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Movie 16 Website Update / Genesect Megalo Cannon Video

The Japanese Movie 16 website has updated with information about the new movie. It confirms that the title for the new movie will be Extremespeed Genesect: The Awakening of Mewtwo (神速のゲノセクト ミュウツー覚醒) and posted information about the main characters of both the feature movie and the short. ...

Pocket Monsters Movie 15 Debuts 2nd at the Box Office

The latest Pocket Monsters movie debuted in Japanese theaters on July 14th, 2012. The 15th movie Kyurem VS the Sacred Swordsman Keldeo (キュレムVS聖剣士ケルディオ ) and its short Meloetta's Sparkling Recital (メロエッタのキラキラリサイタル) were unable to take advantage of a weak movie debut week compared to previous years an...

15th Movie Tie-in Events

Multiple events relating to Kyurem VS the Sacred Swordsman Keldeo have been announced recently. 7-Eleven Promotional Pokémon Lunch Boxes Japanese 7-Eleven stores are to offer special "Kyurem VS the Sacred Swordsman Keldeo"-themed lunchboxes during a limited period. The lunch boxes must be reserve...

4 New CDs Announced - Become an Arrow! the Opening Theme for Best Wishes Season 2

Four new CDs have been announced and will be released in Japan over the next couple months. Become a Pointer! (やじるしになって!) is the new opening theme for Pocket Monsters Best Wishes Season 2 (ポケットモンスター ベストウイッシュ シーズン2) which debuts on June 21st, 2012. The song is sung by Rica Matsumoto (松本梨香), the CD ca...

Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 - Black Kyurem & White Kyurem - Pokémon Smash #73 - New Movie 15 Poster

Junichi Masuda has confirmed that he will be on this weeks Pokémon Smash #73 - The King of the Forbidden Forest! Fushigibana!! / Both Robert and the International Division Participate in the Pokémon Quiz Caravan in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture / A Rayquaza Duel in Group Member Baba's Elite Four Battle!...

Movie 15 Pre-Order Ticket Date Announced, Movie Event Pokémon to be Distributed

Cinema City Web has announced that the pre-order tickets for this summers Pocket Monster Movie 15 - Kyurem VS the Sacred Swordsman Keldeo (キュレムVS聖剣士ケルディオ) go on sale April 14th, 2012. General admission is 1300yen, youth admission is 800yen and a parent/child combo is 2000yen. Like in previous years,...

Pokémon - Zoroark: Master of Illusions Announced

The official Pokémon website has announced the English dub of the 13th Pokémon movie. Zoroark: Master of Illusions will air on Cartoon Network on February 5th, 2011. To coincide with the release of the movie, the Raikou, Entei, Suicune Nintendo DS events will be available at participating GameStop s...

Pokémon Smash 11

Pokémon Smash Episode 11, Sing! Purin! / The Adventure Division Predict how the Main Pokémon of the Movie will be Used / The 3rd PokéSun Champion, Group Member Yamamoto, Participates in a Pokémon Battle! (うたって! プリン! / アドベンチャー部が映画で活躍するポケモンを勝手に予想 / ポケモンバトルに第3回ポケサン最強王者・山本隊員が登場!), aired today in Japan...

Pokémon Smash 10

Pokémon Smash Episode 10, Lots of Digda! / The Adventure Division Gets Mystery Eggs from the Day Care Man, What Will They Hatch Into!? / The International Division Obtains Information on Pokémon Eggs (ディグダがいっぱい! / アドベンチャー部がそだてやじいさんからナゾのタマゴをゲット、その正体は!?/インターナショナル部もポケモンのタマゴ情報を入手!), aired today in Japan...

Pocket Monsters Best Wishes 11

The latest episode of Pocket Monsters Best Wishes 11 - Ishizumai! Take Back your Home!! (イシズマイ!自分の家をとりもどせ!!) aired on Thursday in Japan. The trio of Satoshi, Iris and Dent are traveling together on route to Shippo City for Satoshi's second Gym Battle but today they have encountered a Ishizumai wh...

Pocket Monsters Movie 14 Announced

The official Japanese Pocket Monsters Movie has posted the teaser title for the 14th Pocket Monsters movie. Victini and the Dark Hero (ビクティニと黒き英雄) will debut in Japanese theaters most likely sometime in July of 2011. The full title of the should also be announced sometime at the beginning of 2011...

Pocket Monsters Advanced Generation - Pokemon Ranger to Umi no Oji: Manaphy DVD Release Date

Pokémon Ranger to Umi no Oji: Manaphy is the fourth Pocket Monsters Advanced Generation movie and 9th of all Pokémon movies. The DVD is scheduled to be released in Japan on December 22nd, 2006 and will cost 3,980 yen. The catalog number is ZMBS-952. Amazon is now taking preorders with a 25% disc...