigatito.