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るるぶ ポケモンローカルActs

  • Rurubu Pokémon Local Acts
Main Image


Country:  Japan Japan
Language:  Japanese Japanese
Publisher:  JTBパブリッシング
Author:  JTBパブリッシング
ISBN 10#:  4533162061
EAN / JAN / ISBN 13#:  978-4533162060
Release Date:  2024-09-10
Pages:  80
Price:  ¥1,595


A collaboration between the travel guidebook company Rurubu and Pokémon Local Acts, where local Pokémon promote the charms of their regions!
Introducing Pokémon vehicles, Pokémon parks, and Pokémon manhole covers PokéLids all over Japan. This book also contains a comprehensive tourist guide to the surrounding area. Let's go meet your favorite Pokémon all over Japan! Take a photo with your favorite Pokémon in the area!

7 things to do on a Pokémon trip
・Sightseeing with Pokémon vehicles
・Get excited at colorful Pokémon parks
・Discover your favorite PokeLids!
・Local limited edition! Find your favorite Pokémon vending machine ・Souvenirs of your favorite Pokémon
・Get collaboration products of your favorite Pokémon
・Visit classic tourist spots

Pokémon Travel Made Easy
・Favorite Pokémon that convey the charm of the region
・What are Pokémon Local Acts?
・National Map
・News & Topics

Go and meet your favorite Pokémon all over Japan!
We've put together a plan that combines Pokémon rides, Pokémon parks, and PokéLids that covers nearby tourist spots. We'll also introduce you to cute collaboration products that you'll want to take home.

Find PokéLids all over Japan!
There are over 300 PokéLids all over Japan! Go find your favorite Pokémon's PokéLids!

旅行ガイドブックの「るるぶ」と各地の推しポケモンが地域の魅力を発信する「 ポケモンローカルActs (アクツ)」がコラボ!

地域の推しポケモンと一緒に写真を撮ろう!ポケモンローカルActs クリアスタンドシート




【全国各地の『 ポケふた 』を探せ!】
