The latest episode of Pokémon Sunday, Stray Pokémon Hitokage / New Shocking Pokémon Production Announcement / A Card Battle with Sandwichman (はぐれポケモン・ヒトカゲ / ポケモン新作衝撃発表 / サンドウィッチマンとカードバトル), aired today in Japan. This week featured the continuation of the rerun theme 'New friends! Get Pokémon!' and...
The latest episode of Pokémon Sunday, Bye Bye Butterfree / Substitution Quiz / What will the children do when Robert changes places with the Kindergarten Teacher!? (バイバイバタフリー / いれかわりクイズ / 幼稚園の先生が突然ロバートに入れかわったら子どもたちはどうする!?), aired today in Japan. Bye Bye Butterfree (ヤドンがヤドランになると) was this weeks re...
The official Japanese Pokémon TCG website has revealed 5 cards that will be part of the upcoming Pokémon Card Game - Lost Link expansion (ポケモンカードゲーム ロストリンク). The set will be available starting April 16th, 2010 for 200yen per pack including tax with each pack contains 7 cards from the new 40 card set...
The official Pokémon website has revealed the three new Pokémon LEGENDs cards that players can find in the upcoming set HS Unleashed. Each card one is composed of two of the three legendary Pokémon: Raikou, Entei or Suicune. The cards once again have some of the most extraordinary art depicting thes...
The Pokémon TCG: HS Unleashed expansion was released on May 12th, 2010. Press release pictures from this set have been added to an Imageboard thread. Pokémon TCG: HS Unleashed Raikou... Entei... Suicune... Alone, each of these Legendary Pokémon is a force to be reckoned with, but let loo...
The latest episode of Pokémon Sunday, Nyarth's A-E-I-O-U / Fruit Punch and Robert's Original Card Battle! / Director Shoko-tan Loves the New Pokemon She Raised (ニャースのあいうえお / フルーツポンチとロバートがポケサンオリジナルカードバトル! / しょこたん部長がかわいがって育てた新しいポケモン登場), aired today in Japan. The anime rerun episode for this week wa...
Various Japanese online shops have added a new Pokémon Trading Card Game expansion to their databases. Pokémon Card Game - Lost Link - (ポケモンカードゲーム ロストリンク) will be available April 16th, 2010 for 200yen per pack including tax. The cards can also be bought in box of 20 packs. Each pack contains 7 card...
The official Pokémon website has released information about the upcoming Noctowl card for the Pokémon TCG: HeartGold & SoulSilver expansion! Below is information about the card. The Owl Pokémon Noctowl (8/123) stares out into the night sky, pondering its next move. And you'll be all the wiser wit...
The official Pokémon website has posted the two new LEGEND cards which feature Ho-oh and Lugia. Each Pokémon LEGEND requires two special cards to create one larger completed card. To play a Pokémon LEGEND, you must have both halves of the Pokémon in your hand and you must play them at the same time....
The Pokémon TCG: HeartGold & SoulSilver expansion was released on February 10th, 2010. Press release pictures from this set have been added to an Imageboard thread. Pokémon TCG: HeartGold & SoulSilver Pokémon are the heart and soul of any great Pokémon Trainer, and now is your chance to ...
The latest episode of Pokémon Sunday, Rocket Gang! The Origin of Love and Youth / Pokéwalker Bingo with Different Pokémon Types! / Using the Pokémon Card Game as a Party Game (ロケット団! 愛と青春の原点 ポケウォーカーでポケモンタイプ別ビンゴ! ポケモンカードゲームを使ったパーティーゲーム), aired today in Japan. The anime rerun episode for this week ...
The official English Pokémon Trading Card Game has announced some new Collector’s Tin that will go on sale just before Christmas. They include cards from the recently released expansion set Platinum Arceus. Below is the press release. Begin your collection with real power or create an amazing dec...
The latest Japanese TCG expansion has been announced for release on February 11th, 2010. According to the Scyther card, it would appear that this expansion has 80 standard cards. Pokemon Card Game LEGEND Revived Legends (ポケモンカードゲームLEGEND 「よみがえる伝説」) will feature 2 two 60-card decks: Pokemon Card Ga...
Stepping out of ancient times comes a Pokémon so mighty that legends say it shaped the Pokémon universe! The Pokémon TCG: Platinum—Arceus expansion introduces the Alpha Pokémon Arceus and its multiple Energy types. So, harness and wield this awesome power or rise to its incredible challenge! Capture...
From the TV to the tabletop, you can play Pokémon Rumble wherever you want! Pokémon TCG: Rumble is a fast-paced card game that up to seven people can play at the same time! Using actual Pokémon Trading Card Game cards, players take turns rolling special dice and trying to Knock Out Pokémon in th...
Three new Platinum Arceus cards were revealed today. The latest Pokémon card game expansion set, Platinum: Arceus, will be released on November 4th. Below is information about the newly revealed card. Fire-type Arceus Reflecting the heat of the sun, this Fire-type Arceus (AR3) charges fort...
A new Platinum Arceus card was revealed today. The latest Pokémon card game expansion set, Platinum: Arceus, will be released on November 4th. Below is information about the newly revealed card. Beginning Door (82/99), a Trainer card with the sole purpose of moving an Arceus card from your deck t...
The Pokémon TCG: Platinum Supreme Victors expansion was released on August 19th, 2009. Press release pictures from this set have been added to an Imageboard thread. Pokémon TCG: Platinum Supreme Victors Increase your power with impressive new Pokémon that will take you to the pinnacle of Pok...
The Pokémon TCG: Platinum Rising Rivals expansion was released on May 16th, 2009. Press release pictures from this set have been added to an Imageboard thread. Details have been added to our TCG dex. Platinum Rising Rivals The Pokémon TCG: Platinum—Rising Rivals expansion brings powerful Tra...
The Pokémon TCG: Platinum Rising Rivals expansion was released on May 16th, 2009. Press release pictures from this set have been added to an Imageboard thread. Platinum Rising Rivals The Pokémon TCG: Platinum—Rising Rivals expansion brings powerful Trainers and amazing Pokémon together in ne...