Blaziken's Boulder Bash Bursyamo's Punching Rock バシャーモのパンチングロックス |
Shake the Wii Remote in a timely fashion as large rocks come flying! |
Pikachu, Geodude, Phanpy, Blaziken, Garchomp, Scizor, Magmortar, Hitmonchan, Machamp, Marowak, Farfetch'd, Cranidos, Camerupt, Bastiodon, Mawile, Groudon |
Empoleon's Snow Slide Emperte's Snow Slider エンペルトのスノースライダー |
Players race against the clock in a time attack challenge in the snow and ice! |
Pikachu, Teddiursa, Magikarp, Empoleon, Glaceon, Blastoise, Glalie, Lapras, Delibird, Piloswine, Prinplup, Squirtle, Piplup, Quagsire, Spheal, Suicune |
Dusknoir's Speed Slam Yonoir's Running Crash ヨノワールのクラッシュランニング |
An obstacle course that requires many Pokémon to plow through the hazards. Ghost Pokémon have a large advantage in this attraction as they can go right through the obstacles. |
Pikachu, Stunky, Gengar, Mismagius, Scizor, Espeon, Dusknoir, Umbreon, Cranidos, Skuntank, Voltorb, Gastly, Duskull, Misdreavus, Krabby, Darkrai |
Bastiodon's Blck Barrage Trideps' Panel Crash トリデプスのパネルクラッシュ |
To hit the ball at the panel to score points! The ball speed keeps on getting faster and faster! |
Pikachu, Sableye, Meowth, Torchic, Electivire, Magmortar, Hitmonlee, Ursaring, Mr. Mime, Raichu, Sudowoodo, Charmander, Gible, Magby, Chimchar, Metagross |
Absol's Hurdle Bounce Absol's Hurdle Succession アブソルのつぎつぎハードル |
Jump the hurdles as fast as you can! Watch out for Dugtrio who randomly appears and acts as another obstacle. |
Pikachu, Chikorita, Absol, Lucario, Ponyta, Ninetales, Lopunny, Espeon, Infernape, Breloom, Riolu, Furret, Mareep, Eevee, Vulpix, Shaymin |
Rhyperior’s Bumper Burn Dosaidon' Heat Up Fight ドサイドンのおしだしヒートアップ |
Pokémon battle in a ring arena and the objective is to knock the Pokémon outside of the ring to get points. The point multiplier increase the longer the player stays in the ring. |
Pikachu, Magnemite, Rhyperior, Tyranitar, Hitmontop, Flareon, Venusaur, Snorlax, Torterra, Magnezone, Claydol, Quilava, Torkoal, Baltoy, Bonsly, Heatran |
Salamence’s Air Ace Bohmander's Super Sky Race ボーマンダのスーパースカイレース |
Players use flying Pokémon to hit as many targets as they can as they go by. |
Pikachu, Salamence, Charizard, Dragonite, Flygon, Aerodactyl, Staraptor, Honchkrow, Gliscor, Pidgeotto, Togekiss, Golbat, Taillow, Murkrow, Zubat, Latios |
Bulbasaur’s Daring Dash Fushigidane's Foot Race フシギダネのふりふりダッシュ |
Players race against 6 Pokémon as the players shake the Wii Remote as fast as they can to increase the running speed of the Pokémon. First Pokémon across the finish line is the winner. |
Pikachu, Chimchar, Treecko, Bidoof, Turtwig, Bulbasaur, Oddish, Shroomish, Munchlax, Bonsly, Lotad, Weedle, Caterpie, Magikarp, Jolteon, Arcanine, Leafeon, Scyther, Ponyta, Shinx, Eevee, Pachirisu, Buneary, Croagunk, Mew |
Venusaur’s Vine Swing Fushigibana's Rope Swinging フシギバナのスイングロープ |
Pokémon hold onto a rope and swing around until it builds up enough speed and the player lets it go to see how far the Pokémon goes. |
Pikachu, Magikarp, Munchlax, Blaziken, Infernape, Lucario, Primeape, Tangrowth, Ambipom, Croagunk, Mankey, Aipom, Chimchar, Treecko, Pachirisu, Jirachi |
Rotom's Spooky Shoot-'em-Up Rotom's Pulse Shoot System ロトムのどきどきシューティング |
The players Pokémon shoots as many pulses as possible towards the incoming ghost Pokémon before they managed to confuse the players Pokémon ending the game. |
Pikachu, Magnemite, Rotom, Porygon-Z, Magnezone, Gengar, Magmortar, Electivire, Mismagius, Claydol, Electabuzz, Haunter, Abra, Elekid, Mr. Mime, Baltoy, Rotom |
Pelipper's Circle Circuit Pelipper's Sky Flap Race ペリッパーのはばたきスカイレース |
Flying Pokémon attempt to fly through as many rings as they can before they reach the finish of the course. Players get 10 points for each Yellow ring, 100 Points for each Red and 1000 points for a Multi-Coloured ring. |
Pikachu, Latias, Staraptor, Togekiss, Honchkrow, Gliscor, Pelipper, Staravia, Pidgeotto, Butterfree, Tropius, Murkrow, Taillow, Spearow, Starly, Wingull, Latias |
Rayquaza's Balloon Panic レックウザのパニックバルーン |
This is the last attraction to be unlocked and it features the legendary Pokémon Rayquaza. The player tries to keep their Pokémon on the course as Rayquaza body rotates around. Players try to get as many rings before they reach the target area. Once at the target area, the player tries to hit as many good targets before the time expires. |
Pikachu, Lucario, Glaceon, Luxray, Mamoswine, Infernape, Floatzel, Rhyperior, Absol, Breloom, Mareep, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Chikorita, Mime Jr., Deoxys |
Tangrowth's Swing-Along Mojumbo's Swing Race モジャンボのスイングレース |
Pokémon swing on a rope and try to time it so that they are able to catch the next rope until they reach the finish line. The first one to the finish line is the winner. |
Pikachu, Meowth, Pichu, Celebi, Lucario, Infernape, Blaziken, Riolu, Sneasel, Raichu, Ambipom, Primeape, Aipom, Electabuzz, Chimchar, Croagunk, Celebi |
Gyarados’s Aqua Dash Gyarados' Marine Slider ギャラドスのマリンスライダー |
Pokémon race around a water course as fast as they can while going through flags to speed up |
Pikachu, Psyduck, Azurill, Slowpoke, Empoleon, Floatzel, Feraligatr, Golduck, Vaporeon, Prinplup, Bibarel, Buizel, Corsola, Piplup, Manaphy, Lotad. |