Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon (ポケットモンスター サン・ムーン) for the Nintendo 3DS takes place in the Alola Region. The first details for
Pokémon Sun and Moon were officially revealed by GAME FREAK Director
Junichi Masuda via Twitter on May 6th, 2016.
As eluded to in The Consolidated Results for the Years Ended March 31, 2015 and 2016 published by Nintendo on April 27th, 2016, Pokémon Sun and Moon did not launch globally on the same day. It was released on November 18th, 2016 in North America, Australia, South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan and on November 23rd, 2016 in Europe and Russia.
Rowlet, Litten and Popplio Artwork and Details
Name: Rowlet
Category: Grass Quill Pokémon
Height: 1’00“
Weight: 3.3 lbs.
Type: Grass/Flying
Starting Move: Leafage
Name: Litten
Category: Fire Cat Pokémon
Height: 1’04“
Weight: 9.5 lbs.
Type: Fire
Starting Move: Ember
Name: Popplio
Category: Sea Lion Pokémon
Height: 1’04“
Weight: 16.5 lbs.
Type: Water
Starting Move: Water Gun |
Grass/Flying Type |
Fire Type |
Water Type |
Spanish: Rowlet Italian: Rowlet French: Brindibou German: Bauz Japanese: モクロー Russian: Роулет Korean: 나몰빼미 |
Spanish: Litten Italian: Litten French: Flamiaou German: Flamiau Japanese: ニャビー Russian: Литтен Korean: 냐오불 |
Spanish: Popplio Italian: Popplio French: Otaquin German: Robball Japanese: アシマリ Russian: Попплио Korean: 노리강 |
Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon coming to Nintendo 3DS family of systems on November 18
Bellevue, Washington – May 10, 2016 – The Pokémon Company International and Nintendo have unveiled the first details of the highly anticipated titles Pokémon Sun andPokémon Moon, starting with a first look at three new first-partner Pokémon and the packaging. Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon will launch in North America on November 18, exclusively on the Nintendo 3DS family of systems.
Following in the tradition of previous games in the Pokémon series, players choose one of three special Pokémon to be their first partner. These are among the first Pokémon players will encounter in the game. In Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, players will be able to choose between the newly discovered Grass- and Flying-type Pokémon Rowlet, Fire-type Litten, and Water-type Popplio.
Meet the three new first-partner Pokémon that will join Trainers on their adventures in the upcoming Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon games!
The first of the potential partners is the highly adaptable Grass Quill Pokémon, Rowlet. This Pokémon can fly silently through the skies, sneaking up on its opponent without being noticed. It can attack its opponents using powerful kicks, and it can also attack from a distance using the razor-sharp leaves that form part of its feathers. Rowlet can survey its environment and turn its neck nearly 180 degrees from front to back, so it can see directly behind itself. When in battle, Rowlet turns its head to face its Trainer when waiting for instructions.
The cool-headed Fire Cat Pokémon, Litten, is the next choice for a first-partner Pokémon. Litten’s fur is rich in oils and is immensely flammable. It constantly grooms itself by licking its coat, collecting loose fur into balls. It then ignites these hairballs to create fireball attacks. When the time comes for Litten to molt, it burns off all of its fur in one glorious blaze.
The third possibility is the acrobatic Sea Lion Pokémon, Popplio. Popplio can create balloons made of water from its nose and utilize them to create a variety of different strategies and attacks in battle. This Pokémon is better at moving in the water than on land, and can swim at speeds over 25 mph. On land, it uses the elasticity of the balloons it creates to perform jumps and acrobatic stunts.
UK Press Release - Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon coming to Nintendo 3DS family of systems on November 23
London, UK– May 10, 2016 – The Pokémon Company International has unveiled the first details of the highly anticipated titles Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, starting with a first look at three new first-partner Pokémon and the packaging. Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon will launch in Europe on November 23, exclusively on the Nintendo 3DS family of systems.
Following in the tradition of previous games in the Pokémon series, players choose one of three special Pokémon to be their first partner. These are among the first Pokémon players will encounter in the game. In Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, players will be able to choose between the newly discovered Grass- and Flying-type Pokémon Rowlet, Fire-type Litten, and Water-type Popplio.
For a Pokémon Trainer, knowing the Pokémon types and how they match up against one another in battle is vital. Grass-type Pokémon are strong against Water types, but weak against Fire types. Fire-type Pokémon are strong against Grass types and weak against Water types. And Water-type Pokémon are strong against Fire types, but weak against Grass types.
Legendary Pokémon Solgaleo and Lunala in Pokémon Sun and Moon - Artwork and Details
Name: Solgaleo
Category: Sunne Pokémon
Height: 11′02″
Weight: 507.1 lbs.
Type: Psychic/Steel
Ability: Full Metal Body
Name: Lunala
Category: Moone Pokémon
Height: 13′01″
Weight: 264.6 lbs.
Type: Psychic/Ghost
Ability: Shadow Shield
Psychic/Steel |
Psychic/Ghost |
Spanish: Solgaleo Italian: Solgaleo French: Solgaleo German: Solgaleo Japanese: ソルガレオ Russian: Солгалео (Solgaleo) Korean: 솔가레오 |
Spanish: Lunala Italian: Lunala French: Lunala German: Lunala Japanese: ルナアーラ Russian: Лунала (Lunala) Korean: 루나아라 |
Character - Artwork and Details
Hau is a Pokémon-loving young boy that becomes the main character’s friend. |
Professor Kukui is the Alola region’s Pokémon professor. |
Lillie is a mysterious girl who assists the professor. |
Details revealed for Legendary Pokémon Solgaleo and Lunala
The Pokémon Company International and Nintendo today introduced the Legendary Pokémon Solgaleo and Lunala that can be found in Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon. The latest generation of Pokémon video games will launch in Europe on November 23, exclusively on the Nintendo 3DS family of systems. In addition to the details about these powerful Pokémon, new characters in the game and new features were also revealed.
The two legendary Pokémon that appear on the packaging of Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon play a crucial role in the story. Solgaleo and Lunala hold the key to the adventure that can be found in these highly anticipated games.
Honoured as an emissary of the sun since ancient times, Solgaleo is referred to with reverence as “the beast that devours the sun.” Solgaleo’s body holds a vast amount of energy, and it shines with light when it is active. It has a flowing mane with a remarkable resemblance to the sun. Its signature move is Sunsteel Strike, an attack that charges at an opponent with the force of a meteor, disregarding the target’s Ability. Solgaleo’s Ability is Full Metal Body, a new Ability that no previous Pokémon has had. With the Full Metal Body Ability, a Pokémon’s stats will not be lowered by the effects of an opponent’s moves or Ability.
Since ancient times, Lunala has been honoured as an emissary of the moon. Referred to with reverence as “the beast that calls the moon,” Lunala is constantly absorbing light and converting it into energy. With its wings spread to absorb the surrounding light and glittering like the crescent moon, it resembles a beautiful night sky. Lunala’s signature Moongeist Beam attack releases an ominous beam of light that disregards the target’s Ability.
Lunala’s Ability is Shadow Shield, a new Ability that no previous Pokémon has had. With the Shadow Shield Ability, a Pokémon will take less damage from an attack that lands when the Pokémon has full HP.
Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon take place in the Alola region, which centres around four tropical islands and one artificial island. Many Pokémon that have never been seen before inhabit the lush islands of the Alola region. The story begins right after the main character moves to the Alola region. After choosing to play as a hero or heroine, players can customize their character’s name and appearance. No sooner have they arrived than their adventures begin to unfold, and they meet many fascinating people as they travel through the region.
Professor Kukui is the Alola region’s Pokémon professor. The professor is passionate about his research into Pokémon moves and has sometimes taken direct hits from Pokémon if there was something to be learned from it. Sporting a white lab coat, Professor Kukui has his own unique style.
Lillie is a mysterious girl who assists the professor. This young girl is about the same age as the player’s character and is Professor Kukui’s assistant. She’s not fond of making Pokémon fight in battles, but she loves reading and has read a great number of books. Lillie will play an important role in the story of Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon.
Hau is a Pokémon-loving young boy with a big appetite. He is the same age as the player’s character. Hau becomes one of the main character’s first friends. He has a real weakness for malasadas, a famous treat in the Alola region, and is always in search of malasada shops. Hau is a big-hearted boy who really loves Pokémon.
The Pokédex is a convenient tool that records information about the Pokémon that players see and catch during their adventure. In Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, Professor Kukui provides a special Pokédex known as the Rotom Pokédex. It is inhabited by Rotom, a Pokémon with the power to reside in various electronic appliances. The Rotom Pokédex does much more than record Pokémon info—it has its own personality. Besides showing the player’s current location and their next destination, the Rotom Pokédex also provides advice on where to go next, based on the conversations players have with other characters.
In Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, a QR Scanner function allows players to see information about Pokémon when they scan QR Code patterns. By scanning in special QR Code patterns, fans can register Pokémon of the Alola region to their Pokédex and find out where they live. If they scan in the QR Code for a Pokémon that they haven’t yet caught, players can check its habitat and search it out.
E3 2016 - Legendary Pokémon Solgaleo and Lunala Phase in Pokémon Sun and Moon - Artwork and Details
E3 2016 took place from June 14th, 2016 until June 16th, 2016 at the Los Angeles Convention Center. Nintendo showcased Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon during an Treehouse Live broadcast and revealed new information and Pokémon for the games.
Images from the press kit are available on our Imageboard thread. The following information was revealed during that broadcast.
Pikipek, Yungoos and Grubbin - Artwork and Details
Normal/Flying-type Woodpecker Pokémon |
Normal-type Loitering Pokémon |
Bug-type Larva Pokémon |
Press Release - New information unveiled at today’s Nintendo E3 Treehouse Live @ E3 presentation, including Battle Royal, Magearna details, new Pokémon and more…
During today’s Nintendo Treehouse Live at E3 presentation, new information and features were revealed for the highly anticipated Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon video games coming exclusively to the Nintendo 3DS family of systems. Details of three brand-new Pokémon that will be discovered as players explore the Alola region have now been officially unveiled—introducing Pikipek, Yungoos and Grubbin.
The first of the new Pokémon revealed is the Normal- and Flying-type Woodpecker Pokémon Pikipek, which can bore holes in trees by striking them up to 16 times per second. These strikes can do more than drill through hard wood—they can even shatter stone. Pikipek can attack distant opponents by firing seeds with enough force to embed them into the trunks of trees. This Pokémon also likes small glittering objects and will hide these amongst their food stores.
The second new Pokémon announced was the Loitering Pokémon Yungoos. This Normal-type Pokémon is known for its humongous hunger and has a terrible temper when hungry. The majority of its long body is made up of its stomach, and it is never satisfied due to its swift digestion. Trainers will encounter some Yungoos that possess an Ability no other previously discovered Pokémon has had—Stakeout. This Ability means that the Pokémon’s moves can deal twice the normal damage to any Pokémon that switches in or enters the field mid-battle.
The final Pokémon revealed was the Larva Pokémon Grubbin. This Bug-type Pokémon relies on its strong and sturdy jaws, using them as both a weapon in battle and a tool to help them burrow into the ground. Grubbin can spew sticky threads from its mouth and can wrap these threads around trees, enabling this Pokémon to swing around and become much more mobile.
A brand-new battle format called Battle Royal which debuts in Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon was also revealed during the Nintendo Treehouse Live segment. In previous games in the Pokémon franchise, battles have generally been Trainers facing off against each other one-on-one. Battle Royal is a new battle system where four players battle against one another at the same time in a furious melee. Each of the four Trainers in the battle chooses three Pokémon and sends one Pokémon into battle at a time. The battle finishes at the end of any turn when all of the Pokémon of one Trainer have fainted. The players are then ranked, and a victor is declared based on the number of Pokémon each Trainer defeated and the number of Pokémon each has remaining in play. This is a completely new way to enjoy Pokémon battles, and many interesting strategies will be discovered as each player must try to predict who will attack whom, or choose whether to act to save a player who is in a pinch in order to claim the number-one position before the battle ends.
The Mythical Pokémon Magearna will be making its debut in Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon. Magearna was created by a scientist of uncommon genius 500 years ago, and it has the power to perceive the emotions, thoughts and feelings of other Pokémon. Stored in the centre of Magearna’s chest is the Soul-Heart, an artificial life which was created using the life energy of other Pokémon. Magearna has the Ability Soul-Heart, a new Ability that no other previous Pokémon has had. This Ability raises Magearna’s Special Attack by 1 each time another Pokémon in the arena faints.
In Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, there is a QR Scanner function. Trainers will be able to catch the Mythical Pokémon Magearna by scanning a special QR code which is planned to be distributed in Europe at a later date. More details for this will follow.
New forms of Solgaleo and Lunala, the Legendary Pokémon which appear on the cover of Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, were also revealed. When releasing their mighty powers, these Pokémon will change in appearance. Solgaleo transforms into its Radiant Sun phase and Lunala transforms into its Full Moon phase.
1.1 |
January 11th, 2017 |
- Fixes a problem with the Memento and Parting Shot moves that caused them to not work properly.
- Fixes a issue with Rocky Helmet which caused the wrong player to be declared the winner when the opponent knocks out when the player is also knocked out.
- Fixes a problem which caused certain Pokémon to learn a move when evolving.
- Additionally, it fixed some problems so that players can play the games move comfortably.
Rocky Helmet Item: If the holder of Rocky Helmet takes damage, the attacker will also be damaged upon contact. Normally, in a situation where there are only two Pokémon remaining on the battlefield and one of them is knocked out by an attack and the attacker is also knocked out from the damage inflicted by Rocky Helmet, the player with the Pokémon that was holding the Rocky Helmet would lose the battle. For now, the player with the Pokémon holding Rocky Helmet will win the battle.
Memento and Parting Shot Moves: We've discovered a bug that affects the moves Memento and Parting Shot during online battles using Battle Spot. While we fix this bug, Memento and Parting Shot will be prohibited in Free Battles, Rating Battles, and Online Competitions in Battle Spot. If any of the Pokémon in your Battle Team has either of these moves, you won't be able to start a battle. |
1.2 |
May 16th, 2017 |
- Fixed the issue that occurred when attacking with Sky Drop on a Pokémon using Spiky Shield.
- Fixed the issue where Scatterbug didn’t learn Egg Moves properly.
- Various fixes to improve gameplay.
- Once version 1.2 has been installed, any Battle Videos saved prior to this cannot be played or shared.
- Find Pokémon all over the place with the Poké Finder feature.
- Move Forward with Poké Ride.
- Meet New Pokémon Using the QR Scanner!
- The Rotom Pokédex Is Your Ally on Your Journey!
- Dress for Success with Alola Fashions
- Care for Your Pokémon with Pokémon Refresh
- Island-Hop at the Poké Pelago