Home / Content DB / Pokémon Ga-Olé - Dash Set 1
Developer: Publisher: Platform: Release Date(s): Mode(s): Rating(s): Controller(s):
Takara Tomy A.R.T.S / Marvelous Arts AQL Takara Tomy A.R.T.S / Marvelous Arts AQL Arcade Game July 7th, 2016 (JPN)
December 5th, 2020 (Taiwan)
December 12th, 2020 (Hong Kong)
August 2nd, 2021 (South Korea)
November 18th, 2021 (Singapore)
Single player,
CERO: A (JPN) Ga-Olé Disks
Table of Contents:
Main Page - Promo Disks - Ga-Olé Disk - Icon Marks - Ga-Olé Types - Battle Screens - Dash System - Get Combo - Get Time - Ga-Olé Pass - Item Chance - Z-Ring - Pokémon Z-Ring TOMY - Z-Crystal - Z-Crystal 3-Packs TOMY - Z-Moves - Using the TOMY Z-Ring with Pokémon Ga-Olé
Ga-Olé Sets
Set 1
Set 2
Set 3
Set 4
Set 5
Dash Set 1
Dash Set 2
Dash Set 3
Dash Set 4
Dash Set 5
Ultra Legend Set 1
Ultra Legend Set 2
Ultra Legend Set 3
Ultra Legend Set 4
Grand Rush Set 1
Grand Rush Set 2
Happy Set 2017

Pokémon Ga-Olé - Dash Set 1:

The Pokémon Ga-Olé - Dash Set 1 started on July 6th, 2017! There are changes to battles which will be lots of fun! In addition, the design of the Ga-Olé disk is new as the Grade 4 disk has changed to the same "Horizontal Orientation" design as Grade 5 disks! And new Pokémon, including Raikou, Entei and Suicune as well as Ho-oh will also appear!


The Legendary Pokémon Ho-oh finally appears in Ga-Olé! Every stat of this Dash Pokémon is very high! It's Special Defense is 171! You will definitely want to get one!


The Z-Move on the Lizardon Disk is Inferno Overdrive (Dynamic Full Flame ダイナミックフルフレイム) which deals Fire damage.


Dash system (ダッシュシステム): A new and easier way to battle was introduced in Dash Set 1 called the Dash System. Choose, Tap Rapidly, Attack! (「えらんで、れんだして、こうげき!). The Dash System allows a Pokémon to progress a lot faster and farther on the Attack Gauge.


If a player battles twice and does not get a Pokémon, the Senior Trainer will give the player a disk. A Grade 1 to 5 disk will randomly be presented.


Get Combo (ゲットコンボ):
A new Ga-Olé Pass power, the "Get Combo"!
When you use Pokémon that complete a get combo in battle, you'll activate the combo bonus, which gives your attack gauge an advantage over the opponent's! Complete the get combo by collecting the Pokémon's pre- and post-evolution/grade-up disks! The more you have, the stronger the combo bonus will be, so obtain lots of disks, then challenge the super strong Pokémon!


Pokémon Ga-Olé - Dash Set 1 - Courses:

Ho-oh Course
Beginning Ga-Olé! Course
Search for Silvady! Course
Marshadow Course
Raikou, Entei, Suicune Course
Lugia Course
ルギア コース
Dash 2 Set Preparation Course

Pokémon Ga-Olé - Dash Set 1 - Disks:

Disk Disk # Grade Pokémon Poké-ene Type HP Attack Defense SP. Defense Speed Move
Disk D1-001 1 Bulbasaur 1220 Grass
65 33 33 42 31 Razor Leaf
Disk D1-002 2 Ivysaur 1760 Grass
87 61 49 61 47 Energy Ball
Disk D1-003 3 Venusaur 2520 Grass
116 87 73 87 70 Leaf Storm
Disk D1-004 4 Venusaur 2860 Grass
132 99 83 99 80 Bloom Doom
Leaf Storm
Disk D1-005 1 Charmander 1200 Fire 61 35 29 34 42 Fire Fang
Disk D1-006 2 Charmeleon 1740 Fire 85 61 45 50 61 Flame Burst
Disk D1-007 3 Charizard 2540 Fire
114 94 68 74 87 Flamethrower
Disk D1-008 4 Charizard 2900 Fire
130 107 78 84 99 Inferno Overdrive
Disk D1-009 1 Squirtle 1200 Water 64 34 42 42 29 Water Pulse
Disk D1-010 2 Wartortle 1760 Water 86 49 61 61 45 Aqua Tail
Disk D1-011 3 Blastoise 2540 Water 115 74 87 91 68 Hydro Pump
Disk D1-012 4 Blastoise 2880 Water 131 84 99 103 78 Hydro Vortex
Hydro Pump
Disk D1-013 1 Rowlet 1220 Grass
78 36 36 34 29 Leafage
Disk D1-014 2 Dartrix 1800 Grass
99 57 57 54 41 Razor Leaf
Disk D1-015 3 Decidueye 2540 Grass
114 92 66 87 62 Leaf Blade
Disk D1-016 4 Decidueye 2880 Grass
130 105 75 99 70 Sinister Arrow Raid
Spirit Shackle
Disk D1-017 1 Litten 1220 Fire 65 39 28 28 45 Ember
Disk D1-018 2 Torracat 1800 Fire 90 64 40 40 68 Fire Fang
Disk D1-019 3 Incineroar 2520 Fire
128 70 78 78 54 Flamethrower
Disk D1-020 4 Incineroar 2880 Fire
146 113 89 89 61 Malicious Moonsault
Darkest Lariat
Disk D1-021 1 Popplio 1240 Water 68 43 36 37 28 Water Gun
Disk D1-022 2 Brionne 1800 Water 87 68 53 61 40 Bubble Beam
Disk D1-023 3 Primarina 2540 Water
116 108 65 100 54 Hydro Pump
Disk D1-024 4 Primarina 2880 Water
132 123 74 114 61 Oceanic Operetta
Sparkling Aria
Disk D1-025 1 Caterpie 860 Bug 65 22 25 16 31 Tackle
Disk D1-026 2 Metapod 1060 Bug 80 19 50 22 26 Bug Bite
Disk D1-027 Butterfree 3 1980 Bug
100 80 46 71 62
Disk D1-028 1 Rotom 1580 Electric
68 34 50 50 59 Astonish
Disk D1-029 2 Rotom 1860 Electric
80 74 59 59 70 Thunder Shock
Disk D1-030 3 Rotom 2160 Electric
92 85 68 68 81 Discharge
Disk D1-031 1 Mudbray 1420 Ground 79 31 45 36 31 Mud-Slap
Disk D1-032 2 Mudsdale 2080 Ground 115 92 75 64 29 Bulldoze
Disk D1-033 3 Mudsdale 2420 Ground 133 107 87 74 33 High Horsepower
Disk D1-034 2 Tauros 2060 Normal 97 75 71 54 82 Horn Attack
Disk D1-035 3 Tauros 2360 Normal 112 87 82 62 95 Take Down
Disk D1-036 2 Miltank 2060 Normal 111 61 78 54 75 Stomp
Disk D1-037 3 Miltank 2360 Normal 128 70 91 62 87 Body Slam
Disk D1-038 2 Koffing 1520 Poison 73 47 71 36 29 Smog
Disk D1-039 3 Weezing 2360 Poison 104 74 103 62 54 Sludge
Disk D1-040 1 Misdreavus 1560 Ghost 73 39 39 54 54 Astonish
Disk D1-041 2 Mismagius 2060 Ghost 87 80 47 80 80 Hex
Disk D1-042 3 Mismagius 2400 Ghost 100 92 54 92 92 Shadow Ball
Disk D1-043 1 Stufful 1300 Normal
79 48 34 34 34 Tackle
Disk D1-044 2 Bewear 2080 Normal
129 92 61 46 47 Brutal Swing
Disk D1-045 3 Bewear 2420 Normal
149 107 70 54 54 Hammer Arm
Disk D1-046 1 Shinx 1060 Electric 65 42 24 24 31 Tackle
Disk D1-047 2 Luxio 1600 Electric 87 64 39 39 47 Spark
Disk D1-048 3 Luxray 2500 Electric 116 103 69 69 62 Thunder Fang
Disk D1-049 4 Luxray 2840 Electric 132 117 79 79 70 Wild Charge
Disk D1-050 1 Bagon 1180 Dragon 65 48 39 21 34 Dragon Claw
Disk D1-051 2 Shelgon 1800 Dragon 90 47 75 40 39 Dragon Breath
Disk D1-052 3 Salamence 2820 Dragon
128 115 70 70 87 Dragon Rush
Disk D1-053 4 Salamence 3220 Dragon
146 131 80 80 99 Devastating Drake
Dragon Rush
Disk D1-054 1 Beldum 1160 Steel
62 36 51 39 22 Take Down
Disk D1-055 2 Metang 1800 Steel
87 57 75 61 40 Metal Claw
Disk D1-056 3 Metagross 2820 Steel
116 115 111 78 62 Meteor Mash
Disk D1-057 4 Metagross 3200 Steel
132 131 127 89 70 Corkscrew Crash
Meteor Mash
Disk D1-058 1 Riolu 1120 Fighting 62 45 28 28 39 Rock Smash
Disk D1-059 2 Lucario 2180 Fighting
94 82 54 54 68 Force Palm
Disk D1-060 3 Lucario 2520 Fighting
108 95 62 62 78 Brick Break
Disk D1-061 4 Lucario 2860 Fighting
122 113 70 70 89 All-Out Pummeling
Focus Blast
Disk D1-062 2 Pikachu 1480 Electric 71 44 33 41 70 Quick Attack
Disk D1-063 3 Pikachu 1720 Electric 81 47 38 47 81 Thunderbolt
Disk D1-064 4 Pikachu 1940 Electric 91 53 43 53 91 Gigavolt Havoc
Disk D1-065 4 Raikou 3120 Electric 141 84 75 99 113 Thunder Fang
Disk D1-066 5 Raikou 3500 Electric 158 126 84 111 126 Thunder
Disk D1-067 4 Entei 3120 Fire 165 113 84 75 99 Fire Fang
Disk D1-068 5 Entei 3500 Fire 184 100 95 84 111 Fire Blast
Disk D1-069 4 Suicune 3120 Water 151 89 113 113 84 Bubble Beam
Disk D1-070 5 Suicune 3500 Water 169 100 126 126 95 Hydro Pump
Disk D1-071 5 Ho-oh 4100 Fire
178 145 102 171 102 Sacred Fire
Disk D1-072 5 Lugia 4100 Psychic
178 102 145 171 123 Aeroblast
Disk D1-073 5 Marshadow 3740 Fighting
164 142 93 104 142 Soul-Stealing 7-Star Strike
Shadow Ball

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Last updated 27 Aug 2017 00:33 by Sunain.
Revision #10
Page Tags: Pokémon Ga-Olé