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Pokémon Music Collective【初回限定盤】

  • Pokémon Music Collective (First Press Limited Edition)

Main Image


Artists: imase, ENHYPEN, Michael Kaneko, Matt Cab, BBY NABE, Charlu, Polkadot Stingray
Catalog #: UICE-9111
Release Date: 2023-09-27
Media Type: CD
Discs/Tracks: 5 tracks on 1 disc
Price/MSRP: 5,500円
Runtime: 16:00
Composer: imase, Jacob Aaron, Noerio, THE HUB 88, Won Jong Lee, BAEK KEUM MIN, Michael Kaneko, Matt Cab, BBY NABE, Charlu, Rik, Shizuku
Studio: Universal Music LLC


Connect with Pokémon, connect with music. The Pokémon Music Collective is a music project where various artists create and release music based on the sounds of the Pokémon games. Starting with imase's Utau released in September 2022, this EP is a compilation of songs released through the project! The Limited First Edition (CD+Blu-ray) comes in a B5 size boxed paper case. The Blu-ray includes 3 music videos.

1: Special Pokémon Music Collective color photo booklet (28 pages)
2: Pokémon Music Collective logo sticker

Bluray Tracks: imase Utau [Music Video]
ENHYPEN One and Only [Music Video]
Polkadot Stingray Ghost Dive [Music Video - Ghost Pokémon Edit]

ポケモンでつながる、音楽でつながる―。“『ポケットモンスター』シリーズのゲームサウンドをもとに新しい音楽を世に届ける” というコンセプトで、さまざまなジャンルで活躍するアーティストが楽曲を制作しリリースする音楽プロジェクト「Pokemon Music Collective」。2022年9月に配信されたimase「うたう」を皮切りに同プロジェクトで配信リリースされた楽曲をコンパイルしたEPが登場!

Track Listing
Disc # Track # Title Length
1 1 うたう [Lyrics]
1 2 One and Only [Lyrics]
1 3 1999 [Lyrics]
1 4 LEVEL UP! [Lyrics]
1 5 ゴーストダイブ [Lyrics]
Ghost Dive