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Game Details:

Developer: TiMi Studio Group
Publisher: TiMi Studio Group / Tencent / The Pokémon Company
Platform: Nintendo Switch / Android / iOS
Release Date(s): Switch: Worldwide July 21, 2021 / Android/iOS: September 2021
Mode(s): Single Player, Multiplayer
Rating(s): CERO: A (JPN), PEGI: 3+ (EUR), ESRB: E (USA)
Controller(s): Nintendo Switch / Android / iOS Devices
Extra Contents: Pokémon UNITE Main Page, Patches

Pokémon UNITE Patches

TiMi Studio Group announces major patch releases on the official Pokémon UNITE website.


Updates Table of Content:

Pokémon UNITE Game Update - August 4th, 2021 - Version

Planned Date/Time: 8-4-2021 at 12AM PDT/7:00 UTC
Applying the Update: Restart the app on your device to apply the update.

Update Details:

  • Bug Fixes
  • Text Fixes
  • Spectate Feature Test Release: A test release of the Spectate feature will be performed from 8-4-2021 at 12AM PDT/7:00 UTC until 8-6-2021 at 12AM PDT/7:00 UTC.

Changes are being made to some Pokémon stats and moves to adjust the balance of Unite Battles.

Flamethrower: Cooldown reduced. Effects on opposing Pokémon strengthened.
Fire Punch: Effects on opposing Pokémon strengthened.
Fire Blast: Cooldown reduced. Effects on opposing Pokémon strengthened.

Acrobatics: Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Aerial Ace: Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Aerial Ace+: Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Fly: Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.

Sludge Bomb: Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased. Effects on opposing Pokémon strengthened.
Petal Dance: Move Upgrade
Solar Beam: Cooldown reduced.
Unite Move: Verdant Anger - Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.

Basic Attack: Bug Fixes
Night Slash: Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Sucker Punch: Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.

The following stats have been increased: Defense, Sp. Def, HP
Double Slap: Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased. Effects on opposing Pokémon strengthened.
Sing: Effects on opposing Pokémon strengthened.
Dazzling Gleam: Bug Fixes

Cotton Guard: Cooldown lengthened. HP restoration decreased.
Cotton Spore: Cooldown reduced. Effects on opposing Pokémon strengthened. This move’s Defense, Sp. Def increase has been strengthened.
Unite Move: Cotton Cloud Crash: HP restoration decreased.

The following stats have been decreased: Attack
Blaze Kick: Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
Feint: Move Downgrade
Pyro Ball: Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.

Basic Attack: Bug Fixes
Shadow Ball: Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Hex: Move Downgrade
Dream Eater: Move Upgrade

Spark: Bug Fixes
Wild Charge: Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased. Cooldown reduced.
Unite Move: Plasma Gale - Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.

Whirlpool: Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
Dive: Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.

Basic Attack: Bug Fixes
Cross Chop: Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
Close Combat: Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.

Power-Up Punch: Bug Fixes
Bone Rush: Bug Fixes

Basic Attack: Bug Fixes

Alolan Ninetales
Snow Warning: Bug Fixes

Pokémon UNITE Game Update - August 18th, 2021 - Version

A server update will be performed on 2021-8-18 at 7:00 UTC.

Planned Date/Time: 2021-8-18 at 7:00 UTC
Applying the Update: Restart the app on your device to apply the update.

Update Details:

  • Bug Fixes
  • Text Fixes
  • Shop Updates

Changes are being made to some Pokémon stats and moves to adjust the balance of Unite Battles.

Stealth Rock: Cooldown reduced. Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Rock Tomb: Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.

Movement speed changed.
Bulldoze: Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Dragon Rush: Cooldown reduced.

Surf: Duration of effects on opposing Pokémon decreased.
Scald: Bug Fixes. Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.

Heavy Slam: Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
Block: Duration of effects on opposing Pokémon decreased.
Flail: Move Upgrade
Unite Move: Power Nap.
HP restoration decreased.

Smokescreen: Move Downgrade. Cooldown lengthened.
Water Shuriken: Cooldown reduced. Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Double Team: Cooldown reduced.

Unite Move: Starlight Recital
Bug Fixes

Basic Attack: Bug Fixes

Alolan Ninetales
Snow Warning: Bug Fixes
Aurora Veil: Bug Fixes

Basic Attack: Bug Fixes
Psychic: Bug Fixes

Hurricane: Bug Fixes

Wild Pokémon
Avalugg: Stat Decrease

Battle Items
Eject Button: Stat Decreases
Goal-Getter: Stat Increases
Fluffy Tail: Stat Increases
X Attack: Stat Increases

Source: https://unite.pokemon.com/en-us/news/pokemon-unite-patch-8-16/

Pokémon UNITE Game Update - September 8th, 2021 - Ver.

Update Date/Time: 2021-9-8 at 7:00 UTC
Post-Update Version: Ver.

Update Details

  • Bug Fixes
  • Text Fixes
  • Shop Updates

If the app has not been updated on your device, please restart the app to apply this update.

Changes are being made to some Pokémon stats and moves to adjust the balance of Unite Battles.

The following stats have been increased: Sp. Def

  • Removes all status conditions from the user and the designated ally Pokémon and grants both Pokémon a shield. While these shields are active, the shielded Pokémon become immune to hindrances.
  • Cooldown reduced.
  • Area of effect increased.

Upgrade: Increases the amount of damage nullified by the shield effect.

Source: https://unite.pokemon.com/en-us/news/pokemon-unite-patch-9-8/

Pokémon UNITE Game Update - September 22nd, 2021 - Version

Pokémon UNITE has been updated to support both Nintendo Switch and mobile devices! You can now enjoy Unite Battles together with friends no matter which platform you play on.

In addition, by linking your account, you can use the same save data for both Nintendo Switch and mobile devices, making it possible to enjoy Pokémon UNITE at home and on the go!

Post-Update Version

Update Details
Over Five Million Preregistrations Reached for the Mobile Version Everyone who plays the mobile version of the game will receive Aeos tickets, Unite License: Pikachu, and Festival Style: Pikachu as gifts for reaching this preregistration milestone!
Note: These gifts can be used on the Nintendo Switch version of the game as well by linking your account.

New Battle Pass: Galactic Ghost 094
This new battle pass features space-themed items straight out of a galaxy full of twinkling stars.

New Feature: Unite Squads
Other Updates
  • Special mission added to receive the Unite license for Zeraora.
  • New event added for held items.
  • New Battle Guide feature added to the game.
  • New Spectate feature added to the game.
  • “Good job!” accolades can now be given during battle.
  • New Offline Mode feature added to the Nintendo Switch version.
  • Shop updated.
  • Bugs fixed.
  • Text issues fixed.
  • UI adjusted.
  • Changes made to some Trainer fashion item designs.

Changes have been made to some Pokémon stats and moves to adjust the balance of Unite Battles.
Absol: Night Slash
  • Cooldown reduced.
  • Area of effect adjusted.

Absol: Sucker Punch
  • Cooldown reduced.
  • Duration of unstoppable condition while move is in use increased

Zeraora: Slash
  • Number of attacks decreased.
  • Damage of each attack increased.

Zeraora: Spark
  • Lengthened the time allowed between uses to make the move easier to use.
  • The number of attacks in the Wild Charge combo will now increase even if the player performs a basic attack while using Spark.

Zeraora: Wild Charge
  • Cooldown reduced.
  • Damage taken by the user while this move is in use reduced.

Charizard: Fire Punch
  • Target(s) affected by the burn adjusted.

Charizard: Flamethrower
  • Movement speed increase strengthened.

Charizard: Fire Blast
  • Cooldown reduced.

Charizard: Unite Move (Seismic Slam)
  • This move has been changed to the following:
  • Has the user grab a Pokémon from the opposing team and slam it onto the ground from the air. For a short time afterward, the user can move freely over obstacles. While this Unite Move is being used, the user’s basic attacks deal increased damage and leave opposing Pokémon burned. In addition, when the user deals damage to an opposing Pokémon, the user recovers HP.
  • Unite Move charge rate decreased.
  • Fixed a bug affecting the possible timing for ending this move.

Venusaur: Giga Drain
  • Damage reduction increased.

Venusaur: Petal Dance
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
  • Cooldown reduced.
  • Movement speed increase strengthened.

Cinderace: Pyro Ball
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
  • Cooldown reduced.

Cinderace: Flame Charge
  • Cooldown reduced.
Cinderace: Unite Move (Blazing Bicycle Kick)
  • Fixed a bug that occurred when the move fails to activate.

Cinderace: Blaze
  • Ability effect timing adjusted.

  • Attack increased.
Talonflame: Fly
  • Cooldown reduced.
  • Aerial movement speed increase strengthened.

Talonflame: Unite Move (Flame Sweep)
  • Unite Move charge rate increased.

  • Defense and Sp. Def increased.
Garchomp: Rough Skin
  • Adjusted the time between instances of this Ability’s effect triggering.

  • Attack and max HP decreased.
Greninja: Smokescreen
  • Fixed a bug causing the Smokescreen+ effect to trigger even before the move is upgraded.

Greninja: Double Team
  • Improved the movement of the illusory copies.
Greninja: Water Shuriken
  • Fixed a bug affecting the decrease to opposing Pokémon’s movement speed.

Greninja: Unite Move (Waterburst Shuriken)
  • Adjusted the move to allow it to trigger more quickly.
Greninja: Torrent
  • Attack increase weakened.

  • Max-level Sp. Atk decreased.
Wigglytuff: Pound
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.

Wigglytuff: Dazzling Gleam
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.

Wigglytuff: Sing
  • Fixed a bug affecting opposing Pokémon put to sleep by this move.

Wigglytuff: Cute Charm
  • Adjusted the time between instances of this Ability’s effect triggering.

Cramorant: Boosted Attack
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.

Cramorant: Surf
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.

Cramorant: Dive
  • Cooldown reduced.

Cramorant: Unite Move (Gatling Gulp Missile)
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.

Lucario: Power-Up Punch
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.

Lucario: Close Combat
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
  • Number of attacks increased.
Lucario: Close Combat+
  • Fixed a bug affecting this move’s damage.

Alolan Ninetales: Blizzard
  • Changed how the move deals damage after the blizzard hits an obstacle.

Alolan Ninetales: Unite Move (Snow Globe)
  • Fixed bugs.

Alolan Ninetales: Snow Warning
  • Fixed bugs.

Eldegoss: Cotton Guard
  • Fixed a bug affecting the HP recovery when the move ends.

Eldegoss: Leaf Tornado
  • Improved the move’s effects and adjusted the move to match the feel of the controls.

Gardevoir: Boosted Attack
  • Fixed a bug affecting this move’s damage.
Gardevoir: Psyshock+
  • Fixed bugs.

Snorlax: Yawn
  • Fixed a bug affecting opposing Pokémon put to sleep by this move.

Gengar: Lick
  • Fixed a bug that occurred when opposing Pokémon are pulled toward the user.
  • Fixed a bug affecting this move’s timing.

Mr. Mime: Barrier
  • Adjusted the move so that it when it is upgraded, it refills its reserve uses to the maximum.

Mr. Mime: Guard Swap
  • Fixed a bug affecting the swapping of Defense.

  • Adjusted the Pokémon’s contact area.

Slowbro: Basic Attack
  • Fixed a bug causing both basic attacks and boosted attacks to decrease the Sp. Def of opposing Pokémon.

Slowbro: Surf
  • Adjusted the area of effect.
Machamp: Unite Move (Barrage Blow)
  • Fixed a bug with the shove effect.
  • Fixed a bug with the move being used on superjump springboards.

Blastoise: Rapid Spin
  • Fixed a bug causing attacks performed while spinning to decrease the movement speed of opposing Pokémon.
  • Fixed a bug allowing the user to use either Hydro Pump or Water Spout at the same time as basic attacks while spinning.

Wild Pokémon: Regigigas
  • As a balance adjustment, added the following effect when this Pokémon is defeated:
  • For a short time, your team’s goal-scoring speed increases and your team’s goals become unblockable.

After maintenance begins, some types of rewards will no longer be available for claiming. Please be aware of the points listed below.

Battle Pass

Any battle pass points from completing Season 1 First Half missions that have not yet been claimed will become unavailable for claiming.

However, reward items for reaching new battle pass levels, as well as battle pass prize boxes, will be sent to you via the game's mail system at a later date.


If a reward's claim period ends during maintenance, that reward will become unavailable for claiming once maintenance begins.
In addition, the stock of items in the following locations will change during maintenance:

  • Items available as energy rewards
  • Items available for exchange with Holowear tickets in Zirco Trading

Source: https://unite.pokemon.com/en-us/news/pokemon-unite-patch-9-22/

Pokémon UNITE Game Update - October 20th, 2021 - Version

Update Details
Halloween in Mer Stadium!
Mer Stadium takes on a fun new look for a limited time! During this time, pumpkins can be used in place of battle items in Mer Stadium. Toss these pumpkins at opposing Pokémon to stick them on those Pokémon’s heads!

Trick or UNITE!
  • Bug Fixes
  • Text Fixes
  • Event Updates
  • Shop Updates
If the app has not been updated on your device, please restart the app to apply this update. Changes have been made to some Pokémon stats and moves to adjust the balance of Unite Battles.

Pikachu: Thunder
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Pikachu: Volt Tackle
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Slowbro: Amnesia
  • Cooldown reduced.
  • HP restoration increased.
  • Stat Increase
Blastoise: Hydro Pump
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
Blastoise: Water Spout
  • Cooldown reduced.
Blastoise: Unite Move: Hydro Typhoon
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
Venusaur: Giga Drain
  • Effects on the user weakened.
  • HP restoration decreased.
Venusaur: Solar Beam
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
  • The following stats have been decreased: Attack
Lucario: Steadfast
  • Stat Decreases
Lucario: Unite Move: Aura Cannon
  • Bug Fixes
Garchomp: Basic Attack
  • Basic attack speed increased.
Garchomp: Dragon Rush
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Zeraora: Wild Charge+
  • Bug Fixes
Cramorant: Dive
  • Bug Fixes
Talonflame: Gale Wings
  • Bug Fixes
Absol: Sucker Punch
  • Bug Fixes
Remoat Stadium: Zapdos
  • Aeos energy provided when defeated decreased.
Remoat Stadium: Drednaw
  • Effect when defeated weakened.
  • Exp. Points provided when defeated decreased.
Remoat Stadium: Rotom
  • The following stats have been increased: Attack, HP
  • Movement speed changed.
  • Effect that makes goal zones defenseless strengthened.

Source: https://unite.pokemon.com/en-us/news/pokemon-unite-patch-10-20/

Pokémon UNITE Game Update - November 10th, 2021 - Ver.

Update Date/Time: 2021-11-10 at 07:00
Update Details
  • Bug Fixes
  • Text Fixes
  • Shop Updates
If the app has not been updated on your device, please restart the app to apply this update. Changes have been made to some Pokémon stats and moves to adjust the balance of Unite Battles.


Greedent: Cheek Pouch
  • Decreased the amount of HP restored from Berries that Greedent drops.
Greedent: Covet
  • Fixed a bug where Belch was able to be used more often than anticipated during Covet.
Greedent: Belch
  • Cooldown lengthened.
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
Greedent: Stuff Cheeks
  • Shield effect weakened.
Greedent: Bullet Seed
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Greedent: Unite Move: Berry Belly Flop
  • Fixed an issue where the was unintended effects when using the Unite Move while using the jump pad.
Alolan Ninetales
  • The following stats have been increased:
  • Sp. Atk
Alolan Ninetales: Blizzard
  • Cooldown reduced.
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Gardevoir: Psychic
  • Move Upgrade
Sylveon: Unite Move: Fairy Frolic
  • Fixed an issue where HP wasn't being recovered when using Move 1 after using the Unite Move.
Pikachu: Thunder
  • Fixed a bug where Thunder wouldn't activate if you used Thunderbolt, Thunder, and Basic Attack in quick succession.
Garchomp: Rough Skin
  • Fixed a bug where Rough Skin would deflect more damage than expected when hit with Zeraora's Wild Charge.
  • Increased healing amount.
X Speed
  • Increased the speed boost.
Full Heal
  • Fixed a bug where posion wasn't healed when Full Heal was used.

Source: https://unite.pokemon.com/en-us/news/pokemon-unite-patch-11-10/

Pokémon UNITE Game Update - December 20th, 2021 - Ver.

Update Date/Time: 2021-12-20 at 07:00
Update Details
  • Bug Fixes
  • Spec Changes
  • Text Fixes

If the app has not been updated on your device, please restart the app to apply this update. Changes have been made to some Pokémon stats and moves to adjust the balance of Unite Battles.


Venusaur: Petal Dance
  • Effects on the user weakened.
Venusaur: Solar Beam
  • Cooldown reduced.
Venusaur: Sludge Bomb
  • Range increased.
Venusaur: Unite Move: Verdant Anger
  • The following have been adjusted for this move: Area of Effect
Wigglytuff: Unite Move: Starlight Recital
  • Shield effect weakened.
  • Duration of effects on the user decreased.
Zeraora: Spark
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
Zeraora: Wild Charge
  • Bug Fixes
Gardevoir: Moonblast
  • Cooldown lengthened.
  • Move Downgrade
Gardevoir: Psyshock
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
Gardevoir: Future Sight
  • Bug Fixes
Eldegoss: Leaf Tornado
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
Eldegoss: Cotton Spore
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
  • Cooldown reduced.
  • Duration of effects on opposing Pokémon increased.
  • Effects on opposing Pokémon strengthened.
  • Effects on the user strengthened.
Crustle: boosted attack
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
  • Bug Fixes
Tsareena: Triple Axel
  • Effects on the user weakened.
Slowbro: Oblivious
  • Stat Increases
  • Changed to Has the Pokémon store up lost HP for a short time. When hitting an opposing Pokémon with a move, the Pokémon restores some of its HP using the stored-up HP, and it also decreases the opposing Pokémon’s Sp. Def for a short time.
Slowbro: Scald
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
  • Effects on the user strengthened.
  • Effects on opposing Pokémon strengthened.
Slowbro: Amnesia+
  • Changed to Upgrade: Increases Sp. Def..
Decidueye: Spirit Shackle
  • Cooldown reduced.
Decidueye: Leaf Storm
  • Cooldown reduced.
  • Range increased.
  • Effects on opposing Pokémon strengthened.
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Decidueye: Leafage
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Cinderace: Blaze Kick+
  • Effects on the user strengthened.
Cinderace: Feint
  • Cooldown reduced.
Pikachu: Thunder Shock
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Pikachu: Volt Tackle
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Pikachu: Unite Move: Thunderstorm
  • Unite Move charge rate increased.
Sylveon: Hyper Voice
  • Bug Fixes
Remoat Stadium: Corphish
  • Bug Fixes

Source: https://unite.pokemon.com/en-us/news/pokemon-unite-patch-12-20/

Pokémon UNITE Game Update - January 20th, 2022 - Ver.

Update Date/Time:2022-01-20 at 07:00
Update Details
  • Bug Fixes
  • Spec Changes
  • Text Fixes
  • Shop Updates

If the app has not been updated on your device, please restart the app to apply this update. Changes have been made to some Pokémon stats and moves to adjust the balance of Unite Battles.


Dragonite: Basic Attack
  • Range decreased.
Dragonite: Hyper Beam
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
Dragonite: Extreme Speed
  • Range increased.
  • Cooldown reduced.
  • Bug Fixes.
Dragonite: Unite Move: Draco Impact
  • Increased the amount by which the Unite Move gauge decreases
Tsareena: Basic Attack
  • Basic attack speed increased.
Tsareena: Triple Axel
  • Effects on the user weakened.
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
Tsareena: Stomp
  • HP restoration increased.
Tsareena: Grassy Glide
  • Removed the effect that reduced an opponent’s speed when they were hit with the move.
  • Cooldown lengthened.
Talonflame: Fly
  • When this move hits a Pokémon on the opposing team, the cooldown will be reduced.
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
  • Cooldown lengthened.
Talonflame: Aerial Ace
  • When this move hits, Talonflame will regain some HP. Additionally, if the opponent is knocked out after using Brave Bird through Aerial Ace, Aerial Ace’s cooldown will immediately jump to zero.
  • Controls adjusted.
Lucario: Meteor Mash
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
  • Effects on opposing Pokémon weakened.
Lucario: Extreme Speed
  • HP restoration decreased.
Lucario: Close Combat
  • Move Upgrade
Lucario: Power-Up Punch
  • Fixed an issue where Meteor Mash wouldn’t hit an opponent if used directly after using Power-Up Punch.
Charizard: Basic Attack
  • This move’s movement speed decrease has been weakened.
Charizard: Flamethrower
  • This move can now be used while moving.
Charizard: Fire Blast
  • This move can now be used while moving.
Charizard: Unite Move: Seismic Slam
  • Range increased.
  • After level 7, the amount of HP regained when using a Basic Attack has been increased.
Decidueye: Spirit Shackle
  • Increased the maximum number of uses that can be kept in reserve for this move to 3.
  • Fixed an issue where the next Spirit Shackle’s damage was powered up regardless of whether it was charged when player canceled the Spirit Shackle’s charge.
Decidueye: Razor Leaf
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Decidueye: Leaf Storm
  • Area of effect increased.
  • Effects on opposing Pokémon strengthened.
  • Controls adjusted.
Decidueye: Unite Move: Nock Nock
  • Controls adjusted.
  • After level 7, the amount of HP regained when using a Basic Attack has been increased.
Machamp: Karate Chop
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Machamp: Dynamic Punch
  • Range increased.
Machamp: Submission
  • It will trigger the damage and move effects even if the opponent Pokemon isn’t hindered.
Gengar: Hex
  • Level at which move is learned changed to 5.
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
Gengar: Dream Eater
  • Level at which move is learned changed to 5.
  • If the opponent is knocked out, this move’s cooldown will be shorter.
Gengar: Hex+
  • Level at which move is learned changed to 11.
Gengar: Dream Eater+
  • Level at which move is learned changed to 11.
Gengar: Sludge Bomb
  • Level at which move is learned changed to 7.
Gengar: Shadow Ball
  • Level at which move is learned changed to 7.
Gengar: Sludge Bomb+
  • Level at which move is learned changed to 13.
Gengar: Shadow Ball+
  • Level at which move is learned changed to 13.
Zeraora: Volt Absorb
  • Fixed an issue where after Zeraora was knocked out and respawned, Volt Absorb’s effect was still active.
Zeraora: Wild Charge
  • Fixed an issue where the increase in the number of Spark attacks was canceled by Full Heal.
Garchomp: Dig
  • Changed to Has the user burrow underground and move quickly in the designated direction, jumping out when it comes in contact with an opposing Pokémon or when it has traveled the maximum distance. This jump deals damage to opposing Pokémon in the area of effect and throws them. Using this move increases the user’s Defense and Sp. Def for a short time.
Garchomp: Dig+
  • Changed to Upgrade: Increases the length of time opposing Pokémon are thrown when the user jumps out from underground.
Garchomp: Earthquake
  • Changed to Has the user jump high into the air and crash forcefully to the ground, dealing damage over time to opposing Pokémon in the area of effect and decreasing their movement speed for a short time.
Garchomp: Earthquake+
  • Changed to Upgrade: For a short time, further decreases the movement speed of opposing Pokémon that are in the move’s area of effect and especially close to the user.
Garchomp: Dragon Rush
  • Changed to Has the user back up to create distance before diving to attack in the designated direction, shoving opposing Pokémon. The user can use Dragon Claw while creating distance at the beginning of this move to create a combo attack, which strengthens Dragon Claw’s effect that decreases the opposing Pokémon’s movement speed.
  • This move reduces the damage the user receives while using it.
Garchomp: Dragon Rush+
  • Changed to Upgrade: The user becomes immune to hindrances while using this move.
Garchomp: Dragon Claw
  • Changed to Has the user attack twice in front of itself using its claws. The first attack deals damage to opposing Pokémon and then throws them. The second deals increased damage and decreases the movement speed of the opposing Pokémon for a short time.
X Attack
  • Changed to Increases the Pokémon’s Attack, Sp. Atk, and basic attack speed for a short time.
Slow Smoke
  • Changed to Creates a cloud of smoke that greatly decreases the movement speed and basic attack speed of opposing Pokémon for a short time.
  • Effect strengthened.
  • Effect duration lengthened.
Fluffy Tail
  • Fixed an issue that it could be used for other than wild Pokemon.

Source: https://unite.pokemon.com/en-us/news/pokemon-unite-patch-01-20-2022/

Pokémon UNITE Game Update - March 14th, 2022 - Ver.

Post-Update Version: Ver.

Update Details

  • Bug Fixes
  • Text Fixes
  • Spec changes
  • Shop Updates
  • Event Updates

If the app has not been updated on your device, please restart the app to apply this update. Changes have been made to some Pokémon stats and moves to adjust the balance of Unite Battles.


Blastoise: Rapid Spin
  • Move Upgrade

Mr. Mime: Guard Swap
  • Changed to “Creates a link between the user and the Pokémon this move hits, swapping the user’s Defense and Sp. Def stats with those of the linked Pokémon. If the linked Pokémon is an opposing Pokémon, this move deals damage over time to it and decreases its movement speed while also increasing the user’s movement speed. If the linked Pokémon is an ally Pokémon, this move increases the movement speed of that Pokémon and the user. These effects will persist as long as the two Pokémon remain linked. The link will disappear if the user and the linked Pokémon are too far apart, if the user attempts to target another Pokémon, or by other factors.”

Mr. Mime: Confusion
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
Mr. Mime: Psychic
  • Controls adjusted.

Cramorant: Dive
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased. actions adjusted.
  • Move Upgrade
Cramorant: Air Slash
  • Cooldown lengthened.

Alolan Ninetales: boosted attack
  • Controls adjusted.
Alolan Ninetales: Aurora Veil
  • Changed to “Has the user leap to the designated location and create an aurora around itself that reduces damage received by the user and ally Pokémon in the area of effect. While the user is inside the aurora, its movement speed is increased and its basic attacks become boosted attacks. These boosted attacks restore the user’s HP when they deal damage.”

Lucario: Close Combat
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
  • Effects on the user weakened.

Greedent: The following stats have been decreased: movement speed
Greedent: Tackle
  • Cooldown lengthened.
Greedent: Defense Curl
  • Effects on the user weakened.

Eldegosss: Cotton Guard
  • Effects on the user weakened.

Eldegoss: Unite Move: Cotton Cloud Crash
  • Unite Move charge rate increased.

Decidueye: Spirit Shackle
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
  • Move Upgrade
Decidueye: Unite Move: Nock Nock
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.

Zeraora: Volt Switch
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.

Trevenant: The following stats have been increased:
  • Movement speed
  • Bug Fixes
Trevenant: Wood Hammer
  • This move’s HP decrease has been weakened.
  • Effects on opposing Pokémon strengthened.
Trevenant: Pain Split
  • Effects on opposing Pokémon strengthened.
  • This move’s movement speed increase has been strengthened.

  • Stat Increases
Tsareena: Trop Kick
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
  • Cooldown reduced.
Tsareena: Stomp
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.

Gengar: Unite Move: Fairy Frolic
  • The amount the following stats increase at level-up has been adjusted: Sp. Atk
Gengar: boosted attack
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Hoopa: Shadow Ball
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.

Hoopa: Hyperspace Hole
  • Cooldown lengthened.

Hoopa - Hoopa Confined: Basic Attack
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
Hoopa - Hoopa Confined: Hyperspace Fury
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.

Aegislash: Sacred Sword
  • Fixed bug(s) that affected the following:
  • Area of Effect

Slow Smoke
  • Cooldown lengthened.
  • Effect weakened.

Source: https://unite.pokemon.com/en-us/news/pokemon-unite-patch-3-15/

Pokémon UNITE Game Update - April 28th, 2022 - Ver.

Post-Update Version: Ver.

Update Details

  • Bug Fixes
  • Text Fixes
  • Shop Updates
  • Event Updates
  • Battle Pass Updates

If the app has not been updated on your device, please restart the app to apply this update. Changes have been made to some Pokémon stats and moves to adjust the balance of Unite Battles.


Greedent: Covet
  • Changed to “Has the user run with all its might, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon it hits and throwing them. The user then becomes resistant to hindrances for a short time. While running, the user drops Berries from its body. If the user eats a dropped Berry, its movement speed is increased for a short time. The more Berries the user eats, the more its movement speed is increased. In addition, Tackle, Belch, or Bullet Seed can also be used while the user is running. Using this move will reset the cooldown of Tackle or Belch.”

Blissey: Soft-Boiled
  • Changed to “Throws an egg to an ally Pokémon, restoring its HP as well as the user’s.
  • A maximum of two uses can be kept in reserve for this move. If the user also learns Egg Bomb, the maximum number of uses that can be kept in reserve increases to four. In that case, this move and Egg Bomb share the same pool of uses kept in reserve.”

Blissey: Egg Bomb
  • Changed to “Hurls an egg at the designated location. The egg then explodes, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon in the area of effect and throwing them.
  • A maximum of two uses can be kept in reserve for this move. If the user also learns Soft-Boiled, the maximum number of uses that can be kept in reserve increases to five. In that case, this move and Soft-Boiled share the same pool of uses kept in reserve.”

Blissey: Soft-Boiled+
  • Level at which move is learned changed to 10.

Blissey: Safeguard+
  • Level at which move is learned changed to 10.

Blissey: Helping Hand+
  • Level at which move is learned changed to 12.

Blissey: Egg Bomb+
  • Level at which move is learned changed to 12.

Duraludon: Dragon Pulse
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.

Duraludon: Stealth Rock
  • effects adjusted.

Alolan Ninetales: Blizzard
  • Duration of effects on opposing Pokémon increased.
  • Area of effect increased.

Alolan Ninetales: Aurora Veil
  • Move Downgrade

Talonflame: Brave Bird
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
  • Area of effect decreased.

Talonflame: Unite Move: Flame Sweep
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
  • Unite Move charge rate decreased.

Lucario: Extreme Speed
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.

Hoopa: Trick
  • Area of effect decreased.
  • Cooldown lengthened.
  • Range decreased.

Hoopa: Trick+
  • HP restoration decreased.

Hoopa: Shadow Ball
  • Duration of effects on opposing Pokémon decreased.

Hoopa: Phantom Force
  • Cooldown reduced.
  • Effects on opposing Pokémon strengthened.

Zeraora: Discharge
  • Shield effect strengthened.

Aegislash: boosted attack
  • Move Upgrade

Aegislash: Sacred Sword
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
  • Duration of effects on opposing Pokémon increased.

Trevenant: Branch Poke
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
  • Effects on opposing Pokémon strengthened.
  • Changed to “Has the user jab in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon and decreasing their movement speed for a short time when it hits. At the same time, the user’s HP begins to gradually recover for a short time.”

Trevenant: Curse
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
  • Effects on the user weakened.

Trevenant: Pain Split
  • HP restoration increased.

Trevenant: Unite Move: Phantom Forest
  • Unite Move charge rate increased.

Cramorant: Air Slash
  • Move Upgrade

Cramorant: Unite Move: Gatling Gulp Missile
  • Unite Move charge rate increased.
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.

Greninja: Unite Move: Waterburst Shuriken
  • Unite Move charge rate increased.

Azumarill: Bubble
  • Bugs fixed for the following effects on opposing Pokémon:
  • decreased movement speed

Azumarill: Whirlpool
  • Fixed bug(s) that affected the following:
  • Damage

Azumarill: Aqua Tail
  • Changed to “Increases the speed and area of effect of the user’s next three basic attacks. If these basic attacks hit from a distance, they also deal increased damage and restore the user’s HP.”

Buddy Barrier
  • Effect weakened.

Score Shield
  • Cooldown lengthened.
  • Adjustments

Source: https://unite.pokemon.com/en-us/news/pokemon-unite-patch-04-28-2022/

Pokémon UNITE Game Update - May 30th, 2022 - Ver.

Post-Update Version: Ver.

Update Details

  • Bug Fixes
  • Text Fixes
  • Event Updates
  • Shop Updates
  • New Type of Quick Battle Available: Catch ’Em

If the app has not been updated on your device, please restart the app to apply this update. Changes have been made to some Pokémon stats and moves to adjust the balance of Unite Battles.


Crustle: X-Scissor
  • Cooldown reduced.

Blastoise: Rapid Spin
  • Effects on the user weakened.

Blastoise: Hydro Pump
  • Cooldown reduced.

Blastoise: Unite Move: Hydro Typhoon
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.

Greninja: Surf
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.

Greninja: Smokescreen
  • Fixed bug(s) causing one or more effects not to trigger.

Lucario: Extreme Speed+
  • Move Downgrade

Lucario: Power-Up Punch
  • Fixed bug(s) that affected the following:
  • Damage

Hoopa: Hyperspace Fury
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.

Hoopa: Psybeam
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.

Hoopa: Unite Move: Rings Unbound
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.

Cinderace: Blaze Kick
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.

Cinderace: Pyro Ball+
  • Effects on the user strengthened.

Cinderace: Feint
  • This move’s movement speed increase has been strengthened.

Azumarill: Aqua Tail
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.

Azumarill: Play Rough
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.

  • Stat Increase

  • Level at which Pokémon evolves changed to 8.

Gardevoir: Confusion
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.

Gardevoir: Psyshock
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.

  • The following stats have been increased:
  • Attack

Slowbro: Scald
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
  • This move’s movement speed decrease has been strengthened.
  • This move’s Attack decrease has been strengthened.

Slowbro: Unite Move: Slowbeam
  • Unite Move charge rate increased.

Venusaur: Solar Beam
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.

Blissey: Egg Bomb
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased. Cooldown reduced.

Blissey: Soft-Boiled
  • Cooldown reduced.

Aegislash: Sacred Sword
  • Duration of effects on opposing Pokémon decreased.

  • The following stats have been increased: Attack

Mr. Mime: Unite Move: Showtime!
  • Duration of effects on opposing Pokémon increased.

Sylveon: Mystical Fire
  • Fixed bug(s) causing one or more effects not to trigger.

Exp. Share
  • Effect strengthened.

Source: https://unite.pokemon.com/en-us/news/pokemon-unite-patch-05-30-2022/

Pokémon UNITE Game Update - July 21st, 2022 - Version

2022-7-21 at 07:00
Post-Update Version: Ver.

Update Details
  • A new season has started! You can get the special 1st Anniversary commemorative Holowear as a ranked match reward!
  • To commemorate the 1st Anniversary, special Holowear is now available! For Master rank Trainers, new special items are also available!
  • The points system has been revamped. Season points have been added, and the Trainer level you can reach (via total Trainer points) has been increased to level 50.
  • Check out the new Pokémon boost emblem system! You can try out various combinations to gain an edge in battle!
  • Team up and take on Boss Pokémon who boast overwhelming strength in this completely new event! Rewards can be obtained based on the points you earn!
  • How idling is determined has been improved. Players who only take action near the base or don’t take action for a set amount of time will now be considered to be idling.
  • Class display order improved
  • Battle Pass Updates
  • Shop Updates
  • Event Updates
  • Spec Changes
  • Bug Fixes
  • Text Fixes

If the app has not been updated on your device, please restart the app to apply this update. While the game is updating, you may not be able to connect to the server. If this occurs, please try again later.

Changes have been made to some Pokémon stats and moves to adjust the balance of Unite Battles.


Absol: Night Slash
  • Fixed bug(s) that affected the following:
  • Area of Effect
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
Absol: Psycho Cut
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
Delphox: Mystical Fire
  • Fixed bug(s) causing extra effects to occur.
Delphox: Fire Blast
  • Fixed bug(s) causing extra effects to occur.
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Delphox: Fire Spin
  • The following have been adjusted for this move:
  • Duration
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
Delphox: Flame Charge
  • The following have been adjusted for this move:
  • Duration
  • Range increased.
Blissey: Safeguard
  • Cooldown lengthened.
  • Shield effect weakened.
Blissey: Egg Bomb
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
  • Duration of effects on opposing Pokémon decreased.
Zeraora: Discharge
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
  • Cooldown reduced.
Zeraora: Unite Move: Plasma Gale
  • Level at which move is learned changed to 9.
  • The following stats have been increased:
  • HP
Azumarill: Bubble
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Azumarill: Play Rough
  • Cooldown reduced.
Azumarill: Aqua Tail
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
  • HP restoration increased.
  • Cooldown reduced.

Source: https://unite.pokemon.com/en-us/news/pokemon-unite-patch-07-21-2022/

Pokémon UNITE Game Update - September 2nd, 2022 - Ver.

Update Details
  • The amount of Aeos energy earned from battles has been adjusted. Instead of earning more energy by winning, you now earn more energy the better you perform in battle.
  • New achievement missions have been added.
    • In addition, the difficulty of achievement missions for Greedent, Absol, and Zeraora has been lowered.
  • New content has been added to the gallery. You can now read the Pokémon UNITE Manga — Come On Over to Aeos Island!
  • The option has been added to battle without using Pokémon boost emblems (or their effects).
  • A feature allowing you to unlock additional custom loadouts has been added.
  • The effects gained when combining a certain amount of black Pokémon boost emblems have been adjusted.
    • Pokémon boost emblems’ effects on Attack, Sp. Atk, and critical-hit rate have been adjusted.
  • Unite Move effects—and their visuals—have been improved. They’ve also been adjusted to include added effects that correlate to the user’s role, as described below.
    • Speedster: For a short time after using a Unite Move, the user acquires a weak shield effect, and its movement speed is greatly increased.
    • Defender: For a short time after using a Unite Move, the user acquires a strong shield effect, and its movement speed is slightly increased.
    • Attacker: For a short time after using a Unite Move, the user acquires a weak shield effect, its movement speed is slightly increased, and either its attack speed is greatly increased or its move cooldowns are reduced.
    • All-Rounder: For a short time after using a Unite Move, the user acquires a weak shield effect, its movement speed is slightly increased, and either its attack speed is greatly increased or its move cooldowns are reduced.
    • Supporter: For a short time after using a Unite Move, the user acquires a weak shield effect, its movement speed is slightly increased, and its move cooldowns are greatly reduced.
    • The specific effects may vary per Pokémon.
  • Battle Pass Updates
  • Ranked Match Updates
  • Shop Updates
  • Event Updates
  • Bug Fixes
  • Text Fixes
If the app has not been updated on your device, please restart the app to apply this update. While the game is updating, you may not be able to connect to the server. If this occurs, please try again later. Changes have been made to some Pokémon stats and moves to adjust the balance of Unite Battles.

Mr. Mime: boosted attack
  • Changed to “Becomes a boosted attack whenever a set amount of time passes, dealing increased damage and throwing opposing Pokémon when it hits.”
Mr. Mime: Light Screen
  • Changed to “Creates a wall of light in the designated area that prevents opposing Pokémon from passing. If an opposing Pokémon is near the location where the wall of light is created, they are shoved and left unable to act for a short time.”
Mr. Mime: Barrier
  • Changed to “Has the user throw up a sturdy wall in the designated location that prevents opposing Pokémon from passing. If an opposing Pokémon is near the location where the wall is created, they are shoved and left unable to act for a short time.”
Mr. Mime: Psychic
  • Changed to “Releases a telekinetic blast on opposing Pokémon that are near the user, near any guard-swapped Pokémon, or near any Light Screen or Barrier walls created by the user, damaging all opposing Pokémon hit by the blasts and lowering their Sp. Def for a short time. If an opposing Pokémon is hit by multiple overlapping blasts, that Pokémon is also left unable to act for a short time.”
Mr. Mime: Power Swap
  • Changed to “Creates a link between the user and the Pokémon this move hits. While the link holds, the user’s movement speed increases and its HP is continually restored. If the linked Pokémon is an ally Pokémon, this move increases the movement speed of that Pokémon, increases the amount of damage it deals, and continually restores its HP. If the linked Pokémon is an opposing Pokémon, this move decreases that Pokémon’s movement speed, decreases the amount of damage it deals, and deals damage over time to it. If the user and the linked Pokémon are too far apart, the link will disappear.”
Cramorant: Dive
  • Cooldown lengthened.
Cramorant: Air Slash
  • Cooldown lengthened.
Dragonite: Dragon Dance
  • Cooldown lengthened.
Dragonite: Hyper Beam
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
Tsareena: Stomp
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
  • Cooldown lengthened.
Blissey: boosted attack
  • Fixed bug(s) that affected the following:
    • Activation Timing
Blissey: Soft-Boiled
  • HP restoration decreased.
Machamp: Submission
  • Cooldown reduced.
Machamp: Dynamic Punch
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
Espeon: Psybeam
  • Cooldown reduced.
Espeon: Future Sight
  • Cooldown reduced.
Espeon: Stored Power
  • Move Upgrade
Espeon: Unite Move: Psychic Solare
  • Unite Move charge rate increased.
Glaceon: Icy Wind
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Glaceon: Icicle Spear
  • Duration of effects on the user decreased.
  • Bug Fixes
Wigglytuff: Double Slap
  • Cooldown reduced.
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Buzzwole: Leech Life
  • Cooldown reduced.
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
Buzzwole: Smack Down
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
  • Range increased.
  • Effects on the user strengthened.
Duraludon: Dragon Tail
  • Cooldown lengthened.
Delphox: Flame Charge
  • Cooldown reduced.
Tyranitar: Dark Pulse
  • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
Tyranitar: Ancient Power
  • Shield effect weakened.
  • This move’s movement speed increase has been weakened.
Tyranitar: Unite Move: Tyrannical Rampage
  • Move Downgrade
Crustle: Stealth Rock
  • Fixed bug(s) causing extra effects to occur.
Lucario: Power-Up Punch
  • Fixed bug(s) that affected the following:
  • Maximum Range
  • Effect strengthened.
Assault Vest
  • Effect strengthened.
Rocky Helmet
  • Effect strengthened.
Float Stone
  • Effect strengthened.

Source: https://unite.pokemon.com/en-us/news/pokemon-unite-patch-09-02-2022/

Pokémon UNITE Game Update - December 21st, 2022 - Ver.

Update Date/Time: 2022-12-21 at 11:00pm PT
Post-Update Version: Ver.
Update Details:
  • Battle Pass Updates
  • Ranked Match Updates
  • Shop Updates
  • Event Updates
  • Bug Fixes
  • Text Fixes

If the game has not been updated on your device, please restart the game to apply this update. While the game is updating, you may not be able to connect to the server. If this occurs, please try again later. Changes have been made to some Pokémon and moves to adjust the balance of Unite Battles.


Sableye - Confuse Ray’s ability to hinder opponents was too powerful and has been nerfed.
Confuse Ray - Cooldown: 8 sec. → 10 sec.

Duraludon - Dragon Pulse’s ability to concentrate damage was too powerful, while Dragon Tail and Revolving Ruin’s ability to defend the user was too powerful. These have been nerfed accordingly.
Dragon Tail - Time it takes to stock one reserve use: 12 sec. → 14 sec. Minimum time between uses: 2 sec. → 2.5 sec.
Dragon Pulse - Cooldown: 8 sec. → 9 sec. Additional damage from damage markers: reduced by 25%
Revolving Ruin - Shield effect: reduced by 15%. Movement speed decrease for opposing Pokémon that touch the burning ring: reduced by about 20%

Dodrio - The mobility granted by Agility was too high and has been nerfed. Jump Kick has been buffed to allow Dodrio to leap more during battle.
Agility - Cooldown: 10 sec. → 11 sec. Increased movement speed effect: reduced by 20%
Jump Kick - Cooldown: 7.5 sec. → 6.5 sec.

Azumarill - Water Pulse’s offensive and defensive capabilities were too powerful, so it has been nerfed.
Water Pulse - Cooldown: 4 sec. → 5 sec. Damage: reduced by about 10%

Buzzwole - Buzzwole previously took too long to reach its full potential, so its Ability has been adjusted to help it become a more active participant in battle. Certain moves have been nerfed to balance this change.
Beast Boost - Now increases the muscle gauge even when Buzzwole deals damage to wild Pokémon
Lunge - Time it takes to stock one reserve use: 6 sec. → 7.5 sec.

Cinderace - Pyro Ball, which leaves the user very exposed, has been buffed so that it can deal a suitable amount of damage.
Pyro Ball - Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon: increased by 8%

Urshifu - Liquidation has been buffed so that Rapid Strike Style Urshifu can stay in fights longer.
Liquidation - Cooldown: 12 sec. → 10 sec. Shield effect: increased by 20%
Liquidation+ Cooldown: 10 sec. → 9 sec. Shield effect: increased by 20%

Source: https://community.pokemon.com/en-us/discussion/1618/version-1-8-1-4-patch-notes/p1

Pokémon UNITE Game Update - June 8th, 2023 - Version

It is now possible to update your game to the newest version. For a short while, it will still be possible to play the old version of the game, but you will not be able to access certain content. Matchmaking will likely take longer on the old version, so updating your game is recommended.

Notice regarding a bug

We’ve confirmed a bug that, at present, sometimes causes rank protection cards to behave as though they are for the previous season and therefore prematurely expire.

How rank protection cards and ranked match seasons work
  • The period during which rank protection cards are valid is set for each player, and cards are set to expire at the end of the ranked match season that the player is currently participating in.
  • After a ranked match season begins, a player’s participation in that season commences when they access the ranked match lobby.

How rank protection cards are acquired
  • Battle Pass Season 15
  • Battle pass level 4 no-cost reward (×1)
  • Battle pass level 36 reward (×1)
  • Battle pass level 56 reward (×1)
  • UNITE Club membership benefit after the game updates on June 8 (×2)
  • Battle Pass Season 16 (scheduled to begin on June 12)
  • Battle pass level 4 no-cost reward (×1)
  • Battle pass level 36 reward (×1)
  • Battle pass level 56 reward (×1)

Steps that cause the bug to occur
  1. A player acquires a rank protection card.
  2. The player accesses the ranked match lobby, commencing their participation in that season.
  3. Because the rank protection card acquired in step 1 was, at the time of acquisition, considered to be for the previous season, it expires. The rank protection card is automatically deleted, and the player receives one Aeos ticket attached to a mail message.

  4. Steps that do not cause the bug to occur
    1. A player accesses the ranked match lobby, commencing their participation in that season.
    2. Afterward, the player acquires a rank protection card.

    3. Until this bug is fixed, we ask that players please claim rank protection cards exactly as outlined above.

      • All players who obtained a rank protection card and lost it due to the glitch outlined above will receive a new rank protection card as compensation.
      • We plan to send this compensation via an in-game mail message within a few days of when Battle Pass Season 16 begins.
      • We ask that players please follow the steps outlined above to avoid the bug before they claim rank protection cards from the aforementioned mail message.

      Note: Ranked Match Season 12 begins on June 11.

      Bug fix timing We plan to fix this bug in an update around mid-July. How rank protection cards will work once fixed:

      • The period during which rank protection cards are valid will be set on a per-season basis. They will only be valid in the specific season they are set for.
      • Note: The set season for a given rank protection card will not change, regardless whether the card is acquired before or after a new ranked match season commences.
      • Expired rank protection cards will be automatically deleted, and the player will receive 100 Aeos tickets attached to a mail message.
      We apologize for the inconvenience this bug has caused.

      Update Date/Time: 2023-06-08 at 04:00

      Post-Update Version: Ver.

      Update Details

      Prize Machine Now Available - You can obtain prizes by throwing Poké Balls at them until their prize gauge reaches MAX! You can obtain new items as well as some items you may have missed out on in the past. (You can use the Prize Machine every day at no cost. Prizes change daily.)

      Results Screen: Battle Reports Improved - Battle reports have been moved to the results screen, and goal zone destruction information has been added. Also, you can now view battle reports from within battle records.

      Menu Screen: Edit Menu Function Added - An edit function has been added to the menu screen. You can pin a maximum of two buttons to the top of the menu.

      Trainer Info Screen: Replay Function Added - A replay function has been added. You can now save and play replays. You can access even more features by becoming a UNITE Club member.

      Spectating: Screen Improved - The spectator mode screen has been updated.

      Settings: Surrender Options Added - An option to automatically oppose a surrender vote has been added (plus other surrender-related settings).

      Matchmaking: Matchmaking Screen Improved - The design of the matchmaking screen has been updated.

      The Eevee Festival isn’t over yet! (2023-06-08 to 2023-06-22) - Leafeon joins the fun!

      Bring your friends and battle it out together with different Eevee Evolutions! Even more cute Holowear to come!

      UNITE Club Membership Content Updated:
      1. A function that saves Aeos gems for a short period of time has been added. Up to 200 unclaimed Aeos gems can be saved at a time.
      2. Up to 20 replays can now be saved.
      3. Members will receive two rank protection cards every month. Rank protection cards are only valid for the current season.
        • Battle Pass Updates
        • Ranked Match Updates
        • Shop Updates
        • Event Updates
        • Bug Fixes
        • Text Fixes
      If the game has not been updated on your device, please restart the game to apply this update. While the game is updating, you may not be able to connect to the server. If this occurs, please try again later.

      Adjustment Details

      Lapras - Whirlpool - Fixed a bug that caused the move’s effects to persist even after Lapras was knocked out.
      Unite Move: Lapras Express - Fixed a bug that caused an ally Pokémon’s movement speed to stay increased if that ally was about to return to a goal before being carried by Lapras.

      Cramorant - Boosted basic attacks - Fixed a bug that caused one single Arrokuda to fly back and forth between multiple opposing Pokémon and deal too much damage.

      Glaceon - Icicle Spear - Fixed a bug that caused wild Pokémon hit by an ice crystal to take damage not only from the hit but also when the crystal shattered.

      Clefable - Follow Me - Fixed a bug that sometimes caused provoked Pokémon to deal damage to allies with their moves.

      Zacian - Ability: Intrepid Sword - Fixed a bug that sometimes caused consumed Aeos energy to return if Zacian used its Unite Move, Sovereign Sword, immediately after using a boosted move.

      Comfey - Ability: Triage - Fixed a bug that caused Comfey to release from Zoroark if Zoroark used its Ability, Illusion.

      Source: https://community.pokemon.com/en-us/discussion/4329/version-1-10-1-1-patch-notes/

      Pokémon UNITE Game Update - September 7th, 2023 - Version

      Update Date/Time: 2023-09-07 at 04:00
      Post-Update Version: Ver.

      Update Details
      • A new Pokémon is coming soon:
        • Blaziken is headed to Aeos Island! You can get gifts to celebrate its impending arrival!
      • Ranked Matches: New Ranks Added
        • Beginner: Class 4, Beginner: Class 5, and Great: Class 5 have been added.
        • To participate in ranked matches, please update the game to the latest version.
      • Battle Pass Updates
      • Ranked Match Updates
      • Shop Updates
      • Event Updates
      • Bug Fixes
      • Text Fixes
      If the game has not been updated on your device, please restart the game to apply this update. While the game is updating, you may not be able to connect to the server. If this occurs, please try again later. Changes have been made to some Pokémon and moves to adjust the balance of Unite Battles.

      Adjustment Details:

      Mewtwo (Mega Mewtwo X)
      Future Sight and Mewtwo’s Unite Move, Infinite Psyburn, have been nerfed so Mewtwo will do less instantaneous damage with its moves. Stats:
      • Critical-hit rate: 10% (at Lv. 5), 20% (at Lv. 9) → 5% (at Lv. 5), 10% (at Lv.10)
      Future Sight:
      • Cooldown: 7.5 sec. → 9 sec.
      • Time that opposing Pokémon are left unable to act: 0.75 sec. → 0.5 sec.
      • Fixed a bug that caused some Pokémon’s moves to become unusable.
      Unite Move: Infinite Psyburn
      • Damage: reduced by 15%
      • Energy needed: increased by 20%
      • Fixed a bug that caused the move to sometimes deal multiple hits to Pokémon that were using Full Heal.
      Mewtwo (Mega Mewtwo Y):
      Future Sight, Recover, and Mewtwo’s Unite Move, Infinite Psyburn, have been nerfed so Mewtwo will do less instantaneous damage with its moves.
      Future Sight
      • Upper limit on additional damage: 2000 → 1500
      • Cooldown: 8 sec. → 10 sec.
      • Time that opposing Pokémon are left unable to act: 0.75 sec. → 0.5 sec.
      • Fixed a bug that caused some Pokémon’s moves to become unusable.
      • Cooldown: 10 sec. → 12 sec.
      Unite Move: Infinite Psyburn
      • Damage: reduced by 15%
      • Energy needed: increased by 20%
      • Fixed a bug that caused the move to sometimes deal multiple hits to Pokémon that were using Full Heal.
      Tsareena’s stats have been buffed, along with her Triple Axel, Trop Kick, Stomp, and Grassy Glide moves. Stats
      • Defense: 70–350 → 70–380 (Lv. 1–15)
      • Sp. Def: 50–285 → 50–310 (Lv. 1–15)
      Triple Axel
      • HP restoration: increased by 25%
      Trop Kick
      • Shield amount: increased by 20%
      • HP restoration: increased by 25%
      Grassy Glide
      • Shield amount: increased by 20%
      Umbreon’s Snarl has been nerfed. Snarl
      • Cooldown: 9 sec. → 10 sec.
      • Attack/Sp. Atk reduction (per instance of damage): 6% → 4%
      Aegislash’s stats have been buffed. Stats (Blade Forme)
      • Attack: 223–357 → 258–432 (Lv. 7–15)
      Gengar’s stats have been buffed.

      • Sp. Atk: 80–660 → 80–690 (Lv. 1–15)
      • Defense: 52–260 → 52–290 (Lv. 1–15)
      • Sp. Def: 38–190 → 38–210 (Lv. 1–15)
      Thunderbolt and Thunder have been buffed.

      • Cooldown: 8 sec. → 7.5 sec.
      • Damage: increased by 10%
      • Cooldown: 8 sec. → 7.5 sec.
      Alolan Ninetales
      Avalanche and Blizzard have been nerfed because their hindering effects and damage were too high when used together, and they were being used too frequently.
      • Cooldown: 7 sec. → 8 sec.
      • Cooldown: 7 sec. → 8 sec.


      Unite Move: Gatling Gulp Missile
      • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Cramorant to attack two Pokémon at the same time.

      Source: https://community.pokemon.com/en-us/discussion/7062/version-1-12-1-2-patch-notes/

      Pokémon UNITE Game Update - December 12th, 2023 - Version

      Update Date/Time: 2023-12-12 at 07:00
      Post-Update Version: Ver.

      Update Details
      Meowscarada: Leafage
      • Effects on opposing Pokémon strengthened.
      • Duration of effects on opposing Pokémon increased.
      • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.

      Meowscarada: Trailblaze
      • Cooldown reduced.
      • Area of effect increased.

      Meowscarada: Night Slash
      • HP restoration increased.

      Meowscarada: Night Slash+
      • HP restoration increased.

      Meowscarada: Flower Trick
      • Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.

      Meowscarada: Unite Move: Floral Flourish
      • Cooldown reduced.

      Source: https://community.pokemon.com/en-us/discussion/8525/version-1-13-1-3-patch-notes

      Version - Patch Notes

      Update Date/Time: 2024-1-9 at 07:00
      Post-Update Version: Ver.
      Update Details: Bug Fixes and Text Fixes

      • Ice Beam - Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
      • Water Pulse - Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
      • Unite Move: Lapras Express - Cooldown lengthened.

      • The following stats have been decreased: Attack, Critical-hit rate
      • Basic Attack - Effects on opposing Pokémon weakened. Duration of effects on opposing Pokémon decreased.
      • Metal Claw - Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.

      • Drill Peck - Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
      • Unite Move: Triple Trample - This move’s Attack increase has been weakened.

      • Ember - Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
      • Feint - Effects on the user strengthened.

      • Volt Switch - Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
      • Wild Charge - Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
      • Unite Move: Plasma Gale - Fixed bug(s) causing extra effects to occur.

      • The following stats have been increased: Sp. Atk
      • Unite Move: Fairy Frolic - Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased. Cooldown reduced.

      • Teleport - Cooldown reduced.
      • Unite Move: Fairy Singularity - Cooldown reduced.

      • Sing - Duration of effects on opposing Pokémon increased. Effects on opposing Pokémon strengthened.
      • Sing+ - Duration of effects on opposing Pokémon increased. Effects on opposing Pokémon strengthened.
      • Dazzling Gleam - Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.

      • The following stats have been increased: Defense, Sp. Def
      • Iron Defense - Shield effect strengthened. Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
      • Meteor Mash - Cooldown reduced. Shield effect strengthened. Duration of effects on the user increased.
      • Meteor Mash+ - Cooldown reduced. HP restoration increased.
      • Gyro Ball - Cooldown reduced. Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased. Shield effect strengthened. Duration of effects on the user increased.
      • Zen Headbutt - Cooldown reduced.
      • Magnet Rise - This move’s movement speed increase has been strengthened.
      • Unite Move: Compute and Crush - Cooldown reduced. Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased. Area of effect increased.
      • Bug Fixes
      • Move Adjustment

      • Blaze Kick - Bug Fixes

      Source: https://community.pokemon.com/en-us/discussion/8830/version-1-13-1-4-patch-notes/

      Version - Patch Notes

      Update Date/Time: 2024-1-15 at 07:00
      Post-Update Version: Ver.
      Update Details: Bug Fixes & Text Fixes

      Metagross - Magnet Rise - Cooldown lengthened. This move’s movement speed increase has been weakened. Duration of effects on the user decreased. Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
      Gyro Ball - Fixed bug(s) that affected the following: Damage

      Source: https://community.pokemon.com/en-us/discussion/8876/version-1-13-1-5-patch-notes

      Version - Patch Notes

      Update Date/Time: 2024-4-16 at 07:00
      Post-Update Version: Ver.

      Update Details

      • A new Pokémon, Falinks, is coming soon! You can obtain its Unite license via the Falinks commemorative event pass!
      • Dragon Carnival Share Event (2024-05-09 to 2024-05-16)
        • In anticipation of the new Dragon Carnival, the Dragon Carnival share event begins!
        • You can receive a Pokémon Face Hat (Rayquaza) if you participate in the Dragon Carnival share event!
      • Dragon Carnival (2024-05-16 to 2024-06-12)
        • A new event where Dragon-type Pokémon take center stage, the Dragon Carnival, begins!
        • There will be new quick battles and all sorts of events in which you can participate to obtain plenty of rewards!
      • Shop Updates
      • Event Updates
      • Bug Fixes
      • Text Fixes

      If the app has not been updated on your device, please restart the app to apply this update. While the game is updating, you may not be able to connect to the server. If this occurs, please try again later.

      Battle Updates

      Changes have been made to some Pokémon stats and moves to adjust the balance of Unite Battles.

      Central Area Zoroark has been dominating the early stages of the Unite Battles due to its high mobility, damage, and recovery. Night Slash’s damage and healing have been nerfed, making it less likely to knock out opponents under goals.

      Night Slash - Damage: 15% decrease. Cooldown: 8 sec. → 9 sec. HP recovery: 20% decrease

      The Superpower+ → Smack Down → Superpower+ combo relied on the Muscle Gauge reaching max, granting full cooldown reduction for Smack Down+. This combo was almost a guaranteed KO, making Buzzwole a 1v1 beast that was nearly impossible to duel. Superpower and Smack Down have been nerfed, requiring several basic attacks to fill the Muscle Gauge for the second Superpower attempt.

      Superpower - Cooldown: 7.5 sec. → 8.5 sec.
      Superpower+ The muscle gauge reaching its maximum will reduce the cooldown by 3s instead of the full cooldown.
      Smack Down - Muscle gauge increments per hit: 2 → 1
      Smack Down+ Muscle gauge increments per hit: 3 → 2

      Mewtwo (Mega Mewtwo Y):
      The special attack growth has been nerfed, so that Mewtwo's damage will scale less in the later stages of the Unite Battles. Additionally, the damage caused by the Unite move, combined with Teleport’s damage buff, was excessive. Both Teleport and Unite Move have been nerfed.

      Stats - Sp. Atk: 150-810 → 150-780 (Lv.1-15)
      Teleport - Damage increase: 20% → 10%. Second teleport duration: 3s → 2s
      Teleport+ Damage increase: 30% → 15%. Second teleport duration: 3s → 2s
      Unite Move: Infinite Psyburn - Damage: 19% decrease. Time opposing Pokémon are left unable to act: 1s → 0.6s

      Due to the lack of defense stats, Machamp’s primary tactic became avoiding confrontations and sneaking from behind. So that Machamp can face opponents head-on like a true champion, defense stats and Submission have been buffed.

      Stats - Def: 98-490 → 100-510 (Lv.1-15). Sp. Def: 64-320 → 70-350 (Lv.1-15) Submission - Damage: 23% decrease

      Despite the limitations on attack and movement speed, the shield obtained was too small for Block. Therefore, Block has been buffed.

      Block - Movement speed decrease: 45% → 30%. Shield: 50% increase

      There were many scenes where Aegislash couldn't attack while in shield form or kept receiving attacks in sword form right in the middle of the enemy. Adjustments have been made to Iron Head and Sacred Sword to enable quick form changes.

      Iron Head - Cooldown: 7 sec. → 6 sec.
      Sacred Sword - Cooldown: 7.5 sec. → 6.5 sec.

      Waterfall and Aqua Tail, which had low usage rates due to their unique control feel, are adjusted to better align with trainers' intentions. Additionally, knock-up has been added to Bounce to make it easier to hit the second stage of Aqua Tail.

      Waterfall - Cooldown between moves: 0.3 sec.→ 0.07 sec.
      Aqua Tail - Advance distance: 50% decrease
      Bounce - Charged Bounce now knocks up opponents on hit.

      Since Trick was significantly less favored than Hyperspace Hole, Trick has been buffed for diverse support strategies.

      Trick - Shield: 28% to 9% increase (Level 5 to 15). Movement speed increase duration: 2 sec. →3 sec.

      Even in its pre-evolution state, Umbreon had high defense stats, making it quite powerful from the early stages of Unite Battles. Therefore, defense stats while Eevee are nerfed. Wish has been buffed to make Umbreon a viable option as a healing support. Additionally, Foul Play has been buffed to dive into the opponents as a defensive type.

      Stats - Def: 95-500 → 85-500 (Lv.1-15). Sp. Def: 70-400 → 60-400 (Lv.1-15)
      Wish - Healing Amount: 20% increase
      Foul Play - Movement speed decrease: 25% for 2 sec. → 30% for 2.5 sec. Second stage damage: 20% increase

      Whirlpool has been buffed since it had a relatively long cooldown. The Unite Move will now only target opposing Pokémon to prevent Azumarill from dashing toward wild Pokémon despite the trainers' intentions.

      Whirlpool - Cooldown: 11 sec. → 10 sec.
      Whirlpool+ Cooldown: 9 sec. → 8 sec.
      Unite Move: Belly Bash - Now only targets opposing Pokémon

      Crustle’s Unite Move could be interrupted by moves that prevent Pokémon from acting. This made it hard to use at the best timing with max stacked passive. The Unite Move has been adjusted to be more reliable in the middle of team fights.

      Unite Move: Rubble Rouser - Becomes unstoppable for a short period at the beginning of the Unite Move

      Since the damage output of Stored Power was too high for a move that is both safe and sure hits, its damage has been nerfed.

      Stored Power - Damage: 10% decrease

      Due to its ability to deal more significant damage compared to other speed-type Pokémon, base Attack Stats have been nerfed.

      Stats - Atk: 160-660 →160-630 (Lv.1-15)

      Boosted attack has been nerfed since its slowing effect was too high, which made Eldegoss one of the best Pokémon in the early stages of Unite Battles. While its main purpose was to protect allies, Pollen Puff and the Unite Move were dealing too much damage. Therefore, these moves have been nerfed.

      Boosted Attack - Damage: 15% decrease. Movement speed decrease: 30% for 1.5 sec. → 20% for 1 sec.
      Pollen Puff - Damage: 15% decrease
      Pollen Puff+ Damage reduction: 20% → 15%
      Unite Move: Cotton Cloud Crash. Damage: 13% to 17% decrease (Lv.9-15)

      Bug Fixes

      • Fixed the issue with Buzzwole’s Smack Down, where grabbing an opponent mid-air with Superpower will also deal Smack Down’s follow-up damage.
      • Fixed the issue with Trevenant’s Horn Leech, where the knockback distance was unintended.
      • Fixed the issue with Greedent’s Bullet Seed, which could spit seeds during Slowbro’s Slowbeam.
      • Fixed the issue with Miraidon’s Electro Drift, which caused unintended behaviors when the target was KO’d while charging the boosted Electro Drift.
      • Fixed the issue with Zeraora’s Wild Charge+, which left an area that deals damage even after the move finishes.

      Source: https://community.pokemon.com/en-us/discussion/10647/version-1-14-1-5-patch-notes/

      Version - Patch Notes

      Update Date/Time: 2024-5-13 at 07:00
      Post-Update Version: Ver.

      If the app has not been updated on your device, please restart the app to apply this update. While the game is updating, you may not be able to connect to the server. If this occurs, please try again later. Changes have been made to some Pokémon stats and moves to adjust the balance of Unite Battles.

      Update Details

      The following stats have been increased: Defense, Sp. Def, HP
      Sand Tomb - Effects on opposing Pokémon strengthened. Duration of effects on opposing Pokémon increased. Cooldown adjusted.
      Stone Edge - The time needed for this move to activate has been shortened.

      Fire Spin - Duration of effects on opposing Pokémon decreased. Cooldown lengthened.
      Fire Blast - Cooldown lengthened. Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.

      The following stats have been decreased: Sp. Atk
      Boosted attack - Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
      Unite Move: Mystical Mirage - Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.

      Hydro Pump - Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased. Duration of effects on opposing Pokémon decreased.
      Water Spout - Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.
      Water Gun - Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.

      Unite Move: Dragon Current - Cooldown lengthened.

      Ice Shard - Effects on the user weakened.
      Icicle Spear - Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon decreased.

      Gyro Ball - Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
      Zen Headbutt - Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.
      Unite Move: Compute and Crush - Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.

      Dive - Cooldown reduced.
      Hurricane - Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased.

      Leaf Storm - Effects on opposing Pokémon strengthened. Damage dealt to opposing Pokémon increased. Cooldown lengthened.
      Razor Leaf - Cooldown reduced.

      Helping Hand - Effects on the user strengthened.
      Safeguard - Shield effect strengthened.

      Source: https://community.pokemon.com/en-us/discussion/11041/version-1-14-1-6-patch-notes

      Version - Patch Notes

      Update Date/Time: 2024-6-6 at 07:00
      Post-Update Version: Ver.

      Update Details:
      • A new Pokémon is coming soon:
        • Ceruledge is headed to Aeos Island!
        • You can get gifts to celebrate its impending arrival!
      • Long-term consecutive log-in bonuses now available!
        • Trainers who log in at least once every month for over 6 months will receive monthly gifts, such as Aeos coins and discount coupons, via in-game mail.
        • Trainers who log in for 6, 12, and 24 consecutive months will also receive a special star Trainer sticker via in-game mail.
      • Shop Updates
      • Event Updates
      Source: https://community.pokemon.com/en-us/discussion/11510/version-1-14-2-8/

      Version - Patch Notes


      Update Date/Time: 2024-6-19 at 07:00
      Post-Update Version: Ver.

      Update Details

      • Pika Party quick battles will be available again starting 2024-06-22.
        • Take part in these fun battles with Pikachu!
      • Shop Updates
      • Event Updates


      Its powerful synergy with allies' attacks in large-scale effects that leave opposing Pokémon unable to act led to high usage rates in tournaments. While retaining its characteristic of coordinating with teammates, the damage has been nerfed to make it more difficult to take down opponents alone.

      Wood hammer
      • Damage:18% decrease
      • Cooldown: 8.5s → 9s
      • Damage: 25% ~ 18% decrease (Level 5 to 15)

      Its high usage rate in tournaments was due to the effective use of Trick and Phantom Force to enhance the team's mobility and provide healing at the same time. Since healing is not the primary effect, the amount of it has been nerfed. Trick
      • Healing: 50% decrease
      • Healing buff to allies: 60% decrease

      The high damage from Solar Blade made Leafeon one of the best Pokémon for securing last hits and picking up KOs, leading to early game dominance. Solar Blade's damage and Chlorophyll movement speed have been nerfed to reduce its impact in the early stages of Unite Battles.

      • Movement speed increase: 20% → 15%
      Solar Blade
      • Damage: 13% → 9% (Level 5 to 15)

      Mr. Mime
      In the current draft mode, there are few options for support Pokémon that excel at healing allies. To provide more options, the healing amount of Power Swap has been increased.

      Power Swap
      • Movement speed increase: 8% → 10%
      • Healing: 22% increase

      The excessive damage from Stone Edge and the high durability while in Sand Tomb allowed it to fight multiple Pokémon at once, making it difficult to deal with in ranked matches. The overall damage and durability while in Sand Tomb have been nerfed.

      Base Stats
      • Attack: 150 to 485 → 150 to 450 (Level 1 to15)
      Sand Tomb
      • Damage reduction: 25% → 15%
      Stone Edge
      • Damage: 10% decrease
      Unite Move: Tyrannical Rampage
      • Damage: 20% decrease

      Scizor / Scyther
      With the adjustment to the effect of the Muscle Band, its effect now activates twice when Technician activates, significantly increasing the damage dealt. To balance this, the cooldown of Swords Dance has been increased, reducing the frequency of Technician's activation.
      Swords Dance
      • Cool down: 7s → 8.5s
      The damage dealt by Electro Drift was too high for a move that is difficult to avoid, so it has been nerfed.

      Electro Drift
      • Damage: 5% decrease
      • Damage when empowered: 10% decrease

      The effect of the ability Blaze was insufficient given the high requirement of five attacks for activation, so the HP recovery amount has been increased. Both Focus Blast and Blaze Kick have been buffed to make it easier to successfully chain consecutive attacks from the Unite Move to each respective move.

      • Healing: 5% of max HP → 7% of mad HP
      • Healing under 50% HP: 7% of max HP → 10% of mad HP
      Focus Blast
      • Cool down: 9s → 8s
      Blaze Kick
      • Cool down: 10s → 9s

      To enhance its ability to withstand more attacks as a defense type, the recovery amount and effects of its moves have been increased. Specifically, Scald has been buffed to better counter physical damage-dealing Pokémon.
      Slack Off
      • Healing: 1.5% max HP (6 times) → 2% max HP (6 times)
      • Cooldown: 8s → 7s
      • Effect of burn state reducing attack: 40% decrease → 60% decrease

      As a balance type often facing 1v1 situations, its durability was insufficient. Therefore, the HP recovery amount from Shadow Claw and the frequency of entering a defensive state with Play Rough have been increased.

      Shadow Claw
      • Healing: 20% increase
      Play Rough
      • Movement speed decrease: 20% → 30%
      • Cooldown: 9s → 8s
      Play Rough+
      • Cooldown: 8s → 7s

      Compared to Giga Drain, Sludge Bomb seems to underperform, the move's effects have been buffed generally.

      Sludge Bomb
      • Damage on hit: 20% increase
      • Poison damage: 50% increase
      • SP. Def decrease: 30%(1s) → 40% (2s)

      The damage of Pursuit and Psycho Cut was low, making the risk of engaging the opponent significantly higher compared to other speed types. The damage of these moves has been buffed to reduce this risk, allowing for more opportunities to KO the opponent's Pokémon than before.

      • Damage from the front: 22% increase
      • (No changes to the damage dealt from behind)
      Psycho Cut
      • Blade damage: 50% increase

      Despite being a Pokémon that requires a high level to evolve, its impact on the game even after evolution was insufficient. To enhance its strength when surrounded by opposing Pokémon, resistance to effects from opponents have been increased, and the effects of its moves have been buffed.

      • Reduction rate of effects received from opponents: 20% → 25% (Level 1 to 15)
      • Damage: 15% increase
      • Damage: 10% increase
      Dragon Rush
      • Cooldown: 6s → 5s
      Dragon Rush+
      • Cooldown: 5s → 4s

      While the win rate in ranked matches is within a normal range, the usage rate remains low. Duraludon has a clear advantage in quickly KOing Rayquaza, but a strategy focused solely on this makes the battle monotonous and diminishes the enjoyment of Unite Battles. To address this, we have made overall adjustments to its stats and moves, aiming to reduce monotony and allow Duraludon to actively participate in battles as an attacker proficient in defending goals and other objectives.

      • Basic Attack Speed: 10% to 80% → 10% to 60% (Level 1 to 15)
      Enhanced Attack
      • Additional damage: 3% of max HP (max 1000) → 1.5% of max HP (max 500)
      Flash Cannon
      • When the move is used, attack speed increases by 100%, gradually returning to normal over 5 seconds.
      • Enhanced attack additional damage: 3% of max HP → 1.5% of max HP
      Dragon Pulse
      • Damage when slightly charged: 14% increase
      • Damage when fully charged: 15% increase
      Stealth Rock
      • When shattered rocks hit the opponent, a shield effect is granted.
      • Number of hits before immobilization: 4 → 2
      Unite Move: Revolving Ruin
      • Now knocks back the opponent's Pokémon at the end of the move.
      • Damage from the beam: 30% increase
      • Continuous damage from the flame trail: 50% decrease
      Source: https://community.pokemon.com/en-us/discussion/11712/scorching-waves-version-1-14-2-10-patch-notes/

      Shadow Flame - Version Patch Notes


      Update Date/Time: 2024-7-16 at 07:00 UTC
      Post-Update Version: Ver.
      Update Details
      • Battle Map: Panic Parade unlocks again on 2024-07-19!
      • The 3rd Anniversary is here! You can participate in all sorts of 3rd Anniversary commemorative events to celebrate with everyone!
        • Ho-Oh's Divine Forest Challenge:
          • You can participate in the event every day to collect divine forest coins and exchange them for Ho-Oh's Unite license!
        • 3rd Anniversary Bargain Shop Available:
          • You can obtain discounted items!
        • 3rd Anniversary Prize Machine Event!
          • During the event period, you can obtain 10 Anniversary Balls every day at no cost, up to a maximum of 100.
          • You can only use Anniversary Balls on the same day you obtain them, so don't forget to use them!
        • 3rd Anniversary Special Present:
          • You can obtain Charizard's Unite license and other various rewards by logging in during the 3rd Anniversary!
        • 3rd Anniversary Aeos Gem Special Deal:
          • A special Aeos gem deal will take place to commemorate Pokémon[Grm:nbsp ]UNITE's 3rd Anniversary.
          • You can take advantage of it only once per day.
      • Shop Updates
      • Event Updates
      If the app has not been updated on your device, please restart the app to apply this update. While the game is updating, you may not be able to connect to the server. If this occurs, please try again later.

      Battle Updates

      Changes have been made to some Pokémon stats and moves to adjust the balance of Unite Battles.

      Charizard is famous for its large wings and scorching flames, which are most prominently showcased in its Unite Move, Seismic Slam. Unfortunately, using the Unite Move against an opponent in an unstoppable state result in failure, putting the move on cooldown and leaving Charizard vulnerable by needlessly closing in on the opponent.

      In chaotic team fights, it is difficult to accurately identify the right Pokémon and timing to use the Unite Move. The performance of this high-risk Unite Move, prone to failure, has been diminishing Charizard's cool and enjoyable battle experience. With this adjustment, we believe that the risk of failing will be reduced, allowing Charizard to have more shining moments.

      Additionally, the combination of Fire Punch and Flare Blitz has suffered from low damage and durability, which is problematic for a close-range fighting style. To ensure Charizard can KO opponents and maintain its durability when engaging in close combat, these moves have been buffed.

      Unite Move: Seismic Slam
      • Can now grab Pokémon that are in hindrance resistance or unstoppable status
      Fire Punch
      • Damage: 10% increase
      Fire Punch+
      • Cooldown reduction per basic attack: 0.3 sec. → 0.4 sec.
      Flare Blitz
      • Damage: 15% increase
      • Shield: 20% increase

      In recent Unite Battles, highly mobile Pokémon have been excelling, making it difficult to hit Thunder and Thunderbolt. To increase the chances of landing these moves, the cooldown time has been reduced.
      • Cooldown: 7.5 sec. → 7 sec.
      • Cooldown: 7.5 sec. → 7 sec.

      Due to the low win rate caused by insufficient healing, Moonlight and Draining Kiss have been buffed.
      • HP restoration: 10% increase
      Draining Kiss
      • Cooldown: 5 sec. → 4 sec.

      The invincibility state gained during transformation with the ability Illusion was too powerful, allowing it to nullify the opponent's strong moves. The effect has been changed so that damage is no longer nullified.
      Ability: Illusion
      • Effects upon use: Invincible → Unstoppable

      To help Chandelure, which has few defensive options, adapt to the current battle environment with many highly mobile Pokémon, the cooldown times for the defensive move Imprison and the Unite Move have been reduced. Additionally, the cooldown time for Flamethrower has been reduced to allow for more opportunities to use the move during battles.
      • Cooldown: 10 sec. → 9.5 sec.
      • Cooldown: 7.5 sec. → 7 sec.
      Unite Move: Ignite Midnight
      • Energy needed: reduced by 10%

      The damage of the ability Blaze has been increased to make it easier to feel its activation. The cooldown times for Fire Spin and Fire Blast have been reduced to make it easier to combo these two moves.
      Ability: Blaze
      • Damage: 30% increase
      Fire Spin
      • Cooldown: 7 sec. → 6.5 sec.
      Fire Blast
      • Cooldown: 7 sec. → 6.5 sec.

      Compared to other Speedsters, the usage rate has remained low, so the ability Gale Wings has been buffed to enhance its mobility around the stadium. Additionally, the damage of Flame Charge, which was lacking, has also been increased.
      Ability: Gale Wings
      • Movement speed increase: 10% → 15%
      Flame Charge
      • Damage: 10% increase

      The moves that can be learned early in Unite Battles were both very powerful, leading to a high usage rate in tournaments. Therefore, these moves have been nerfed.
      Hyper Voice
      • Cooldown: 5 sec. → 6 sec.
      Mystical Fire
      • Cooldown reduction per flame hit: 15% → 12%

      Due to the continued low usage rate and win rate, Surging Strikes, Liquidation, and Throat Chop have been buffed to increase mobility and damage output.
      Surging Strikes
      • Cooldown: 12.5 sec. → 11 sec.
      • Damage: 50% increase
      Throat Chop
      • Cooldown: 9 sec. → 7 sec.
      • Damage: 20% increase

      Due to the lack of durability needed to continue fighting against opponent Pokémon, the stats and the healing amount of Bitter Blade, as well as the cooldown time of Phantom Force, have been improved to endure and avoid enemy attacks. The combination of Psycho Cut and Flame Charge had too low KO potential, so their damage output has been increased.
      Basic / Boosted Attacks
      • HP restoration: Increased by 5% of the damage dealt
        • Lv.1-4 20%, Lv.5-8 25%, Lv.9-15 30%
      Ability: Weak Armor
      • Damage from wounds: 50% increase
      Bitter Blade
      • HP restoration: 35% of damage dealt → 50% of damage dealt
      Bitter Blade+
      • HP restoration: 50% of damage dealt → 70% of damage dealt
      Phantom Force
      • Cooldown reduction on hit: 30% → 40%
      Psycho Cut
      • Amount of defense reduction: 50% to 31% increase (Lv.5-10)
      Psycho Cut+
      • Amount of defense reduction: 20% to 17% increase (Lv.11-15)
      Flame Charge
      • Attack speed increase: 20% → 30%

      Tri Attack was dealing too much damage from a safe distance, so it has been nerfed.
      Tri Attack
      • Damage: 12% decrease

      Mewtwo X
      Psystrike excelled in both damage and hindrance effects, resulting in a high win rate. To reduce this frequency, its cooldown time has been increased.
      • Cooldown: 8 sec. → 9 sec.

      Mewtwo Y
      The range of basic attacks was too long, allowing for attacks from a very safe distance. To add more risk, the range of basic attacks has been reduced.
      Basic Attack
      • Range: 7.0 meters → 6.5 meters
      Basic Attack (Mega Evolution)
      • Range: 8.0 meters → 7.5 meters

      The high damage output and mobility were resulting in an excessively high win rate. While maintaining its power in skirmishes due to its mobility, the damage output in team fights has been reduced.
      Unite Move: Gatling Gulp Missile
      • Damage: 15% decrease

      The damage output when combining Iron Head and No Retreat was too high for an All-Rounder. Therefore, the damage output of these moves has been reduced.
      Iron Head
      • Damage: 25% decrease
      No Retreat
      • Attack increase: 40% → 25%
      • Damage of basic attacks enhanced by Iron Head: 20% decrease
      No Retreat+
      • Attack increase: 60% → 40%

      When the ability Overgrow was activated during the use of the Unite Move, it allowed for excessively high damage and healing while in stealth. Therefore, both the Unite Move and the ability have been nerfed.
      Ability: Overgrow
      • Damage increase: 20% → 15%
      • Healing from damage dealt: 20% → 15%
      • Movement speed increase: 20% → 15%
      Unite Move: Floral Flourish
      • Energy needed: increased by 10%

      Despite previous adjustments, the damage was still too high. To reduce the skill rotation rate, the cooldown reduction effect gained upon leveling up, the cooldown time of Electro Drive, and the damage of Charge Beam have been nerfed.
      • Cooldown reduction: 15% → 10% (Lv.9-12), 25% → 20% (Lv.13-15)
      Electro Drift
      • Cooldown: 11 sec. → 12 sec.
      Electro Drift+
      • Cooldown: 7 sec. → 8 sec.
      Charge Beam
      • Damage: 10% decrease
      • Empowered Charge Beam damage: 10% decrease

      We have fixed the following issues:

      • An issue where Falinks reduced the damage from multi-hit moves with short intervals, such as Duraludon's Dragon Pulse and Venusaur's Solar Beam, more than intended.
      • An issue where Falinks did not experience a decrease in movement speed when retreating with No Retreat.
      • An issue where the hitbox of Falinks' Megahorn remained even after Falinks was KO'd.
      • An issue where Falinks received less healing than other Pokémon.
      • An issue where the effect of Muscle Band did not activate twice with Lucario's and Mimikyu's enhanced attacks.
      • An issue where Snorlax's Block+ had fewer pushback instances than intended.
      • An issue where the effects of held items did not activate during Zeraora's enhanced attacks when its HP was low.
      • An issue where Meowscarada's Double Team illusory copy followed targets outside of view.
      • An issue where Metagross's Magnet Rise was not affected by Clefable's Gravity.
      • An issue where Miraidon could not pick up berries with Electro Drift.
      • An issue where the Energy Amplifier effect did not activate with Miraidon's Unite Move.
      • An issue where the first player to select a Pokémon in Draft Mode had a shorter selection time.
      • An issue where the healing reduction was doubled when Curse Incense and Curse Bangle activated simultaneously.
      • An issue where the attack range faced left if certain chargeable moves were initiated while inputting a basic attack.
      • An issue where the effects of held items and abilities only activated on the first hit when multiple Pokémon were attacked with a single basic attack.
      • An issue where lag occurred on the Switch version when Mimikyu appeared on the screen.

      Source: https://community.pokemon.com/en-us/discussion/12101/shadow-flame-version-1-15-1-2-patch-notes

      Version - Patch Notes

      Update Date/Time: 2024-7-25 at 07:00 UTC
      Post-Update Version: Ver.

      Update Details
      • Shop Updates
      • Event Updates

      If the app has not been updated on your device, please restart the app to apply this update. While the game is updating, you may not be able to connect to the server. If this occurs, please try again later.

      Battle Updates

      Unite Move: Rekindling Flame
      • Area where feathers fall when allies are KO'd: Increased from 25m radius to 35m radius from Ho-oh.
      • HP amount when allies are revived: Increased from 50% of max HP to 60% of max HP.
      • Adjustment of required Aeos Energy for reviving allies:
        • 1 Pokémon: 0-8 Aeos Energy
        • 2 Pokémon: 9-16 Aeos Energy
        • 3 Pokémon: 17-24 Aeos Energy
        • 4 Pokémon: 25-50 Aeos Energy
      • Required Unite Move gauge: Increased by 11%.

      We believe that the ability to revive ally Pokémon is a unique and essential element of Ho-Oh's gameplay experience. However, through our daily observation of battle data, we found that the usage rate of Ho-Oh's Unite Move was significantly lower than expected. This low usage rate is likely due to an imbalance among the three constraints of this Unite Move: having KO'd allies near Ho-Oh, Ho-Oh having sufficient Aeos Energy, and a full Unite Move gauge.

      We observed many instances where players had a full Unite Move gauge but rarely found opportunities to use it. To address this, we have adjusted the balance between these constraints to create more scenarios where the Unite Move can be effectively used.

      We have fixed the following issues:
      • Fixed an issue where the attack boost duration of Ho-oh's Fly+ lasted longer than intended.
      • Fixed an issue where Charmander's Ember did not increase movement speed.
      • Fixed an issue where some moves, such as Trevenant's Wood Hammer and Talonflame's Unite move, would overshoot the target.
      • Fixed an issue where some grab moves, such as Mamoswine's Ice Fang and Buzzwole's Leech Life, ended earlier than intended.
      • Fixed an issue where the duration of the hindrance effects caused by some moves was shortened after the July 16th update.
      • Fixed an issue where Chandelure during its Unite move could be seen by burned opponents.
      • Fixed an issue where damage numbers were displayed when attacking an opponent in bushes.
      • Fixed an issue where the time for Sableye to re-enter stealth after attacking was longer than intended.
      • Fixed an issue where stealth opponents could be visible under certain circumstances.

      Source: https://community.pokemon.com/en-us/discussion/12227/version-1-15-1-3-patch-notes

      Version - Patch Notes

      Update Date/Time: 2024-7-31 at 07:00
      Post-Update Version: Ver.

      Update Details:
      Notification of Changes to UNITE Club Membership Benefits as of September: As of 2024-09-01, the following changes will be made to UNITE Club membership benefits.
      • Changed benefits:
        • Amount of daily Aeos gems you can receive will be changed from 40 to 30 Aeos gems. (The amount of unclaimed Aeos gems that can be saved at a time will remain at 200.)
      • New benefits:
        • 10 no-cost energy exchanges every day
        • One special Unite snapshot background every month
      • Benefits to be discontinued:
        • Holowear of the month
        • Rank protection cards (2 every month)
      • Unchanged benefits:
        • First-time membership benefits: Hoopa set
        • Additional trial Unite licenses (2 every week)
        • Trial Holowear (2 styles every week)
        • Special portrait frames and chat speech bubbles reserved for members only
        • New fashion items are discounted by 10% for one week only after release
        • Number of replays you can save increases to 20

      • Shop Updates
      • Event Updates

      Source: https://community.pokemon.com/en-us/discussion/12311/version-1-15-1-4-patch-notes

      Version - Patch Notes


      Update Date/Time: 2024-8-22 at 07:00
      Post-Update Version: Ver.

      Update Details
      • WCS Commemorative Special Sale Underway
      • Shop Updates
      • Event Updates
      If the app has not been updated on your device, please restart the app to apply this update.
      While the game is updating, you may not be able to connect to the server. If this occurs, please try again later.

      Battle Updates

      To keep the excitement of the intense battles from the Pokémon World Championships alive, we have implemented a minor balance adjustment focused on improving Pokémon and moves with lower win rates while preserving the strengths of key Pokémon in the current meta.


      Attackers that primarily rely on basic attacks are designed to have modest power in the early game, with their true strength shining in the mid-to-late game. For Greninja, this characteristic was not fully realized, so its late-game attack has been increased to make its growth more apparent as it levels up. Additionally, the damage of the boosted attack after using Smokescreen has been buffed to improve its KO potential once it evolves into Frogadier. As for the Unite Move Waterburst Shuriken, the cooldown has been significantly reduced to make it easier to use for both attacking and retreating. However, the damage output has been nerfed in consideration of balance. These changes aim to improve Greninja's usability, as it relies on not being KO'd despite its low durability.

      • Stats
        • Attack: 146-460 → 146-500 (Lv.1-15)
      • Smokescreen
        • Boosted attack damage: 12% increase
      • Unite Move: Waterburst Shuriken
        • Energy needed: 25% decrease
        • Damage: 20% decrease

      While Glaceon's win rate and usage have been declining, the damage it deals per match is still at a satisfactory level. Therefore, the focus has been on enhancing its self-defense and crowd-control abilities.

      • Ice Shard
        • Movement speed increase duration: 0.5s → 1s
      • Freeze Dry
        • Movement speed reduction: 20% → 30%
      • Unite Move: Glacial Stage
        • Movement speed reduction duration: 1s → 2s

      The damage output of Liquidation was low, leading to a decline in both win rate and usage. As a result, adjustments have been made to increase its damage.

      • Liquidation
        • Damage: 12% increase

      Source: https://community.pokemon.com/en-us/discussion/12715/shadow-flame-part-2-version-1-15-1-7-patch-notes

      Hyper Voltage - Ver. Patch Notes


      Update Date/Time: 2024-9-5 at 07:00
      Post-Update Version: Ver.

      Update Details

      • A new Pokémon is coming soon:
      • Armarouge is headed to Aeos Island!
      • Neo Street Style: Greninja available now! You can check out the battle pass for more details!
      • Shop Updates
      • Event Updates

      If the app has not been updated on your device, please restart the app to apply this update. While the game is updating, you may not be able to connect to the server. If this occurs, please try again later. Changes have been made to some Pokémon stats and moves to adjust the balance of Unite Battles.

      Changes to Battle Pass Rewards and Pricing

      Starting from the 26th season, the Battle Pass will change rewards and pricing.

      Changes in Rewards
      • Additions
        • Holowear Effect Spray (Sparkle) for 14 days ×1
        • Bonus Energy Tank ×1
        • Aeos Coin Boost Card (1 day) ×1
        • Battle Point Boost Card (1 day) ×1
      • Removals
        • Aeos Ticket ×120
        • Item Enhancer ×20
      Changes in Pricing
      • Premium Battle Pass
        • 490 → 690 Gems
      • Premium Battle Pass Plus
        • 840 → 1190 Gems

      Adjustments to Item Box

      • Limit: 100 → 200

      To adjust the balance of Unite Battles, we have made some changes to wild Pokémon, Pokémon abilities and moves, and held items.

      Map Adjustments

      Wild Pokémon in Theia Sky Ruins
      • Experience points for Escavalier and Accelgor: decreased by 18%
      • Experience points for Baltoy: increased by 33%

      At the beginning of the game, when the opposing team steals the last hit on Escavalier or Accelgor, the resulting experience point difference can be too significant, potentially deciding the game's outcome early on. Therefore, we adjusted the experience points of wild Pokémon. The total experience points of wild Pokémon remain unchanged until the forward goal zone is destroyed.

      EX License Changes

      As announced in the 3rd Anniversary Producer Letter, the EX license classification will be removed in the September update. Along with this change, balance adjustments will also be made.

      • Basic Attacks
        • Additional damage from the ability Intrepid Sword:
          • 1st Hit: 3% of max HP → 2%
          • 2nd Hit: 4% of max HP → 3%
          • 3rd Hit: 4% of max HP → 3%
          • 4th Hit: 5% of max HP → 4%
      • Agility
        • Shield amount when enhanced: Reduced by approximately 35% to 30% (Levels 7 to 15)

      As an all-rounder that allows for diverse combat styles, Zacian had characteristics such as dealing additional damage based on HP to Defense types through empowered attacks and closing in rapidly on Attack types with Agility while gaining a large shield. However, as these features led to one-sided situations, adjustments were made.

      • Ability: Regenerator
        • HP Recovery: Every 2 seconds, 0.4% of max HP → 0.3%
        • HP Recovery out of combat: Every 2 seconds, 4% of max HP → 3%
      • Tailwind
        • Damage: reduced by 20%
      • Fire Spin
        • Cooldown: 8s → 8.5s
      • Sky Attack
        • Cooldown: 7s → 8.5s
      • Fly
        • Cooldown: 7s → 8s
      • Unite Move: Rekindling Flame
        • Allied Pokémon will now leave a feather mark after learning the move.

      At the beginning of the battle, the healing ability from the ability Regenerator and the last-hit capability on wild Pokémon from Tailwind were too powerful, so they have been nerfed. Additionally, the combination of the high shield from Fire Spin and the superior mobility from Sky Attack and Fly resulted in excessively high survivability. Therefore, the cooldowns of these moves have been nerfed.

      Mewtwo X, Mewtwo Y, Miraidon
      The adjustments made to these three Pokémon in the Shadowflame balance patch on 07/16 have brought them within the expected win rate range. No changes will be made in this balance update and they will continue to be monitored closely.

      Battle Updates

      • Hyper Voice
        • Area of Effect Angle: 35° forward → 120° forward
        • Damage: reduced by 8%
        • Cooldown: 6s → 5.5s
      • Hyper Voice+
        • Now slows opposing Pokémon hit by the move.(The effect of adding an extra sound wave has been removed.)
      • Draining Kiss
        • HP Recovery: Increased by 23%
        • Slow Effect: 20% for 1.5s → 50% (decaying by 20% every 0.5s) for 1s
      • Baby-Doll Eyes
        • Now, it hits the targeted Pokémon.

      The guaranteed hit of Magical Flame is especially effective in one-on-one battles. On the other hand, Hyper Voice can hit multiple opposing Pokémon, but its narrow effect range limits the situations where this characteristic could be utilized. To further highlight the contrasting performance of these two moves, Hyper Voice's effect range has been expanded while reducing its damage, making it easier to hit multiple opponents. This adjustment is expected to increase its effectiveness in team battles when using Hyper Voice.

      • Visual Update
        • The visuals of Pikachu’s moves have been updated.
      • Volt Tackle
        • Cooldown: 10s → 9s
        • Pikachu's movement speed is now increased for a short duration after using the move.
      • Unite Move: Thunderstorm
        • Number of Pokémon struck by subsequent lightning bolts: 1 → 2

      To improve move visibility and enhance satisfaction when used, the visual effects of Pikachu's moves have been refined. The Unite Move Thunderstorm had its first lightning strike hit all surrounding opposing Pokémon, but subsequent strikes only hit one target. This resulted in a slightly underwhelming performance; while the first strike offered thrilling potential for massive damage in the middle of the enemy team, subsequent strikes failed to deliver a similar impact. In this adjustment, the number of Pokémon hit by subsequent lightning strikes has been increased, enhancing the value of capturing multiple opponents within the area. Volt Tackle had a high-risk aspect, as the landing spot could be easily predicted. To make it safer to use, Pikachu's movement speed is increased for a short duration after using the move.

      • Dream Eater
        • Cooldown: 8s → 7s
        • Healing: increased by 20%
      • Dream Eater+
        • Healing: increased by 23%
      • Hex
        • Cooldown reduction when hitting a status-affected Pokémon:
        • 85% of the cooldown → 90% of the cooldown
      • Unite Move: Invisible Shock
        • Required Energy: reduced by approximately 17%

      Dream Eater often left players unable to act for a long time if the move was missed. To address this, the cooldown of the move has been shortened. Additionally, increasing the HP recovered reduces the risk of being KO'd, providing more opportunities for consecutive KOs. The reduced cooldown for reusing Hex allows players to KO opponents before being counterattacked and KO'd. To enable more aggressive attacks in the latter half of battles after evolving into Gengar, the required energy for the Unite move Invisible Shock has been reduced.

      • Leech Life
        • Cooldown: 8s → 7s
        • HP Recovery: Decreased by approximately 37% to 25%
      • Smack Down
        • Cooldown: 7.5s → 6.5s

      In recent seasons, Buzzwole's win rate and usage rate have been declining. To improve Buzzwole's ability to fight fluidly, the cooldowns for Smack Down and Leech Life have been buffed. Among these, Leech Life is one of the few moves effective against Pokémon with hindrance resistance. With this adjustment, Leech Life can now be used more frequently at the cost of reduced recovery, enhancing Buzzwole's effectiveness in countering Pokémon with hindrance resistance.

      • Bitter Blade
        • Damage: reduced by 16% to 0% (Level 5 to 15)
      • Psycho Cut
        • Damage: reduced by approximately 14% to 9% (Level 5 to 15)
      • Phantom Dive
        • Slow effect: 90% → 60%

      Ceruledge exhibited high attack power and the ability to KO wild Pokémon quickly in the mid-game, often allowing it to maintain the advantage gained into the late game. Due to its high usage and win rates, the mid-game damage of Bitter Blade and Psycho Cut has been reduced. Additionally, the slow effect from Phantom Dive was so strong that it made the next attack nearly impossible for opposing Pokémon to dodge; therefore, it has also been nerfed.

      • Stats
        • Critical Hit Rate: 10% → 5% (Level 5-7), 20% → 10% (Level 8-15)
      • Fire Punch
        • Damage: reduced by 17%
      • Fire Punch+
        • Damage: reduced by 14%

      Blaziken was able to take down low-durability Attackers with just Fire Punch and basic attacks, so the critical hit rate and damage of Fire Punch have been reduced.

      • Stats
        • HP: decreased by 0% to approximately 5% (Level 1-15)
        • Cooldown Reduction: 5% → 0% (Level 4-8), 10% → 0% (Level 9-15)

      Slowbro's high durability allowed it to perform consistently well, leading to high usage and win rates. To address this, its HP has been reduced to lower its overall durability. Additionally, to decrease the activation frequency of the ability that restores HP, the stats to reduce the cooldowns of its moves have been nerfed.

      Item Adjustment

      Shell Bell
      • HP Recovery on Move Hit
        • Level 1-9: Increased by approximately 15%
        • Level 10-19: Increased by approximately 20%
        • Level 20-30: Increased by approximately 33%

      For a long time, the three stylish glasses have been the best-held item choices for special attack-type attackers, resulting in a narrow selection range. To enable more diverse strategies, the healing amount of Shell Bell has been increased. Even when there is no Pokémon on the team that excels at healing, Shell Bell provides recovery while fighting.

      Bug Fixes

      • Fixed an issue where Dragapult's Unite move would target Ceruledge when it was hidden with Phantom Dive.
      • Fixed a bug where Tyranitar could reuse Sand Tomb's second activation after exiting and re-entering the sandstorm area.
      • Fixed an issue where Duraludon's enhanced attack damage cap applied not only to the percentage damage to max HP but also to the entire enhanced attack damage.
      • Fixed a bug where Wigglytuff's Unite move Starlight Recital failed to remove poison from allies.
      • Fixed an issue where Dodrio's footsteps were too loud.

      Source: https://community.pokemon.com/en-us/discussion/12970/hyper-voltage-ver-1-16-1-2-patch-notes

      Version - Patch Notes

      Update Date/Time: 2024-09-27 at 07:00
      Post-Update Version: Ver.

      Update Details

      • New battle item added:
        • Goal Hacker
        • It can be obtained at Aeos Emporium starting 2024-09-27 at 07:00 UTC.
      • New lucky ice pops event is underway! You can participate in the event to obtain fabulous rewards!
      • The fabulous new Holowear Elegant Style: Sylveon is available now! You can participate in the treasure chest challenge right away to obtain it!
      • Shop Updates
      • Event Updates
      If the app has not been updated on your device, please restart the app to apply this update. While the game is updating, you may not be able to connect to the server. If this occurs, please try again later. Changes have been made to some Battle Items to adjust the balance of Unite Battles.

      Buffed Items

      To make Unite Battles more strategic and diverse, battle items with lower win and usage rates have been buffed.
      • Goal-Getter
        • Cooldown: 75s → 60s
      • Slow Smoke
        • Cooldown: 40s → 35s
      • Fluffy Tail
        • Cooldown: 25s → 22s

      Nerfed Items

      To maintain balance with other battle items, items with high win rates have been nerfed.
      • Eject Button
        • Cooldown: 75s → 80s
      • X Attack
        • Duration: 7s → 6.5s

      Bug Fixes

      • Fixed an issue where Tsareena and Urshifu (Rapid Strike Style) could use their Unite Moves on opponents in an unstoppable status.
      • Fixed an issue where certain Pokémon like Umbreon and Mimikyu could become invulnerable to damage.
      • Background music and effects for some home backgrounds have been adjusted.

      Source: https://community.pokemon.com/en-us/discussion/13386/version-1-16-1-4-patch-notes

      Freezing Rush - Ver. Patch Notes


      Update Date/Time: 2024-10-17 at 07:00
      Post-Update Version: Ver.

      Update Details

      • Darkrai has joined the fray! You can participate in the event to obtain Darkrai or Holowear!
      • Halloween Event (2024-10-19 to 2024-11-12):
        • During the event, you can complete Halloween missions and challenges to collect Halloween coins and exchange them for rewards from the Halloween capsule dispenser.
        • Participate in the event to exchange for rewards!
      • Shop Updates
      • Event Updates

      If the app has not been updated on your device, please restart the app to apply this update. While the game is updating, you may not be able to connect to the server. If this occurs, please try again later.

      Battle Updates

      Changes have been made to some Pokémon stats and moves to adjust the balance of Unite Battles.

      Alolan Ninetales

      Due to a lack of mobility moves, limited self-defense options, and a not particularly long attack range, Alolan Ninetales has struggled to stand out compared to other Attackers, resulting in consistently low usage and win rates over a long period. In this balance adjustment, changes have been made to allow Alolan Ninetales to excel as an Attacker that supports the team and fights alongside allies on the frontlines. Its ability has been significantly buffed to better showcase its strengths in battle, and its defense and special defense have been increased to reduce the risk of getting close to opponents. Additionally, the cooldowns of Avalanche and Blizzard have been reduced, allowing these moves to be used not only for countering opponents but also for initiating attacks more effectively.

      • Defense: 35-175 → 35-225 (Levels 1-15)
      • Special Defense: 27-135 → 27-175 (Levels 1-15)
      Ability: Snow Warning
      • Cooldown: 8s → 4s
      • Cooldown: 8s → 7.5s
      • Cooldown: 8s → 7.5s


      The damage of Close Combat has been low, resulting in a continued low win rate, so it has been buffed. One of Machamp's most iconic moments is dealing massive damage by hitting multiple opposing Pokémon with consecutive punches during its Unite Move, Barrage Blow. However, previously the Unite Move had two stages-first boosting Machamp's stats, then unleashing the consecutive punches. This gave opponents time to scatter after the first stage, making it very difficult to hit multiple enemies with the punches. With this adjustment, the Unite Move has been changed so that Machamp can immediately start throwing consecutive punches upon activation, making it easier to turn the tide of battle.

      Close Combat
      • Damage: 10% increase
      Unite Move: Barrage Blow
      • Mechanics change: Now immediately unleashes consecutive punches upon activation
        • Note: The move description will be updated at a later time.
      • Stat boosts upon activation:
        • Before: Defense & Special Defense +200, Movement Speed +5%, Attack +30%, Duration 10 seconds
        • After: Defense & Special Defense +250, Movement Speed +10%, Attack +25%, Duration 8 second


      In battles where Armor Cannon and Psyshock are learned, the damage output was higher than expected, while the hindrance abilities were lower than intended. Therefore, the damage of Armor Cannon has been reduced, and the cooldown of Psyshock has been adjusted to be shorter.

      In battles where Fire Spin and Flame Charge are learned, Armarouge demonstrated more durability than expected. As a result, the shield amount from Flame Charge has been reduced. Fire Spin has been adjusted to replace its defense and special defense boosts with a shield effect, making the defensive benefit more visible to nearby players while slightly reducing overall durability.

      Armor Cannon
      • Damage: 10% decrease
      • Cooldown: 8s → 7s
      Flame Charge
      • Shield amount: 50% decrease
      Fire Spin
      • ● (New) Increases movement speed when used, with further speed increases when moving towards opposing Pokémon.
      • ● (New) Each time the user deals damage, a shield effect is applied, which can stack up to 6 times.
      • ● (Removed) Defense and special defense boosts on hit.
      Fire Spin+
      • ● (New) Grants a shield when using the move.
      • ● (Removed) The movement speed boost upon hitting opposing Pokémon
      • Fire Spin's description has been updated as follows:
        • "Has the user generate a fierce vortex of fire around itself, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon it hits and increasing the user's movement speed. When the user is moving toward Pokémon on the opposing team, its movement speed is further increased. Whenever the user deals damage, it receives a shield effect. This effect can stack up to 6 times.If the user hits opposing Pokémon with a basic attack, the duration of the vortex is increased. Upgrade: Grants the user a shield when this move is used."


      The damage dealt across all move paths was higher than expected, so the additional damage from basic attacks on burned opponents has been reduced.

      Charizard's Unite Move, Seismic Slam, was made more versatile in a previous update, allowing it to be used on hindrance-resistant opponents, which improved its usability. However, this made the move stronger than anticipated, so the energy cost has been increased, extending the time it takes to become available. Additionally, Fire Blast's crowd control effect was strong for an All-Rounder, so the slow effect has been nerfed.

      Basic Attack
      • Additional damage on burned opponents: 50% decrease
      Fire Blast
      • Movement speed reduction: 35% → 30%
      Unite Move: Seismic Slam
      • Energy needed: 20% increase


      By optimizing held items and emblems, Urshifu was able to use Surging Strikes continuously without any downtime. To introduce more opportunities for counterplay between uses of Surging Strikes, the cooldown reduction from boosted attacks has been decreased. In return, the damage of Surging Strikes has been slightly increased.

      Boosted Attack (Rapid Strike Style)
      • Cooldown reduction: 2s → 1.5s
      Surging Strikes
      • Damage: 6-5% increase (Lv.5-15)


      Blastoise has sufficient durability in the early stages of battles, but its endurance in the later stages has been lacking, resulting in a low win rate. To allow Blastoise to continue standing strong in front of allies as a Defender in the later stages, the growth rate of its defense and special defense has been increased. Blastoise's durability during Rapid Spin has been significantly enhanced, enabling Blastoise to maintain the frontline more persistently than before.

      • Defense: 100-600 → 100-650 (Lv.1-15)
      • Special Defense: 70-420 → 70-455 (Lv.1-15)
      Hydro Pump
      • Cooldown: 7.5s → 7s
      • Cooldown: 9s → 8.5s
      Rapid Spin+
      • Defense and special defense increase: 50% increase


      Due to consistently high usage and win rates in ranked matches, the damage of Mystical Fire and Fire Blast has been reduced. Mystical Fire
      • Damage: 8% decrease
      Fire Blast
      • Damage on hit: 10% decrease
      Fire Blast+
      • Damage on hit: 9% decrease


      To ensure Snorlax can continue protecting allies by absorbing attacks from multiple opposing Pokémon in late-game team fights, the defense and special defense increases provided by Block+ have been buffed. Additionally, the win rate and usage rate of the combination of Flail and Yawn were low, so both moves have been buffed.

      • Defense increase: 25% → 35%
      • Special Defense increase: 25% → 35%
      • Movement speed increase duration: 2s → 3s
      • Movement speed increase amount: 70%-30% (decreases by 10% every 0.5s) → 80%-40% (decreases by 10% every 0.5s)
      • Cooldown: 12s → 10.5s


      When learning Phantom Force, Dragapult could quickly become too strong by stacking multiple KOs early in the battle, disrupting the balance. To address this, the attack increase gained from KOs has been reduced.

      Phantom Force
      • Attack increase per KO: 10 (up to 10 times) → 6 (up to 10 times)


      When Extreme Speed fails to hit its target, it would enter cooldown and leave Lucario unable to participate in battles for a long period, making it difficult to contribute. To help Lucario rejoin the battle more quickly, the cooldown has been buffed.

      Extreme Speed
      • Cooldown: 9s → 7.5s


      Frequent engagements using Bounce and the high damage output from Dragon Breath's quick basic attacks have led to an excessively high win rate. To address this, the frequency of Bounce and the overall damage output have been reduced.

      Dragon Breath
      • Attack speed increase: 60%, 80%, 100% → 40%, 55%, 70%
      • Cooldown: 7.5s → 8.5s
      • Damage: 10% decrease


      Despite being a Pokémon that becomes stronger in the later stages of battle as a Pokémon that evolves twice, Mamoswine had too much power in the early game, so Icicle Crash has been nerfed. Additionally, the crowd control duration when using moves like Earthquake, Ice Fang, and boosted attacks were too long, so the cooldown of the engage move, Earthquake, has been increased.

      • Cooldown: 7.5s → 9s
      Icicle Crash
      • Damage of the 1st to 3rd hits: Approx. 10% decrease


      Zoroark's win rate across all move sets has been low, so the damage of its primary moves has been buffed. Feint Attack
      • Damage: 9% increase
      Night Slash
      • Cooldown: 9s → 8s


      After evolving into Dragonite, the frequency of stunning opponents with boosted attacks from Outrage became too high, allowing Dragonite to attack with little opposition, disrupting the balance. To provide opponents with more opportunities to counterattack or escape before being KO'd, the damage and crowd control effects of Outrage have been nerfed.

      Boosted attack
      • Duration where enemies are unable to act (electric): 0.6s → 0.5s
      • Damage from boosted attacks: 10% decrease


      The short cooldown and high rotation rate of Dive have allowed Cramorant to combine excessive damage with high mobility, resulting in a consistently high win rate. To reduce both its damage output and mobility, the cooldown of Dive has been increased.

      • Cooldown: 1.5s → 2s
      • Recovery time for charges: 5s → 6s


      • Fixed an issue where Tsareena's Unite Move, Queen Ascendant, would fail when used on Charizard in hindrance-resistant status due to its Unite Move, Seismic Slam.

      Source: https://community.pokemon.com/en-us/discussion/13727/freezing-rush-ver-1-16-2-6-patch-note

      Freezing Rush Pt. 2 - Ver. - Patch Notes

      Update Date: 2024-10-31
      Post-Update Version: Ver.

      Balance Updates
      Changes have been made to some Pokémon stats and moves to adjust the balance of Unite Battles. Lapras
      • Stats
        • Defense: 90-550 → 90-625 (Lv.1-15)
        • Special Defense: 75-450 → 75-512 (Lv.1-15)
      • Basic Attack
        • Healing Effect: 2% of max HP → 3%
      • Bubble Beam
        • Shield Amount: 15% increase
      • Perish Song
        • Damage: 15% increase
      Lapras’s win rate has remained low since a significant nerf in the previous update. Its durability, healing, and shield abilities have been adjusted to help Lapras stay on the frontlines longer. Perish Song damage has also been increased to allow Lapras to have a meaningful impact even without all three hits connecting.

      • Safeguard
        • Shield Amount: 15% increase
      • Helping Hand
        • Cooldown: 9s → 8s
        • Effect Duration: 3s → 4s
      Safeguard and Helping Hand have been buffed due to low usage rates, enabling Blissey to better protect allies by providing immunity to hindrances and serving as a more effective support option.

      • Belch
        • Movement Speed Decrease: 15% for 1s → 40% for 2s (decreases by 10% every 0.5s)
        • Damage: 12% increase
      • Bullet Seed
        • Cooldown: 5s → 4.5s
      • Covet
        • Cooldown: 11s → 10s
      • Unite Move: Berry Belly Dive
        • Energy needed: 10% decrease
      Due to consistently low pick rates, certain moves' cooldowns and crowd control effects have been improved to enhance Greedent’s battle capabilities. This adjustment allows Greedent not only to roam the map independently, defeat wild Pokémon and score points, but also to dive into team fights, deal damage and apply crowd control effectively.

      • Stats
        • Special Defense: 64-320 → 80-399 (Lv.1-15)
      • Whirlpool
        • Cooldown: 10s → 9s
      • Unite Move: Belly Bash
        • Shield Amount: 5% of max HP → 6.5%
      With limited options for approaching opponents, particularly against ranged attackers, Azumarill’s Special Defense and Unite Move shield have been buffed. Whirlpool cooldown was also reduced for easier timing and usage.

      • Stats
        • Defense: 35-175 → 35-225 (Lv.1-15)
        • Special Defense: 25-134 → 25-180 (Lv.1-15)
      • Icicle Spear
        • Damage: 8% increase
      • Freeze Dry
        • Damage: 8% increase
      Despite the buffs applied in August, the win rate has remained low, so the damage has increased. Additionally, due to the challenging environment where Attackers with low durability are easily knocked out and struggle to perform effectively, their defense and special defense have been increased.

      • Stats
        • Defense: 35-175 → 35-225 (Lv.1-15)
        • Special Defense: 27-135 → 27-180 (Lv.1-15)
      • Psyshock
        • Damage: 10% increase
      • Future Sight
        • Damage: 10% increase
      The combination of Psyshock and Future Sight has been lacking in damage, resulting in a prolonged low win rate, so these moves have been buffed. Additionally, due to the challenging environment where Attackers with low durability struggle to perform effectively, their defense and special defense have been increased.

      • Stats
        • Defense: 35-174 → 35-225 (Lv.1-15)
        • Special Defense: 27-138 → 27-175 (Lv.1-15)
      • Psychic
        • Special Defense Reduction Effect: 20% → 25%
        • Damage: 10% increase
      • Psyshock
        • Damage: 5% increase
      • Future Sight
        • Damage: 5% increase
      Gardevoir’s high damage potential is paired with limited mobility and self-defense, yet its damage output was insufficient to stand out, leading to a low pick rate. Damage for several moves has been increased accordingly while also raising Gardevoir’s defensive stats to aid in survival.

      Mewtwo Y
      • Basic Attack Speed
        • 1.1-1.4 → 1.1-1.5 (Lv.1-15)
      • Future Sight
        • Movement Speed Reduction: 25% → 35%
        • Cooldown: 10s → 8.5s
      • Recover
        • Cooldown: 12s → 11s
        • Healing Amount: 20% of damage dealt → 30%
      • Recover+
        • Healing Amount: 30% of damage dealt → 40%
      • Teleport
        • Cooldown: 12s → 11s
      Mewtwo Y has had low win and pick rates since the nerf in July. Basic attack speed was increased to improve combat effectiveness, and cooldowns for Recover and Teleport have been adjusted to strengthen survivability through defensive moves rather than durability increases.

      • Sacred Sword
        • Defense-Piercing Effect: 20% → 10%
        • Attack Increase: 30% → 20%
        • Movement Speed Reduction: 30% → 20%
      In high-rank matches, Sacred Sword has significantly increased Zacian’s win rate. Consequently, its overall effectiveness has been reduced.

      • Charge Beam
        • Boosted Damage: 10% decrease
      • Electro Drift
        • Boosted Damage: 8% decrease
      • Parabolic Charge
        • Cooldown: 10s → 11s
      Damage from boosted Charge Beam and Electro Drift remained high, so they have been further reduced. Parabolic Charge cooldown has also been adjusted to reduce the skill rotation rate, lowering overall damage output.

      • Flame Vortex
        • Damage: 15% decrease
        • Shield Amount: 15% decrease
        • Cooldown: 8.5s → 9s
      • Sky Attack
        • Cooldown: 8.5s → 9s
      • Unite Move: Rekindling Flame
        • Energy Cost: 20% increase
      The protective capabilities of Flame Vortex for both Ho-Oh and its allies were too strong, so it has been nerfed. In high-rank matches, players have become more adept at utilizing Ho-Oh's Unite Move to revive allies effectively, leading to a higher win rate. To balance this, the usage frequency has been reduced.

      • Electro Ball
        • Damage: 5% decrease
        • Cooldown: 5s → 5.5s
      • Thunder
        • Damage: 5% decrease
      • Unite Move: Thunderstorm
        • Damage: 8% decrease
      Due to its ease of use and strong movesets that make it effective against any opponent, Pikachu has had the highest pick rate this season. To address its near-mandatory selection or ban status.

      • Bitter Blade
        • Damage: 19% - 10% decrease (Lv.5-15)
        • Healing Effect: 10% decrease
        • Cooldown: 5.5s → 6s
      • Bitter Blade+
        • Healing Effect: 15% decrease
      • Psycho Cut
        • Defense Reduction Effect: 47% - 40% decrease (Lv.5-10)
      • Psycho Cut+
        • Defense Reduction Effect: 33% - 29% decrease (Lv.11-15)
      • Phantom Force
        • Damage: 15% decrease
        • Cooldown: 9s → 10s
      Ceruledge’s power at Lv.5 often led to one-sided matches. Key moves, especially those affecting early-game performance, have been nerfed.

      • Flame Vortex
        • Damage: 20% decrease
        • Shield Amount: 25% decrease
      • Psyshock
        • Special Defense-Piercing Effect: 50% → 35%
      • Armor Cannon
        • Damage: 10% decrease
        • Cooldown: 6s → 7s
      Despite adjustments in the previous "Freezing Rush" update, Armarouge’s win rate did not decrease as expected. In particular, Flame Vortex and Psyshock had an excessively high win rate, so these moves were nerfed. Armor Cannon was also nerfed due to its excessive damage and high usage frequency.

      Mega Mewtwo X
      • Psystrike
        • Damage Reduction Effect: 25% → 15%
      Psystrike's damage reduction effect was overly strong, so this move has been nerfed.

      Bug Fixes
      Fixed an issue where Blastoise’s Defense and Special Defense at Lv.7-8 were lower than intended following the balance adjustment on October 17.

      Source: https://community.pokemon.com/en-us/discussion/13946/freezing-rush-pt-2-ver-1-16-2-8-patch-notes

      Freezing Rush Pt.3 - Ver. Patch Notes


      Update Date/Time: 2024-11-21 at 07:00
      Post-Update Version: Ver.

      Update Details
      • Shop Updates
      • Event Updates
      If the app has not been updated on your device, please restart the app to apply this update. While the game is updating, you may not be able to connect to the server. If this occurs, please try again later.

      Balance Adjustments
      Changes have been made to Pokémon stats and moves to adjust the balance of Unite Battles.

      • Spark
        • Cooldown: 10s → 9s
      • Wild Charge
        • Cooldown: 10s → 9s
      • Discharge
        • Shield Amount: 15% increase

      The cooldowns for Spark and Wild Charge, which had low win rates, have been reduced to make consecutive KOs easier to achieve. Additionally, to compensate for Zeraora's lack of durability when diving into clustered opponents, the shield amount for Discharge has been increased.

      • Stats
        • Defense: 50-250 → 50-268 (Lv.1-15)
        • Special Defense: 30-150 → 30-232 (Lv.1-15)
      • Blaze Kick
        • Cooldown: 8s → 9s

      As part of ongoing durability adjustments for Attackers, Cinderace's Defense and Special Defense have been increased. However, due to the consistently high win rate of Blaze Kick, its cooldown has been slightly increased for balance.

      • Power Whip
        • Cooldown: 8s → 7.5s
      • Acid Spray
        • Cooldown: 8s → 7.5s
      Goodra relies on moves to close the gap with opponents due to its lack of mobility. By reducing the cooldowns for Power Whip, which pulls opponents closer, and Acid Spray, which enables approach, it is now easier to position enemies within the range of its Gooey ability.

      • Dark Pulse
        • Cooldown: 6s → 8s
        • Damage: 25% decrease
      • Unite Move: Worst Nightmare
        • Damage: 25% decrease

      Dark Pulse provides high damage while also granting invulnerability for an extended period, with short cooldowns limiting opportunities for counterplay. To address this, its cooldown and damage have been increased. The Unite Move's damage dealt within the nightmare state has been reduced, as players were often able to KO opponents by simply running around within the nightmare without direct combat.

      Held Item Adjustments
      Some held items have been adjusted based on win rates and usage statistics.
      • Buffs
        • Assault Vest
          • Shield Amount: 9%, 12%, 15% → 10%, 15%, 20% (Lv.1, 10, 20)
        • Rocky Helmet
          • Damage Amount: 3%, 4%, 5% of max HP → 4%, 5%, 6% (Lv.1, 10, 20)
        • Rescue Hood
          • Healing and Shield Increase: 5%, 7.5%, 10% → 8%, 11%, 14% (Lv.1, 10, 20)
      • Nerfs
        • Weakness Policy
          • Attack Increase: 2%, 2.5%, 3% → 1.5%, 2%, 2.5% (Lv.1, 10, 20)
        • Rapid Fire Scarf
          • Attack Speed Increase: 15%, 22.5%, 30% → 15%, 20%, 25% (Lv.1, 10, 20)
        • Slick Spoon
          • Special Defense Ignored: 9%, 13%, 17% → 9%, 12%, 15% (Lv.1, 10, 20)

      Bug Fixes
      • Fixed an issue where Tsareena's Unite Move could be used against opponents in a hindrance-resistant state.
      • Fixed an issue where Zacian could not use its ability during Darkrai's Unite Move effect.
      • Fixed an issue where Darkrai's Unite Move was reducing battle item cooldowns.
      • Fixed an issue where Psyduck’s headache gauge would fill to max during its Unite Move, triggering an unintended mysterious power that interrupted the Unite Move.

      Source: https://community.pokemon.com/en-us/discussion/14528/freezing-rush-pt-3-ver-1-16-2-9-patch-notes

      Next Step - Ver. Patch Notes


      Update Date/Time: 2024-12-05 at 04:00
      Post-Update Version: Ver.

      Update Details

      • Snowball Battle in Shivre City (2024-12-05 to 2024-12-29):
        • You can participate in Snowball Battle in Shivre City and obtain special rewards!
      • Winter Sale Shop now available! Special sale on various items!
      • Holiday Celebration Prize Machine Event!
        • During the event period, you can obtain 10 Holiday Balls every day at no cost, up to a maximum of 100.
        • You can only use Holiday Balls on the same day you obtain them, so don’t forget to use them!
      • Matchmaking System Improved
      • Shop Updates
      • Event Updates

      If the app has not been updated on your device, please restart the app to apply this update. While the game is updating, you may not be able to connect to the server. If this occurs, please try again later.

      Balance Adjustments

      In this update, "Next Step," widespread adjustments have been made. Pokémon that had limited opportunities to shine have been strengthened, while adjustments have been made to some Pokémon with exceptionally high win rates. The goal is to create a balanced battle environment where a wide variety of Pokémon can play an active role. It is hoped that players enjoy the experience of using each Pokémon's unique characteristics to develop new strategies.

      Triple Axel
      • Damage Increase per Hit: 5% → 8%
      Trop Kick
      • Shield Amount: 20% increase
      Grassy Glide
      • Shield Amount: 20% increase
      • Damage: 5% decrease

      Smack Down
      • Area Damage: 20% increase
      • Attack Reduction Duration: 2s → 2.5s

      • Defense: 35-170 → 35-225 (Lv.1-15)
      • Special Defense: 25-140 → 25-225 (Lv.1-15)
      Fell Stinger
      • Cooldown: 7s → 6.5s
      • Cooldown: 8s → 7.5s

      • Defense: 50-250 → 50-270 (Lv.1-15)
      • Special Defense: 30-150 → 30-230 (Lv.1-15)

      • Movement Speed Reduction Duration: 2s → 3s

      • Defense: 35-175 → 35-200 (Lv.1-15)
      • Special Defense: 30-140 → 30-203 (Lv.1-15)

      • Cooldown: 11s → 9s
      Drill Peck
      • Damage: 6% increase

      Brave Bird+
      • Damage Reduction: 15% → 25%

      Dual Wingbeat
      • HP Recovery Amount: 15% increase

      Follow Me
      • Hindrance Duration: 1.5s → 2s
      • Cooldown: 9s → 8s

      Shadow Sneak
      • Cooldown: 13s → 12s

      • Special Defense: 27-139 → 27-225 (Lv.1-15)
      Flame Charge+
      • Movement Speed Increase Duration: 1s → 1.5s

      Meteor Mash
      • Cooldown: 8s → 7s

      • Special Defense: 38-190 → 38-240 (Lv.1-15)
      Draining Kiss
      • Healing: 8% decrease
      Mystical Fire
      • Damage: 8% decrease

      Rock Tomb
      • Cooldown: 5s → 5.5s
      Stealth Rock
      • Cooldown: 5s → 5.5s
      • Damage: 8% decrease
      • Cooldown: 6s → 6.5s
      Unite Move: Rubble Rouser
      • Energy Cost: 20% increase

      Stone Edge
      • Damage: 10% decrease
      Dark Pulse
      • Cooldown: 5s → 5.5s

      Flash Cannon
      • Movement Speed Reduction from Boosted Attacks: 80% → 60%
      Stealth Rock
      • Recovery Time for Charges: 8s → 8.5s

      • Defense & Special Defense Reduction: 35% → 25%
      Double Slap
      • Cooldown: 4.5s → 5s

      Giga Drain
      • Damage Reduction Rate: 35% → 40%
      Solar Beam
      • Damage: 8% decrease

      Dynamic Punch+
      • Attack Increase: 20% → 12%
      • Attack Speed Increase: 50% → 40%
      • Attack Speed Increase: 60% → 50%

      • Cooldown: 5s → 5.5s

      Mr. Mime
      • Cooldown: 6s → 6.5s

      Basic Attack
      • Attack Speed: 0-7.5% decrease (Lv.1-15)
      • Damage: 5% decrease
      • Damage: 5% decrease
      • Movement Speed Reduction: 40% → 20%
      Dragon Rush
      • Cooldown: 5s → 5.5s

      Aerial Ace
      • Recovery Time for Charges: 4s → 5s

      Foul Play
      • Movement Speed Reduction: 30% → 15%

      • Damage: 6% decrease

      • Cooldown: 6s → 7s
      • Damage: 20% decrease
      • Cooldown Extension: 3s → 2s

      Disable extends the cooldown of the opponent's most recently used move, but there were instances where opponents could not use their moves at all due to stacking Disable effects. By reducing the cooldown and the cooldown extension effect, there will be more opportunities for opponents to counterattack. Additionally, since Psyduck is relatively new, many Trainers were unaware that Disable could spread between Pokémon, resulting in repeated damage when staying close to allies under the effect. The damage is reduced to make it more appropriate for a Supporter-type.

      Adjustments to Mechanics, Specifications, and Effects

      Boosted Attack
      • Range: 12m → 9m
      Nasty Plot
      • Adjusted to ensure that the added damage does not awaken sleeping opponents.
      Unite Move: Worst Nightmare
      • Adjusted the effect to lead opponents to a nightmare without obstacles.

      Previously, Darkrai could activate boosted attacks from a safe distance outside of the opponent's field of view, so the range has been reduced. Additionally, the extra damage from Nasty Plot unintentionally awakened opponents, which has been fixed. In the nightmare of the Unite Move, there were instances where Darkrai or the opponent would be obstructed by walls, so the effect was adjusted to create a nightmare without obstacles.

      Unite Move: Psykaboom
      • Changed the attack range control during activation to movement input (left stick/direction panel).
      Previously, after activating the Unite Move, players had to press the corresponding button again, which made it difficult to use. This was adjusted to make it easier to launch at the targeted location.

      Bug Fixes

      • Fixed an issue where Darkrai's Unite Move would cause Comfey attached to the target to detach when hitting a Pokémon with unstoppable or hindrance resistance.
      • Fixed an issue where long-duration basic attacks, like Charizard's or Ho-oh's, would be interrupted by rooting effects.
      • Fixed an issue where Charizard's Unite Move would hit Pokémon in a untargetable state.
      • Fixed an issue where some abilities would activate when entering the enemy team's slow zone.
      • Fixed an issue where the screen would lag when checking Recent Views on the Switch version.

      Source: https://community.pokemon.com/en-us/discussion/14788/next-step-ver-1-17-1-2-patch-notes

      Version Patch Notes

      Update Date/Time: 2024-12-16 at 07:00
      Post-Update Version: Ver.

      Update Details

      • The fabulous new Holowear Stage Style: Pikachu is available now!
      • You can obtain it by participating in the treasure chest challenge event!
      • From this battle pass season onward, a cap will be placed on battle pass levels. Once you reach the maximum level of 150, your battle pass level will not increase, and you will no longer be able to view battle pass missions.
      • Shop Updates
      • Event Updates
      • Bug Fixes
      If the app has not been updated on your device, please restart the app to apply this update. While the game is updating, you may not be able to connect to the server. If this occurs, please try again later.

      Balance Adjustments

      Changes have been made to Pokémon stats and moves to adjust the balance of Unite Battles.


      • HP: 3250–8200 → 3250–8400 (Lv. 1–15)

      Gigaton Hammer
      • Cooldown: 7s → 6s
      • Throw duration: 0.5s / 0.75s / 1s → 0.5s / 1s / 1.5s (based on charge time)

      Gigaton Hammer+
      • Cooldown: 5s → 5.5s
      Ice Hammer
      • Reduced the time before the user can move after using the move.
      • Cooldown: 6.5s → 5s
      • Slow effect: 30% → 50%
      • Attack and Special Attack decrease effect: 15% → 30%

      Ice Hammer+
      • Attack and Special Attack decrease effect: 30% → 50%

      Smack Down
      • Cooldown: 8s → 6s
      • Damage: 20% increase

      Smack Down+
      • Cooldown: 6.5s → 5s

      Unite Move: Kiss Bliss Kaboom
      • Energy required: 20% decrease
      We have been observing post-release battle data, and the influence of moves other than Thief was lower than anticipated. As a result, multiple aspects of Gigaton Hammer, Ice Hammer, and Smack Down have been buffed.

      Bug Fixes

      • Fixed an issue where using a Shedinja Doll during Miraidon's boosted Charge Beam or Electro Drift would allow the moves to continue without interruption.
      • Fixed an issue where Tsareena's Unite Move would result in the Unite Move gauge dropping to 0% when nullified by Glaceon or Espeon's Abilities.
      • Fixed an issue where Tsareena's Unite Move could be interrupted using Full Heal.
      • Adjusted Dodrio's footsteps so they are no longer audible to opposing players.

      Source: https://community.pokemon.com/en-us/discussion/15008/version-1-17-1-5-patch-notes#latest

      Version Patch Notes


      Update Date/Time: 2025-01-16 at 07:00
      Post-Update Version: Ver.

      Update Details

      • Galarian Rapidash is headed to Aeos Island!
      • Additional Battle Pass Rewards: Premium Pass Discount Coupon
        • A coupon that gives you a discount for the next season’s battle pass has been added to the premium pass and premium pass plus rewards!
        • As a special bonus, a Season 29 premium pass discount coupon will be sent via mail to players who have obtained a Season 28 battle pass! The discount coupon will be sent from 2025-01-16 at 07:00 UTC to 2025-01-17 at 12:00 UTC. Make sure to claim it from your mail before obtaining a Season 29 battle pass!
      • New type of item available! You can now change the appearance of Unite licenses by using license art. Check it out in the shop!
      • Shop Updates
      • Event Updates
      If the app has not been updated on your device, please restart the app to apply this update. While the game is updating, you may not be able to connect to the server. If this occurs, please try again later.

      Balance Updates

      Changes have been made to Pokémon stats and moves to adjust the balance of Unite Battles.

      Ability: Gooey
      • Movement speed reduction: 8% → 10%
      Muddy Water
      • Damage reduction rate: 10% → 15%
      Acid Spray
      • Throw duration: 0.6 seconds → 1 second
      Goodra excels at extended frontline battles due to its durability, but it often struggles to keep enemies close. To address this, Goodra's hindrance effects and ability to stay close to enemies have been buffed.

      • Defense: 50–250 → 80–280
      • Special Defense: 35–174 → 60–200
      Boosted Attack (Sword Stance)
      • Damage based on the target’s max HP: 7% → 8.5%
      Wide Guard
      • Cooldown: 9s → 8s
      Aegislash lacked sufficient power and durability in Sword Stance, making it difficult to counterattack after withstanding damage in Shield Stance. To address this, Sword Stance’s boosted attack damage and defensive stats have been buffed. Additionally, the cooldown of Wide Guard has been reduced, making it easier to switch back to Shield Stance and reduce the risk of taking damage in Sword Stance.

      Mystical Fire
      • Damage: 5% increase
      Calm Mind
      • Cooldown: 10s → 9.5s
      Sylveon’s damage output has been low for an Attacker, resulting in a low win rate. Mystical Fire’s damage has been buffed, and Calm Mind’s cooldown has been reduced to provide more flexibility during battles.

      Evolution Level
      • Evolves to Gardevoir at Lv. 8 → Lv. 7
      Gardevoir had a limited impact during the midgame due to its late evolution. By lowering the evolution level, Gardevoir can influence battles earlier and more consistently in the midgame.

      • Damage: 6% decrease
      Greedent’s strategy of continuously using Belch while moving made it deal excessive damage for a Defender. To balance this, Belch’s damage has been nerfed.

      • Damage: 15% decrease
      Unite Move: Full-Power Psy-ay-ay!
      • Damage reduction effect: 30% → 25%
      Surf was a powerful hindrance move with high damage, so its damage output has been nerfed. Additionally, the Unite Move’s damage reduction effect has been lowered to adjust Psyduck’s impact during late-game team fights.

      Alolan Ninetales
      Boosted Attack
      • Damage: 5% decrease
      • Damage when hitting a wall: 12% decrease
      Alolan Ninetales maintained a high win rate due to its strong combination of hindrance effects and damage. While its unique hindrance abilities remain intact, its overall damage output has been reduced to balance its effectiveness.

      • Cooldown: 5.5s → 6s
      Foul Play
      • First hit damage: 20% decrease
      • Second hit damage: 10% increase
      Umbreon had comparable healing capabilities to Supporter Pokémon despite being a Defender. To address this, Wish’s cooldown has been nerfeded. Additionally, the damage from the first hit of Foul Play has decreased, while the damage from the second hit has increased. This adjustment emphasizes accurately landing the first hit on high attack targets to achieve significant damage.

      Surging Strikes
      • Damage: 10% increase
      • Defense reduction duration: 2 seconds → 3 seconds
      Due to the extended cooldown of Surging Strikes, Rapid Strike Style Urshifu has seen a drop in win rates. The damage of Surging Strikes and the hindrance effect of Liquidation have been increased to improve its effectiveness when timed correctly.

      Ability: Intrepid Sword
      • Energy required for enhancement: 8/12/15 → 5/8/10
      Zacian struggled to rejoin battles after losing Aeos Energy, resulting in a significant drop in win rates. To address this, the energy required to enhance Intrepid Sword has been reduced, allowing Zacian to regain Aeos Energy through KOs more easily.

      Double Slap
      • Damage: 5% decrease
      Dazzling Gleam
      • Damage: 5% decrease
      Unite Move: Starlight Recital
      • Shield amount: 35% increase
      • Duration: 2.5 seconds → 3.5 seconds
      Wigglytuff has effectively supported allies while dealing damage and providing hindrance effects. To balance this, the damage of Double Slap and Dazzling Gleam has been reduced. However, its Unite Move’s shield amount and duration have been increased to further enhance its role as a supporter.

      Helping Hand
      • Movement speed increase: 35% → 30%
      • Attack speed increase: 35% → 30%
      Unite Move: Bliss Assistance
      • Energy required: 25% decrease
      The movement and attack speed boost from Helping Hand were too strong when paired with Attackers that rely on basic attacks. To address this, the boosts have been reduced. However, the energy required for Blissey’s Unite Move has been decreased, allowing it to provide more frequent team support during the late game.

      Bug Fixes

      • Fixed an issue where Urshifu (Single Strike Style)’s Unite Move would interrupt the Unite Moves of certain Pokémon, such as Garchomp and Psyduck.
      • Fixed an issue where specific attacks would not hit enemies over walls when the targeting distance was set to “Close.”

      Source: https://community.pokemon.com/en-us/discussion/15521/unison-strike-ver-1-17-2-8-patch-notes

      Version Patch Notes


      Update Date/Time: 2025-02-06 at 07:00
      Post-Update Version: Ver.

      Update Details

      • Shop Updates
      • Event Updates

      If the app has not been updated on your device, please restart the app to apply this update. While the game is updating, you may not be able to connect to the server. If this occurs, please try again later.

      Balance Updates

      Changes have been made to Pokémon stats and moves to adjust the balance of Unite Battles.

      Pain Split
      • Damage: 20%/30%/40% of damage taken → 25%/35%/45%
      • HP recovery amount: 12% increase
      Pain Split was not providing enough value in extended battles, making it difficult for Trevenant to maintain pressure in prolonged fights. To enhance its defensive capabilities, both the damage share ratio and healing effect have been buffed.

      • Defense: 90-480 → 90-540 (Lv. 1-15)
      • Special Defense: 70-385 → 70-420 (Lv. 1-15)

      • HP recovery: 20% increase

      Fire Spin
      • Shield: 20% increase

      Despite its high durability and healing abilities, Ho-Oh lacked sufficient defensive power in the current meta. To improve its frontline sustainability, its stats and healing/shielding effects have been buffed.

      • Attack Speed: 1.1-1.5 → 1.1-1.6 (Lv. 1-15)

      • Cooldown: 8s → 7.5s

      • Cooldown: 8s → 7.5s

      Cramorant's attack speed and mobility-based playstyle made it challenging to keep up with opponents, leading to a low win rate. Its battle endurance has improved by buffing attack speed and move cooldowns.

      Snipe Shot
      • Damage: 10% increase

      • Damage: 6% increase
      • Cooldown: 6.5s → 6s

      The damage of Snipe Shot and Liquidation was insufficient, causing Inteleon's win rate to drop. By increasing their damage and lowering Liquidation's cooldown, Inteleon's impact as an Attacker has been enhanced.

      Mewtwo Y
      • Damage: 5% decrease

      Psystrike had both high damage and a b hindrance effect that significantly impacted opponents' mobility, making it difficult for them to counterattack. To balance this, its damage has been nerfed.

      Triple Axel
      • Damage: 8% decrease

      Triple Axel provided b attack power, mobility, and healing, allowing Tsareena to sustain fights effectively. To balance this, its damage has been nerfed.

      • Damage: 15% decrease

      • Damage: 10% decrease

      Surf and Psychic were too powerful due to their combination of hindrance and damage, making Psyduck overly b as a Supporter. To balance this, their damage has been nerfed.

      • Critical hit rate: 10% → 5% (Lv. 5-8), 20% → 10% (Lv. 9-15)

      Garchomp's high attack speed allowed it to land many hits quickly, naturally increasing the occurrence of critical hits and resulting in excessive damage output. To balance this, its critical hit rate has been nerfed.

      Balance Adjustment for Galarian Rapidash

      Since its release, Galarian Rapidash has maintained a high win rate and has remained stronger than other Pokémon. To ensure fair battles, we plan to implement a nerf in the upcoming week.

      Details of the adjustments will be announced with the next update. We will continue making adjustments to create a more enjoyable battle experience for all players, and we appreciate your understanding.

      Source: https://community.pokemon.com/en-us/discussion/16261/unison-strike-part-2-ver-1-17-2-10-patch-notes

      Ver. - Patch Notes

      Update Date/Time: 2025-02-14 at 08:00 UTC
      Post-Update Version: Ver.
      Balance Updates - Changes have been made to Pokémon stats and moves to adjust the balance of Unite Battles.

      Galarian Rapidash

      Pastel Veil
      • Shield amount: 20% decrease
      • Effect granted: Unstoppable → Hindrance Resistance
      • Psychic Counter accumulation speed: 50% decrease

      Basic Attack
      • Damage: 10% decrease

      Dazzling Gleam
      • Damage: 15% decrease
      • Movement speed increase upon hitting an opponent: 33% decrease

      Smart Strike
      • Duration of inability to act: 0.8s → 1s

      Fairy Wind
      • Reduced the bonus damage granted by Pastel Veil.
      • Increased damage when movement speed is low.
      • The total damage when the movement speed is sufficiently high remains unchanged.

      • HP recovery: 2% of max HP every 0.5s → 2% of lost HP every 0.5s

      The combination of Dazzling Gleam and Agility has been overwhelmingly dominant in both pick and win rates. This adjustment aims to maintain Galarian Rapidash’s playstyle of high-speed map control while reducing its excessive damage, survivability, and healing capabilities. Meanwhile, Fairy Wind and Smart Strike, which had low win and pick rates, have been improved to enhance their usability.

      Matchmaking Updates

      Changes have been made to the matchmaking system for Ranked Matches. Below is an overview of the current mechanism and the adjustments being implemented.

      Matchmaking Mechanism

      In Ranked Matches, the system pairs 10 players using the following process:

      • When matchmaking begins, players are randomly assigned one of two roles: Host or Client.
      • The Host creates a matchmaking lobby and searches for nine waiting clients in the matchmaking queue.
      • Clients remain in the queue until selected by a Host.

      Specific Process
      • The Host searches for Clients with a Master Rating within a specific range.
      • If 9 Clients cannot be found within a set time, the Host gradually expands the search range to include a wider rating difference.
      • The search range expands step by step until a match is successfully made, with a limit on the maximum allowable rating difference.
      • Once 10 players have been matched, they are divided into teams of 5 players each to ensure similar average rating values. If pre-made groups exist, the matchmaking system ensures that both teams maintain the same composition (e.g., 2+1+1+1 vs. 2+1+1+1).

      Changes and Expected Effects
      To create a fairer competitive environment, we are reducing the rating range that hosts search for and slowing the speed of the search range's expansion. This will ensure that players with similar ratings are matched more consistently. Due to the significantly reduced rating difference, matchmaking times may be longer. Therefore, this change will be implemented on a trial basis in select regions where matchmaking has been stable. Five-player teams are excluded from this adjustment, as it would make matchmaking for entire teams considerably more challenging. After implementation, we will monitor matchmaking times, and if we observe any negative impact on the gameplay experience, we may revert the changes immediately.

      We Value Your Feedback!
      We truly appreciate the feedback we have received and will continue to work on enhancing the matchmaking experience. From February 13 to February 20, a survey about matchmaking will be available on the Event screen. We encourage all players to share their thoughts. Thank you for your ongoing support of Pokémon UNITE!

      Source: https://community.pokemon.com/en-us/discussion/16460/ver-1-17-2-11-patch-notes

      Assault Break - Ver. Patch Notes


      Update Date/Time: 2025-02-27 at 04:00
      Post-Update Version: Ver.

      Update Details

      • Holowear Collection Bonus now available! Collect designated Holowear to obtain special Holowear effect sprays!
      • Suicune is headed to Aeos Island!
      • A new type of battle, First to 500, is available! Dive in and participate to obtain fabulous rewards!
      • Remoat Stadium returns to ranked matches! Give it your all, and aim for Master rank!
      • From 2025-02-27 at 04:00 UTC to 2025-03-02 at 23:59 UTC, trial Unite licenses for all Pokémon will be available to commemorate Pokémon Day! (Ranked matches excluded.)
      • Achievement missions for new Pokémon have been added!
      • Shop Updates
      • Event Updates

      If the app has not been updated on your device, please restart the app to apply this update. While the game is updating, you may not be able to connect to the server. If this occurs, please try again later.

      Balance Updates

      To adjust the balance of Unite Battles, changes have been made to Pokémon stats and moves.

      Adjustments to Certain Speedster Pokémon
      This balance update includes experimental adjustments for select Speedster Pokémon to better define their unique characteristics.

      Four Speedsters have been given a new ability that allows them to ignore a portion of the opponent's Defense and Special Defense, dealing increased damage to opponents with lower defenses. As a result, these Pokémon will be more effective at KO’ing Attackers while still struggling against Defenders, reinforcing the role of Speedsters.

      Additionally, due to their low durability affecting win rates, these four Pokémon have received increased defence status.Changes have also been made to stat growth scaling. Some stats that previously increased between Lv.11 to Lv.15 have been redistributed to earlier levels, improving their early to mid-game performance.

      • Defense Penetration: Added 0-60 (Lv.1-15)
      • HP: 3024-6300 → 3024-6400 (Lv.1-15)
      • Defense: 58-290 → 58-320 (Lv.1-15)
      • Special Defense: 40-200 → 40-215 (Lv.1-15)
      • Stat Growth Scaling: Adjusted for better early-game performance

      Flame Charge
      • Movement Speed increase duration: 1.5s → 2.5s

      In addition to the Speedster adjustments, Flame Charge’s duration has been extended to enhance Talonflame’s mobility-focused playstyle.

      • Defense Penetration: Added 0-60 (Lv.1-15)
      • HP: 3000-6000 → 3000-6200 (Lv.1-15)
      • Defense: 52-259 → 52-300 (Lv.1-15)
      • Special Defense: 36-180 → 36-200 (Lv.1-15)
      • Stat Growth Scaling: Adjusted for better early-game performance

      Night Slash
      • Critical hit rate increase: 0.67% → 0.8% (per 1% HP lost, Maximum value unchanged)

      In addition to the Speedster adjustments, Night Slash’s critical hit rate scaling has been increased, allowing Absol to deal more burst damage as opponents lose HP.

      • Defense Penetration: Added 0-60 (Lv.1-15)
      • HP: 3100-6300 → 3100-6490 (Lv.1-15)
      • Defense: 50-290 → 50-340 (Lv.1-15)
      • Special Defense: 40-200 → 40-230 (Lv.1-15)
      • Stat Growth Scaling: Adjusted for better early-game performance

      Flower Trick
      • Damage based on the target’s missing HP: 15% → 18%

      In addition to the Speedster adjustments, Flower Trickr’s damage scaling against low-HP opponents has been increased, improving Meowscarada’s ability to secure KOs.

      Basic Attacks
      • Now scales with Special Attack

      • Special Defense Penetration: Added 0-60 (Lv.1-15)
      • Attack: 167-364 → 20-115 (Lv.1-15)
      • Defense: 52-290 → 52-320 (Lv.1-15)
      • Stat Growth Scaling: Adjusted for better early-game performance

      In addition to the Speedster adjustments, Gengar’s Basic Attacks now scale with Special Attack, improving its ability to farm wild Pokémon efficiently.

      Balance Adjustments

      • HP: 3300-9899 → 3300-10400 (Lv.1-15)

      • Shield: 16% increase
      • Cooldown: 9s → 8s

      Unite Move: Power Nap
      • HP recovery: 18% increase

      Snorlax’s HP and Unite Move healing, and Block’s shield have increased, making it easier to maintain frontline presence.

      Future Sight
      • Damage: 10% increase
      • Cooldown: 8s → 7s

      Future Sight had low usage, so its damage and cooldown have been adjusted to make it a more viable option.

      Helping Hand
      • Cooldown: 8s → 9s

      Unite Move: Bliss Assistance
      • Damage: 20% decrease
      • Energy cost: 11% increase

      Bliss Assistance’s increased usage significantly boosted Blissey’s win rate. To balance its impact, the move’s power has been reduced.

      • Damage: 13%–33% decrease
      • Movement speed boost when targeting hindered opponents: 60% → 50%

      Thief provided both high damage and durability, making it too b. The boosted attack damage following Thief has been adjusted, and its movement speed bonus against hindered opponents has been reduced to limit its chase potential.

      Wicked Blow
      • Damage: 8% decrease

      Wicked Blow was dealing excessive damage, especially in last hitting wild Pokémon, so its damage has been reduced.

      Triple Axel
      • Damage: 12% decrease

      Tsareena still excelled in damage, mobility, and durability. To reduce its excessive power, Triple Axel’s damage has been nerfed.

      Electro Drift
      • Damage: 5% decrease

      Due to its consistently high pick rate in competitive tournaments, Electro Drift has been nerfed.

      Unite Move: Worst Nightmare
      • Reverted to previous visual effect

      Following the recent visual effect change, multiple issues arose. To stabilize battles, the effect has been reverted to its previous version.

      Bug Fixes

      • Fixed an issue where CPUs could not properly use certain Pokémon's moves.

      Source: https://community.pokemon.com/en-us/discussion/16871/assault-break-ver-1-18-1-2-patch-notes

      Version Patch Notes

      Update Date/Time: 2025-03-13 at 07:00
      Post-Update Version: Ver.

      If the app has not been updated on your device, please restart the app to apply this update. While the game is updating, you may not be able to connect to the server. If this occurs, please try again later.

      Balance Updates

      Changes have been made to Pokémon stats and moves to adjust the balance of Unite Battles.

      Absol, Gengar, Talonflame, Meowscarada, Snorlax
      In the February 27 update, the stat growth of these Pokémon was adjusted to make them stronger in the early game. However, after the update, these Pokémon began to dominate battles, resulting in an excessively high win rate. To address this issue, their stat growth per level has been reverted to its pre-February 27 state.

      Bug Fixes
      • Fixed an issue where Darkrai’s Nasty Plot had a longer cooldown than intended after the February 27 update.
      • Fixed an issue where Meowscarada became immune to hindrances while using its Unite Move, Blooming Showtime!!

      Source: https://community.pokemon.com/en-us/discussion/17236/ver-1-18-1-3-patch-notes

      Assault Break Part 2 - Ver. Patch Notes


      Update Date/Time: 2025-03-19 at 07:00
      Post-Update Version: Ver.

      Update Details
      • New held items—Accel Bracer and Drive Lens—will be available in the shop starting 2025-04-03.
      • Shop Updates
      • Event Updates

      If the app has not been updated on your device, please restart the app to apply this update.
      While the game is updating, you may not be able to connect to the server. If this occurs, please try again later.

      Balance Updates Changes have been made to Pokémon stats and moves to adjust the balance of Unite Battles.

      Bounce - Shield: 30% increase
      Unite Move: Dragon Current
      Movement speed increase: 30%/45%/65% → 45%/55%/65%

      Bounce often left Gyarados vulnerable while charging, making it difficult to execute effectively without catching opponents off guard. To improve its survivability in such situations, the shield amount has been increased. Additionally, Dragon Current frequently failed to hit due to opponents escaping during the charge phase. To address this, its movement speed while charging has been increased, making it easier to close the gap and land the attack.

      Stats - Defense Penetration: Added 0 → 60 (Lv.1–15)
      Razor Leaf - Damage while returning: 10% increase
      Leaf Blade - Movement speed reduction effect: 30% → 40%

      To further emphasize the Speedster role, Leafeon has gained the ability to ignore a portion of the opponent’s Defense. Both move sets had a low win rate, so Razor Leaf's damage has been increased for better damage output, and Leaf Blade’s movement speed reduction effect has been buffed to make it easier to follow up with Solar Blade.

      Stats - Basic attack speed: 0-7.7% increase (Lv.1-15)
      Wild Charge - Cooldown: 9s → 8s

      Both of Zeraora’s move sets had low win rates, so its attack speed has been increased to make normal attacks smoother after Spark and to allow for higher damage output after Volt Switch. Wild Charge was difficult to use due to its high risk when missed, so its cooldown has been reduced.

      Note: Zeraora already had Defense Penetration (0 → 80, Lv.1–15), and no changes have been made in this update.

      Stats - Defense: 35-175 → 35-240 (Lv.1–15). Special Defense: 27-135 → 27-200 (Lv.1–15)
      Volt Tackle - Movement speed increase after landing: 30% for 2s → 60%, decreases by 10% every 0.5s (minimum 30%)

      Compared to other Attackers, Pikachu had lower durability, so its Defense and Special Defense have been buffed. Volt Tackle's movement speed boost has been buffed to allow safer 1v1 engagements.

      Sweet Kiss - Shield amount when attached to an ally: 20% increase
      Sweet Kiss+ - Movement speed increase: 30% → 40%

      Sweet Kiss had a low win rate and usage rate, so its shield effect and movement speed increase have been buffed to enhance Comfey’s support capabilities.

      Stats - HP: 3000-5152 → 3000-5420 (Lv.1–15)
      Water Shuriken - Healing: 25% decrease
      Double Team - Copy damage: 8% increase

      Greninja had a lower durability than other Attackers, so its HP has been increased to align with the general durability level of other Attackers. Water Shuriken’s healing was strong, allowing Greninja to sustain through fights too easily, so the healing amount has been reduced. In exchange, Double Team’s copy damage has been increased to make Greninja’s evasive playstyle more effective.

      Whirlpool - Cooldown: 6.5s → 7.5s
      Ice Beam - Move recovery cooldown: 5s → 6s

      The hindrance effects of Whirlpool and Ice Beam were too strong, allowing Suicune to frequently freeze opponents and disrupt battles. To reduce the frequency of these effects, the cooldowns of both moves have been increased.

      Wide Guard - Shield: 15% decrease

      Wide Guard’s shield value was too high, allowing it to negate damage from most attacks. The shield amount has been reduced to make it more important to time and position Wide Guard effectively.

      Surf - Cooldown: 6s → 7s
      Bubble Beam - Cooldown: 6s → 6.5s

      Psyduck’s hindrance abilities were too strong, so the cooldowns of Surf and Bubble Beam have been increased to reduce consecutive hindrance effects in battle.

      Bug Fixes
      • Fixed an issue where Miraidon’s Parabolic Charge caused the cooldown timers of Charge Beam and Electro Drift to display incorrectly, despite being reset.

      Source: https://community.pokemon.com/en-us/discussion/17358/assault-break-part-2-ver-1-18-1-4-patch-notes
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Last updated 04 Aug 2021 04:40 by Sunain.
Revision #65
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