The POKÉMON × KOGEI | Playful Encounters of Pokémon and Japanese Craft exhibit which debuted at the National Crafts Museum in Kanazawa, Japan is coming to JAPAN HOUSE Los Angeles, United States from July 25th, 2023 to January 7th, 2024. The POKÉMON × KOGEI Art Exhibition Is Coming to JAPAN HO...
A new art exhibit called the POKÉMON X KOGEI Playful Encounters of Pokémon and Japanese Craft (ポケモン×工芸展―美とわざの大発見―) is being held at the National Crafts Museum in Kanazawa, Japan from March 21st, 2023 until June 11th, 2023. About the Exhibition Put Pokémon and Kogei face to face, and what s...
Pokémon the Dreaming is a media exhibition that is being held at Topaz Hall on the 10th floor of Hyundai Department Store PanGyo Branch in South Korea. Photography is allowed in the exhibit, but video recording is prohibited. Outside the exhibition hall, a photo zone and Pokémon the Dreaming Sho...