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Pokémon Smash 3

Pokémon Smash Episode 3, Do Coil Dream of Electric Mice!? / The Adventure Division's Great Investigation of Different Types of Sommeliers / Director Masuda from Game Freak Visits! / The Desicion to Distribute the New Pokémon 'Kumashun' via Wi-Fi! (コイルはでんきネズミのユメをみるか!? / アドベンチャー部がいろいろなソムリエを大調査 / ゲームフリ...

Pokémon Smash 2

Pokémon Smash Episode 2, Manene Enters! House of Relaxation! / An Investigation of Mysterious 'Power Spots' That Make Good Things Happen in the Games! /Group Member Baba of the Adventure Division Gets in Trouble!? (マネネ登場!休息の館! / ゲームをやるだけで色んなイイことが起こる不思議な「パワースポット」を調査! / アドベンチャー部の馬場隊員が大変なことに!?), aired ...

Pocket Monsters Best Wishes 4

The latest episode of Pocket Monsters Best Wishes 4 - Battle Club! A Mysterious Pokémon Appears!! (バトルクラブ!謎のポケモン現る!!) aired on Thursday in Japan. While on his way to Sanyo City, Satoshi stops by the Battle Club in Karakusa Town where he meets the owner of the club Don George. Interrupted during a...

Pocket Monsters Movie 14 Teaser Trailer

The official Japanese Pocket Monsters movie website has updated with a new interface for next years 14th Pocket Monsters movie. The trailer which was shown at the end of Movie 13 The Ruler of Illusions Zoroark (幻影の覇者 ゾロアーク) in Japanese theaters has been posted on the site. The website confirms that ...

Pokémon Smash 1

The first episode of Pokémon Smash, Lizardon! I Choose You!! / The New Members and President Enter / Let's Study the Basics of BW Pokémon! / What is Robert's Assignment? (リザードン!きみにきめた!! /新メンバー&会長が登場!/BWでポケモンを基礎から学ぼう!/ロバートの配属は?), aired today in Japan. Pokémon Smash replaced Pokémon Sunday (ポケモン☆サンデー)...

Pocket Monsters Best Wishes 3

The latest episode of Pocket Monsters Best Wishes 3 - Mijumaru! Meguroco! Close Call!! (ミジュマル!メグロコ!危機一髪!!) aired on Thursday in Japan. While on his way to Sanyo City, Satoshi encounteres Dan, a boy that helps his father run a spa resort hotel. A gang of Meguroko have disturbed their customers at ...

Pokémon Sunday 310 - The Final Episode

The final episode of Pokémon Sunday, Tobari Gym! Lucario VS Buoysel!! / PokéSun Series Finale - A Release of Famous Scenes, Strange Scenes and Treasured Clips All in One Go! / The PokéSun Company Disbands!?? (トバリジム! ルカリオ対ブイゼル!! / ポケサン最終回、名場面・珍場面・秘蔵映像を一挙放出! / ポケサンカンパニーも解散!??), aired today in Japan. T...

Pokémon Sunday 309

The latest episode of Pokémon Sunday, Sonansu! Is That So? / 'Pokémon BW' Anime Pre-premiere SP, with the First Presentation of New Treasured Pokémon Clips! / Cornering the Extravagant Voice Actor Lineup at the Dubbing Studio / Director Yuyama Visits the Studio! (ソーナンス! そうなんす? / アニメ「ポケモンBW」放送直前SP、新ポ...

The Ruler of Illusions Zoroark DVD & Best Wishes CD Announced

The final Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl Movie, which was released in theaters in Japan on July 10th, 2010, has been announced for release on DVD. The Theatrical Edition Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl The Ruler of Illusions Zoroark (劇場版ポケットモンスター ダイヤモンド・パール 幻影の覇者ゾロアーク) DVD will be released in J...

Best Wishes Opening and Ending Themes Announced

The official TV Tokyo summary for the 1-hour special of Pocket Monsters Best Wishes (ポケットモンスター ベストウイッシュ) has revealed the names and artists of the shows opening and ending themes. Rica Matsumoto (松本梨香) will be singing the opening theme titled "Best Wishes" (ベストウイッシュ!), which carries the same name as...

Pokémon Sunday 308

The latest episode of Pokémon Sunday, I Got Gonbe with Haruka Delicious!! / The PokéSun Members Test 'Pocket Monsters Black and White'! / Masuda Appears in the Game Arena / A 2-week Special Present! (ハルカデリシャスで、ゴンベGETかも!! / 「ポケットモンスター ブラック・ホワイト」をポケサンメンバーが体験! / ゲームフリーク・増田さんも登場 / 2週連続スペシャルプレゼント!), aire...

Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl - The Final Episode

The final episode of Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl aired on Thursday in Japan. The series began its run on September 28th, 2006 and had a total of 191 episodes. Diamond & Pearl 191 - Memories are Pearls! Friendships are Diamonds!! (思い出はパール!友情はダイヤモンド!!) concludes the journey of Satoshi, Takeshi a...

Pokémon Sunday 307

The latest episode of Pokémon Sunday, Habunake VS Kimori! The Pound Attack Finisher!! / Chief Golgo and Professor Red Cover the 'Pokémon World Championships 2010 (ハブネークVSキモリ! 必殺のはたく攻撃!! / 「ポケモンワールドチャンピオンシップス2010」にゴルゴ所長とレッド博士が密着!), aired today in Japan. This weeks rerun theme was a new one for Se...

Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl 190

The latest episode of Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl 190 - Pokémon Doctor Takeshi! (ポケモンドクター・タケシ!) aired on Thursday in Japan. The Sinnoh League is now over and Satoshi and friends board a ship that gets attacked by a shoal of Dokukurage. A bunch of Pokémon get injured but there is no Joy on-boa...

Pokémon Sunday 306

The latest episode of Pokémon Sunday, Pokémon Ghosts and the Summer Festival / Chief Golgo and Professor Red Help the Children who can't do the Horizontal Bar Reverse Spin / Chief Golgo Challenges the 'Pokemon Sunday Cup' Champion!' (ゆうれいポケモンとなつまつり / ゴルゴ所長・レッド博士が逆上がりのできない子どもたちを手助け / 「ポケモンサンデーカップ」のチャ...

Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl 189 - Best Wishes Website

The latest episode of Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl 189 - Sinnoh League Semifinal! Darkrai Appears!! (シンオウリーグ準決勝!ダークライ登場!!) aired on Thursday in Japan. Satoshi faces off against Takuto in the semi-final round of the Sinnoh League. For this round its a full 6 on 6 battle, but Takuto's Darkrai is...

Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl 188

The latest episode of Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl 188 - Rival Battle Conclusion! Satoshi VS Shinji!! (決着ライバルバトル!サトシ対シンジ!!) aired on Thursday in Japan. Satoshi faces off against Shinji in the quarter final round of the Sinnoh League. For this round its a full 6 on 6 battle and a rematch of the...

Pokémon Sunday 304

The latest episode of Pokémon Sunday, A Startling Yamirami! / Weird Boys appear in 'Aim For a New PokéSun Record!!' / Pokémon BW 'Information on New Pokémon' & A Battle with Tsutarja, Pokabu and Mijumaru (ヤミラミでドッキリ! / 「目指せ!ポケサン新記録!!」で変な動きをする少年登場/ポケモンBW「新ポケモン情報」&ツタージャ・ポカブ・ミジュマルのバトル), aired today in J...

Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl 187

The latest episode of Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl 187 - Fierce Full Battle! Satoshi VS Shinji!! (激闘フルバトル!サトシ対シンジ!!) aired on Thursday in Japan. Satoshi faces off against Shinji in the quarter final round of the Sinnoh League. For this round its a full 6 on 6 battle and a rematch of their prev...

Pokémon Sunday 303

The latest episode of Pokémon Sunday, Yokan and Rotom! / Sandwichman and Junji Inagawa Talk About the Appeal of the Movie / The Latest News on the Mythical Pokémon 'Victini' / Group Member Yamamoto's Television Viewer Battle (羊羹とロトム! / サンドウィッチマン・稲川淳二さんが映画の魅力を語る / 幻のポケモン「ビクティニ」最新情報 / 山本隊員が視聴者バトルに登場),...