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spoon.2Di vol.111

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Country:  Japan Japan
Language:  Japanese Japanese
Publisher:  KADOKAWA
ISBN 10#:  4048985086
EAN / JAN / ISBN 13#:  978-4048985086
Release Date:  2024-06-27
Pages:  76
Price:  ¥1,350


The official spoon.2Di magazine Twitter account posted a reminder that Spoon.2Di Vol.111 released on June 27th, 2024 featured interviews with the voice actors of Liko, Roy and the Elite Four!

Translations of these interviews are available as an episode note here.

June 27th, 2024 spoon.2Di vol.111
Anipoke features interviews with the voice actors of Liko, Roy and the Elite Four!

Minori Suzuki as Liko
Yuka Terasaki as Roy
Mitsuki Saiga as Chili
Miria Takagishi as Poppy
Ryōtarō Okiayu as Hassaku
Kohsuke Toriumi as Aoki

The TV anime Pocket Monsters feature is a 14-page special on the Terastal Debut arc!
It includes a super cute original pinup of Liko, Roy, Chili, Hassaku, Nyarote, Hogator, Dooh, and Seglaive

6/27 spoon.2Di vol.111
アニポケ 特集はリコ、ロイ、四天王のキャストの皆様のインタビューをお届け!

リコ役 鈴木みのり さん
ロイ役 寺崎裕香 さん
チリ役 斎賀みつき さん
ポピー役 高岸美里亜 さん
ハッサク役 置鮎龍太郎 さん
× アオキ役 鳥海浩輔 さん

テレビアニメ「ポケットモンスター」は「テラスタルデビュー」編 14P大特集!
