Home / Content DB / Pokémon Rumble Blast Passwords (スーパーポケモンスクランブル パスワード)

Game Details:

Developer: Ambrella
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo 3DS
Release Date(s): August 11th, 2011 (JPN), October 24th, 2011 (USA), December 2nd, 2011 (EU), December 8th, 2011 (AUS), July 12th, 2012 (KOR)
Mode(s): Single Player, Mulitplayer Co-op
Rating(s): CERO: A (JPN), PEGI: 7 (EUR), ESRB: E (USA)
Controller(s): Nintendo 3DS
Extra Contents: Super Scramble Main Page, Passwords, Iwata Asks Rumble

Password Links

Super Pokémon Scramble codes were announced in various media outlets and can be used to unlock special Pokémon which will appear somewhere in the game. To use the code, find Munna in Easterly Town (the second town) and talk to it. A password screen will then appear. After entering the password correctly, Munna will say where the unlocked Pokémon can be found.

pic pic

North American Passwords:

Password Pokémon Attack A Attack B Location Code Obtained from: Day Announced
77463878 Electric Boost Pikachu Volt Tackle - 3-1 Rugged Flats Official Blast Website after 45 coins have been collected 2011-10-19
02507321 Tornadus Hurricane - 3-2 Volcanic Slope Amazon.com Pre-order 2011-10-24
35356928 Chop-Chop Gallade Fury Cutter Night Slash 4-2 Everspring Valley SpotPass 2011-10-25
74032240 PokéTC Oshawott Razor Shell - 2-4 Shimmering Lake Pokémon Trainer Club 2011-10-25
96257845 Effective Gliscor X-Scissor - 4-3 Sunny Seashore Nintendo Channel 2011-10-28
72673443 Victini V-Create - 2-1 Sun-Dappled Bank Official Blast Website 2011-11-07
21536742 PokéTC Zoroark Foul Play - 4-1 Frozen Tundra Official Pokémon Website 2011-11-14
01761458 Audino Secret Power - 2-1 Sun-Dappled Bank Official Pokémon Website 2011-11-15
34026485 Dialga Iron Tail - 1-4 Warrior Plaza Official Pokémon Website 2011-12-08
08357338 Grass Boost Snivy Leaf Tornado - 2-3 Soothing Shore Press Release 2011-11-19
20618332 Fire Boost Tepig Flame Charge - 2-2 Misty Edgewater IGN 2011-11-23
04424822 Lugia Aeroblast - 2-4 Shimmering Lake Official Pokémon Website 2011-11-30
88198699 Thundurus Thunder - 3-3 Firebreathing Mountain Official Pokémon Website 2011-11-30
47139936 Unfezant Air Slash - 2-2 Misty Edgewater Official Pokémon Website 2011-11-30
64823610 Stunfisk Mud Shot - 2-3 Soothing Shore Official Pokémon Website 2011-12-13
71114427 Serperior Leaf Blade - 1-1 Trailhead Field Official Pokémon Website 2011-12-13
56627748 Emboar Heat Crash - 1-3 Echo Valley Official Pokémon Website 2011-12-13
24522129 Samurott Aqua Tail - 1-2 Seabreeze Trail Official Pokémon Website 2011-12-13
06811611 Groudon Earthquake 1-4 Challengers' Ground Official Pokémon Website 2011-12-13
19594010 Garchomp Dragon Claw - 3-1 Rugged Flats Official Pokémon Website 2011-12-13
21594650 Eelektross Crunch - 3-2 Volcanic Slope Official Pokémon Website 2011-12-13
23644610 Articuno Ice Beam - 4-1 Frozen Tundra Official Pokémon Website 2012-01-08
16754459 Zapdos Discharge - 4-2 Everspring Valley Official Pokémon Website 2012-01-08
87147361 Moltres Flamethrower - 4-3 Sunny Seashore Official Pokémon Website 2012-01-08

European Passwords:

Password Pokémon Attack A Attack B Location Code Obtained from: Day Announced
54870833 Fire Boost Tepig Flame Charge - 2-2 Misty Edgewater Official Blast Website 2011-11-19
75805216 Electric Boost Pikachu Volt Tackle - 3-2 Volcanic Slope Official Pokémon Website 2011-10-24
90827838 Victini V-Create - 2-1 Sun-Dappled Bank Official Blast Website 2011-12-02
49416440 Grass Boost Snivy Leaf Tornado - 2-3 Soothing Shore Official Nintendo E-Mail 2011-12-06
34673843 Lugia Aeroblast - 2-4 Shimmering Lake Official Pokémon Website 2011-12-13
71329643 Groudon Earthquake 1-4 Challengers' Ground Nintendo Australia 2011-12-27
98166460 Tornadus Hurricane - 3-2 Volcanic Slope Nintendo Australia 2011-12-27
42910125 Gallade Fury Cutter Night Slash 4-2 Everspring Valley Nintendo Australia 2012-01-12
64916130 Eelektross Crunch - 3-2 Volcanic Slope Nintendo Australia 2012-01-12
06326305 Unfezant Air Slash - 2-2 Misty Edgewater Official Pokémon Website 2012-01-18
40747455 Stunfisk Mud Shot - 2-3 Soothing Shore Official Pokémon Website 2012-01-18
27040204 Articuno Ice Beam - 4-1 Frozen Tundra Official Pokémon Website 2012-01-18
15666140 Zapdos Discharge - 4-2 Everspring Valley Official Pokémon Website 2012-01-18
62842344 Moltres Flamethrower - 4-3 Sunny Seashore Official Pokémon Website 2012-01-18
80477639 Serperior Leaf Blade - 1-1 Trailhead Field Official Pokémon Website 2012-01-25
63069222 Emboar Heat Crash - 1-3 Echo Valley Official Pokémon Website 2012-01-25
37919675 Samurott Aqua Tail - 1-2 Seabreeze Trail Official Pokémon Website 2012-01-25
80848937 Oshawott Razor Shell - 2-4 Shimmering Lake Official Pokémon Website 2012-01-25
74628687 Audino Secret Power - 2-1 Sun-Dappled Bank Official Pokémon Website 2012-01-25
36819208 Dialga Iron Tail - 1-4 Warrior Plaza Official Pokémon Website 2012-01-25
61501893 PokéTC Zoroark Foul Play - 4-1 Frozen Tundra Official Pokémon Website 2012-02-15
10279741 Garchomp Dragon Claw - 3-1 Rugged Flats Official Pokémon Website 2012-02-15

Japanese Passwords:

Password Pokémon Attack A Attack B Location Code Obtained from: Day Announced
51554087 Tornelos
- 3-2 Base of Volcano
(3-2 かざんのふもと)
Monthly CoroCoro Comic August 2011
85909413 Grass Up Tsutarja
(くさアップ ツタージャ)
Leaf Tornado
- 2-3 Waterfront Rest Stop
(2-3 いこいのみずべ)
PokéFan #18
96168485 Dual Sword Erlade
(にとうりゅう エルレイド)
Fury Cutter
Night Slash
4-2 Spring Valley
(4-2 とこはるのたに)
Weekly Famitsu August 4th, 2011 Issue No. 1181
(週刊ファミ通 8月4日号No.1181)
14322751 PokéSma Mijumaru
Razor Shell
- 2-4 Sparkling Lake
(2-4 きらめくみずうみ
Pokémon Smash 43
(ポケモンスマッシュ! 43
01208652 PokéSma Zoroark
(ポケスマ! ゾロアーク)
Foul Play
- 4-1 Frozen Plain
(4-1 こおったへいげん)
Pokémon Smash 43
(ポケモンスマッシュ! 43
27514887 Voltolos
3-3 Flame Burst Mountain
(3-3 ひをふくやま)
Monthly CoroCoro Comic September 2011
19065834 Flame Up Pokabu
Flame Charge
- 2-2 Foggy Waterfront
Pokémon Extreme! Mix up! Play!! Get!
(ポケモン めっちゃ!ごっちゃ!あそぶ!!セット)
74153319 Groudon
1-4 Challengers' Ground Pokémon Extreme! Mix up! Play!! Get!
(ポケモン めっちゃ!ごっちゃ!あそぶ!!セット)
72673443 Victini
- 2-1 Sunbeam Waterfront
(2-1 こもれびのみずべ)
Pokémon Extreme! Mix up! Play!! Get!
(ポケモン めっちゃ!ごっちゃ!あそぶ!!セット)
67156555 Electric Up Pikachu
(でんきアップ ピカチュウ)
Volt Tackle
- 3-1 Stormy Plain
(3-1 あれたへいげん)
Pokémon Extreme! Mix up! Play!! Get!
(ポケモン めっちゃ!ごっちゃ!あそぶ!!セット)
97528353 Dialga
Iron Tail
- 1-4 Warrior Plaza
(1-4 つわもののひろば)
Super Pokémon Scramble Complete Official Clear Guide
(スーパーポケモンスクランブル 公式完全クリアガイド)
74423671 Extraordinary Glion
- 4-3 Sunlight Beach
(4-3 ひざしのはまべ)
V-Jump October 2011
36549185 High-Speed Kenhallow
Air Slash
- 2-2 Foggy Waterfront
(2-2 きりのみずべ)
Nintendo Dream October 2011
40002108 Bound Muggyo
Mud Shot
- 2-3 Waterfront Rest Stop
(2-3 いこいのみずべ)
Number One CoroCoro! October 2011
15625492 Reckless Shibirudon
- 3-2 Base of Volcano
(3-2 かざんのふもと)
Dengeki Nintendo DS October 2011
60671831 Superstar Gablias
Dragon Claw
- 3-1 Stormy Plain
(3-1 あれたへいげん)
Famitsu DS+Wii October 2011
73220927 Freezer
Ice Beam
- 4-1 Frozen Plain
(4-1 こおったへいげん)
Pokémon Center's (Posted on the Premises)
(ポケモンセンター全店 [店内で掲示])
30601785 Thunder
- 4-2 Spring Valley
(4-2 とこはるのたに)
Pokémon Center's (Posted on the Premises)
(ポケモンセンター全店 [店内で掲示])
63016557 Fire
- 4-3 Sunlight Beach
(4-3 ひざしのはまべ)
Pokémon Center's (Posted on the Premises)
(ポケモンセンター全店 [店内で掲示])
60792900 Lugia
- 2-4 Sparkling Lake
(2-4 きらめくみずうみ)
Pokémon Daisuki Club
19755256 Mood Maker Tabunne
Secret Power
- 2-1 Sunbeam Waterfront
(2-1 こもれびのみずべ)
CoroCoro Comic Supplement Special October 2011
37910580 Jalorda
Leaf Blade
- 1-1 Field of Journey
(1-1 たびだちののはら)
Pokémon Center's, Apitapiago, Arupuraza Heiwado, Ion, Ito-Yokado, Daiei, Fuji
(ポケモンセンター、 アピタ・ピアゴ、アル・プラザ平和堂、イオン、イトーヨーカドー、ダイエー、フジ)
89027356 Enbuoh
Heat Crash
- 1-3 Echo Valley
(1-3 やまびこのたに)
Pokémon Daisuki Club
94181517 Daikenki
Aqua Tail
- 1-2 Seabreeze Trail
(1-2 しおかぜのみち)
Pokémon Smash #58
(ポケモンスマッシュ! 58)

Korean Passwords:

Password Pokémon Attack A Attack B Location Day Announced
02715410 Oshawott Razor Shell - 2-4 Shimmering Lake 2012-07-05
12320863 Zoroark Foul Play - 4-1 Frozen Tundra 2012-07-05
97899972 Tepig Flame Charge - 2-2 Misty Edgewater 2012-07-12
72850885 Tornadus Hurricane - 3-2 Volcanic Slope 2012-07-14
24895107 Thundurus Thunder - 3-3 Firebreathing Mountain 2012-07-14
Gallade Fury Cutter Night Slash 4-2 Everspring Valley 2012-07-19
Gliscor X-Scissor - 4-3 Sunny Seashore 2012-07-26
47606024 Victini V-Create - 2-1 Sun-Dappled Bank 2012-07-12
12494962 Dialga Iron Tail - 1-4 Warrior Plaza 2012-08-09
Stunfisk Mud Shot - 2-3 Soothing Shore 2012-08-17
Pikachu Volt Tackle - 3-1 Rugged Flats 2012-08-23
Grass Boost Snivy Leaf Tornado - 2-3 Soothing Shore 2012-08-23
65608674 Unfezant Air Slash - 2-2 Misty Edgewater 2012-08-23
23312358 Audino Secret Power - 2-1 Sunbeam Waterfront
(2-1 こもれびのみずべ)
86552881 Lugia Aeroblast - 2-4 Shimmering Lake 2012-09-20

This page has been viewed 58320 times.
Last updated 13 Sep 2014 13:52 by Sunain.
Revision #70
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