Home / Characters / Boy's Primeape/少年のオコリザル/Boy's Okorizaru

Boy's Primeape

Character Names
  • English / United States: Boy's Primeape
  • Japanese / Japan: 少年のオコリザル
  • Japanese (Romanized) / Japan: Shōnen no Okorizaru
  • Japanese (TL) / Japan: Boy's Okorizaru
Voice Actors
A super positive boy had an angry Okorizaru and he tried to make him happy by doing all sorts of things like feeding it Berry's, taking it to concerts, taking it skiing and going into the meadows. He recorded all of its reactions in an Observation Diary which when he returned to school, he presented to the class for show and tell.

He finally figured out that Okorizaru loves to battle and is really good at it. They become the champion and his Okorizaru evolves into Konoyozaru.